I 11 FUTURE PRESIDENT This Robert Kenn.dy'i 6 - year , n,i,0y i o . year - old son, uavia, snows mm itting by the duck pens alongside the pool on the south iwn or the Whit Hn TK. In. t kw reads "A future president signed with the President's Potato Theft Suspect Tripped By Fast Work Fast detective work by t wo Klamath County sheriff's deputies led to the arrest of a Lorella t man Wednesday night, two days . after he allegedly stole potatoes valued at $450 from the Jen drzejewski ranch in Bonanza. The suspect as Richard Giffin. 27. who escaped from officers of the sheriffs office as he was being taken to the county jail following his arrest. As the sher iff's patrol car stopped in front of the jail, Giffin stepped from I the vehicle and fled along Klam ' ath Avenue, finally outdistancing his pursuers in the vicinity of ' South Fifth Street, ile is still be ,. ing sought by the sheriff and ' city and state police. The' detective work which linked Giffin to the burglary of ,-0 sacks of certified potatoes 'from the Jcndrzejcwski spud eel . lar, Jan. S. wAs thai of deputies iLou Bogart, Klamath Falls, and Bob Hartley. Bonanza. ' Folwoing tlie burglary, Bogart and Hartley went to the Jen' !T drzejewski ranch and made plas- Choice Given "Power Firm SALEM (UPI) An alternative - to a $2.3 million claim against - Idaho Power Company was an- nounced Wednesday by Atty. Gen. 1 Bobert Y. Thornton. He proposed fish hatcheries be built to replace an estimated 10.000 spawning salmon destroyed - during construction of the Oxbow Dam on the Snake Hiver in 1958. Z'- The proposal filed with the Fed- eral Power Commission would have Idaho Power Company ci- 'ther pay the $2.3 million or con struct the fisheries. The claim for $2 3 million was tiled with the (FPC) last Oct. 10. Idaho Power subsequently filed a petition asking the complaint be dismissed. Thornton said he based his ac- tion on a provision of the federal pow er act which makes a licensee liable for damage occasioned to the property of another as the re full of construction of a dam. SAVE ON SLIDING ALUMINUM WINDOWS Complete With Screens yQ"xT-0" 11.45 Wxy-o" 13.15 4,-0"x2,-6" 14.55 SMTW-O" 23.00 In Stock Ready for Immediate Delivery 3-0x2-0 & 3-0x3-0 also available in frosted glasi Borrow up 16 Hii mt. Buy On 34 " CAj I $ 300 CO $ 9 it TrniiC soo.oo TCKMb i 700 00 SJJ3S $1,000.00 $31. J l J '771 Hvv;. l picture of Attorney General - old son. David, show! him inspects his property" and is signature. UPI Telephoto ter casts of the tire marks they believed were made by the auto mobile driven by the burglar. In the meantime, Giffin, under sur veillance of sheriff's deputies since his release from the state peni tcntiary several months ago, was considered a suspect. The next day. Hartley took the plaster molds and parked near Giffin's residence. He then moved to the suspect's automobile crawling part of the way, and discovered that the markings on the tires of the car were similar to those on the molds. He then returned to his office where he received reports from several people who stated they had observed a car identical to Giffin's near the victim's spud cellar on the day of the burglary. Hartley relayed the information to Bogart who obtained a search warrant and went to Giffin s residence the following day. Gil' fin was away, but Bogart was let into the dwelling where he found five of the 10 missing sacks of potatoes. Subsequent investigation indi cated that the suspect was at a tavern near the Lakevicw-Mernll junction and the deputies, along with other officers of the sheriff's department, went there and ar rested him. FAMILY B roasted Chicken Spaghetti Pizza Pie Try Our New French Fried Ravio'i Eat 'Em Here or Orders To Go. LUCCA CAFE Ph. TU 4-3276 2354 S. 6th 3P1 BR,N6 MSj THE J. W. COPELAND Lumber Yard 66 Moin, K. Falls Chiloquin Wiie Told Husband's By AXN LANDKRS Dear Ann Landers: My hus band is a 52-year-old, hard-hitting, driven business man. We have a lovely home and a fine family but he is too busy to notice When the stock market goes down a, quarter of a point he no tices that, how ever. Three years ago Lew had a se rious heart attack. His doctors told him he must lose 40 pounds and quit smoking. He hasn't lost an ounce and he smokes more