Give beautifuljLtJLJJE. for VALENTINE'S DAY fit ., :,, Reminiscent of colorful Spain, this slew is an adaptation of an authentic Spanish recipe. Family Weekly Cookbook MELAN1E DE PROFT, Food am THE CHEESE COOKBOOK YOURS FOR ONLY 50( BACH POSTPAID TOt fAMUY WIIKIY OOKS 153 N. Michigan Avo Chicago I, III. Enclotod And $ for which pleat tend Ttify CkMM Siririttil Dip Into this cookbook for ovarythlng from tatty qulchlM to hearty main dlihot. Tho piquant ftavort of eh will odd tho right touch to louffUi, moat tavcot, Mlad drottlngt, and rabbit. coplM of "Th Ommm Cookbook" (No itampt or CO D. ordoa, plaM; saHsfodion or monoy rofundod.) mo pottpald ) X oodi. guaranteed Addrott City Zono Prim or WriH loolM? Srato Lamb Stew Picasso 2 lbs. lamb stew meat, cut in 2-in. pieces ' cup flour 1 teaspoon salt ', teaspoon black pepper 't cup olive oil 1 cup beef broth 2 medium-sized green peppers, chopped Vi teaspoon marjoram 3 cloves garlic, crushed in a gaclic.4res8 or minced 1 lb. potatoes, pared and sliced 2 medium-sized onions, sliced 1 cup chopped celery 2 medium-sized tomatoes, cut in. wedges 1 cup pimiento-sturTed olives 1. Coat lamb pieces with a mixture of the next three ingredients. 2. Heat olive oil in a large skillet; add lamb and brown evenly on all sides. Add beef broth slowly, then stir in the green pepper, marjoram, and garlic. Cover and cook over low heat 30 min. 3. Add potatoes, onions, and celery; cook, covered, about. 10 min., or until potatoes are tender. Mix in the tomatoes and olives; heat thoroughly. 4. If a thicker stew is desired, blend in a mixture of seasoned flour and water, bring to boiling, and cook 1 to 2 min. longer. About 6 servings rilliant Strata Salad A vivid crimson layer provides the dra matic effect. I lO-oi. pkg. frozen raspberries, thawed and drained (reserve sirup) 1 8-oz. can crushed pineapple, drained (reserve sirup) 1 3-oz. pkg. raspberry-flavored gelatin Vi cup cold water 1 tablespoon (1 env.) unflavored gelatin 2 cups small-curd, cream-style cottage cheese Vi teaspoon salt Vi cup cream 1. Lightly oil an 8x8x2-in. pan with salad or cooking oil (not olive oil) ; set aside to drain on absorbent paper. 2. Combine raspberry and pineapple sir ups. Add enough water to make 1 cups liquid. Heat 1 cup of the liquid until very hot. Pour over raspberry-flavored gelatin in a bowl and stir until gelatin is com pletely dissolved. Stir in the remaining ;,4 cup liquid. 3. Chill until mixture is slightly thicker than the consistency of thick, unbeaten egg white. If chilled in refrigerator, stir occasionally; if chilled over ice and water, stir frequently. 4. Soften unflavored gelatin in the cold water; dissolve over low heat. 5. Mix the cottage cheese, salt, cream, pineapple, and dissolved gelatin together. Family Wttkly. January I J. 1X1 Spread half of the cheese mixture evenly in the bottom of the pan. Chill until just set, but not firm. 6. When raspberry gelatin is of desired consistency, fold in the raspberries. When first layer in pan is partially set, spoon raspberry mixture evenly over top. (Both layers should be of the same consistency when combined to avoid separation when served.) Top evenly with the remaining cheese mixture. Chill until firm. 7. Unmold onto a chilled serving plate or cut into squares and serve on individual plates. Garnish with crisp salad greens. About 9 servings Graham Cracker Cake Creamy Vanilla Filling (see recipe) Vi cup sifted cake flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Vi teaspoon salt 24 graham crackers, finely crushed (2 cups) cup chopped pecans 1 cup butter or margarine 1 '; teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup sugar 3 egg yolks, well beaten 1 cup milk 3 egg whites Vi cup sugar Confectioners' sugar 1. Prepare Creamy Vanilla Filling and chill thoroughly. 2. Lightly grease bottoms only of two 9-in. round layer-cake pans; set aside. 3. Blend first three dry ingredients to gether. Mix in crushed crackers and nuts ; set aside. 