Indian Lore Topic For Woman's Club "Our Indian Heritage" will be the interesting topic lor the meet iHK of the Klamath Falls Woman's library Club meeting Monday, jjn. 14, in the city library club rooms at 2 p.m. Presenting the program will be Icft Wild Eagle, who is well known as an artist, entertainer and as one with a vast knowledge of his people. He is a member of the Karoks on the Klamath Div er in California. His wife, Genie, ia a granddaughter of an Assin boin chieftain of Northern Mon tana. The ambition of the two, who are steeped with tradition of their people, is to preserve the artifacts, culture, customs and na tive rituals of the American In dian. The present Wild Eagle Museum at the junction of high ways 62 and 2:i2 near fort Klam ath houses the artifacts of many tribes. lefty Wild Eagle will bring to the library club meeting a dis play of many of these relics and will tell their stories. He will also sjiow some of his paintings for which he hay be come well-known. He won a schol arship from Chemawa School to an art school in Portland. Later he did research worn at the Uni versity of Washington on Indian Arts and Crafts of the Northwest. To further the theme of the meeting. Marie Obenchain. music chairman, will present Indian se lections. To close the meeting, Charlcne McNoiso, and Indian stu dent at Sacred Heart Academy, will give the Twenty Third Psalm in sign language. All women of the Klamath Basin are invited to hear this program which will be both educational and entertaining. Tickets for non members are 75 cents. Mrs. Frank Kahl is tea chair man for the day. Coats-Suits-Dresses l3,ol2 i Off During Our Storewide January i Huge Savings Use Your in Every Department Charge Account 512 Main Free Parking 5th & Klamath yrw 1 jnii hmi.iihi iiiiniin ii .m '. i jp 1 V, J' if " y r jfcv-vT n i, V HIM Mi i . YreAa A7e Cui Meefs YREKA The Dec. 19 meet ing of the Yreka Nile Club No. 11 was held at the Masonic Hall, during which time members sewed on articles for the crippled chil dren in Shrine hospitals. During the business session con ducted by Mrs. Elwin Adams, president, the group discussed plans to attend a ceremonial in Paradise on Feb. 21, when the Su preme Queen, Hazel Marshall of Des Moines, Iowa, 'Will he in at tendance. Mrs. Ed Mathews was named to be in charge of trans-; portation, and all those interested in participating in the trip arc to contact her. A moment of reverence was ob served in memory of Mrs. Rudy Gaynor, who was a member, and died recently, At the close of the meeting the 23 members were surprised upon entering the candlelighted dining room to find a "Treasure Chest" buffet table of Yulctide treats, all in handmade jewel cases. The Christmas atmosphere was pre dominant with flocked greenery, hawthorne berries and red can dles. Members in charge were Mrs. Orlo Davis, Mrs. Brice Long. Mrs. Frank Day, Mrs. Ralph Lea vers, Mrs. Engcl Hjertager, Mrs. Gladys Hart and Mrs. Anita Martin. PLAY IT SAFE I If you plan to be away for a long period, be sure you do not leave flammable liquids in the house, even in small quantities. Varnish and paints should be stored outside, if the cans have been opened. CAGE D HERALD AVD NEWS, Sunday, January 13, 1963 KUnuta FaHi. Okcm 4 & WILL SHARE KNOWLEDGE Lefty Wild Eagle (Wilderl, well-known as an artist, entertainer and authority on the American Indian, will present the Jan. 14 program for the Klamath Falls Woman's Library Club, Meeting time is 2 p.m. in the city library. Interested persons, in addi tion to club members, are invitedto attend. . PEOPLES WAREHOUSE "SINCE 1918" Only Locally Owned Movers "No Fuss No Muss When Moved By Us" STORAGE CRATING PACKING Arnti fnr Heklim . . . ('rots Country or Around the World NEW AT THE WILLARD Vs. V 7 COWBOY'S BREAKFAST Served daily from 11 A.M. till A.M. For example: try our Cat tleman's . Choice . . .