HERALD A.VD NEWS, Klamath Jerry Lewis Tops President Kennedy's Pay By Signing $200,000 TV Contract ," (EDITOR'S NOTE: Comedian Jerry Lewis has signed a con- tract bringing him a gross of 1200,000 a week to put on tele- - vision shows. President Kennedy -gels approximately 1,500 a week In salary and expenses.) By VERNON SCOTT United Press International HOLLYWOOD (UPIi - Jerry Lewis is 36 years old. Many people think he is the imnicsl comedian in- show busi ness, a natural and great clown. Others he leaves cold. Some he nauseates. Whatever the critical opinions. Lewis has just hit a $40 million jackpot. Here is how he did it: .Lewis became the object of af fection of the three giant tele vision networks last July when he played host on NBC's "To night" show, one of many replace ments for Jack Paar during the summer. Lewis' antics, interviews, off-the-cuff observations and general fun brought response from view ers that topped all previous rat ings of the show, surpassing the best marks set by Paar. Imme diately after the two-week. tint .Lewis was contacted , by NBC, CBS and ABC regarding a regu lar show. Lewis demurred, say ing, "I've had enough of televi sion to last me a lifetime. I'll stick to making movies." 1 it y t .. . v S i w m t e. 1 . r s. f NO STRINGS HERE Singer-actor Dean Martin is shown with Jerry Lewis in a 1 956 comedy routine that seems to have involved knot-tyinq. The partnership ties ' have lonq since been severed; there are no strings on Jerry now . . . and seemingly no limits to his money- ' makinq ability for he has just signed a top TV contract. UPI Telephoto Perelman Pillories Craze For Culture NEW YORK a'PIt - Sidney Joseph Perelman is a parodist and satirist with a writing style so wild and extravagant that it resembles nothing so much as- well, life itself. Offhand, you'd say that his stuff isn't for the stage. Not that he hasn't been represented in the theater a few times over a pe riod of some 20 years. But on those occasions, he served as a collaborator on the librettos for musicals, none overly memorable The result was not real Pcrcl man as he is known to the read ers of the many pieces he has written for the New Yorker mag azine over the years, most ol which also have been collected from lime to time between book covers. But now, after a . long lapse the humorist is back in the thoa ter. and this time it is pure Perelman and it comes off well in "The Beaulv Part" at the Music Box. It is. to employ cliche around which Perelman could write a whole dissertation "a million laughs." The show stars Bert Lahr. who has seldom been funnier. In fact, since he plavs five characters tins almost makes the whole thing a bargain even at today's hich ticket prices. This is a most unusual enter tainment that has been produced bv Michael Ellis in association with Edmund Anderson. It has a revue flavor, yet it is ' not a musical, as most revues are It has a story thread, which most ordinary revues do not have Pnssihly the show is best de scribed as a scries of related sketches. Perelman is nut to pillory the current craze for culture, which finds almost every citizen with time on his hands dabbling in some phase of the arts. His pro taionist is a scion of wealth who tries to find career in the cultural' maze, e.vpenme ntin with writing, paintin:. the movies, television or what have you? It veins to me that the au t:mr dilutes his original intent a the show moves along to settle lor comic Situations and charac ter that don t hac too much toj Falls, Ore. Sunday, The excitement abated until November when the new televi sion shows on the three networks had had time to prove them selves. It was a disappointing new season and the networks again cast about for a personality who might give new zest and appeal to their programming. They came calling on Jerry Lewis. An associate of the comedian says: "It was embarrassing. We couldn't have all of the network