S Traffic Safety Group Approves Seat Belt Requirement For Oregon Autos A proposal lo require scat bells! in front scats of vehicles sold to Oregon residents commencing with 196 models was approved Wednesday by the Oregon Traffic Safety Commission. The bill, which also would re quire scat belt attachments for all rear seals, will be co-sponsored with the Board of Health. The commission also approved a motion of Vcrn L. Hill, director; of the Department of Motor Ve hicles, to endorse a move by the Automotive Wholesalers Associa : tion lo seek adoption of peri ;. odic motor vehicle inspection in . Oregon. '.- The proposal was presented by - a six-man delegation from the - wholesalers association. ."- K. It. Crookham, Portland. spokesman for the group, said an inspection program would re sult in saving of lives and would also reduce insurance rales in the stale. He cited successful inspec- tion programs in other states as CHURCH DIRECTORY For week-day services, pleose coll the church of your choice KLAMATH COUNTY - MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION ' Ritv. Lswrenc T. Holmsn, First Church . of lh Nzarn, preside-.tr Rev. Warren W. Pechman, Hop Lutheran Church, vice ' president; Rev. ROOeri L. jonn, i.i -hriiiiin church, lecretarv-lreas- U'r. Morning business meeting li held tha first Wednesday of each month In the various churches. KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH GOSPEL MISSION Purpose o( the mliion is reaching "The - Last, The Least, and Tha Lost" John Petersen, director ' ?3 Walnut Slreel Ph. TU 7- , Post Office Box 17 mamam r-siu . 4:30 i.m. Broadcast on Station KFLW t Monday Ihrouqh Saturday ' i v nm Ninnilv Breachina ' 1:45 a.m. Broadcast on KAGO, Monday , t through Friday SALVATION ARMY 400 Klamath Avenue Phone. TU 4 iW Capt. and Mrs. Dale E. Johnson Commanding Officer Sunday: :45 p.m. Sunday School It 00 a.m. Holiness Meeting 7 00 p.m. Street Service 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Meeting ASSEMBLY OF GOD ! 746 Oak Strerl Rev. Lloyd Fosner If m. Sunday School 11 M a.m. Worship Service p m. Christ's Amhasiadort 7.30 p.m. Evangelistic Rally BAPTIST, BIBLE Conservative Baptist Assn. JH4 W.ard Ph TU 4-441 Rev. Freeman Schmltt t m Sunrtny Sfhool 11 00 m. Morning Worship A (XI r m, Baptist Lo" 7 00 j.nv Evening Service BAPTIST, CALVARY F Mam and Garden Rev Ferris O. Winn Ret. mo MrCteilen sweet Photic TU V MM H t m. Sunday School 11 IX) a m. Mernlng Worship a IS P m. Training Union 7. JO p m fc veiling Worship BAPTIST CHURCH, FIRST Mack P. Jones, naitor $tH and Washinaton Phone TU 4-U77 1 4 m. Sunday School II Of) a m Worship IMp m Training Union 7.43 p.m. Evening Worship BAPTIST CHURCH GRACE MISSIONARY Olene Communily Helt Ofent Elrter C V. Blanc hard, paslor 4715 Harlan Drive, parsonage Phone TU 4 10M 10 DO a m Sunday School It 00 a m. Worship Service 7 00 p m. Bible Study BAPTIST, IMMANUEL Conservative Baptist Attn. 11th and High Phone TU 4 134 Rev. William fc. Cross Ham Sunday School 11 a m Morning. Worship A Do p m Voung People's Meeting J 00 p m tvening Worship BAPTIST, MISSIONARY 41)4 Dovqlas Fitter Bill H. Pavls 4' 14 nalsam Phone TU 4 Mil t m Sinxtav School 11 on m Vormnq Wonhlp e on p m Training Union 7 00 p m Sunday Evening Service BAPTIST, STfWART-LENOX K C, West, pastor Corner tVniQlut and I rrtf raid Pre TU Jf4 1 W m ',nnry yhnol 11 rt a m Vwning WortMp m f m B T U 7 X p m Evening Worship BAPTIST CHURCH SUBURBAN HEIGHTS SrHi'H' Baphst t onvf "tion D J Mead t IS a m s,,irty School 1i rv fl m Vormng Worship S OO p m T ram ng Union 00 pm --Lvening Worship CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. PIUS X v Geo. Murnhv JV1 Rr ttol vf phnne Ttl 4 I7U I in no nrt 11 00 am. and 7 30 Sirt Mattes 00 and e 00 a m, and 7 30 p m. Holy tMv Vassr-s On nn 00 a rn end 5 30 p m. First . ' 4 JO, 7 0 and I Saturday Con-fess-ons 7 JO a-vl W p m T o Hriy Py d First f-fiOy fftresions a1 hn'e l ViSfV Hoi ir Clays