ADK Plans Next Meet Mu Chapter of Alpha Delta Kap pa, teachers' honorary sorority, will begin its 19ttf activities with a meeting at the home of Mrs. Lynn Propst, 1615 Portland Street, on Saturday, Jan. 12, at 1:30 p.m. The many worthwhile activities and projects handled by this group will be discussed and future plans will be formulated. The dessert hour will give mem bers an opportunity to compare holiday notes and catch up on items of professional interest. On Dec. 8, ADK members en joyed a delightful Christmas meet ing at the home of Mrs. Maxine Marsh, which was gaily decorated for the affair. In addition to the philanthropic Christmas project and the gift exchange between members, the hostess presented each guest with a clever favor. Romans were the first to origin ate cement (hydraulic lime) by preparing it from mixtures of lime putty and volcanic ash. 3vl K MORABLK fElill Si- y& ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATIONS BRIDE'S BOOKS PLATES end Cups NAPKINS BIBLES SHAW STATIONERY COMPANY 729 Main Ph. TU 2-2986 The new sound of music is you at the Hammond Half the Hammond Organs we sell are bought by people who cant play a note Unlikeliest bunch of people you could pick to sell organs to. Yet they own and love and play thousands upon thousands of Hammond Organs. And this year, an astonishing number of them will trade in their Hammond Organs on our larger models . . . because they've learned to play well enough to want a larger challenge. (COULDN'T PLAY A NOTE?) This may help to convince you that the excuse you've been using all this time isn't as final as you thought. All you need do is put your enthusiasm where your talent ought to be . . . and within thirty days you'll be playing a Hammond Organ with unsuspected authority. Thousands of people know it's true because they've done it . . . and now it's your turn. J - ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Dick B. Miller announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Patricia, to William Shive Bechen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Haarby B. Bechen. The Millers were hosts to members of the two families at a buffet supper at their home Jan. 5 in honor of the betrothed couple. The fu ture bride has attended Maryhurst College and is pres ently employed in this city. Her fiance is a graduate of the University of Oregon and will receive his degree from University of Oregon Medical School in June. Their marriage will be an event of June 15 in Klamath Falls. Photo by Bob Anderson Engagement Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sicgner. former residents of Klamath Falls, now living in Portland, announced the engagement of their daugh ter, Diannc, to Roger Sawyer at Pickup & Delivery Call Sparkle Car Wash 4023 S. 6th Ph. TU 4-5543 an open house at their home on Dec. 31. The bride-elect was grad uated from Klamath Union High School and presently is a sopho more student at Oregon State Uni versity. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hall of Anaheim, Calif., and is also a student at OSU. A summer wedding, is planned by the young couple. Thit it the low-priced Hammond Spinet Orgen. It hat Hirmonic Drawbars, 16 tabs, Reverberation, Permanent Pitch, Touch -Response Percussion. In French Provincial tyhne, light cherry, $995 F.O.B. Factory; bench extra. Other Hammonds from $695. I Hammond Organ . . . music' a most gtoriaut voice I Deefafe Music Co. DIRECT FACTORY DEALER 126 No. 7th Ph- TU 4-5121 If you struggle and strain when reading or sewing ... or notice discomfort under var ious types of lighting ... or if your eyes blur and burn, itch and twitch, consult Dr. Noles Optometrists at Columbian Optical Company, who have safeguarded the vision of your friends and neighbors for over 58 years. ... ... ' Complete Eye Examination No Appointment Needed e Convenient Credit e We give H'M- Creen Slamps out COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 730 Main Omar J. Holes & Robert Peters TU 4,7121 x I s it r 1 RECENT BRIDE The former Lenore Sparks, daughter of Mrs. Sarah McMillan and the late Ross McMillan of Klamath Falls, was married Dec. 18 in Basel, Switzer land, to Delbert Roberts. In accordance with Swiss law, the couple were married in a civil service after which they chose St. Nickolas Chapelle for their protestant ceremony officiated