r Iffralb ambStto$ They'll Do It Every Time Sun., Jan., J3, 1963 Page 4-C KggHBiijwav " By Jimmy Hatlo Poetry Sja L in& M TME HOSPITAL, I IN THOSE DAYS In those days, at the turn of th century, Linkville on Liuk River, Acquiring a sense of dignity anc a feeling for origins, Elected henceforth to answer tc the family name of the basin, "."r .mi TwirP PVERY DAY- The Indian name of the noble lake 1 L- ' . ( qO-tS-SO.' U I Ml I U SWWflWoW -Ijjfflf TRYMS wa- NATURAL I gn DAVNCSTERDAYLOOklMS FOR THAT U LI? "Y VCZ y VISST. I Mnwurn iiMorn, . pSTDO&.'NOFEETIMW&RETREATAV""",. C X ? X I BACK SEAT--WITH I now HER HUBBY MUMBERRY IS NM Moscow weae soRe than mine Nr 7 vesbtabi.es. im 1 m fun oMMUi praMUS...rr'; Tnn II ihkoat is read fo laryngitis iJ 1 i t " j CI SHE VISITED HI TWICE EVERY DAY- I MUCH FOR THE POOR &ALTO TAKE". SES U T flf yh. Ir POOR DEAR BROTHER-AKt) f I 1 ui m . , RAGf&ED I KJeMIDASLB AS A J-s---? CU. w flW 1 2 " " ' irVDuSrevbu HAVE EVERY- h-id ( II pWAEu " NICE AND I S M0T!1I(7 ) O ? 1 ooow NIGHT- . -4LJ-te1 I m TOURNAMENT.... j- I K J W J. M fejPSVlilH 'CAU Vlrrjfc tgKfl ll'll V.W ff'lA I illfiSlk I'M' llai'll' Hi' I . I (YOU A LOT OP MONEY 5RESS, A NEW XAT. ANY MORE MONEY J V I'LL BE THE "' '7' JJ J 'VLl. ifTiiiMi"'" -n-.::j !-.!.. ...,. J at the big sale , I shoes, gloves and we'll all land in J ;1 f eest-dressedA " L mmUllllllB VATTUDBURYSj ACCESSORI ES AND , -rTHE POORHOU5E y V. WOMAN THERE J , , , I f TODAY V EVERYTHINS S If ' ' 1, I ! II a k ir -r"i i XT l- I I r AAOMI-)PD I s I GUESS IT S N " 1 NEEDED V V ', i )) WEWAKiup) rDREAM TIS, Mf DEPENDS ON . . f)) U 'J 1 1 TO FIND IT'S r cursor ; NJT?C.ftl9"JLJ S m F J7 Uh e v i i ori THINITMAT T J A((lf??.X TiK 4 " A VWi " L?2t I I ANOALLTHIS TV r CISAS. I V DOGSUK. I WAR OVgUNlSMf KvL TIME ITH0U5HT S o 'WWiv' ikyfflACK' i --r - (""15.52 SWVWSAHBf y j J . ' 's'f j TiiSr A yjr "r ("'zjisro I weu,howare M... .WHILE we wait for that V 1 I but,osca.r,that V v I ...A million YEARS OUT I ...I i ,.ylV'.' '' M-ar-g"- ' -Vje- 'gJ 1 f jfeg jS.--- I YOJ POINS NOT REPLACEMENT WTO OOP'S I POOR GIRL. FACING ITS A A OF US ELEMENT, THANKS 1 " ' ' ' I WITH OOP AND GOOR lM ) MANAGED TO FALL DOWN UP TO THAT... ( ONOSAuR,. ) TO MY SLOPPY HANDLING , 1, , I, . THE TIME- V AFRMR. AND BANG UP AN WHATEVER , A OF THIS MACHINERY 2ZL VE5 irB! JEPPA, yE...HELP LOOK WHAT I OHiMY 6TAR51 VOU ARB SO UNDER- STUOy HARP.OOrtl ISHAU iTV INE? S -S. ANKLE,. JtfM . fT IS V"T aw l-e? S. THE CAR IS WAITINfl. IME WITH THESE. FOUMD IW PAPA' ( MV PRICELESS 5MUPIWS, Mil MuKEEll STOP SV VOUR SCHOOL ON x ir mrFHJ - 1 fiT m " la.VA ' NAHASKArAWU ABOUT PACKED? PAPA WILL SHOW LUSSAGEl HB TOOK IT V CHAUCEL, WHAT TERRIFIES MSVViY WAV TO WAHIWiSTOU! I' L i I -irflS Jfc lA. y A'il AKEEiwHArrZ-n simpson My during the wght. rrs iswHArwAynAPPEU IrS-i i j , nT . I hCp- fc J .Lf , y& J 1 Wt A8 ' r' " ,,i, t-yi lJ LAulr lilnSni ( ILL HELP JSAVEVER BREATH! I'M I I ( ...SINCE WY CAR'S BEING VP"' I vfuNiA!! rrvcusTOMERS! Ii 6B3CSSKK J .