e-vl fust riaavt METHODIST CHURCH, FIRST :o North ir.h TO a m Ov.na W" rrvona iu 4-4053 V) a m Snoay 5rhr-ni II 00 a m Divin wprn CHRISTIAN CHURCH, FIRST Rnhe't L Jftfift Vimstr S K P.o Phone TU 4U33 t - is a m mpie 5r'ioi It on a m Morning Worsh r 10 pm Arti.lt n.oir tlH1y a V p m Christian tortfvor 7 X pm Evening Worship CHRISTIAN CHURCH, SUBURBAN MH Av tee Shae', mmn'e' 1 a m -suriflv Stool in p m -np it.wy a.ft 1' a m y,f,hiri srtf.r 7 jo p m t Meiinfl servie CHRISTIAN SCllNrr "h "d Wtxr-.nginn p-ri Ti) u fcrjtdmg Rc-" van &"tcl r-re Til J T1J V ?lmSi"iay SC'.toI 1' 00 ) m Vor-ng Serkr I 00 p m Wednesday IrO ovwy Veel- CHURCH Of THt BRETHREN "'.irl A. !, Pmw TU 'HI Rv. Carl Jimmini. Vnier S a m - Virrly St hop) 1' no am Worship Service 3 . p m Yrxtth GlDfONS f, larro. prfvlrnl Phona TU 4 VVil or TU i tim eni pmra pr lnfr.rmtt,on rVr"l() Thifrl Su'HMy flf mnot. proof that such programs can help improve a stale's safety! record. Commission members also con cerned themselves with driver ed ucation in Ihcir final session be fore the 1963 Legislature con venes. Members voted to rccom mend increasing reimbursements lo schools offering driver educa lion and lo provide reimburse ments to districts for programs oulside the normal school day even if a fee is charged. Reimbursement would be in creased to 90 per cent of the cost of the course, up to a maximum of $50 per pupil. The present level is 75 per cent, up to a maxi mum of $30. Funds to cover the proposed increase are currcnlly available. The commission also rescinded its previous position in support of placing the minimum licensing age at 18, except that those, wnul had completed driver education CATHOLIC CHURCH SACRED HEART Rioht Rev. T. P. Casey, Pastor IIS High St. TU 4-414 Sunday Masses: 7, I, :30, 11, 12:13; 7:30 p.m. Weekday Masses: 7 and I a m. Saturday Confessions: 3-4:30 and 7-1.30 CHURCH OF CHRIST (Every member a minister) 1774 Arthur Street TU 2-1 140 10:00 a.m. Bible Classes 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship :J0 p.m. Evening Worship CHURCHoF CHRIST C. Wayne Lowe, minister TU 7-0374 Wantland and Martin :4S a.m. Bible Study 10:45 a.m. Lord's Supper 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:00 p.m. Evening Worship CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY Rev. W. F. Golden Altamont and Maryland Street 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship A . 10 p.m. Young People 7: JO p.m. Evangelistic Service CHURCH OF GOD. FIRST 7(07 Altamont Drive T. Charles and Irene Buckle, pastors I 4i a m. Sunday School 10 45 a.m. Church Services tO 45 a.m. Junior Church (voulh room) 11 p m. Youth Fellowship 7.00 p.m. Evangelistic Service FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH United Church nf Christ 7154 Garden St Phone TU 3-3178 Rev. Oulnn Hawltv. Minister 10 45 a m Church School 10 45 a m Worship Service EPISCOPAL CHURCH ST. PAUL'S rinrith and JeMervjn Rev. Robert L. Vtene. Rector Ttl 41 ".8S I on a m Holy Communion IS a.m -Famlly Service and Church School tt :0ft a m. Morning Worship (Nursery at f M and 11:00) 7 nfl p m. Fphcopel Young Churchmen i jo p m ftvening Praver (lih Sunday) 7 on m. Thursday Holy communion 10.00 e m Thursday Holy Communion FAITH TABERNACLE Rev. F J Binny. Paslor 70 Shasta Way ifl 00 a m Sunday School II 00 a m, Morning Worship 7-30 pm Young People s Meeting, Wednesday 7 30 p.m. Evening Worship GOSPEL MISSION OF THE UNITED HOLY CHURCH OF AMERICA 751 Commercial Street Rev. C M Tlmmi. natlor l" fin d m Sunday School 11 on a m. Morning Worship ' " P . " imoay Young People's Serv Ice 7 10pm Sunday Fvenlng Service FREE M"THODIST CHURCH lilt Orenon Avenue C O Trtmaln, Paslor Ph. TU 4AM? e k a m Sunday School 11 00 a m Mornlno Wnrshlp Worn Y p Service 7 00 p m Evening Se vice KINGDOM HALL lhouh' Witness 111 North N.nth Street n -P.ihllr Talk n WaUhtower Study 1 15 p KLAMATH TFMPI F 1007 Pine Phnn TIJ IH1J5 rv unspr Strlilnnrr no a m nnrfav