representatives bumping into one another. But within three days time the chauffeur - driven lim ousines pulled in and out of Jer ry's driveway like a parking lot. Reaches AHC Agreement Ixjwis' meetings with NBC and CBS were inconclusive. But he and Dan Melnick. vice president of ABC programming, met at the comedian's home and after two hours of dickering agreed to a contract. It was the first of its kind for the American Broadcast ing Co. In previous years NBC had signed long-term, multi-mil- lion-dollar pacts with such as Milton Berle, while CBS had locked up the services of Jackie Glcason over many years. According to Lewis' spokesmen. Jerry's contract involves a total of $40 million. However, all of that sum does not stay in the comedian's pocket. The network will pay him $200,- 0O0 each week, starting next fall, to put on a show. All costs of do with his "message," but I'm not going to quibble about this When you can set up as many laughs as he does, why be par ticular? Funny though it is. strictly from the standpoint of "physical' business by skilled players, it is only fair to warn that this is a most sophisticated show, and if vou're not familiar with the "in side" of literature, art and show business, you're going to miss about half of those million laughs Still, don't let that keep you awav. Lahr, in one ot nis cnar acterizations, as a senile tycoon with an anti-Communist complex is worth the price of admission :f -' rv -r. . - it t :1 MMUMMI ,'.0 WEDDING PLANNED Actor Tony Curtis, 37, con firmed rumors that he plans to marry Germsn actress Christine Kaufman, "but not until she is 18 years old." Miss Kaufman, who was 18 on Jan. II, and Curtis are shown together in this photo from the set of "Tarai Bulba " UPI Telephoto January 1, 1963 talent, craftsmen, writers, etc. must be paid for by Lewis. If Jerry can put on a show for $50. OHO. then the remaining $150,000 per week is his free and clear. The contract calls for 40 shows a year for five years, Thus. $200,000 a week for 40 weeks, multiplied for five years, comes to $40 million. The contract can be cancelled FANTASTIC FUTURE That little crystal ball from which "swami" Jerry Lewis seems to be getting his in spiration seems to feature the sign of the almighty dol lar and well it may, for the 36-year-old Lewis, comic but no fool he, has just hit a $40 million jacltoot by sign ing a TV contract. UPI Telephoto at the end of any year if Lewis so chooses. What makes Lewis worth so much money? - AVivlcs Make Million! His track record. He has been one of the most phenomenally suc cessful stars in entertainment his tory. Each of his movies, with and without Dean Martin (and 12 of them were made without his ex-partrieri, have earned a mini mum of $5 million. Usually the gross from the pictures is about million. The biggest money- earner of them all co-starred Mar tin and was titled 'Sailor Be ware." It has earned somewhat more than $9 million. Lewis' organization vows that his television shows were never topped in their time slots in the ratings. This means that when ever his show was on the ait more people were watching it than any other. The question arises, it Lewis was successful on video why did he quit? Eirst of all. the straight salary monev was not as big as it is In the movies. A regular television how at least the comedy, var iety type of program he did was on exhausting project. Further, Iwis frequently complained about the limitations and interference he encountered with the old tele vision show. The new one has a loose, spon taneous quality with the same in (ormalitv that marked the "To night" show. In recent years Lewis, making two or three pictures a year, is supposed to have grossed $4 mil lion annually in personal income. Wardrobe Fantastic Wealth has had tremendous im- r .s v A.ri - 4 A -A ..! li J PAGE 5-C pad on Lewis, who grew up In near-poverty in New York City. His prosperity is most evident in the