Meet Miss Somebody from Vermont Family Weekly's latest "unknown" cover girl is a musically inclined beauty from South Burlington OZZIE SWEET Pholos and Text by S " I Q '5SV'T? ' yrfj fin foreground ) and sister Linda, 11, are a harmimitm twosome on their flutes but, like most sifters, they have some squabbles. Linda often pesters Judy's dates when they call. A loviL.lir "ZIP Lc 11 1 i V-M I . r "V S. kifif ! fee: 1 Hir talented Chadicirks all hare a musical bent) spend a comfort able errning at home amid tasteful Early American furnishings. From left: Xaney, 8. Dad, Linda (with dog I'rinee), Hobbie, 6, Judy, Mom, and Joanne, 2. lieloir: Mom, Dad. and Judy blend their voices in the church choir. Fifteen-year-OLD Judy Chadwick, the new Miss Somebody I found in South Burlington, Vt, is something of a paradox. At first glance she appears to be an abundantly freckled, apple cheeked charmer. But a second look reveals that she is poten tially an exotic beauty. Could our dark-haired, brown-eyed Miss Somebody be interested in an acting career, I wondered? Judy soon jolted me back to reality. There wasn't a chance that this could happen, she told me. Like a number of my past discoveries for Family Weekly all lovely, all unknown "Miss Nobodies" until we found them Judy isn't eager for footlight fame. Her main interest at present is music. When Judy is not work ing to maintain her straight-A average in high school, she can be found singing or playing the flute. At school she plays her favorite instrument in the band and sings soprano in the chorus. At church, Judy is in her second year as a member of the choir, and she also plays flute in the newly formed South Burlington Town Band. Judy grew up in a musical family. Her parents, Anne and Robert Chadwick, sing in the church choir, and her three sisters Linda, 11, Nancy, 8, and Joanne, 2 each seem to have a mu sical bent. Linda plays the flute (she influenced Judy to take it up), and little Joanne likes to bang away on the family organ (as does her brother Robert, 6). All the Chadwick girls take piano lessons. "It has been a tradition in our family," says Judj "for everyone from third grade up to try his hand at music." JUDY HAS lived in Vermont most of her life and loves it. She has ample opportunity to enjoy skiing and skating in winter and boating on Lake Champlain in the summer. Indoors, she is a ping-pong buff. And, recently, politics has found a place on her schedule. Judy is one of the charter members of a Young Re publican Club that has just been launched in Burlington. The Chadwicks live in a seven-room ranch house that is pictur esquely situated between two apple orchards. Mr. Chadwick works for a large electrical firm which has a plant in Burlington. He bears the awesome title of Manager of Special Weapons in Quality Control Engineering. "One of his important jobs," explains Judy, "is seeing that Army missiles are turned out in top quality." Judy does a lot of baby sitting and is a frugal saver. The mon ey she earns has helped realize her yearning to travel. Last summer it financed a trip to North Carolina. But Judy, who is an avid pen pal and writes to friends in Scotland and France, has her sights on the distant Far East. "It has a mysterious quality that intrigues me," she says. Then, with her lovely eyes twink ling, she adds, "But after my travels, I'd like to settle down and raise five or six children." My impression is that if Judy Chadwick's energetic talent and beauty do not launch an acting career, they will make her a top contender for the role of model wife and mother. COVER: Petite, adorably freckled Judy Chadwick, from South Burlington, Vermont, is Ozzie Sweet's new find for Family Weekly. As Miss Somebody, she's the llth "unknown" to grace our cover. Read about Judy above. Family Weekly I. January I). Ittl LIONAID DAVIDOW f'mirfrnt end I'eWi.nrr WAITH C. MIYNJl l'ir fYreidml PnriCK I. 01OUIKI .trfr, rtieiitcr r,rnlor MOflTON fftANK Pirrrtnr of reoisnrr fMeftonr &rnd oil advertising communications to rarnile Weaklv, 111 N. Mh,gon Ave.. Chicago I. III. Address oil communications about editorial features so Weeklr. 00 36th St.. New Tort 71, N. T. K I tol, FAMILY WtKIT MAOAIINI. INC., Ill N. Mkk. toord or ld.tors I tINCST V. MVN Kdilor-t.-fh,, EN KAITMAN Errrnli'er rTrfilor (OoftT MTZGIUON Meneoincl f.rfilor HIUIP DYKtTRA Art Diryrlor MEIANII Dl HIOFT Food .oiler otarrn Abrevora, Ardor, (id It. Hal London. Jock Iron; No J. Oppsnheimel, Hollywood, i Ave.. Crwcogo I. III. All rights reserved.