Prtm etrpadrasf i a m itndAv Srhftpl II 00 a m Strtrrt.nti Worship I o p m -nvrfnmf Servire j no n m ,,n1y f A Vo"n Port ' 7 on p m -.S..rvi tvenino Wrsnh-n I 7 p m Wedoesdav MM-Week Service I K AUATH GOSPFI. CEWTfq '?5 Mitrhf'l Phn TU 1 OTJfl wr-- 'tvin w r.rittith 10 no a m -H.mrly Srhool ' ' no a m - titnHv Snrnioo vvihi(t 7 10 p m 5rrtay Ninht Worship CHHPCW n JFJH; Cmoit OF I ATTrR nAY AIMT Homt krt(i Ph TU 4 4im Ki-.tr riis F(f,t vw.r nshn Da'-t-l J fsv)( rhf.n til j ?m 00 a m ,.nrty, p,H,,thO- e m a n i,nrtv trhni 5 00 p m Sacrament Meeting CHitRru n iF.iie, C"'T nr i attcj. pay mwr Noma -h : ej Ht ' H S.wi- Wi "' rN T(t a ny s r.':,.'h,M 1 "n " S.-1v Si-nnnl 7 fY p m Sacamnt Vri M fM" PCM ft italic, etifwj Of LATTFff HAV AINTS 7 XI p m Tvenmi Worship . Pechman, ' Til ) nM Sn.th Km It St't 'i- Mm t W n-Mi 1 00 m of.K;0 tar "'v Commun on F ,r 5i.nrtv r "IFIC SYNOO LUTHER AN I f A KLAMATH tu yM LeRoy " a rw S,irtr1y Vnnl w " 00 -f ri 'ixi'in ,MMv Cnmimn ft na F iih Si..a,y (V I UTHFR AM 7tnu t.fe'o fh.rr V i-i t --eve i "I M Qh Si-e' Til Ham V.nf M oo a " - n v MIHM Y ".--hlVll Rev avf Mr Prn Prlf ,. Pi 0 00 a m tt rv1)y ii rwyl l'flnjfy,y4rt,lf,,p S'.(t 7 ifl p m r vngrl Mt ;,,ff PO P m ruintj pf-ftf vrr-tinj 7 X p m Tivfly R r't Siudy ) (ft p rrt t r-naf Kt'vite could be licensed at 16. The action places the commis sion in support of the state's cur rent driver license minimum age Members expressed the hope Certificates Certificates of completion have been presented by Col. Edwin J. Witzenburgcr, commanding offi cer of Kingslcy Field, lo 16 su pervisors and administrators who completed a training course in "on Die job" responsibilities; methods, testing, and records, the Information Oflice at the air field has reported. A part of the Air Training Command's OJT Advisory Serv ice Program, the course is con ducted by training detachments in (he field. The 519-A Field Training Detachment which of fers the training at Kingsley Field also provides training for CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE OF BLY George Simon, Paslor, Bly 45 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Sunday Morning Service 4:30 p.m. Sunday Young Peoples Meet ing 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, FIRST Garden and Martin Phona TU 4-4870 Rev. Lawrence T. Holman f:45 a.m. Sunday School. Classes for all ages. 10:50 a.m. Morning Worship 6 00 p.m. N.Y.P.S. and Junior Society 7.00 p.m. Evangelistic Service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, LAKESIDE Quarry and Acosle Streets W. R. Trusfy, Minister 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Evenlno Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting Branch Sunday School and church at Rocky Poinl Grange Hall. 7:15 p.m. Sunday School 3:00 p.m. Worship Service PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD 4637 Shasta Way TU J-41A3 Rev. Lawrence D. Haddock f 45 a m. Sunday School 1100 a m. Morning Worship 7 00 p m. Evening Worship 7.00 p m. Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer PILGRIM HOLINFSS CHURCH WEAVER MEMORIAL Rev. Sherman Moore 7101 Wanllend TU 4-5584 45 a m. Sunday School 11 00 a m. Morning Worship k in p m Yoinn service 7 00 p m Evening Servire PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. FIRST AO! Pine Street Rev. Robert C. Groves, Mlnisler 30 a m. Church School class lor al aqps 11 00 a m. Worship, Nursery and story nour PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 3 30 p.m. Westminster Fellowship, Jun. lor high and high school MT. LAKI COMMUNITY Andrew A. Jarvts, Pastor Ph. TU 7-1710 9-45 a m Sunday School It 00 a m. Worship Service 7.00 p m. Junior High and Junior Youth Fellowship PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, PEACE MEMORIAL 4431 S. elh TU 4 $057 Rev. Lalng W. Slbhet 30am Church School and Worship Service H 00 a m. Church School and Worship service 7 Oft p m. Junior High Westminster Fel lowship 7 