luxury of his wardrobe It can only be described as fantastic Lewis owns between 200 and 300 suits, all made to his measure ments and none costing less than $250. Additionally he has dozens of sports coats and no less than 500 pairs of slacks, also tailor made. He has 50 tuxedoes, hun dreds of sweaters and pairs of shoes. He buys $35 handmade shirts by the gross. While he spares himself nolh ing, neither does Lewis stint lr his generosity to his friends. He gives them jobs, money and enormously expensive gifts. His home, loo, is open to friends. And some home it is. He paid the widow of Louis B. May er, the late movie mogul. $400,- 000 cash for her home. It is a 33-room mansion with 15 bath rooms and an out-sized swimming pool located on St. Cloud Road in the most fashionable section of Bel-Air. Gardens and home oc cupy three acres of hillside prop erty. Two armed guards patrol the grounds every night Jerry's response to three kidnap threats against his children. Many Personal Appearances A full-time gardener manicures the lawns, shrubbery and trees. Inside the home, seven servants care for the Lewis clan a cook, a butler, two nurses, two maids and a social secretary. The secretary works in a Well- equipped home office just off the library. Despite an active family life, Lewis must sjicnd much lime out of town making personal appear antes. TV NOTES NEW YORK fUPH - The re- cnt ABC Bing Crosby special, with Mary Martin as guest star demon. str a led one of the things wrong with television. Mary isn't on it often enough; in (act al most never, except in the "Peter Pan" repeats once a year or less often. She w as dclichtful ! And Bingo wears well enough to do more than two or three shows a season. Once upon a few years affo Nat Hiken. creator of the highly sue-1 cessful Phil Silvers series about Sergeant Bilko and the currently hot NBC skein, "Car 54. Where Are You?." thought he had a CBS deal for a half-hour comedy series called "Hie Great Monta gue." starrini Sir Cednc Hard wicke and Vivicnne Scual. But it failed tn be accepted alter a pilot was made. Now, Hiken has the same idea back in production with Dennis King and Myrna Loy as the stars and hopes the ver diet will be different. Someone up there must like Joey Bishop. In two successive seasons, in two different situation comedy format. Ibc personable comeomn has failed to ct really off the ground But he'll be back next fall with a one -hour vanct type of show. It's to b hoped thai such a change dors the trick Few gel so many chances. F-JP f w 3 "J t, KBES-TV Llltlitl ccntilnitj hartlH in pafellihttf at a uhiic wvica v tha Htrai) an Ni. Thli ntwtaaatr H nit rait ikla lar crrtrt in limti ar prairam eantant n (urnlihaa by fha ifaltan. Praaram llitintt tablacl la tfianta wtthaat nalica. Par atftfltlaaal tnfar malian tall lha ttatiaa. MBDftORD, OREOON Chanrtal S Pacific Standard Tim January t January II SUNDAY 11:00 AFL Football Plavofl 12:00 CtiaHenst Golf 1:00 Around lha Homa 1:15 Social Security 1:30 Higher Education & You 2:00 Oral Robfrtt 3:30 Sunday Sporti Spectacular 4:00 CrtamolonihiD Bowling 5 00 Father Knows Beit 5:30 GE College BoM 6:00 20th Centyy ;30 Password 7:00 The Jetsoni 7:30 Dennis The Menace 1.00 Ed Sullivan :00 Real McCoys 9:10 G.E. True Theater 10:00 Candid Camera 10:30 What's My Line 11:00 News 11:15 Sign Off MONDAY 1:00 Captain Kangaro 9:00 Calendar 9:30 I Love LUCV 10:00 McCoys 10:30 Pete and Gladys 11:00 Lov of Life 11:24 CBS Nawi 11:30 Search for Tamarrew 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 Collage of tha Air 12:30 As the World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 House Party 3:00 To Tell Tha Truth 2:25 CBS News 2:30 Jane Wyman 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Nlgnt 4:00 Johnnie Linn Shew 4:30 Discovery 'A3 4:54 American Newsstand 5:00 Alvin 5:30 -Rln Tin Tin 6:00 TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel 5 Report a:15 CBS News 4:30 McHflle'i Navy 7:00 My Three Sons 7:30 Dakotas 1:30 Lucille Ball Show 9:00 Danny Thomas 9:30 Andy Griffith 10:00 77 Sunset Strln 11:00 ABC News Final 11:15 Sign Off TUESDAY 1:00 Caotaln Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 I Love Lucy 10:00 The McCoys 1C 30 Peie & Gladys 11:00 Love ol Lite 11:24 CBS News 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding LiQht iz:oo Lonege oi The Air . 