Sunday, January 13, 196 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls Orr. PAGE 5-A BASIN BRIEFS j LA REVIEW MHS. CHRISTINE SULLIVAN; has moved here from San Mateo. She previously lived in Lakeview (Or many years when her hus band, the lato Tom Sullivan,' was in business here. MAKK GETTY, a resident for rnany years, is convalescing in the Lakeview Hospital from a fractured hip which he suffered at his home on Dec. 31. RICHARD MOFFET was sworn i&: as justice of the South Lake Oew District Justice Court on JJonday, Jan. 7, at the Lakeview Courthouse. He replaces 0. C. Cjiblis, who retired because of age ljmit established by Oregon law. LAKE COUNTY GIRL SCOUT LEADERS will hold their annual dinner Jan. 23. at ' 7 p.m. at Hunter's Lodge. The meeting will include election and installation of new board members. LAKE COUNTY'S first baby of 1963 was born Friday, Jan. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Larry McPherson of tljfl Vernon District. He weighed lii at 8 pounds, 10 ounces, and v'as named Michael Larry. His father is principal and teacher of the upper three grades at the Vernon School. Seventeen Lake view merchants provided prizes for the baby and parents. BONANZA MRS. GERALD WATSON will be guest of honor at a baby show cr at the Bonanza Library, S p.m. Jan. 30. All friends are invited to attend. MRS. ELSIE RENNET, Joyce Dale. Janell. and Mrs. Lorna Qiiinby and Rhonda, all of Ash land, were visitors at' the home of Mrs. Art Struve. LESLIE ELVA PltOUGH of Brookings is spending several weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Mabel Pepple. Her father, Carl I'rougb, will have more surgery on his leg Jan, 15, at Eureka. MRS. CHRIS CHRISTOPITER- SON of Portola has returned to her home after visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Jack McCartic. .MRS. HAROLD WILLIAMS has returned to Bonanza after being at Oroville with her father, E.,V. Barnes, who Is in the hospital recovering from a broken hip. MR. AND MRS. ALBERT SCOTT SR. of Glendora spent sev eral weeks in Langell Valley with Albert Scott Jr. and family. Mrs. Scott Jr. returned home with her father-in-law and visited her sis ter, Mrs. Frank Aguada. Azusa, where they held a family reun ion with relatives from Orange, Mass., their first get-together in 20 years. Mrs. Lila Pcarce of Massachusetts came home with Mrs. Scott for several days. Mrs. Scott Sr. stayed with her son and family while Mrs. Scott Jr. was gone. MR. AND MRS. BILL BAKER spent a few days in Red Bluff with relatives and friends. They took their granddaughters, Linda and Sharon Nuncs, home after a visit here. HOWARD PEPPLE and daugh ter. Gladys of Kirkland. Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pep pic. Klamath Falls, visited on Saturday with Mrs. Mabel Pepple and her sister. Mrs. Hilah Pankev. EXPLANATIONS ACROSS 1. Few people would buy a HOUSE with a poor reputation tor construction. A HORSE with a poor reputation might be bought by many people if the price was low enough. - 4. There might be a good rea son to keep an eye on a BALLOT box to make sure a voter did not cheat. A box in a theatre would not be called a BALLET box, but a box at the BALLET. 