than ever. He has had diabetes for 10 years and is all right when he remembers to take his medi cine. When he doesn't remember he goes into shock. This has hap pened twice in the last six months. I've begged, pleaded, threat ened, cried and even left him. but nothing fazes him. He still eats whatever he wants, smokes. drinks too much and works 14 hours a day. What can I do with a man like this? FRANTIC Dear Frantic: Nothing. But you can do something for yourself and your family. See that his insurance is in order and check with his lawyer to make certain he has made a will. Dear Ann Landers: I am 19, and live at home with my par ents and two older sisters. When I graduated from high school two years ago I wanted to leave this small town and go to a designing school in Chicago, but my parents and older sis ters wouldn't hear of it. They said they d miss ,me and worry about me, and besides, they said, there is too much meanness in the world and they didn't want me to get involved in it. Maybe I should be grateful ior the love and interest of my fam ily, but instead I am resentful. We talked about this again last night and they tell me I'm un grateful and that I have no right to worry them. If this is love, I hope I never love my children. Please help me CARBONDALE CHEVROLET Keeps Going Great No wonder Chevrolet is so popular with a choice like this: the luxurious Jet-smooth Chevrolet, lively low-priced Chevy II, sporty rear-engine Corvair, and jnlfj.rJi 4 . ' two new versions of America's grf rv jJ 1ZHT; J See 410 So. 6th STREET To Check Insurance Dear Carbondale: Love makes no demands. It is willing to take Its chances, for all of life Is ris ky. The Indian poet Tagore said. "Let my love, like sunlight, sur round you and give you Illumined freedom." And this is what love should do. Love thai shackles and imprisons is not love at all. The ultimate goal which par ents should wish for their chil dren is Independence. So leave the nesl, little bird, while you still have the desire and the cour age to fly. Dear Ann Landers: Our daugh ter Roxanne was 15 last August She has always acted older than her years and even began dating at 12. We just couldn't hold her. She met a sailor who is based nearby and has gone completely crazy over him. He is 20 years old. doesn't say much, has tattoosj on his hands and arms and a cigarette hangs out of his mouth at all times. The sailor will be leaving soon for 18 months of overseas duty. Roxanne wants to be "pre-engaged" to him before he ships out. She says this is not a regular engagement, just an understand ing that they will wait for each other. They would wear each oth er's friendship rings. We are ready to say yes just to get some peace and quiet around the house. We are tired of all the fighting.-WORN OUT Dear Worn Out: No 15-year-old girl should tie herself up with a boy friend who is half a world away. Say no. It's high time you saved this girl from herself by telling her what to do. This Is what parents are for. To learn how to keep your boy friend in line without losing him. send fof Ann Landers booklet. Necking and Petting And How Far To Go," enclosing with your request 20 cents in coin and a long, 6elf-addressed, stamped en velope. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Chevrolet Impala. Sport Coupe-beauty, ride and comfort you'll go for instantly Cnrvair Monza Club Coupe irith enazzy bucket seat interior Jour entirely different DUGAN-MEST HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Income Tax This is the second of eight ar ticles in the newspaper Eutfr prise Assn. Income Tax Primer, for readers who want more in formation than Is supplied In the official instructions. By RICHARD A. MULLENS and CHARLES W. SCHOENEMA.N Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. If you are an employe, inde pendent businessman, doctor, law yer, salesman, or corporate offi cer and you do not properly sub stantiate your travel and enter tainment expenditures, either you. your employer, or both may be denied a deduction on 1963 tax returns. You should keep a diary, note book, or other record of the time. place, amount, and "the business purpose" of all such expenditures and of all business gifts you make In addition to the diary or the record