00 p m. Senior High Westminster Fel lowship SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 1775 Man Phona TU 4-7IJ1 i-ioer Kennrm h vcvay 10 a m. Saturday Sahhath School 11 00 a m Saturday Morning Worship UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Ben Kerns, Prev TM 4H770 Pine Grove Meehnghnuse I akfvlew H'wy 11 00 a m. Fellowship ProgrAi and D'S- proqrrns every Stirutaiv 11 :00 a m. Junior Classe YOUTH SOLDIFRS FOR CHRIST 1717 Runwtr Re.' ft(e Shflhy Sunday 5' hoof p oa A r 1 on a m Morn, Worship 7 Wpm Evening Worship VICTORY TEMPLE S 'S M Jones. pW is a ti m a 7 W p 90 Homerljiie Roar! Sunday Srhool Sunday Worship Sunday F vanoi.stif Ratty BEATTY BEATTY METHOOIST MISSION Rev l.mn Panahty H 00 a m Sunday School and WnrsMn t-amny night last Wednesday month each I BLY ASSEMBLY OF GOO CHURCH R.lph Rcnfrn nator l' On m -J 0 P ni - Wviieday Chr.sl A-rhae- v RMt Sttdv a"d Pray neetmq Y CATHOLIC f HtinrM ST. JAME THf APOSTLE R-v Humid Tump 1 Of a m - Vn BONANZA AstFMRLY or r.on (0MKTA COMMUNITY ' '0 , m I v rn rfl Srvtct CATHOLIC rHIlOCM, ST. t. X CA6RINI CHIUO0UIN ASSEMBLY or GOD, CHMOOUIN ..,.v4,v Sfvwl 0 p m VfHirtfl rpiopl ; K p m Evatae'Kai Veeii9 LATTER DAY SAINT CHURCH, CHILOOUIN f 'tvl ori f ififr 0-.t.q Ari a v f ifov n p- ve 0 JO a m M.-vuy S( Kri a-d Ar" ie-vue METHODIST CHURCH CHILOOUIN COMMUNITY tTv A'-l r fid H ,V m -Vt".'. Vto-ih p CATHOLIC CHURCH OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL lliat if the increased reimburse ment figure wins legislative ap proval, the driver education pro gram would expand without the 16-18 proviso. Awarded 16 radar organizations at Klamath, Calif., and at Burns, North Bend and Keno, Ore. The course is conducted by M.Sgt. James J. McDcrmolt, OJT adviser for the detachment. Com pleting the course were: 2nd Lt. John E. Curtis, T.Sgt. Henry M. Butler, S.Sgts. Richard A r c e William L. Hatfield, George E Hosack, Donald D. Kclle, Leon V. Malone, Billie B. Miller, David L. Nunn, Earl Thigpen, Darrell B. Irwin, George It. Ough, An thony J. Wilkcrson, and David L. Wittman, A.l.C. Stephen C. Reed and Mrs. Kathryn H. York. OPEN BIBLE STANDARD CHURCH, CHILOQUIN Rev. James Ringselh, pastor IS a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service DORRIS FREEWILL BAPTIST, FIRST North California St. Oorris, Catif Paslor, Rev. Robert H. Hiddle EX 7-2952 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Young People's Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship DORRIS HOUSE OF PRAYER South Oregon Avenue Dorris, Calif. Rev. Haute scherer, pastor :45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship :jo p.m. Young People s Meeting 7:30 p m. Evanqellstlc Service 7:30 p.m. Friday Gospel Service ' BAPTIST, FIRST W. B. Russell, pastor ;45 .m. Sunday School. Let Harring ton In charge 7:00 p m. Sunady, Training Union, Otis Middaugh director Sunday evening worship service CATHOLIC CHURCH OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL Rev. c. r. o Connor, Paslor 11:15 a.m. Sunday Mass FORT KLAMATH METHODIST CHURCH FORT KLAMATH COMMUNITY Rev. Albert E. Place 30 a m. Morning Worship 10.30 a.m. Sunday School LANGELL VALLEY ST. BARNABAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bill Milne, lav vicar 10 30 a.m. Morning Worship and Church school LORELLA FULL GOSPEL, LORELLA Rev. Euornt A Willis, paslor 45 a m. Sunday School II :00 a.m. Morning Worship 7 41 p.m., Sunday Evening Worship MACDOEL MACDOEL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Henry G. Kalr Bo SI EX I-2SJ1 i0:no a m Sunday School 11 00 a m. Morning Worship 7:30 p. m Evening Worship jMALIN" ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, MALIN Joseph Boyle, Pastor 45 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Morning Worship -45 p m C. A. Service 7 30 p m. Sunday Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MALIN COMMUNITY Rev. Ethan Wh.tman I 45 a m. Sunday School 11 00 a m Worship Service MERRILL