-vL- iu Trrifi (BUT, BUSS, I...) Ml V THArs AWPUaY (f ' I'rr, SZL. ' Hsi HJ ,!PII Ml I 6RANflHA uJILL 7 Aw'TVIHinFYwn iVf fiflT Til VOUR BLANKET (. H TAKE Kro?E5He ItAWAV. COMES? . FROM ME.. U- I I I u lTHI5UlLLMK'eHERI:Ea5H 5H NEEDS WDEf?5TAN0NS HAS ACCOMPLISHED gOWTHIN6 . The Shmosof.Outei Shmongolia were once a fierce nero-woi-Kino race P'T'I And theaone fatal day, a returned trav eller" fllcKed a mys terious seed off his coat. It grew. They cal led the blossom Shmosebud6.' Little did they real ire that they extract an energy, from aillivino creatures -or miles around : Soon the once-fierce Shmos were behavinfj ne this i in m 1 1...... iii watt,-. 1 rrr nn hpwai ro i iua Th,c iu I ii I crw ng i i - u i " . . i i i 1 i i i r : . . . - . - i i i a n H Avx-Ra. I " 4TUPeND0n6' I NTMI IT." I I -rUiL' I HI III .J2 CONTMI&ir." May: - UHUMUaww V l' f mi tr wu. he. TM us ew. l-tZ ii'ini njiiifiTi'iii " iini ' ii Ji i Vou, too, y Fracas has already y m- -j. rritf He' a A I'm sure he will. But 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ZZZZZZZmrmT! ,'uee2ix.Irancro somel V,,1.6, J ui T!. U'hatMr Fuddle fl?e U line to that IT ' I " were poinoall ) I I I i mopep he'dhavemore W fsA lvl'- ""fl""" T thinq rather interetinq about don t want to hear M6 donei qentleman V' ?Mri uou uihat V we can... UY blcodto draw out...blcod P ' I C2rlLC uour neighbor. Mr. Fuddle. 7??YI fV rwmor A e ihim' ndU1111 Al'! I tvefound. - ---n peeure-is down tow I U iHtM't Mi' k I thought mou might- J I y-T ' naue a ((:L I 1 Pv T I I 1 fi ! M ir- v over jo-is he getting ' I -UjI (i'v J V fc r-y ,-) Vl'X I C (T'l -v UWVjerfMl I'V-'fTrVj I'S.-' 7 i VVJ iltA l-V'i W I CORTIiC.e2.WHEWS cant wait! c-et him v5,fl 1 ' I i&st& W!m ft UvM tkfi ssr;)fd smmhLL I li CHI 1 1 Yzb&rlU 1 II tlP leS k:..: ff i came to tuc police to 1 pT ' 1 1 . -a-jpiw . T vo ; i 7 1 1 1 "vv 1 1 . I BEOWLW Tahcwn I GET WE1-P- B'JT 1 BUT. ;4l ' i ?,U ' vP f W. PUT FEEUE IS OW IS TO: G8NERA1 HA1FTRACK MAN NnUiS V 'ILTEDf V MRS- Laa Z.Cf A OM V.L i PONT WE X IfyJ,- V S'K TRVIN6 TO P OUR I IT WORKING RSADQUAETERS VTTamII'mV -V r- -P-r 1? V WAVE ANY -N ' COMWNV CIE AMP . CAA SWAMV CAME?? 1 AM AROBBERV , V f-jL A I I - A TYPISTS IM L-t' ? V'c.- LEABN TO TYPE AT y (y-V VX j TEAR SIR: vVICTIMf yjky' I -irr 1 m 3r TVE VX tmesaaietie.C",'V 5-H -. The OuicK brown p.rK ' illift i - 1 1 iL r-""M - " 1 1 ir " r f r - m I V v Tl I IILTVI r-Jj y- X I A IWI i.r.nn. , , ,qyj mf l "C.W ipBY tof FICiMFPS" ' II DOPE HCXlSf s SOjTL ESS ' J BUT l : j I r WiURLMfi I NllHAnirlN rUIIT N k. XJL y c-AtJCfVrCMAcKri'y I uu muM,i,jiTvi' II nucmA,iT da, i-ri-c- 'I IS THAT ) STyJr-- yx TtXJ vLJI jo L li-- ; - sr f ISPVON'fl Utue'NKTWTto- J I ANY o' TH' MAYOR'S ( NEVE 5 CHANGES! I STA ( ' i)' vr"11 r k.- Tl '( ' I cve.vjancf.; foco,too' V I kt.FpiF'S homes) j six. rrw -..v. r WW lvv U- ril vt JUSTICE IS WHAT WS MAKE IT, ,4Anc nun NOTHING LSSS! Nj OCTI0N6?Y?