7. A man would not care to uddenly confront lions in LAIRS or their natural resting places, since he would be taken hv sur- Explanations Pave Way To Winning Huge Coinword Puzzle Prize prise. He would not mind con fronting lions in PAIRS in a zoo, 8. A teenager unable to shave satisfactorily might blame his FATHER for failing to provide necessary equipment. He could use an electric razor and require no LATHER. 9. SI is the former seventh tone of the musical scale. 10. A tired traveler might find refreshment in a RILL or small brook. A ROLL down a hill could be anything but refreshing. 11. A doctor's WORD may en courage hope in a dying man, if he gave him good news. A doc- STAR GAZERM -Bj CLAT R. POLLAN Your Daily Activity Gvrd According to lh Start. To develop message for Monday, rcbd words corresponding to numbers of your Zodiac birth gn. M Then ft? cro'f 63 Cc'iecttons f4 TSt UftIA OCT. 23 vjyfV ? 13- 40-61 772 83 38 KOt'iO OCT. 2 nov. : 3- 6-19 22 " H 29 32 Vs SAGITTARIUS ft The Court Records KLAMATH COUNTY OIS.TRICT COURT CtwlBS Sam Hooe. Improper head lights, entered plea of not guilty. Hear ing set (or Jan. 9., Britta L. Adams, no operator's license, 15 fine. Gerhardt Cartel, disobeyed stop sign, 17.50 line. Robert W. Andrews. Improper tight or no signal, 17.50 fine. jack C. Frock, overwldth, dismissed, produced permit covering overwidlh. , Peter Martin Donald, violation b!c rule, dismissed motion ol district attorney- Improper service of summons. Gertrude E. Smith, failed to dim head lights, 17.50 fine. Ronald E. Phalr, four In driver's seat, $7.50 fine. Eva Cooeland, failed to dim headlights, S750 fine, veiion B. Taylor, no vehicle license, 110 line. Arthur A. Montgomery Jr., violation .baic rule, $15 tine. Allen L. Brown, excessive noise, SlO fh. i Robert L. Forest tailed to transfer title. SS fine. Jack L. Thrasher, Inadequate muffler. S10 fine. James J. Rosenthal, no tail light, $10 tine suspended. Russell Cart Reeck, Illegal possession ef a df", arraigned. Entered plea ol gu'Hy. S?5 fine. Jerry Richard Haines, tint degree mur-i der, preliminary hearing held. Ordered he'd to grand iury, without bail. TRAFFIC Ribert Rov Tuter, no horn, plea of gu'lty. 110 fine paid. . ' William Kenneth Giodowskt. no veh-cia licenn (expired), plea ol guilty, SS fine Wiilard Shelton Bates, violated basic rule, plea of guilty, S?S fine paid. Roy Charles Thompson, violated basic rule, plea ol guilty. 1S fine paid. j.mmy Joseph Rodgers- no operator s license, plea of guilty. IS line paid. Georae Gnyrtor Yost, violated basic rule, pie of not guilty. Iury trial set lor Feb. 28. , . . Meivln Dave Mecham, violated basic r,,l nla nl aulltv. 115 fine pflid. Dovle Glenn Parrott, violated basic r.,i. i f.i nuiitv. ST 5 fine paid John Artue King, violated bask: rule, HO line paio. no Clearance Janet Cholaine Moore, violation basic! rule, plea of guilty, $35 fine paid. Gale Edwin Staley, violation basic rule, i plea ot guilty, SlO fine paid. Roy Arnold Hurley, failure fo transfer title, plea of guilty. SS fine paid. Curtis Roy Smith, operatinq during jus-1 pended period, plea of guilty, (ISO fine; paid. : Clay - Ambrose, no operator's license, j dismissed on motion of district attorney; unable to locate. ' Donald Cramp ton, no operator's license, dismissed on motion of district attorney; unable to locate. Sherman A- Ackerman, warrant, over time parking, 17 forfeit. : Richard Lee Anderson. VBR, 45 In 35, 110 forfeit. 