ASSEMBLY Of GOD, MERRILL Howiard Pelern. Pailor ph. ;a-sii)i 10 nfl a m Sunday School U o(l a m. Worntno Worship 7 45 p m . Evengelltllc Service CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. AUGUSTINE'S Merrtll ralher Vincent C. Egan no a m. Sunday Man 10 00 a m Sunday PRESBYTERIAN, MERRILL, FIRST a iMiti ( hurcn School 10 no a m Worihip Servce 'Wpm Junior Youth Fllnhip 45 p m Senior Voolh fellowship NEWELL BAPTIST, NEWELL CONSERVATIVE Howard w. Roth, pastor I l a m Sunday Srhool -Verging. Worship -Training Union -Evening Service .in p 7 nes p SPRAGUE RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH. SPRAGUE RIVER Pastor, Fvert J Tuning 10 (V) a m Sunday School i' no am Worship service 7 IP p m Fvenmo Service I pm Wednesday Pryer Meeting 45 a m Sunday School TULELAKE t ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Glenn Wahe'""i . P O Rot ). Phone MMftl Tulflahe. CaMf. j e S a m Vnriity School Ml 00 a m Morning Worship and Ch'l- t rt'n CN-rch 4 V p m -fhnst AmMiiUdflrl I JO P f venmQ Wohip BAPTIST CHURCH. HRST Tom Meim. Pitpr H m Sundav School 1 00 Morning Worhio 0 p m P-ar'itf Training Union 1 45 p m teo "g Womh-p HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH Tuleiake l sMinrnia Rev C F O Connor, pastor Siniav Mosses I and f a m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Initiate. Calitprma Rev O Wendell Merftispn n of a "O Sunday S hppl '(Tarn Morning Wo-thip A 00 p m VfH'th meftioo VI n m f veo'ng Worship TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rorer! G Holland, Pitnr 'eets lo HcTe I conomlc Sn'td'ng Faigroindst it a m Su"da Sihoot ni"vi ..tie Cess ' rn Wr'sh!p PRESBYTERIAN, COMMUNITY Tuieiee Ca''o'na Waoe t Watnin, mmiffr Hi th"h Xhofl w.-vih p & Ni"sery Yovth Fe'iowsh.p ll M llh. JO p m WILLIAMSON RIVER METHODIST MISSION WILLIAMSON RIVER Rev. linn Pauahtv J W p m Sirav School anal Wci B Service c HAAABER OMMENTS by GEORGE T. CALLISON Manfr 'KLAMATH COUNTY CIIAMIM OF COMMEKCI One of the hardest working committees of the chamber of commerce is the Aviation Com mittcc, of which Les Uiston is the chairman and Jim Bocchi the director-in-charge. When the 15 committee mem bers met several weeks ago to reorganize for the new chamber year, they immediately split into three separate subcommittees each one assigned to a separate committee project. To speed their work along, each of the sub-committees has held one of more meetings, even though the com mittee generally meets only on the last Wednesday evening of ev ery month. While the committee, this year, is anxious to further develop pri vate aviation in Klamath County, it always devotes a share of its attention to commero'U and mili tary aviation. To better under stand and appreciate the signifi cance of military , aviation to Klamath County, the full com mittee will meet Tuesday noon for luncheon at the Officers' Club at Kingsley Field, following which they wiU be given a thorough briefing tour of the Air Force installation at the municipal air port. Other chamber committees scheduled lo meet this week are Community Development, Monday noon at Molatore's Restaurant; Local and State Affairs, 4 p.m.. Tuesday and Roads and High ways, 4 p.m. Thursday, both in the conference room at the cham ber office. One of the speakers at the Klamath Jaycces' Distinguished Service Awards Banquet Thurs-j r ommunui Calendc ar SUNDAY INSTALLATION, Usl Uivcr Do- Molay and Bctliel SI. Job's Daughters. 2 p.m. Henley High Schonl cafeteria. MONDAY CAIt. 7 p.m., Meeting. Home fo Charles Waters, 4436 Winter. Freedom First Dates rehearsal. PAINTING SK.SSIONS, 11 a m lo 5 p.m., Klamath Art Gallery, 140 Riverside. Public invited. No charge. GREAT DOOKS DISCUSSION CLUB. 7:30 p.m.. "King Lear.' City Library. Marilvn Schenk Leader. DKGRKE OF HONOR, 7:30 pm., Meeting and Installation practice, New K. C. Hall, 10th and Main. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA. Court Klamath No. I2M. 8 pm.. Meeting, Sacred Heart Parish Hall. District Depu- EAGLES LODGE, 7:30 p.m., meeting to plan talent show, Ea gles Uwle. WOMEN'S LIBRARY (LIB, 2 p m . meeting. City Library. Speaker, Lclty Wild Eagle. LICENSED PRACTICAL Nurs es regular monthly meeting. 7.30 p.m. Community Ixiunce. EWAIVA Toas'.mistress. 7:30 p m., meeting. Wincma Hotel. KLAMATH SPORTSMEN, reg ular mertinc 7. 30 p m. Clubhouse. TU 2 n:n;). TU 2-5007. TUESDAY SIIASTX VIEW COMMUNITY IU.dg. Assoc., s p.m.. pollock. election of odicers. Community Hall, Sh.iMa Way and Madison. CAMP HUE. 6 30 p.m.. annual ilinncr meeiiiu. Wincma Motor Hotel IWn aliens, call TU 4-4NJU FARM Rl REAU WOMEN. Klan:ath County, 12.30 pm.. luncheon. Wmema Motor Hotel. Mrs. Irene Tiie en Taxpayers tx-ague. LAKESIItlltE DUPLICATE BRIDGE CI. I B. 11 am . dupli cate bridge. City Library. WOTM. Chapter 47. 7 30 pm. Knendship meeting. Moose Home. MI R1CAN IEGION AUXILI ARY, Klamath Unit No. 8. 8 p m . meeting. Legion Hall. I.AKK.SIIORE Dl PLICATE Rridse Club. 11 am., duplicate hrtue. Citv I.ibraiv. A I TMOT PT. 9 30 a m . Uidy iioup. 4M2 Clinton Ac TiMiii-. Grow I n and be a Woman ROOMAH.r PTV 2 30 p m , meeting, tea to follow-, school Ch:M i are prou!ed. WEDNESDAY KI.AH T II FALLS HOME EXT. I NIT. 10 a m Credit Bun-. in,; 2. polluck. fairgrounds. day evening defined community service as the rent you pay (or living in a community. James D. Monteith. president of the Klam ath County Chamber of Com merce, whose community service covers a wide range of activities. must have his "rent" paid well in advance. U is entirely fitting that he should have been chosen by the Jaycecs to receive their ltXi2 Senior Citizen award. Mem bers of the chamber, who were both pleased and proud that he was so honored, join in extending to Jim their warm congratula lions. Finding a commercial use for lodgepole pine which, (or many years, had been looked upon as a weed tree probably should have been the tip-off that a practical application might also be found for some of our other presumably useless raw materials. This week the chamber was ap proached by the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, which re quires a small amount nf lava as a soil substrate in us Mars experiments. The flurry of inquiries and re ports to the chamber this week from persons who have become involved in business transactions of questionable worth, might indi cate this is a lost cause, but if it will save one person heartache or financial distress, here it is one more time. Before you invest investigate. Make sure all verbal presentations made to you are also in writing in any contract you sign, and accept as a sure-fire warning to slow down the insist ance lhat a contract must be signed now or never. NEVA MAPES Neva Mapes Leaves Tax Office Job ALTURAS After 2 years i the lax collector's office of Modoc County, Neva Mapes gave up of fice Monday, Jan. 7. The new roll of treasurer and lax collector of Modoc Countv will be taken over by Ruby Goulden, who ran un contested for the office last fall Neva Mapes was horn and raised here and is a 191ft graduate nf Modoc High School. Jan. I, III35 she began work as deputy tax collector, a position that she held for eight years. When the oflices of treasurer and tax col lector were merged, she eon tinned as dcpulv until 1936. At that time she look over the posi tion of treasurer and lax collec tor on Ihe retirement of Etta P. Miller. Mrs. Mapes says that the vol ume of work in the oft ice has more than triplcd since she started, even though the popula lion of the county has remained relatively the same. "The saving grace lo the tripled work, though is the introduction of time saving machines for processing much of the paper work," she said. Mrs. Mapes and retiring Judge Wylie took the oath of of tire lor county service the same day 2H years ago. The judge was starting as district attorney and she as deputy lax collector. She was married In C. W Mapes in 1SW He recently re tired from the U S. Forest Serv ice here. Benefits Seen In Phone Plan LAKKVIKW WestMrlp and Ida ho district areas nc-ar Lakrvien uill benefit (rom ennstmrlion plans nf tlie Reaver State Tele phone Company, aceoidinc In William Castle, manager. Iletense Communications lnc was Ihe low bidder on the $4.1. 