PARENTS, TEACHERS, AND TOTS ACROSS THE LAND ARE SAYING: Thank You, For Giving Us Books That Even Beginners Can Read All By Themselves Must books written simply enough for first, second and third graders necessarily be dull? It was always assumed so . . . until the beloved DR. SEUSS created "The Cat in the Hat." The kids loved it, and parents and teachers were thrilled to see their children reading joyously and un aided. Now the idea has been expanded by Dr. Seuss and other gifted writ ers and artists into a whole program of irresistible BEGINNER BOOKS. anaannBav-eangnnawBwBsi J "TAe Cot lis (As Hot " 1H7 Dr. Sense Ibwekts) Look at me! Look at me! Look at me now! It is fun to have fun But you have to know how Kxctrpt from Tin Cat in lAd Bat - 1967 Dr. Soil To introduce you and your child to the new Beginning Readers9 Program WE INVITE YOU TO ACCEPT These 3 Beginner Books Including the delightful DR. SEUSS story "THE CAT IN THE HAT- The sunniest, funniest tola your youngster ever read all by himself I for only 4 WITH TRIAL ENROLLMENT You'll know something special is happening the first time your youngster turns, wide-eyed, from the zany cartoon creatures and their hilarious antics to the words that tell the story. Word by word, phrase by phrase, he will follow the print Excitement grows and grows until the secret cannot be kept a second longer. "Mommy! Daddy I Come and listen. can read it my$elfl" And so the great adventure begins, moving from page to page, book to book - until the words that were once hard to read become easy understanding comes more quickly and vocabulary grows by leaps and bounds. All because he has discovered reading is fun, wkenht can do it himtelf: ft LAH BOOKS OF ADVENTURE, HUMOR. KNOWLEDGE WRITTEN IN WORDS HE ALREADY KNOWS OR CAN QUICKLY LEARN THE CAT IN THE HAT Ry Dr. 8mu Mommy wee out and there wu nothing to do until the magical "Cat In the Hat" walked In to entertain Rally and her brother. Then oh, what a meet! How the rat Axed It all up before Mommy rot back maaee a Or. Seuaa atory your child wlU lovel GO, DOG. GO I By P. D. Eefttman What child doean't love do -especially wildly colored don that ski, drive cara, skate, eell boat! P. D. Eastman's funny words and pie turea will defiant your child-and rive him mat tery of 71 simple words. f0 i.V" PUT ME IN THE ZOO By Robert Lopthira A polka-dot animal wants to get into a too, but the, won't take Mm. Where ha doaa wind up la a ml aurprlaa for be ginning reedere. Writ tan In rhyme for added word retention, thla memorable book oontalna Just 100 different worda your child already knowa or will quickly learn. The importance of the BEGINNING READERS' PROGRAM goes far beyond the glorious illustrations and fascinating stories. Each book makes reading more fun, and easier than ever, because it is written in 50 to 275 basic words your child has already learned, or can quickly pick up. All are written and illustrated by gifted writers and artists who know where a child's heart is. There's a story on whales, the tale of a city boy who becomes cowboy, a little girl who flew an -V. airnlane . . . even a trin to the moon. No wonder TV and comic books soon step aside 1 BEGINNER BOOKS are dur ably designed to live with a small child. Printed in at least three bright colors and. in large readable type, they're just long enough for a child's attention span. As Haerrattens lata, 1M0 Dr. Sanaa t. y r member, your child will receive a BEGINNER BOOK every month and you will be billed 1.49 plus a small mailing charge, instead of the $1.95 retail price. After 4 selections, you may cancel any time. Owe tewrwaWory feral Ofn We invite you to prove the benefits of the BEGINNING READERS' PROGRAM by accepting the three books shown here a $5.85 value for only $1.49. Even this small investment in your child's reading and school progress carries no risk. Ten days' trial must convince you that the program will stimulate his appetite for reading, or you may return the three introductory books and owe nothing. If we prove our point, have you ever seen a greater bargain? Fill out and return the coupon now. MAIL. COUPON TODAY THE KSINNIrM READERS' fftOSRAM, Dee. FW-t A eVrieum a Gnlirr Enterprises fna. S7S Lexington Aenmee, Now Terk 22, N. Y. Pleaee enroll my child In the BEGINNING READ ERS' PROGRAM and eead him at onee the three BEGINNER ROOKS pictured here, for which yon will Mil me only S1.4S plua a email mailing charge. If not delitbted. I may return those hooka within 10 dare, and owe nothing1. Otherwise, each month there after, you win send my child snsther BEGINNER BOOK for which I will pay 11.41 plua a email nulling charge (Instead of the regular el.M retell price). I may cancel thia enrollment any time after purchas ing four nsonthle selections. CalkTa Naeae- Parat ' Name print) -Aga "'T Tnns a.-.- riaselea mMreta sweat wed tinjia te prflsalss nesatnr hep-saws, A Oh. af Tee Grelwr astfcts Ltd., .141 Daafwtk Are.. Tcreate 13. OaL jar,