WOW! WINWORD NOW NOW - A NEW $ CI ENBi f' T:.f. .-naan ii i For Coimvord Contestants N V N Everyone Can Play QNW Try Your Skill Right Now! PRIZE GOES UP $25. WEEKLY Plus Your Chance To WIN UP TO $50 BONUS Check The Ads At Right, See How You Can Win Up to $50.00 Extra In This Big Contest! cor39?D PRIZE 1975 00 1 j I'Si FT "N: A' TfV , fp g I ElRi fC Aj E lAJMG.ER- I IqI TtIrI ItIhI I 1 R NAMI - ADDRISS CITY - STATI ( ) Start a NinU t New ImwHiiMly! Complete, dp.i h. .1 SUIURIAN DRUG OR WAGGONER DRUG CO. . . . er paite an 4t port eerd end moil I. Herald and Newt, P.O. COIKWORD CONTEST RULES 1. Salve COINWORD T" weald araat word pultte. i J. Anyone It eligible ta eater riio eeeteet exeept ployet of tho Horold and Nowl aad tneir taailllat, aad eo. plerea af Shoo WorahavM aad Weggener Drag Co. oad their foMiliai. 1. A contottont may submit at many entriet at ka wlihti, uting the anliy blank printtd in (hit papar, or eteet utd, kand-drawn factimilei at tha puaile moda without uia af carbon papar or athar duplicating maant. 4. Ta tubmlt on entry a aaataatant may dapotif hit eemplated punlt along with hit aama and oddratt la Hia COINWORD contatt ba at Weggener Drug Co., 83 Moin St., ar Suburban Drug Co., 3950 Se. 6th, er attach tha com. plotad puula alang with hia nama and addratt on a Jc pott cord and mail It ta tha COINWORD Iditar. Harald and Nawi, P.O. 941. Mail antriat moat ba paitmarhad not latar than S:JO p.m. Tuataay, ana anrrini men mwrwr,wm IRD eenreit baiaa by 13:00 naan weaaeeeet. in tha COINWORD Daylight Saving Tima S. Tha Harald and Newt will award a prita af SlOf .00 ta tha winaer af aath wetk'l COINWORD contort. If mara than ana winning antwar It rataiyad, tha prlaa will ba di vldad equally amang the wianart. If na aarraat aalatlaa it rtcaivad, tha amount af tha waakly prita will ba incraattd J2J.09 aath waak tha putt la la not talvad. . Thoro it anly aaa aarraat aalatlaa ta aack COIN WORD puiala aad anly tkat carratt antwar caa wia. Daal. lian af tka ladgaa la final and all cantartantt agraa ta abida by tha atficial anrwor tappllad by tha COINWORD adltar. All antriat baaama tha praparty af Hia papar. Only ana prlaa wiU ba awardad ta a family enrt. 7. Intriat matt ba aMlled ar delivered by hand bttara titling daadlintt. Na aatriat taa ba ratarnad. Tha antwar will kt pabllthtd In tha Harald and Nawi. CLUES ACROSS 3 A manner cor, be ove-deme. (Noity, Natty) CLUES DOWN An invariably attract, younger,. (Pantrv, Pastry) A Itaal judgment could pay"t by a bonk. (Defer, Detetl In a circus, whan a lion lamrr gets into a , h is reody to perform. tCoje, Cooe) A twre owner alwovt concerned abeut hu orofiri. INet, New) The-.a mole love convincingly. (Aves. Eve) l thu I? done correctly, the reiult tfcould bt elav. (Added. A'ded) Comlortmo on a cold winter mjht. (Health, Hearth) A neglected would prove to b. a senoui hojord on a farm. (Denier, Manger) A loog.awo.ted should produce a areat pleas- Ure. (troth, Truthl 1. The wrong could throw 0 cowboy off hit court. (Steed, Steer) 2. The arch for a definite might postpone the production of a ploy. (Tyke, Type) 3. A new could Inspire o youngster. (Nib, Nub) i a would not seem foolish In natural sur roundings. (Yodel, Yokel) 5. Goes be'ore a fall. (Price, Pride) 6 One would be surprued by an unepected (Parry, Parly) . A welder who did not tale hit seriously could hove an unhappy "lutu'e. (Wedding, Welding) 13 Most theatre people follow a (Diet, Duet) 15. A book publisher might with a writer would prornotly. (Edit, Eit 16. Without any a man might be disconsolate. (Hoir, Heir) 18. Abbreviation for railroad. Deposit Your Entries At Either COINWORD Sponsors Suburban Drug Co -or -Waggoner Drug Co. 3950 So. 6th 839 M,i" Or Mail to: Coinword Editor P.O. lei 941 Extra Coinword Papers Available At Waggoner Drug and The Herald and News! COINWORD MOVES TO SUBURBAN DRUG CO. COINWORD fW J25 BONUS f ... if you correctly work the COINWORD puula one) have o co.h register receipt of one dollar or more from the Suburban Drug dated within 7 day prior to the winning an nouncement. Bonus split in casa of ties! We've moved COINWORD from the Shoe Warehouse to SUBUR BAN DRUGS starting with the puzzle in today's paper. Bring your entries to Suburban and deposit them in the convenient box locat ed in the drug department. This will give everyone in the South Suburban area a more convenient location to deposit Coinword en tries. Remember, visit Suburban Drugs every day for the finest in prescription service, drugs and sundries and a most complete var iety department. Open every day of the year! Open 365 days a year . . . 366 on leap year. Open 9 till 10 , . . 9 to 9 on Sundays & Holidays Druggist On Duty at All Timet Current charge customers may charge anything in the Suburban Drug Bldg. at the prescription counter REVLON WINTER LOTION SPECIAL Moisture Lotion for Hand or Body. Avail able in Aquamarine or Intimate fragrances. ' 2.50 Value A 60 Now I Plus I Tax Revlon 'MOON DROPS' FREII 4-ei. 'Moon Drepi' Moiilurltlng Cleaner with purchaie af 2-at. 'Mean Drept' Moiitutt (aim. REG. JtkL 98c in 79c i f WW MCES lllllk l 1 ill! jalli. ' .- IB $4.50 Value for 700 Plus S&H GREEN STAMPS Dristan Tablets - 79 5 Anacin ,o Tb,ct 98c r9. n nii AM . . O Dull llUlrUII v,oaorant ' r,UI 1 u r9. cpsa.. CDc unieiie ruaiiijr Congestaid 89' Kleenex 400Coun, W Sucaryl Liquid 1P, 1;99 9- U!mw.j n:i ooe Reg. 33c Reg. $2.23 $1.19 Reg. 83c 1-Qt. Squibb Crest Toothpastes,,,. 69 51 gauge elastic stockings by Bauer. Black VAPORIZER SPECIALS Limited Supply , wT AIMatlif, trith rubbnr In every ' mpporling ihrmdlor A kimlt of mppert your doctor uanlt you u nave. More doefors r"mrriand Bauer & Blark than sny other brand. No oUinr give you both tht i"ri yoo want (-31 ga'ige") the total mpport yoe netA. Northern Voporizer-Humidifier Reg. $8.95 OQQ NOW ONLY a57 Reg. $11.95 rflO NOW ONLY QOO $25 COINWORD BONUS if you eorrectly work the coinword punle end have a cash receipt of one dollor or more within 7 doy prior o the winning announce ment. Bonus spur in case or riesi Hankscraft Jr. Vaporizer Reg. $4.98 NOW ONLY L -Lk fTTiiTrii.fiilTrnii r-n. &HfGreen Stamps