12:30 As The World Tumi 1:00 Password 1:30 House Party 2:00 To Tell The Truth 3:25 CBS News ,. 2:30 Jane Wyman 3.00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Johnnie Linn Show 4:30 Discovery 'A3 4:54 American Newsstand 5:00 Sky King 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel 5 Repert a: 15 Waiter Cronkita Newt 4:30 Tha Deputy 7:00 Country Show 7:30 Young People's Concert 1:30 Red Ski I Ion 9:30 Jack Benny 10:00 Garry Moore 11:00 ARC News. Final 11:15 Sign Off WEDNESDAY 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 t Love Lucy 10:00 McCoys 10:30 Pate and Gladys 11:00 Leva of Lite f 1:24 CBS News 11:30 Search for Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 college ei me Air 12:30 As the World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 House Party 3 00 To Ten the Trulh 2:25 CBS News 2 30 Jane Wvman 3:00 Secret Slorm 3:30 Edge of Night 4.00 Johnnie Llni Show 4 30 Discovery '43 4:54 American Newistund 5.00 Uncle Bill's Advenfura Time i )! Yogi Bear 4 00 TV Weatherman 4:05 News 4 15 CBS Newt 4:30 Hillbillies 7:00 Ortie Harriet 7:30 we-on Tram l:W Going My Way 9.30 Dick Van Dyke 10:00 Naked City 11:00 ABC News Final 11:15 Sign O'f THURSDAY 100 Caoteln Kangaroo 9.00 Calendar 9:30 I Love Lucy 10:00 McCoys 10 30 Pete and Gladys it: Leva af Life 11:14 CBS News 11:30 Search for Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 11:00 college at mo Air 13 30 As the World Turns , 1:00 Password 1.10 House Party 3,00 To Ten Tha Truth 2 25 CBS News 2 30 June Wyman J:00 Secret S'orm 3:30 fcdge of Night 4.00 Jehnnie Linn Show 4:30 Discovery '41 4 Si American Newsstand 5 TO Mighty Mouse 5:30 Roy Rogers 4 00 Your TV Weatherman 4 03 Channel 5 Report 4 15 Walter Cranbiia 4.30 Snorts Roundup 7:00 Rifleman 7:30 Mr. fcd I 00 Parry Man 9:00 Twilight Zona 10.00 Aitoe Premier 11 00 ABC News Final 11:15 Too Slir Bowling 12:15 Sign O'f FRIDAY 00 Cantain Kangaro 9 00 Calendar 9 M I Love Lucy 10 00 McCoys 10 30 Pete and Gladys It : 00 I nt of L if II 74'CBS News 10.30 Search for Tomarrow 11 45 Guid'ng LlflM 13 00 Co'.eoa of th Air 13 30 As the World Turns 1 no Paiswaro 1:30 House Party 2 00 To Ten ina Truth 7 CBS New 3 Jane Wyman 3 00 Sachet Storm 3 30 Ertg of N.gnf 4 00 Johnny Lmn Show 4 30 D'Vftvfry '4) 4 14 American Newsstand 5 00 Magtc Land 5 30 HutneWrry MOuM 4 00 Your T7 Weatherman 4 05 Channel 5 Report 4 15 Walter Crtf-HI 4 30 Story Ot ' 7 oo Leave ft 'a Beaver 7 in 9 nHfy.fi I Route 44 10 I'm Dickens He's Fnstr 10 00 AH'd Hitchcock II 00 ABC Nws Fin! 11 10 La News Final H U Stage S 13.45 Sign Off SATURDAY ij 10 Bi'0 Bu"ny I) ) Wag.C Land 1 00 My Friend Flick I m TRA 1 4$ Vivt W-th City Pntir DO ehmD'nnip Bridge 2 X) Challenge Gnif 3 X Pro'evonal Bowlri Tour 5 no vat.ne 4 00 Dan Smoof RaMri 4 li Channel 5 Report 4 30 Flmtstftnet 7 M t'v Got A Secret 1 30 Jer e G'eaon I W Tha De'enrjeM 9 jo Have Gun- Will T'l ifl 0 Gummo It 00 News Fmal 1 1 is Stage 13 45 V 0" O'f - TV Schedules For KV IP-TV as a Bktlia service ky lha Herald and Naws. This nawtaaeer Is net reiaan alale far errors in times ar areerem aantent as furnliht by the elehen. Prairam lislinis sukjaet ta chana witheet aalice. Per addltlaaal I alar matlaa call tke statlea. REDDING, CALIFORNIA CHANNEL 7 January 13 January 19 SUNDAY 1t:00 AFL All Star Game 7 00 Challenge GoJf 3:00 Issues and Answers 3 Dan Smoot 4 00 The Northerner 4.30 Oan Smoot 4: '5 Medical Panel Discussion 5:00 Ma tor Adams Tram Master 4 00 Mark Rogers' Reports 4 JO Death Valley Days 7.00 Ensign O'Toele 