-;-f ly J from which the "link" is de scended, And to know itself as Klamath Falls there was really a falls in those days. In those days a scanty six hun dred of pioneering people Dwelt on the river banks al the west end of Main Street Mud in the roads, snakes popping up through the cracks in the sidewalks A raw, wide - open lunber town off the route of the railroad. But in those days, just the same, there was no mean store of culture: Artists, musicians, college people caught by the Western fever: In those days an opera house and public-spirited performers; A local newssheet prompt to pro mote, an audience prompt to respond With the last full measure of ap preciation; a music conserva tory; And tlie children of frontier fam ilies early learned to take in beauty. And in those days an intrepid band of tireless resourceful . women Dreamed of a public library, and, dreaming, began rock-bottom, Without a book, a stick of furni ture, building, or cent of money, To rob bookcases, closets, attics. for chairs, lamps, stoves, and tables, To comb the streets for a room, and lo, before the year was over, ' A library actually came to birth, and "open to the public," In late November, the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and five. With what gigantic labors they boosted their meager bank account. , With moonlight excursions on the lake, ice cream socials, and concerts! They gritted their teeth and can vassed Main Street for dimes and quarters, To keep their feeble child alive, and fed, and finally growing And they did not fail! In those days! And in the year of the Oregon Centennial, As long as the little river links two bright lakes of the Basin, s long as the Cascades nourish them with streams from the summits. The folk of the Klamath find their way lo Library Row and the treasures Accrued through more than fifty years from that heroic investment Made by the pioneers of Klamath r alls in those days. Miriam Smyth. SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS Most people think of Christmai As a day of fun and jolly, But tliis may prove lo be Many people's folly! Children think Christmas Is a dav o opening gifts; And trying out the things Which gives everyone a litt. Other people think that Christma? Should be a day When you should read your Bible Then be happy and gay But I think of Christmas s a day of going to church, I think people should be h,-ppy But still go to church first. Genie Matlock, Ape 1(1, fifth grade, Rte. 1, Box 31, Bonanza. BRIDGE BCRVEKS There may be paths that mean der back Across the misty way. There mav be dreams that start alresh Back where we dreamed one day. Some place beyond an outer star With strange new eves to view, Could some bright new tomorrow be The yesterday we knew? Alas (or dreams, for knowledge too. The twain that seldom meet: Tomorrows and the vestcrdai Apart and incomplete! To journey back from down the road; To meet a yesterday And take our pan life by the hand To guide another way! There may be paths that mean der back But not for u to take: We burn a bndje forevermoie With every choice e make . Earl Olidewrl'. m North First Street. Hermuton. Ore.