r (WWTnT fiWI ffiSSI FW- rinftatlttSJ find while your 3kayjust W-iL ? jlQj4,!a,i; locked put. Po Wak,Com?, ivaitina I'd low rr Heck I'm home early W We used to keep 1 SSSSK S 00t) J' vou a little 7 Vjgl but Nina borromed my f a spare on a nail wfT '1 pP hft- fl&U iVVa feVfFfrf- L 9ama Iti . e-L ,f That's aOkaybutS lskeezix, there have Quiet, Angela, SkeeziyVwes here, fl kept telling X Of all the . Don't "but Nina" me. Stopping! came for me, just one more, I been lights on over Angela. I hasn't come homey Nina. Come him, Nina, but he I nerve; Weve off to play checkers on your Wallet.. Want V Fracas.. ' at your house for Let him Vani on in. wouldnt listen been waiting way home I've never heard la e 'ffi' -m V 1 -r- r, 1 II Lt L,0 1 . -. , I I I . I f-v 111 1 ; . I X.C I I I 1 I " . i M Wy flu niufl Titau I THE WEATHER TEPOfTT SAID SCLA.' f 1THI5 WILL. TONE UP THOSE A6IH5-WU$CLS I L CAN YOU LEND HE iSCWE WTZ ? nP . la FIJSH THAT TIEDfDyf TINKLED .SKIN." ir-J et L. . , v r ' . i r Hsr n r-TvrrrrrTTJ -P00K 6UV---THE, PAY AFTEK HE SOUGHT 1 1 On VOUEr IVAy Our iJUST TELL THE OTHESJ t 'j J I I r fTS ( " --V U ELEVATOR SHOES SHE APOPTEP THAT , , , 1 'L, YOO S01 THE FAfZT. ' J 1f I H V J