4301 job which provides (or 12 miles of cable to be installed to proide basic facilities for 30 servites for residents in these areas throuch pwvV The completion deadline for the bidders contract is March 1. 13 The l'vt construction budcet lor the company is HSn.ooo He modeling of tlie Ikeview offices will be completed this year at a u-t ol So.iixi. pins a js.tmo emergency seneraior replace- fment. PACE 4-A HERALD AND 1 COUNTY OFFICERS Seven new officers of Modoc County fook their oath of office Jan. 7. They were, bottom row from left, Millicent Dubois, county clerk: Harold Brundige, assessor; Clara Eddy, superintendent of schools. Top row, from left, Lynn Harris, sheriff; Robert Barclay, district attorney; Merville Archer, auditor and recorder; and Ruby Goulden. treasurer and tax collector. Income Tax This is Ihe third nf eight ar ticles in the Newspaper Enter prise Assn. Income Tax Primer. tor readers who want more in formation than is supplied in the ofiieial instructions. By RICHARD A. .MULLENS and CHARLES W. SCHOENEMAN Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. The first thing you may notice about your 12 income tax return is that the place for printing or typing your name is longer. If you look at the space next to it you will. notice that the spot for your Social Security number being emphasized by bold-faced print. This new importance given your Social Security number is part of the preparation for Ihe use ol electronic automatic return pro cessing. The Internal Revenue Service for '62 requires all per- ons with Social Security numbers to use them. In the case of a joint return of husband and wife, in most cases only the Social Security number of the husband is required. How ever, if the wife lias a separate income of more than Siioo (or $1,2(101 if she is over 03, or if she has self-employment income lor most other income paid to her alonei, her number must also be on the return. For filing purposes, everyone covered or not covered bv the Social Security Act. must have a Social Security number. If an individual does not have a Social Security number and is not furnished a form to obtain a number by the Internal Reve nue Service during 10(12. he must apply for one. Form is available from any district direclor nf In ternal Revenue or from any dis trict Social Security office. Another innovation in your 12 return is Ihe option to have any overpayment applied to the pur chase of scries E United States Savings Bonds. And do bear in mind these often-overlooked items about fil ing vour return: Sign it Now, on Die long form 1040 on page 2 instead of page 1. husband and wife must both sign on joint returns. Even if you use a separate schedule (or such items as rents, dividends, or interest, in preparing your return make sure you transfer the total to the applicable lines on the return it self. The Internal Revenue Serv-i ice also requires for tlie first lime that your Social Security number he entered on all attach ments to your return. The penalty for failure lo sub mit your Social Security (or oth er account' numlier on vour re turn is for each violation. Next: Annul dependents. long lorm? Short form? Q Under what conditions can the short form ( 1040 V he filed? A If your gross income was ess than $10,000 i including vour uife if you file a joint return'. and if your (and your wife's' total ncome 'exept for no more than ST00' was from wages or salary on which tax was withheld by vour emplover. 