by the Rev. S. Schmith, whose gift to the newlyweds was an autographed Bible. After their marriage the couple returned to Heidelberg, Germany, where Mrs. Roberts serves as captain and her husband, chief warrant officer of the Army. Mrs. Roberts was a Klamath County teacher for 12 years before entering the service. Alpha Lambda Of DKG Meets Alpha Lambda Chapter of Del ta Kappa Gamma held Its first meeting of the New Year with a luncheon Saturday, Jan. S, in the Blue Room of the Winema Motor Hotel. Tables were cleverly decorated with popcorn ball snowmen cn hanced by red ribbon roses, gold leaves and runners of gold beads. In charge of arrangements and tables were Helen Roper, Frances Stewart and Lucille Faus. Anne Dolczal had the program for the day and gave an enlight ening talk and showed colorful slides of her trip abroad, includ ing poults of interest In Hawaii, Japan, China, Philippines, Singa pore, Ceylon, India, Arabia, Suez Canal Zone, Egypt, Mediterran ean, Italy and England. This was a planned 53-day tour which be gan June 26. returning to tlio slates, Aug. 17, 1962. Prior to the showing of her slides, she displayed some arti cles puchased in various countries included in her travel itinerary. The next meeting of Alpha Lambda Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma will be a luncheon to be held Saturday. Feb. 2, at the Wi nema with Nell Stewart, Jean- nette Jackson and Marian Bar ker making arrangements. A member of the Community Hos pital Committee has been asked as guest speaker. i 7 1 Sunday, January 13, 1963 PAGE tD IIKRALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. BK METICl'LOl'S The upkeep of your wardrobe takes time and patience. So each week, check to see it hems need attention, if seams are ripped or snaps need replacing. It Wfhit lri ) 512 Main Free Parking at 5th and Klamath After the Civil War, a group of Confederate soldiers migrated to Brazil and their descendants still live near the city of San- tarem. 6-' .wiieir MILLINERY ii i CLEARANCE t Entire Stock of Fall and Winter Hats Reduced ' DEAN DEWITT ANNOUNCEMENT DEAN DEWITT It Now Associated with the JERRY THOMAS Insurance Agency 304 So. 7th Ph. TU 2-3553 Regular 1.98 thru 5.98 Regular 6.98 thru 9.98 Regular 10.98 thru 15.98 Regular 16.98 thru 21.98 SHOO $5 oo 3 $00 f : 'v A febuloul colletlion now dreitlcelly reduced. Hurry, moke v.:; your Mlectlont nowl BENEFIT PLANNED Prizes galore have been donated by local merchants to the Klamath County Dontal Auxi liary for a card party and tea Wednesday, Jan. 16, at I p.m. in the Willard Hotel. All proceeds will go to the hospital fund. Mrs. Irving J. Cater, chairman, announces the tickets are 95 cents per person and asks players to bring their own cards. Those not wishing to play cards are invited to tea, served from 2 until 4 p.m. Tickets may be purchased from any auxiliary member, three of whom are pictured'admiring some of the handsome items to be given as prizes. Left to riqht ere Mrs. H. M. Ams berry, Mrs. W. J. Crawford end Mrs. J. E. Creiwoll. Photo by Kettlor JANUARY y !( Clearance VL Tremendous Savings to of COATS SUITS DRESSES SHOES SPORTSWEAR LINGERIE SUBTEENS l 525 Main Prior to lfWO. the French re ferred to all Americans as "Bos- 'inianV." INSIST ON GOLD BELL BRAND KLAMATH POTATOES of Your favorite Grocor'i ' 1 miiyirou rtee em jjl"1. n ! w el'!"!.'1 . .'J i-in-oiioii lie eeieei ii m v SHOE SALON 500 pairs of women's dress shoes! Buy one pair at regular price... get another pair of ecjual value for just . . . Tff Selected Group of $14.95 to $21.95 Shoes! Yes! Buy one pair at the regular price . . . and get a second pair of equal value or less for $1! Included in this special group ore dress shoes from our regular stock; high heels, low heels, open and closed pumps, dressy shoes and tailored shoes. Colors include Black, Brown, Blue, Bone, Red. i f )1 I' ll J fat. o. to y 6) INSURANCE BEHIND EVERY SAVINGS ACCOUNT Yes Indeed! Your saving ore SAFE be cause First Federal belongs to Federal Savings ond Loan Insurance Corpora tion. $10,000.00 insurance is behind ev ery savings account. And . . . thot's not a First Federal pays a full A in terest. Your savings eorn more ot First Federal. FIRST FEDERAL ffaviij and SCvan tfhtociadon 540 MAIN STRUT Use Your Charge Account FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE