1 .sv. Put II In th tptcltl car of hotplUI-proved Dermiitag . . . the professional-type lotion that rolleves excessive dryness fasti Dermassage helps heal weather-irritated, clothing-chafed skin gently soothes and comforts tender, Itching skin. Great for massaging tense, aching muscles, tool Wear your skin soft, smooth and supple . ask for Dermassage lotion. It's hospital-proved I nermassage md SKIN L O T I O N ggT s rt an SUPIH MOtSTimUING DERMASSAGE SKIN CREAM, just apply... RNqottias Mora paw araal DON'T HIDE BEHIND RflrVArur mKw PSORIASIS NerTtenmoh Embarraseed lo go places? Has psoriasis made SECONDARY TO KIDNEY IRRITATION meelmg people a living nightmare? Then vou Alter 21. common Kidney or Bladder It- tin..irf t .kai iBnii ionn i. ritallons affect twice as many woman aa should hnow about SlROIL. SlROIL lend! lo mrn Bnd mnj make fou tf n mnd nervouI remove crusts and acalet ol psoriasis on arms, from too frequent, burning or itching legs, scalp and olher podiona ol the body. Milliona urination both dar and night. Secondarily, ol boltlea have been told on a 2 weeks satisfac m" lo?r L"'P .'du,f,e,r 'r?1m !?ld" , . . ,, . , aches, Bnckache and feel old, tired, de honor money bach guarantee. Uae before going pressed. In such Irritation. CYSTEX lo bed; won't Ham bedding or clothing. Get usually brings faat, relaxing comfort by SmotLtodny-fatel'fvwtthrtnewrd confidence. curbing irritating germs in strong, acid IMgmy-tM m sgr-sassii urine and by analgealc Pain relief. Oet I pjjjj J a I I 1 OYSTEX at dructlats. Feel belter faat. I V J I '"J EVERY WEEK AT ALL DRUQ STORES loiFREtbooklalonpaonai.I.m.llfnbyaooclor. tnGTS'S QOOd rSadillQ III wnta 10: Stroil laboralet'tt. Dtpl.FW-lpl.Sanla ' """ FAMILY WEEKLY i.i'iiWtfjVi.Wiitii'- I I PtiBadli, bJJ'NNfctl"a- I Gartn ItfitDtt Sjjajjgaj. J jg Iwrvwbtra! V 3. KO 3 Fast-Grotvnip. ' Ever -Bloom i tig Amazing RED ROSE HEDGE FOR AS LITTLE AS 12 A FOOT I llSJiU'cImli."; M ine sertuuorw nea novin noie nroie (Vjkhib lws i Rosemaries,1 that's twtapinft the country! Pint THIS j SPRING: have a riforom LIVING FiNCf buntini with Ira- grant RIO ROSIS I HIS SUMUIR Red Robin's lush fraan j toliaga it covered with a twt of nchry scanted red rotas j monll: ftr month. Not a sprawling Multiltora. Grows i straifht. iiDftftit to 6 fett. stars compact. So toujh, i thrtves in even poor soirs. Grows so tfensa Red Room j nG keeps children and pets in. arwmats and intruders out. j Available onty Irom Ginden Nursery, San Bruno, Calitornia. seu Send me withotit cett ar abtitetKMi. tree uH color boot am. pnen ecisl Sp"I Bonus Otter, etc., RIO ROBIN LIVING flNCI . Junior TREASURE Chest EDITED BY RUTH DIXON The Three Bears By Helen Hudson r.- I f - M If -i n A I I Tli Mi r 1 hi ' ili wii i-a?-i m W l1 ,'T-T 'j. ..i 5 I -IVaV'1;''! ''..i U -U Find Goldilocks Publish a Newspaper! By Garna Silkr At your next party it would be fun for you and your friends to publish a make-believe newspaper. Take two big sheets and cut one into strips and squares that would be large enough to contain articles and car toons and advertisements. To start the game, announce, as you hand out pencils and the strips and squares, that the players are to get out the evening paper in 15 minutes. Those who get the squares should do local ads and cartoons; those with the strips are to write on such topics as "Do I Like Homework?"; "Should We Chew Bubble Gum in Public?"; "How's Our Team Doing?" One should be assigned a Gossip Column and another Fashion Notes. When the time is up, the various items are pasted on the uncut sheet and read out loud. You should have many laughs. Left Draw a Leopard By Ann Davidow Draw a long and lanky beast. ill Pepper him with dots. Benjamin Franklin By Rayna Eskil Benjamin Franklin was born on January 16, 1706. He was not only a great states man, but he is also known as the Father of Electricity. Did you know that his son Billy was with him during the lightning storm when, using a kite and key, he made the discovery that lightning is electricity? And did you know that he invented the lightning rod that we use today and that he organized the first fire-engine company and started the first circulating library in this country? He is famous, too, for his common sense and witty sayings, which he published in his "Poor Richard's Almanac." Some of these are : God helps them that help them selves; little strokes fell great oaks; the cat in gloves catches no mice; it is hard for an empty sack to stand upright. Do you know any others? An Ant Puzzle By Gladys M. Place And that's the very simple way Our leopard gets his spots. Family Weekly. January 11. tftl 1. Horn of deer (pi.) 2. A fierce wild animal 3. One who plants 4. Capital of Georgia 5. Far away Answers: "IubJP -S '.b)u -IV 'r :j)UBid !J3mu"d 'Z is-iailuv "I