4-H Meeting The Klamath fotnty 411 Lead ers Association will meet in the Malm drade .Vhool Caleteria at 30 p m. on Monday. .Ian. 14 TU 4 1171 W UAIN JTtlET NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. it if : r it t s -. fl 1,1 ;'A ' ;V-T-T" I Primer (3) Q When must the long form (10401 be used? A If you were self-employed you must use the long form. But even if you are an employe, when vou have over 810,000 total income or vou have more than $200 from sources other than wages and sal ary subject to withholding, the long form is for you. Also, if you are claiming the status of either1 Head of Household" or "Surviv-i in? Spouse." If you wish to claim credit for retirement income or for divi dends, or you wish to exclude sick pay (in most instances', you Spain ACROSS Indian 1 Canil.l nf Sruln 34 Musteline 7 Spanish mammal monetary unit JSS'P l""-' M ni.iA ..i... a' raw nonce 14 Ascended 38 Deputy (ab.) 15 Island in New York bay 16 Reiterate 17 End (comb, form) 18 Still 20 Reams (ah ) 21 Corded fabric 23 While 24 Possessive ?ronoun he Douro il one of its principal i 28 Cookine utensil 29 Stripling 30 Vehicle 31 Number 32 Limb 33 Shoshonean 40 Fourth Arabian caliph 41 Indian weight 43 Harden 45 Measures of capacity . 48 Seem 51 Reluctant 52 is 1U leader 53 Herbs 54 Tried DOWN 1 Greatest quantity 2 Change 3 Tradesman 4 Rodent 5 Follower fi Gainsay I 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 IB 19 110 111 112 13 " Ti 15 16 H ''?J"I18 19 1 1 'I 20 2i na 23 25 26 27 Pj28 55 ""30 31 32 36 '"37 r""4-"l38' 3T r. f n in 45 46 47 " 48 49 50 5l 52 53 54 I ' I ' I I I ? I I I I Job Picture SAI.KM Placements by the Oregon Stale Employment Serv ice for December were up con siderably over a vear aco. El- oon ( one. director. ost.S. an nounced todav. Nnn-asricultural placements by OSES were up more than .10 per cent compared to last year in December and agricultural placements jumped over .tu per cent. Total place ments, laim and non-farm, up 31 per cent plus, jumped from 4.022 in December. 11. to 3.2u in December. 1W2, Cone said For the calendar vear 1W2. placements uere up 24 per cent from 409.2.V) in 1WI to 507.419 in l! At the same time, in December, nitial claims for unemployment nsnrance were down from 27 n !! to l!.4.tfl in l!S2. or IT !i Klnm.ifli 3fMiiorial Park Perpetual Care . . . Reserved lets $50 to $125 63 ceres, 10 developed For full information without obligation TU 4-4560 or TU 4-3161 Owned by City cf Klamath Fall Sunday, January 13, 1963 I New Look must use the long form. If you itemize deductions land do slot claim the "standard deduction") you must file the long form. However, you can file a long form, and still claim "standard deduction." Q If you were divorced in '62, can you file a joint return? A No. You are considered to have been single for all of 1962. But if your divorce is not final as of Dec. 31, and you were not then legally separated, you can file a joint return for 1962 even though you were living separately on that date. Answer to Previous Pusile TCT1 7 Separates 33 Joined S Before 34 Poem SliRht taste 35 Feel offense 10 Phy sos lig mine 38 Living i i apons group 37 onagers 12 Social insects 39 Mutual amity 40 Exclamation 42 Log float 44 Trampled 4fi Unit of energy 47 Royal Society of Edinburgh (ab.) 49 Priority (prefix) 19 Auricle 22 Siren 24 Injured 26 Weather indicator 27 Dutch ci ry 2ft Dramatic role 30 Feline mi uance step Improves per cent fewer. Number of bene lit payments decreased in De cember. 1 at 04,267 to R3.I37 in 1962. or 25 per cent fewer. For the calendar year I2. in i t i a I unemployment insurance claims dropped from the prevVus year from 221,812 to 195..10fi, near ly 12 per cent fewer; benefit pay ments dropped from 1.144.000 to Rto.fi23. or 26.7 per cent fewer and the amount of benefits dropped from $9.1 million paid out in 1I to $23 1 million paid out in l2. a drop of nearly 28 per rent for the year. Teenogen! Show Mom you cart by occasionally taking he one red rose. Stop by Nybock's, 3614 So. 6th. J ) A v El E A y ELI L. EINTtI IM-E 1 T VV AhfB U Albfe rriR Tip e n Pg pioitI