you should have canceled hecks and bills, or bills marked paid" for all major expenses. The Internal Revenue Service has published detailed rules to en able the taxpayer to know exact ly what will be required. A diary is a recommended means of abiding by the 'aw. In the diary should be the dates of each business trip and business entertainment. The city or town where the tax payer stays, where he eats and where he entertains must be not ed. The amount of every expcnsel item must be noted. The only exception is where, the items are repetitions or "contemporaneous" as where you make live tele phone calls in a day, and where a! series of cocktails or one meal for a group is served. Cab fares canl also be grouped together. So can tips. Ball game tickets, dinner and drinks would each, however, be separate items unless they were one check. Car WAX & POLISH JOBS from . . $12.00 Sparkle Car Wash 4023 S. th Ph. TU 4 5543 only all-out sports car, '63 JET-SMOOTH CHEVROLET j kinds of cars at your Chevrolet dealer's Showroom! CHEVROLET COMPANY KLAMATH FALLS Falls. Ore. Friday, Primer (2) Items should be entered at least once a day. But even noting ail expenses in a notebook or diary is not enough (or the more expensive items. Fori these, canceled checks plus the check or a check marked "paid" will also be required. The business purpose must be noted in the diary. This means the intended business benefit from either a trip or entertainment. Also, the law requires that the "business relationship" to you of the person entertained be noted. If you pay one check for three customers and yourself at your home town, and if you have no breakdown available of the total. then tho IRS would divide the total by four to test whether that one-fourth is allowable to you per sonally. It would not usually be deductible while at home. If you use a charge account or credit card you must still main. tain itemized records as set forth above. A total charge from the credit card company will not sat isfy. Keep individual vouchers from the company. An employe reimbursed for ex penses is, of course, subject to these requirements but can ulti mately satisfy them by an ade OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10:00 J. W. Ktrni NORGE LAUNDRY & CLEANING VILLAGE 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 Corvette. KEEP DETAILED TRAVEL, ENTERTAINMENT RECORDS The moke more people depend on Impala Sport Sedan one of 13 Jet-amooth Chevrolet Chevy II Nova i00 Station Wagon-thare the. easy-care features of the big Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray Sport there's aho a new Sting Ray January 11, 1963 PAGE 5 - Records quate accounting to his employer n.e., by turning over tlie records to tlie employer). The, employer must in turn maintain adequate records and require proper ac counting by tlie employes or lose travel and entertainment deduc tions. Note: If you want more Infor mation, you may obtain a free booklet "Travel, Transportation, and Entertainment," Document No. 50)9, available as of Jan. 1 1963, at all local IRS offices. Next: Your 1862 return, CAUSES STIR ROME. N.Y. (UPD-Radio an nouncer Don Alexander created a stir Thursday when he left out one word in reading an announce ment for a sports car rally that ended thus: "They urge you to, wear warm clothing and bring youc survival gear. The omitted word was "warm." The DANMOORE HOTEL 1217 S.W. Morrison St. Portland, Oregon All TrsniUnl Gnttli. All 4heM high, na liw. Frt (trig. TV't and lUdlof. Epo,tttlen lor cltat llntM. Children antUr mvb, a charf. Coupe Convertible PHONE TU 4-3101 CLOSE-0 G E APPLIANCES This Is Our BIG CLEAN UP Of 1962 G-E Appliances G E Automatic Dryer i -1 -! r" Model DA-420W II J G-E Automatic Washer 11 I mso A 1 y S Console NO MONEY DOWN WITH TRADE 600DYEM SERVICE 11th & Klamath MODELS HIGH SPEED DRY ING at low warm temperature d r I 1 clothes safely. Fast moving currents of properly wanned oir How through the tumbling clothes, dry ing them quickly and naturally. NO MONEY DOWN With Trade Only $1.50 Per Week 2 Cycle, 12-Lb. Capacity S Rinte-Wash Temperatures 2 Water Levels CLOSE-OUT , SPECIAL! NO MONEY DOWN With Trade Only $2.25 Per Week . Stereo NO MONEY DOWN With Trade Only $1.50 Per Week STORES Phone TU 4-8141