'Alvin Clayton Bigby, ran red light, SlO forfeit. - Calvin Bragg, no muffler, S7.50 forfeit. Allen Lee Brown, warrant, VBR, 30 in 70. IIS forfeit. Cledus Caldwell, no license plate light, 17 50 forfeit. I Alvin Bruce Clement, disreaarded Irat- tic control Signal, 17 50 forfeit. Donald Wayne CIupdl vbk, au in . 125 forfeit. Eddie L. Daify. warrant, ovenime irking, HO forfeit. Donald Ray Demer, irking, til forfeit. Stephen Ray Durki light, 17 50 forfeit. Edward J. c veren, warram ovenime narking, 11 forfeit Alice Patricia Gilbert, side of street. 17 50 forfeit. Rufus Leon Hicks, no operaior i cense, S7. ione.1. Bernadin June jackson, VBR. 15 forfeit. Gerlad Wayne Jesvjp. VBR. no? navtng ir under cbntrol. I!5 forlelt ma Lena Jimenei, no operator's li fne, 17.50 forfeit Paul T. Jnies. driving wrong stde of itreft. no forte. r. John J. Keane. warrant, vbk. wu w fe" ... . Arlele Keefe, driving wnnui lights, $7 50 forfeit. Walter M. Keniieio, werrani, ovinimr parking, 18 forfeit John A. Krycia, vbk, m ts, m irrant, overtime defective fall wrong warrant. fi no operator's license. eira of rnpii Alfnrrf AAarihfl i.nhti ni nf nuilfv. I'D fine paid Ma Julian Hicks, improper left turn. nla nf n.nltv. HQ fine Mid Gordon Thomas Todd, violated basic rule, piea of guilty. S line pa-d. Liovd Mark Thomas, imorooer muftier, p'p of guilty. J'O fie paid. r ........ c.nki.n rrlton. falure '( d-m headlights, pica of guilty. S'S fine ped. . GarrHi Owen McKendree. disobeved top sign, oiea of gu"'y. 'S ,,n D'd Term Rond S'one. no operators li Mm, plea of quilty, IS fine paid. Anhur LeeRov Amos. ,no vcmcie n r,n,t m i aulltv. 15 line paid. Hrwv Alien Mailer, violated banc r,.i m ni fi.iiitu. l?5 fine paid. . J-rancs John Kauer. O'SObcved stop son, piea ot guilty. 1'5 fme paid. finnnii. Jean Parker, failure to dm h..iht. nl.a nf On.Hv. 110 fine Pad Stanley Nelson Chapman, disobeyed stop a.nn. nl.a nl miillv. 110 pad Inhn Fnr AnrirOn, driving While Un- fli- influence of irltoi-cating liquor, plea' el not OUiity. Jury trial sei 'or jan. if. J'arcel Ludwig Canik, no wheel cov rA piea o gulltv. IS 0Sld Darren Bryce Irwin, fa-ied 'o dim head lignts, piea of guilty. t'O fine pant Hi'im Wa'ter Wmnoo Jr.. no PUC per r.t (commen carrier), P'ea of guty. H5 fme raid. Rv Thomas Parke--, vtoia'rd bas-c ruif. piea of guil'v, 0 f'"e cllS Vary Ann Baflorfh, d-sobeyed stoo sign. e o HO fme paid. jeweu Fcest Co, no vede Ucet fwe of guiJtv. 15 flne tart; no clear a'Kf t-gMi. piea o guilty. ' ,,n B'1 Er( A-b'V Pe'tv Jr., foNowmg too cie--fv. no fme paid Mrhfrt we ley Kurre viO''ed basic Iruir. pira f guilty- S ''" D",f1 t fc Alwin Lerov Tatjue. parking on h.qh mv. piea of guilty. 110 fine Waie E'l. Jny. ove-heght (13 nl nmllv. US f ne paid- frjard Charin Off. no OOfa''i li-ce-ve ie-oired), piea of guilty, 15 fme "knneth Ro'and CiMfeit. no oegr oner "tori ncense, piea o guilty. 5 ',r, "Via NeNon Wer-ilt, 'a"ed 'o d:m ad YV. o'ea o' guilty. $'0 suoentM VK'er c-gman. vo'B'ed bas.c rule, piea B Ojiity, $15 f'ne Ca U My Ma B'Pwn imr'nn o' ov !'v- I'O fiA fl 0 ., Aatren Rorert Jack. " ve".r !! t-e (e0"eal- p ea o u-ity. 15 f n W.nam WeC. Imp'ooer horn, p'f i o' gt'i'i . $'5 v' over rrant, overtime Pearl McfJal 17.50 forfeit. Edward E . Moorman, lime parking, IB forfeit Joseph O Kecte, a'SODeyea ir'- fic signal, SlO forfeit. Joseph L. ROOerl, warram, ovniHiii pa-king. $10 tor'eii Don Arinur kouij. parking, 18 lorteil. Clarence Proctor Ward, driving wnjnq side of street. 