7:10 Oisney'a Wonderful World f :J0 Car 54 Where Ar Yag 9:00 Bonania 10:00 Voice of Firestone 10:30 Howard K Smith 11:0 David Brlnkley 11:3 This Is tha Way, RehglfruS 11:00 Lata News MONDAY 9:30 Educational !: Price Is Right 10:30 Concentration 11:90 Jane Wvman 11:30 Yours For a Song 12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 13:30 Father Knows Bl 1:H Loretta Young " 1:30 TV Bingo 3:M Day In Court 7:24 Midday Report 3:30 7 Keys 3:00 Oueen For A Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery ' KVIP-TV 4:55 Bandstand News 5:00 Brave Stallion 5:30 Mickey Moise Club 4:0 Newsbeat North Slat 4:15 Huntley-Brlnkley 4:31 Gallant Men 7:30 Chevenne I 30 R 1 He man 9:00 St one v Burke 10:00 Ben Casey 00 ABC News Final 11:10 Sportscasl 11:15 Tomoht 12:24 Lata News TUESDAY 9:30 Educational 10:00 Price Is Right to-30 concentration 11:00 Jane Wymen 11:30 Yours For a Song 12:00 Ernie Ford Show 12:30 Father Knows Bait 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 TV Bingo 2:00 Day In Court 3:24 Midday Report 3:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen tor Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery 4:55 Bandstand News 5:00 Cartoon Tim 5:30 Mickey Mouse Club 4.M Newsbeat Norihstat 4:15 Hugttey Brinkley 4:30 Laramie 7:30 ComBat 1:30 Hawaiian Ey 9.30 Untouchables 10:30 Don't Call Me Charll 11:00 ABC Newt Final 11:10 Soortscast 11:15 Tonight 12:35 Lata News WEDNESDAY 9:30 Educational id 10 Price Is Right 10:30 Concentration , 11:00 Jane Wyman 11:30 Youra For A Sena 13:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 12:30 Father Knows Bast 1:00 Loretta YOung 1:10 TV Bingo 2.00 Day In Court 2:24 Midday Report 2:30 7 Kay 3:0 Oueen For A Day ,30 Who Do You Trulf 4.00 A mar lean Bandstand 4:ZJ Discovery 42 4: Si Bandstand News 5:00 Broken Arrow 5:30 Mickey Mouse Club 4:00 Newsbeet Northstal 4:15 Huntley-Brlnkley 430 International Showllm 7:30 Wagon Tram 1:30 Going My Way 9:30 Our Man Hioolns 10 00 Naked City moo abc News Final 11:10 Sportscasl 1t:1S Tonight Show 12:25 tat New THURSDAY 9:30 Educational 10 00 Price Is Riflhf 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Jane Wyman 11:30 Youri For a Song 12.00 Erni FOrd Show 12:30 Father Knows Bast 1.00 Loretta Young 1:30 TV Bingo 3:00 Day In Court 3:74 Midday Report 2 30 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen For A Day 3.30 Who DO You Trust 4: no American Bandstand 4.30 Discovery 47 4-55 Bandstand New 5:00 Super Car 5.30 Mickey Mouse Club 4 00 Newsbeat Northstet 4:15 Hunticy-Brinkley 4 30 Father Knows Best 7:00 Guest ward Ho 7 3 Adventures of Out and Hart let 1.00 The Donna Reed Show I 30 Leave It To Beaver 9:00 My Thr Sena 9 30 McHaie's Navy 10:00 Fred Allaire Premier 11:00 ABC Newt Final 11:10 Soortscast 11:15 Tonight Show 12 35 Late News FRIDAY 9 educational 10 00 Price Is R'Oht 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Jane Wvman Shew 11:30 Youra Fr A Song 17 00 Tnnss Ernie Fro 12 30 Father Knows Best 1:00 Loretta Young l.ffl TV Bing J O Day in Ceurt 3 it Midday Report 2 3 7 Keys I N Oueen Par A Day It Wh Do You Trust 4:04 American Bandstand 4 30 Discovery 47 4 SI Bandstand New 5:00 JUI'S Party Time I 3 Mickey Mouse Club 4 00 Newsbeat Norihstat 4 IS Huntley Brinkley 4 X) Films of the Filiet 30 Ftintstones 9 I'm 0nni He's Fntr 9 JO 77 Sunset Strip 10 30 Rebel II 00 ABC News Final 11:11 Sports Cast U K Tomght S'iOW i 35 Lai News SATURDAY 9 00 Sharl Lewis 9 30 Km Leonard 1 00 Fury 10 30 Magic Midway 11.OO Too Cat 11 30 M ti.es Funnies 12 00 Bugs Bunny 1710 A'ekatem 1 00 My Fr.end Fticka 1 10 Tha Notnetner 3 00 Dan Smont 7 30 Disc Date 3 Pfofei'Ona1 Bowlers 4 00 Dan Smont 4 IS Ftim Fare 5 00 Wide World of Snorts 4 JO Jetsoni 7 00 FiQht of The Week 7 5 Make That Spare I 00 haytl I itn Bisheo 9 00 Lawrence walk 10 00 Wr. Smith Goes ta Washington 0 y Sunday Night vevie 11.30 Let News KOTI-TV liittaft aeataiaed herein are ekttthed at a ! tervie tvfhe Herald e4 Newt. Tan newspaper reap at faf errors in time f program entnt at tarnished by m tt Prere Httiags teblecf t Cheng withoot nette Fat eddtfl! later matiM )H tM ttatie. KtAMATM "Ul QftfOOM Channel I KOTI-TV Pacific Standard Time January 13 January 19 SUNDAY 11-00 AFL All Star Game 2 00 Oral Robarls 2 30 Sunday Sports Spectacular 4:30 Dan Smoot Report 415 Sports Highlights 4 30 TflA 5:00 Major Adams Trailmaster 5:30 G E. College Bewl 4.00 201b Century 4-30 Trails West 7 00 Ensiqn O' Toole 7:30 Jettons 1. 