- Pan cakes, 2 eggs, bacon; toast and coffee, just $1.00. Wiliard Hotel 205 Main V 5th and Main January Storewide NOW IN PROGRESS! Dresses - Car Coats Suits - Sportswear and Lingerie Use Your Charge Account Free Parking 5th & Klamath Wedding News Told Of interest to many persons in Klamath Kails is the account of the Dec' 29 marriaRe of Mrs. Lorainc Lowe of Clackamas and Cooper Brown of Connell, Wash. The bride, daughter of Mrs. Ethel Van Tress of Clackamas, was affiliated with the Klamath County school system for several years prior to moving to Clacka mas, where she is now teaching. The bridegroom, is the son of former Henley residents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brown. He lived in Tulclakc until eight years ago when he drew a farmstead at Connell. The evening wedding ceremony took place in the home of Elder and Mrs. P. C. Aldcrson in Clack amas. Mrs. Alderson is a sister of the bride. Elder Aldcrson was lormcrly pastor of the Seventh Day Advenlist Church in Klam ath Falls. The bride's niece. Betty Lou Al derson was soloist for the service. Members of the families and close friends of the couple attend cd the ceremony which was fol lowed by a reception. On Children's Wear SHOP NOW AND SAVE DOLLARS! Girls' Sleepwear Robes $200 1 4.S fcWiEILSJ $00 TERRY BATHROBES 5.00 SWEATERS Girl's Orion Styles. JSo Easy to Care For. $300 IT Mm EAR MUFFS 50c Wool Mittens And Gloves BOYS' SPORTS JACKETS Easy To Clean Corduroy In Sizes 2 to 6x. Colors, & Afi yJ Soac, Blue, RccT. J JJXJU ? CLEARANCE PRICED J 1.00 r-v Hi Low, Low Prices Plus Green Stamps hi H fB 1 $1 91 no money down Take up to 36 months to pay FREE DELIVERY FREE normal installation WARDS NATIONWIDE REPAIR SERVICE Is just a phone call away! I ' 1 ! J jlll I service . . . j ji I J liii I' i at no extra charge ' ' L j J SALE-PRICED! STEREO ) ''ll '"'11 I ' ll-?''1 j.,;T"..-'tl I SS-ll.'fl 1 1 Total stereo from 6 speakers! 4- C?-S ?'"; a V speed automatic changer, sensitive Ntv 1 '.077 ' AM FM tuner, 6 individual tuning I SiJ -Z0 j ( ' controls. MahoganJ finish cabinet. I I .... V In Walnut or Cherrv. $10 more. V I ! " 11 ..... ... - - I II' ("son JU I . , f tig ' I j LOW PRICES EVERY DAY, and I even bigger values when we say "sale" CUSTOM-CRAFTED CONSOLE! reg. 225 No money down 59 a month) Aluminized tube for clearest, sharpest picture Range control for excellent fringe-area reception Beautifully styled cabinet, rich mahogany veneer 16 saving on fine TV console) Hand-wired chassis and quality components throughout assure you of ex cellent performance and dependability. Exciting, sur rounding sound from two separated speakers. Tinted, tilted safety glass eliminates glare . . . easily remova ble for cleaning. Available in Danish-inspired cabinet of genuine walnut veneer or Early American styled cabinet with a warm maple veneer for just $10 more. 'measured diagonally Pink PP'Once wwrt VALUpV c"onee U. l . ' ,0'-y0M. . ELECTRIC RANGE . TRU-COLD FREEZER SAVE 40 NOW! 30" SIZE LOTS OF COOKING ROOM! Features big 23' oven with rotisserie, interior light, lift off door . . . infinite surface unit settings. Snap-out heat ing elements, handy appli ance outlet. Easy to cleon. 88 88 NO MONIT SOWN BIG 17 CU. FT. CHEST AND UPRIGHT! Veryspecial!Eachholds595 lbs. at certified 2ero cold! Chest has movable space divider, lift-out basket! Up right has open refrigerated shelves, full door storage! 197 NO MONIT SOWN WARDS 5-CYCLE TWO-SPEED WASHER 2 speeds normal and slow; 5 cycles for all-fabric care. 3 wash, 2 rinse tem peratures. Lint filter, deter gent and bleach dispen sers, water-level control. NO NONfT DOWN ( 9th & Pine Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 Phone TU 4-3183 4480 South 6th Next to Oregon Food