17.50 forfeit; defective li cense plate liQht. $7 50 forfeit George Christopher Weber, following loo close. $'0 forfeit William C. Wehunl, no operators li cense, $7 50 forfeit George Davis W.Hiams, lollowmg too close, dismissed. f - MISDEMEANOR CASES John Albert Trlog, hunting preh.bited mthfvi. mea of not guilty, trial without ..,ru t fnr Jan II William Henry Lowrier. lnlolea'ed UPO" a public highway. Plea of guilty. 173 line paid. u,:ih. larbtnn. whose true name tS Wilbur Jackson, plea of guHly, $25 fme P!1 . . a...... Ir nl nt'Oflt nmltv. iurv trial set tor rco, i, j uvHiam Hn-y Lewder. Int0 tated upon a ouDi'C h-gnway, entry of P'ea set tor 11. Stanley AitHony VKrfft. pointing m r.-r-rm at another, piea of not guilty, tnal witneu u'V set tor Jan. U vaM.n Liovd Sfachan. a ,fm at another, P'ea of not guilty, tnal w.Thout iurv for Jan. 15 ...k.., c n.infM. ipto'cated -r a or ...i. ni'. oa of gu "v. sentenced tc Donald Euaene Schwa'ti -ed to s'oc nd furmsh name a-a no-j-r! i,M0n unattended veh-cie. I'OO b.t ,0pl'V Bu'ton VcCu"och. hunt, no P'O n.b'ied nour, e'ea of gu-ity. !'S fme pa d Carmen Harold CoH'on. huntmg pro hibited nou'S. p ea of guilty. $:s bail lor-ie'ed left turn SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS Vtcuum Cll"i' I,,,, Min Celltt Mkr T.,iu,i H..ttrt lclri Fry ft't WOKK PUARANTIIO REX APPLIANCE REPAIR CENTER HJ l. m,. TU 4-1131 . TRY IT AT THE IUCCA CAFE World FomouvDelitiout BROASTED CHICKEN PIZZA PIE Real Italian Styla Orders to Go, Too LUCCA CAFE PHONE TU 4-3276 2354 S. 6th tor's WORK might be totally un known to a dying man. 13. ONK is a unit. 15. Winter lodges should pro vide a suitable FIRE, since an open fireplace is customary in winter lodges. There is no FARE or repast which is suitable lo winter lodges only. 17. A shy officer might be re luctant to WIN a medal, feeling embarrassed by Hip honor of re ceiving it. He would not be re luctant to PIN it on in privacy. 18. Bad companions tend to DE PRIVE weak characters bv preying upon them. They do not DEPRAVE or corrtipt weak Indian Troops Building Forts TOKYO I LTD - Red China charged today that Indian troops! operating in the tiny mountain ountry of bikkim have built forts on Chinese territory, Radio Pe king reported. It claimed Indian troops hadMis- rupted road confmunicalions at one point on the China-Sikkim bor der, and demanded the Indians halt "aggressive activities there." The border violations described by Radio Peking appeared to be minor. characters, since they usually arc already corrupt. 10. An escaped convict' might find safety in a remote DEN whre be could hide out. A remote FEN or marsh could provide dan gers in its6lf. EXPLANATIONS DOWN 2. An ORATION or formal pub- T H'o'ulsUne'ALTnoTr asBToE - fOlLC-M 3Tfffi I i? EMI' SlELJ RjiTCj. Sip J 0 vl Y ft P-ljFLl..JBl-51lt -.-.v. Jao M 6. Opiates sometimes produce; a TI1RILI,, and other limes they are just restful or soothing but they always produce a THRALL or slave to the habit. 9. The approach of an eaglcJ might cause an owl lo SWOOP down lo a place of safety. An! owl is not likely to SWOON or faint from fright. 12. In summer stock, produc ers usually REVIVE or bring back productions played else where, earlier. They do not usually REVISE or change these productions but follow the original script. , 14. Olympic games feature all athletes who have been PRIMED or prepared for the occasion. They do not feature any athletes specifically who are PRIZED.' 