00 Sunday Night Movie "Inherit the Wind'' Spencer Tracy, Frednc March 10 00 Candid Camera 10.30 Howard K, Smith 11:00 Sunday News Special MONDAY 10 00 College of the Air 10: 30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wvman 11:30 Yours tor a -Song 12:00 Ernie Ford 12:30 As the World Turns 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:30 House Party 3:00 Day In Court 3:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge ot Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:00 Discovery '63 4 55 American Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain's Corner J:05 Town & Country Workshop 5 30 Dennis The Menace 4:00 Your TV Weathermen 4.05 Farm Market Report 4:10 Stock Market Report 4:15 ABC News 4:30 Local News 4:45 ScoMy's Barks 'n' Biles (Sports) 7:00 Mr. Ed 7:30 The Dakotas 1:30 Riflemar. 9 00 Stoney Burke 10:00 Ben Casey 11:00 ABC Final Repert TUESDAY 10 00 College of the Air 10.30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wyman Presents 11:30 Yours For A Song 13:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 13:30 As Tha World Turns 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:30 Hous Parly 3:00 Day In Court 2:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4 30 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain's Corner 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw 5:55 Tech Talks 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Farm Market Report 4:10 Stock Market Raprt 4:15 ABC Nws 4:30 Local New 4:45 TBA 7:00 David Brtnkley'l Journal 7:30 Combat 1:10 Hawaiian Eye 9:30 Untouchable 10:3O Brll & Howell Closeup 11:00 ABC Final Report WEDNESDAY 16:00 College of the Air 10 30 Aueen For A Day 11:00 Jan Wyman 11:30 Yours For a Seng 17:00 Ernie Ford 12:30 As Th WOrld Turns 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:30 Hous Party 3:00 Day In Court 2-30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4 30 Discovery '63 4 S5 American Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain's Corner 5:05 Fimd-o-Rame 5:30 Yogi Bear 4 00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Farm Market Report 4:10 Stock Market Report 4:15 ABC News 4.30 Local New ' 4:45 Sportsman 7:00 Harei 7:30 Wagon Train 1:30 Going My way 9:30 Our Man Hlggins 10:00 Naked City 11:00 ABC Final Report THURSDAY 10:00 Colleg of th Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jan Wyman 11:30 Youra for Seng 17:00 Ernie Ford 12:30 As The World Turns 1:00 Father Knows Bast 1:30 Hous Parly 2:00 Day in Court 3:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3 30 Edge f Night 4.00 American Bandstand 4: 10 Discovery 'J 4:53 American Newsstand 5 00 TBA 5 30 Buliwinkl 4 00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Farm Market Report 4:10 Stock Market Report 4:15 ABC Evening Report 4:30 Local News 4:4SSctty's Bark 'n Bites 7:00 Deputy 7 3 Oin and Harriet 100 Story Of I 30 Leave If T Beaver 9.00 My Thr a Sans 9 30 McHaie's Navy 10.00 Premier 11:00 ABC Final Repert 11:15 Top Star Bowling fRIDAT 10:00 College of th Air 10 30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jan Wvman Presents 11:30 Youra for a Song 17:00 Tennessee Erne Frd 17:30 As Th World Turns 1 00 Father Knows rest 1:10 House Party 3.0 Day In Court 2:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:J Edge at Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4 30 Discovery .'4J 4.55 American Newsstand 