PAGE I D Sunday, January 13, IK HERALD AND NEWS! Klamath Falls. Ore. A group of Great Northern and and Mrs. Jack Polllck, aU of Southern Pacific railroad people Merrill. . BE YOU In building a fashion wardrobe, strive for individuality. Avoid Search for unusual fabrics an colors, handsome and interestin pieces of jewelry, lovely, shit ing leather. met for the first in a series of Unable to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Milbrandt of Tulelake and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barr of, monthly get-togethers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Watson in Merrill. Mt. Hebron. ;dressing like your best friend. Present for the social evening1 , were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kessler of Malin, Mr. and Mrs. John! NEW YEAR'S PARTY BONANZA Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crahan of Macdoel, Mr. and Mrs Lane entertained with a social evening and buffet supper on New Year's Eve when their guests! Carol Tonole of Stronghold and Mr. and Mrs. Al Franco and Mr. were Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wes cott and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ran dall. ENROLLMENTS arrepted al b. alanine: ef any month. For an lnt.rntlr.e-. reward. Ini career In Coemetolofjr . , Call TU Mill Klomath Beauty Collega Cancer ranks second only to heart disease as a killer in the, Coats-Snits-Dresses United States. Railroad Get-Together 51?' s IIX . -. . 'X vi For Your WASHING & DRYING Convenience and Pleasure Merit's Has - 3 Coin-O-Matics There's one near you: 1 4801 So. 6th 2 - 333 E. Main 3 -Ore. & Biehn Dry Cleaning at E. Main & Oregon Ave. Little or no pnulni madid ... Dry to dry In 30 mlnutai 10 lbs. For Just $2.00 Laom the thrlftlneu and convenience of Coln-O-Matlc om pleta cleaning facllillei. You'll find oil th, at Marit't ... and rtmembtr, only Motif's It COIN-O-MATIC. GALA DECOR Elaborate decorations were created by Erie Hamilton for the holi day party. This on. with various lighted cndlesand twinkling lights on gilded dry ma terial wa particularly effective against the larger buffet mirror. Admiring the affect, left to. right, are Paul Landry, Mrs. Al Backes and Emil Albrecht. Photo by Guderian id! i.T - t a?-.' .4 f Hi kmiki AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ( HI irVllCT ClIC LASWI JALL Two Year Guarantee, Non-Allergenic, Mothproof, Machine Washable, Color Fast. Assorted Colors. Reg. 15.95 Single Control TWIN BED SIZE . t Reg. 17.95 Single Control DOUBLE BED SIZE Reg. 21.95 Dual Control DOUBLE BED SIZE 999 1199 1399 X ASSORTED COTTONS (Values to 49c yd Prints, Stripes, (Florals, Etc deMeaCalaaeieaiaeaaam AT THE PARTY Shown enjoying the Hamilton party, left to right, are Henry Con radi, Brady Narey, Chet Langilet, Win Southwell and Chef Moore. Photo by Guderian PARTY TIME' On Sunday, Dec. 30, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Hamilton war. hosts at a cocktail party in their horn, on North Third Street, Mrs. Hamilton, right, lights hug. candl. in beautiful tabl. centerpiece as Mrs, Isabella Brixner, on. of thos. assisting at th. party, watches, Photo by Guderian Holiday Dinners JiZ SPEAKER E. B. Lemon, retired dean of adminis tration of Oregon Stat. University, will addreis AAUW on Saturday, Jan. 19. WHAT COMKS NATIRA1.LY Fluffing, sometimes called "shedding." is natural in most new carpels. Loose bits of pile show up on the surface. Repilar vacuuming will soon remove tlitsc loose bits, and fluffing does not allrn't the quality of the rarpet. 825 MAIN STREET Sl ianuary 12 M A. ianuary V C3tf l&i seomess ttoc&ingsl I TwZ!&Ty tav uo fa M 05 fj Stamless stockingsl Retired Dean To Be Speaker E. B. Lemon, chairman of the State Scholarship Commission, will address the American Asso ciation of University Women on Saturday, Jan. 19, at the Wincma Hotel. The scheduled speaker, retired from the faculty of Oregon State University in 1959, has served in various capacities during his 48 years of service: first as profes sor of accounting and business management, second as regis trar, and finally as dean of ad ministration. He is a member of Who's Who in America and Who's Who in Education. "Why Higher Education Scholarships?" is the keynote of his address. Mrs. Pat Cerlach, arts chair maq. announced that original art work such as paintings, sculp ture, jewelry, silk screening and weaving by members of AAUW will he on display at the Satur day luncheon. All members, es pecially those who have recently joined, are invited to call Mrs. tierlach al TU 4-9100 in order that proper arrangements may be marie to display their original work. lionesses for