15. A farmer's health might de pend upon his FARM and what it produces. His health would not necessarily depend upon his FORM or shape. 16. Children are apt to become unhappy with parents who ROVE from place to place, separating them from friends. They could be happy with parents who RAVE or. praise them. Guaranteed tha Finait Servica KLAMATH Radiator Works 1901 So. 6th TU 4-6942 ic speech was likely to follow a Roman victory to explain the sit uation. An OVATION or public acclaim would not occur where a population had been conquered. 3. After a foot race, a winner is almost bound to feel SORE from the physical strain. He would not feel SURE if he had won by a narrow margin. 5. College students would be ex pected to pass a LITERARY test U' examination in literature. They would not be expected to pass a LITERACY test or one that proves that they can read and write. Yaur ulobla discard! will halp ui ta halp atheri. Don't thraw 'am away. CALL: The SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE llh . KUmith TU 4-S9I1 Campbell's v ' i gy54.78-8O-90 IAU1UI apr 2i i vh 31 r I MAY Jl 7Da 32 N5 CV -o t-7 2 Someone 33 Tev't .IMIMI ft B'inej 3o VouMlf Vo 7'A.n 37 You v 67S.t I QTdi . " 8 I- 33 fern tf Th, MOV 23 J I O -5 .' MIKE 3? 9T,m -)3'm. nO lru.,k T IWWl ns. ilOomnlie 71 Fin. 33-4.7-J8 ' S 65-68-74 12 T,m Tn , 72 63tk 597 0 76 v. CNC! 1 3 Your 43 You 73 You. t JUn I' Monty 4U,f 74Pd ,"', " gA.Y2S lrend5 46Nir 76 Ak JN. JO 4, ) 5- 7-20.25 iJM noT" 18-21 23.26(fl- ay 28-41 -4i 49Moov 79 Pe.sonol 3KJ8-79.65,i- "O 2?r? - j S'" J?!" 4OUAII0S YJtl'JGll 23 You'd 53Ii-i S7 And f. 1 fii J I " mmtmmm I VW ,rt s ' income TAXES fV343-81-87 26 Belter 56 To th V 71-73-75 V.V vkgo ?7 5kiv 57 s?rti 97 it piscis Com in and set UI S; AUG 24 ?3 Ani 5" Opooution P Relax rF. w y kfswn Slsr CHAS. HATHAWAY ' - - ' 'I k ii vii ii. ... in fP chocoatey I REALIiTIC - AIREDUCK Sure Motts W H hWIIUII .mlBJD 1 I ' IIP n wru nprnvc i -1 special pan i i I 1 69 I AQUAMARINE OR I 1 1 1.49 VALUE A WKJ I 1-98 Value I INTIMATE f J r TX2? I II REDUCED O M C I Fush-IutTStI I "' A1;;," Q hi) W I J j II T0 ai l STARTING FLUi " I 2,50 I II j LJl 14"or' Sii -' l ' ii Poy 3 I Mf Mt Thirsty Morgan-Jones tl WAWllR dL3ill TOWELS SfMu CHOCOLATE If bath towels mMffM bSMISS bars fl; Reg. Qc ... JACPMM U M PFPnhFMT TAOTH PAW U rniFMAM anvF Pl Loyowoy Now For Spring II n omeSutu." is i c m Jr f BIG 1.00 VALUE J V .V 00 J H0Y ) u ?$ 'f'S" ffjIfllSf ST A MUSI l-UR tVtKf KIlCHbN Jlt I spisak a pRAIN MAT BIG NEW SHIPMENT IM B ' ' n ' V" ill BARBIE DOLLS I) (0)tlllpM AND COSTUMES! ff 7 WIDEST SELECTION WE'VE iSSfe- U rt EVER HAD FOR THE JOY OF ll'H NEW LITTLE MOTHERS. grZ t(7cd "TFR.orKh5' TAKE PICTURES! llVO PICTURE WmSYf m puzzles m Reg. 1.00 H-fr J UUC OFF AT usYs I ctZ 8c 77 SNOWDRIFT LARGE fab "aa" im 5:4? i if 9 S4W Betty Crocker Angel Food Cake Mix Tomato Soup Cut Up and Trayed, Pan Ready ffRYEBS iologna S ab i Each By the Chunk aeon Blue Bonnet Maraarine sm Pillsbury Hour 10 Formula"S" SHAVING CREAM Reg. 79c. APPLES Variety Pack 4 ft 33( SQUASH Banana 7 lb ONIONS Dry 3 & 19s Specials for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT Town ond Country Shopping Center- 3800 6th So.