5:00 Or. Cal. Panorama 1:30 Huckleberry Hound 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Farm Market Report 4:10 Stock Market Report 4:15 ABC News 4 30 Letsl Newt 4:45 Scotty'a Barks 'n' Bites 7:00 Mr. Smith Gael to Washington 7:10 Valiant Years I 00 Father Know! Best 30 Fllntsfenes 9.00 t'm Dickns-H't Fensttr 9:30 V Sunset Strip 10:30 Lloyd Bridget 11:00 ABC Pinal Report SATURDAY 9 00 Captain Kangaroo 10 00 The Alvin Show 10 30 Mighty Mouse Playhouse 11:00 Top Cat 11:30 Beany 1 Cecil 13 00 Bugs Bunny 17 30 Magir Land of Alakatem 1 00 My Friend Flick 1:30 Sky King 2 00 Davey 1 Gotiath 2 15 Social Security 3 10 Challenge Golf 3 30 PBA Bowling 5 00 Wide world of Sfwts 4 )0 Country Show 7 00 Fight of the Week 7 50 Mat- that Spar I 00 Gallant Man 9 no Lawrence walk 10 OO Guntmoko 11:00 News Sports KMED-TV Littlaga eaatalnad herein are llittd a MHit eervice ky th Hera'd end Neva. Tan newspaper t roee iikio far arrart m time r prrem cement at fernlthed ky th Italian. Prerm tlttiagt teklecf f hen ithtt nafice Par atleal later matie call th tfatien. Channel te wnoorto, omoon Pacific Sterner Tim St'N'DAY January IS January If i? 00 'on On I? CS Satrefl Haert II IS Th Ch"'rptirt I? JO rVeafcthre'.nh 1 no Pr Bnl Onmt t Su-viay Cinema- Apache. Warrior ft ThurvfarliMl Js J M Enatejn TTev 7:M Disney War Itl f Cfllr I M Car U, Where Ar YuY t 00 Bnni ifl oo DuPent Shew ot th vmli 11:00 Newt .1:0 Sign Off MONT) AT 7t S'n On iVftrntno Vft 9.X Continental Classroom The Week KM ED-TV 10 W Th Prlc Is Right 10 30 Concentration H;00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequences S3 nbl News 12.00 Mery Gnltin Show 13:55 NBC News 1:00 Lerelta Young 1:30 Young Dr. W a lone 2:00 The Match Game 2.25 NBC News 2:30 Make Room for Daddy 3 00 Queen lor a Day 3 30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 Focal Point 4:30 Popaye Theater 5:00 King Leonardo 3.30 Our Gang 3:55 Weather Window a 00 Newsreel 10 4:15 Huntley Brlnkley Report 4 30 Our Man Higgins 7 00 Valiant Years 7:30 It S A Man's World 8:30 Saints and Sinners 9:30 Tha Price Is RlQht 10:00 Ben Casey 11:00 News Ten Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 News, Weather, Sign Oft TUESDAY ' 9:75 Sign On Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10 00 The Price Is RIGHT 10. JO Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 NBC News 13:00 Mery Grl"ln Show 13:55 NBC News 1:00 Loretta Young 3:00 The Match Gafne 2:25 NBC News 2:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen for a Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust T 4 00 Focal Point 4:40 Poneve Theater 3 00 Mnqic Ranch 5:30 Laurel and Hardy 5:55 Weather Window 4:00 Newsreel Ten 4:10 Sports HlOhllghtS 4:15 Huntley Brlnkley Report 4:30 Combat 7:30 Laramie I 30 Empire 9:30 Dick Powell Show 10:30 Chet Huntley Reporting 11:00 Newsreel Ten Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 News, Weather, Sign Off WEDNESDAY 9:75 Slan On Morning Visit 9.30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price Is Right io:jo concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:.'S NBC News 13:00 Mery Griffin Show t2:55 NBC News 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 Yeung Dr. Melon 2:00 The Match Game 2:25 NBC News 2:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Oueen For Day 3:30 Who DO YOU Trust? 4:00 Fecal Point 4:30 Popeye Theater 3:00 Ruff and Rddy 5:30 Our Gang 5:55 The Weather Window 4:00 Newsreel 10 4:15 HUnl ley Brlnkley Report 4:30 Sam Benedict 7:30 Th Virginian 9:00 The Bob Hoo Show 10:00 The lflh Hour 11:00 Naws Ten Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 News, weamer ana iign on THURSDAY 9:3S Sign On Morning visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Prlc It Right TV Service AH makti, oil kind . Pick up nd Delivery $rvic up to B pm dally 24 yari of Mrviet to tho Klamath Basin. Phono TU 4-5121 or 4-7241. tkthtftbluiic L 12 N. 7th B&B RADIO i