4. Cream the butter and extract together until butter is softened. Add the 1 cup sugar gradually, creaming until fluffy after each addition. 5. Add egg yolks in thirds, beating thor oughly after each addition. 6. Beating only until smooth after each addition, alternately add dry ingredients in fourths and milk in thirds to the creamed mixture. 7. Beat egg whites until frothy; add V:i cup sugar gradually, beating well after each addition. Continue beating until rounded peaks are formed. Spread egg whites over the batter and gently fold together. Turn batter into pans. 8. Bake at 350 F 30 to 35 min., or until cake tester inserted in center of cake comes out clean. Cool on racks 10 min.; remove from pans and cool completely. 9. Spread the chilled filling over one lay er of cooled eake. Cover with second layer. Place a lace paper doily over the cake; sift evenly with confectioners' sugar and carefully lift off doily. (hut 9-in. round layer cake Creamy Vanilla Filling Vi cup sugar 2'; tablespoons flour Vi teaspoon salt I Vi cups cream 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Vi teaspoon almond extract 1. Mix first three ingredients together in a double-boiler top. Stir constantly while adding the cream gradually. Bring to boiling, stirring constantly, and cook 3 min. longer. 2. Cover and cook over simmering water for 5 to 7 min., stirring several times. 3. Vigorously stir about 3 tablespoons of the hot mixture into the egg yolks; im mediately blend into cream mixture. Cook over simmering water 3 to 5 min., stirring constantly. 4. Remove from heat and blend in the re maining ingredients. Cover and cool slightly. Chill. About cups filling Creamy Pineapple Filling Mix cup drained crushed pineapple into the chilled Creamy Vanilla Filling. Tomato Aspic Ring 'j cup cold water 2 tablespoons (2 env.) unflavored gelatin 2 1-lb. cans stewed tomatoes 2 tablespoons sugar Vt teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons cider vinegar 1 tablespoon prepared horse-radish 1 tablespoon grated onion teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 3 hard-cooked eggs, cut in quarters 1. Lightly oil a S's-eup ring mold with salad or cooking oil (not olive oil) and set aside to drain. 2. Soften gelatin in water; dissolve com pletely over hot water. 3. Meanwhile, turn contents of cans of tomatoes into a saucepan and break up large pieces with a spoon. 4. Stir in next six ingredients and heat to boiling. Stir in the dissolved gelatin. Cool; chill until mixture begins to gel (gets slightly thicker). If chilled in re frigerator, stir occasionally; if chilled over ice and water, gtir frequently. 5. Arrange egg quarters, cut side down, around the bottom of mold; spoon gelatin mixture into mold. 6. Chill until firm, about 3 hrs. 7. Unmold onto a chilled serving plate; garnish with crisp salad greens, scored cucumber slices, and carrot straws, then drizzle vegetables with French dressing. 6 to 8 servings Family Weekly, January 11, 1M1 Jade is fashion news . . . say "I love you" with a dra matic gift of superbly polished and richly mounted jewelry as mysterious as temple gongs! Genuine jade (in Chinese, 'YU') is held to be lucky for the wearer and an omen of good fortune. All Valentine Gift orders packed in attractive heart box. 1 fs j ' u A loom hjndtomerr Mt 1g ,. TV In liliff4 18 K. ""tfP ""k XAtANTE'O If yam or your Votontino rant ttW with yovr fin, woo may rotor ft by iobmary 21 and rocoiva yam won ay bock. Morris Goodman Associates Jewelry Department 163 F P.O. Box 279, Reading, Pa. Enclosed find check or money order in the amount of $ . pay ment in full of the Jade ilemi checked below. You will ship my order postage pre paid, and refund the purchase price on items returned to you by February 21st. (101L. 102) (103) - (104) - QUANTITY Pendant $7.50 Key Chain $2.00 Earrings $5.95 pr. Pin $5.95 QUANTITY (105) CM links $7.50 pr. (106) Tie Clasp $5.00 (107) Earrings $10.00 pr. (108) Pendant $7.50 Packed in Valenfine'f Day gift box. Nama- Stroat Addrott City 1 Stalo FImm Print or Wrlhi Ivfiblr