the afternoon are Mrs Richard Wylie and Mrs. Har rv Todd. Reservations may be made hv calling Mrs. Stan Neit ling before Thursday noon, Jan 17, at TU J-5.W2. Couple Greet Twin Sons Mr., and Mrs. John Monteom- ery are the proud parents of twin boys born Jan. 3 in Sacramento. Mrs. Montgomery is the former Rose Stone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Valk, longtime Klamath Falls residents. SETTLE FOR THE BBST Never settle for the second-rate when you make a fashion pur chase. If a dress is not lined, docs not have a deep hem and pinked, stitched scams, leave it where you found it. BIRTHDAY PARTY BONANZA - Twilla Hubble cave a surprise birthday party at her home in Ronanra on Jan. 5 in hnnor of Linda Kra:ier who was i-rlehrating her 14th birthday. Mrs Florence Horn baked and deco rated the birthday cake and she and Mrs. Harry Kraiirr and Mrs Hubble were adult guests. Others attending were Stacia Peterson. Peanna Scott. Patricia Spillane and Tony. Brian ami Tamic Hubble. h amwiiwiaaam nanajiMiianiHiiiwa The holiday calendar in Langell Valley was marked with several dinner parties. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gift had as their dinner guests on Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O Keefe and children of Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walsh and children of Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Noble and family and. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gift and daughters, all of Langell Valley. Enjoying Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dearborn were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Johnson of Burns. Mrs. Artie Freeze of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson and Scotty of Goldendalc, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brown, Lois and Patricia of Jordan Valley, Mrs. Ruby Brown, Fred and Bill Dearborn of Langell Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and Trudy of Dairy and Dcanna Brown of Los Angeles. On Dec. 26, Burton Brown of Riddle, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. For rest Fretwell and daughter and LeRoy Brown of Jordon Valley and Judy Brown of Caldwell joined the family for a post-Christmas visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leavitt en tertained with two dinner parties during the holidays. On Dec. 23, Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Burnett, Monte, Maria and Richard Burnett, Ray Vowell, Rodney Pfioffer of Sprague River and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hodges, Coralee and Bruce of Sacramento were guests. Joining the party later in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Derry of Malin and their son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boek of Los Angeles. .On Dec. 24, the Lcavitt's guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dear born, Paul, Ted and Mark, Ray Vowell, Mr. and -Mrs. Wes Dear born, Bill and Fred of Langell Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smel cer of Bonanza and the Hodge family of Sacramento. 1 i Off During Our Storewide January Huge Savings in Every Department Use Your Charge Account 512 Main Free Parking 5th & Klamath SIbot rap LOW in calories. HIGH in vitamins. HIGH in Proteins. LIGHT in body. , GOH HAM JANUARY SILVER SALE! Twelve Famous Designs At 30 Sav;ngs THE AMOUJ ENCOU DESION GROUT English Cidroon Theme Lily of the Villey Decor Madam Jumel Louis XV E'ruicin King Albert Nocturne Hunt Club Versailles Willow. Now, through January 30th only you cin save 30 over regu lar open slock prices on twelve beautiful sterling designs in the special Corham Encore collec tion . . . available year-round st regular prices. ' Garcelon's Klamath's Gift Center 522 Main TU 4-4Ji1 YOUR FASHION DOLLAR BUYS MORI MOW! Maternity Wear One Lorge Rack Priced To Clear Good Color Selection In Olive, Gold, Black, Some Floral Prints. 2-PIECE DRESSES SMOCKS Corduroy SKIRTS Corduroy CAPRIS CHILDREN'S DRESSES One Rack Good Selection Values to $10.98 Vi PRICE! January DISCOUNT Shoe Sale! NATURALIZER M90 JOHANSEN "" OP Volue to 18.99 12.90 FLATS, CASUALS FLATS' DRESS SHOES 6i.. D.K , .... Pahaa, lira Strides. Vol.. to 14.49 v . Vela. H 10 i g00 90 y90 yi SHOES 617 Main Ladies' Winter DRESSES Values to $42.00 700..1700 LADIES' ROBES Terry, Cotton and Cotton Quilts Yalues to 9.98 Now Priced From 400 J500 '329 . $?79 afa $300 One Rack, Girls' SKIRTS & BLOUSES Vi PRICE! LADIES' SPORTSWEAR OFF One Table 1 MOW 4 One Table BOYS' WEAR Greatly Reduced! ' All Sales Final No Refunds No Exchanges EXTRA SAVINGS With UICCII JIQIlip In The Town & Country Shopping Center . tilv MbkW