ELECTRIC Compltto Scrvlco on TV's Radios Record Players US.6th TU 2-4414 Pliflty el Frat Parkinf 2? ACE TV ZIHITn lmn I Srr. ' FOR THE flHEST in ty-kamo mm PHONI TU 4-3MI NOW!!!! Home Service Call $4.50 1140 Rivtnlda Drive Opan 9 to Mon. thru Sat, itt) MONTGOMERY WARD 9th I Pine TU 4-3148 AIRLINE.' PICTURE TUBE SALE Ot Popular 21" Tubet i pO Yur via Trada-I Installed by Factory Trained Technician! Inlay iharp TV pitlurai with tupar alumlnliad aictura taba , . . tnada tar Ward by Itadtnf , tuba . -ny taetarar. Guarantaad lar ant yar. COMPARE AIRLINE QUALITY AND LOW PRICES ON ALL OTHER SIZE TUBES' 43 KMED TV 10:33 Concentration ll:ry)Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or consequences 1:33 nbg News 12:00 Mery Griffin Show 13:55 NBC News 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 Young Dr. Maljn 2:00 The Match Gam 2:75 NBC News 2' 30 Make Room For Daddy 3 00 Queen For A Day 3. 30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 Friendship Circle 4 30 Popeye Theater 5 00 Fury 5:30 Laurel and Hardy 5:55 Weather Window 4:00 Newsreel Ten 4:10 Sports Hlghllohts 4:15 Huntley Brinkley 4: JO Feature Profile 4:35 Sporti Special 7:00 Touchdown '62 7:30 Wid Country 1:30 Dr. Klldar 9:30 Hatel 10:00 Andy Williams 11:00 Naws Ten Night Repert 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 News. Weather. Siqn Off FRIDAY 9:75 Sign On - Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price Is Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or consequences 11:55 NBC News 12:00 Merv Grlfftn Show 12:55 NBC News 1:00 Lorette Young 3:00 The Match Gam 2 35 NBC News 3:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen For A Dty 3:30 Who Do You Trust? 4:00 Focal Point 4:30 Popeye Theater 4:55 International Showtlm ' 5:55 Th Weather Window 5:50 Weather Special 4:00 Newsreel 10 4:15 Huntfey Brlnkley Report 4: JO Stony Burke 7:30 Gallant Men 1:30 Sing Along With Witch 1 9:10 Don't Call Me Charll 10:00 Jack Paar 11:00 Nawi Ten Night Report 11:15 lonignf snow 1:00 News, weather and signorr SATURDAY 11:05 Sign On Minister'! Round Tapi 11:30 Exploring 17:30 watch Mr. wuard 1:00 Snarl Lewis 1:30 Magic Midway 3:00 Saturday Matl.e 3:30 Sports International 5:00 All Star Golt 6:00 NBC News 4:30 Wyatt Earp 7:00 Fight of th Week - Mak That Spar 1:00 David Brtnkley'l Journal 1:30 Joey Bishop 9:00 Saturday Night At Th Movies: It's A Woman's World 11:00 Intermission Newt 11:03 Seven Arts Pi ay house: I Was A Mai War Brlda 1:00 News, Weather, SignOff BEEBE'S TV and RADIO Service Packard-Ball 4 Sylvania SoUt HfC Gntn Stampi Ittl OratM TU 4-flW NELSON'S TV Packard-Ball TV & Radio k Channel Mattar Trantittor Radio We Service All Mokes of Radios ond TV's DAY OR NIGHT! lExeapt Sunday) All Work Guarantaad 1005 Shaira Way TO 2-3479 J Billy Golden All Makei & Models WE CAN SAVE 80 of all Picture Tubes Lilian fa "Party Una" with Tom Mann, KFLW, 12:33 P.M., Daily. "HAVE TUBES WILL TRAVEL DAYS, NIGHTS & SUNDAYS" PHONE 2-1259 "BUT-HowCana Private Citizen Fight the Reds?" ( I t , ..de . S i Hrrt't how: by helpinfr to broad CMt tha unnmwernbla tnjtha tbt keep tha Coauxiunuto off balnnee. Whtrti At Communiim'l WMkMt apot Enntern Kurope, Her 80.000.000 people at ill re piitt Red domination ... in Po land, In Cterhoilovakia, in Hunjary, in Bulgaria, in Ro mania. Flare many powerful Rufninn division are tied down, unable to leave. You can help keep the pm aure on, by supporting Radio Free Europe's daily news and commentary broadraat service to captive people. Theae mes sages of truth snd hope are counted among our major weap ons in the Cold War. Radio Free Europe Is sup ported by private contributions. It needs your help. Give now whatever you can. Stand upand he cocnted. You'll he proud you did. Radio Free Europe Fund Aaoefiree Paapai i Cavefap Vaave ts CaajifiiaefMa f. O. 1fJ, Mnt Vernon, N. Y. PVik4 a aW erif in HMtjtraivm milt raa A4fUif Cntnfit and la J CiwrisfiMe AuptiMton