PAOE-1! HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Friday, January 11, 1983 LEGAL NOTICE NO. PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In tht. Matter of the Estate, of GEORGE W, GROVES. Deceased. Notice, li hereby glverr that I have (tied my final account of f r admlrtn- tratlon of tho abova entitled estate and tha Court hat appointed January 21, at id a.m. ai mo lima hearing oblectlont to aucrt final account and tht settlement thereof. Wm. Ganonfl, Executor Gar-ong & Ganong Attorneys for Executor No. lei, Dec. 31, 3S, Jan. A. IT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice It hereby given that the under- signed has been appointed executor of me Estate of James T. snore, aeceeieo, by the Circuit Court of Klamath County, Oregon, and that all person) h a v I n claims against said estate art hereby not It led to present same to said executor at the office of tht Undersigned at Room 4. Meinasa Building, Kiamatn f-aiu, ur. gon, together with proper vouchers, with' in six months of the date of tht first publication of this notice, which it Dt comber 31st, 1963. L. L. MYERS Executor O'NEILL & MCLAREN Attorneys for executor No. 163, Dec. 31, 31, Jan. 4, II. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Common Council ef the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, proposes to annex to said Cily, territory described as iomowi: an uated In Klamath County, Oregon: Beginning at a point South 89 degrees 10 East 386.5 feet from tne (.ewer or sec' (Ion 31. Towmh d 38 South, Ranae 9 t W.M.i thence South 89 degrees 10' East 245.1 feef to the easterly lint of Wend ling Street It extended northerly; thence South 15 degrees 15' East, along said exienoea line of Wendllng Street to the northerly line or me oio veierens Aamimiiraiior access road; thence southerly and west' ery along sold road to the easterly line ot Cnanning street, if extended normeny, Mid point being South 7 degrees 59' East ot the point of beginning; fhonce North 7 degrees 59 West to the point ot beginning. The Hlh. day of January, 1963, at the hour of 730 o clock P.M. thereof, at a reg ' ular meeting of said Common Council to be held In the Council Room of the City Hall for said Cily, Is fixed as the time and place, when registered voters of the Cily of Klamath Falls, Oregon, may ap pear and be heard, on said proposal to an nex to said City, territory within the oounas ot me eoovt description, uoiee Hons or remonstrances filed, or verbal. will be heard at that time and considered. The Common Council of said Cily has elected to dlipense with an election, sub mitting to tht registered voters of said City, tht proposal to annex said terri tory to said City, and in lieu thereof hold tne public hearing called for by this no- lice, said notice having been authorised by action of said Common council, Done this 38th. day of December, 1963. Rosit Keller City Recorder, Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. 866, Dec. 38, Jan. 4 II. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays I a.m. to noon Saturday Count (ivt words per line. Ads under 3 lines count same as 1 Unas. 3 6 10 1 Lines Times Tlmtn Times Wonth 3 S3. SO S4 00 $S 00 $ 9.00 3 3.3S 5.00 e SO 11.30 4 4 00 6 00 8 00 14.00 I 4.75 7.00 f.SO 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advert istmtnt, If paid In advance. Above rates art for consecutive Inser tions, without change of copy, for pri vate individuals. Advertising must M clear and understendeblt to be produo live. All words must be spelled out. Autos ottered for sale by private Indi vidualscash with copy, DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday lor Sunday and Monday. CANCELLATIONS t CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday iese are taken 'til 9:30 a.m. Please read first Insertion of vour ad. The Herald 1 News will give one extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS column Inch, S35 per month with (3 50 discount for payment on or before the loth, vi inch, siv with Sl.w discount for payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy change per month. BOX SERVICE 50 cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, end IN MEMORIAM 12.50 SERVrCIS It DOLLS repaired, modem and antique. I Reasonable prices. Lome's Doll Hospi tal, TU 4-6993, U34 Lakeview. APARTMENTS fO HUNT PARK APTS., 130 up. bachelor, hot water, TU 4-9754, TU 4-3854. 34 REAL ESTATI FOR SALE 30 rural ONE bedroom partially furnished, low oown payment. Mills Ad'n, ixj 4-441 1 MODERN 3 rooms and bath, 140 and up, brtck court, garages. 331 Spring Coin Op Laundry Topload Washers Also 20 lb. Washers TIC SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank DENTAL" PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURn SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3384 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed insured professional service. Trees topped or removed. EDUCATIONAL NEW 1963 World Book Encyclopedia, Ruth schaetter, TU 4-494) before ? a.m. BRIGHT, cheerful atmosphere for your pre-schooler. Attractive, sunny, nicely equipped nursery school, experienced teacher. Hot Springs. Visitors welcome. TU 4-5797. HELP WANTED. FEMALE RELIABLE woman for child care and light housework, my home, 3 day week. TU 4-6057 alter 7 p.m. No calls alter Jan. 13. LADIES: Earn extremely high commi slon plus new seasonal wardrobes. Bee Line Home Fashion shows. No Investment. Car & phone necessary. Call before 10 , or evenings, 7-8 p.m. TU 4-5255. PART-TIME work. Interesting market re search Interviewing. Car desirable. High school grnd. or more. Write Box 436C, care of Herald and News. NEEDED at once, ladies from Dorrls, Malln, Klamath Falls, full or part-time, parly plan, TU 2-4301. WOMAN to care for two small children in my home Mon. through Frl. Must bel permanent and have references. TU 2-0114 after 5:30 and weekends. POSITION available approximately Jan. 15 with Klamath Falls Creamery. Some stenography, general of ice work. Appli cant must be above average typist. This, is a good fob for the right person, waning salary cammensurare to ability or ex oerience. Apply In person to Klamath Falls Creamery Office, s:ju a.m. to ig;ju . morning-. HELP WANTED. MALE 16 PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES CARD OF THANKS A WE express our love and appreciation to those who were so thought lul and kind during our sorrow. The kind expression sympathy by friends and neighbors in so many loveiy ways will always be rememoerea wnn aeep gratitude. Clyde L. James Family SAW FILE who wants permanent position In box fac tory located in Central California. Musi be experienced and have references. Write Box 4J7C, care of Herald ana News. WANTED brake and alignment m Must be experienced. Call Don, TU 4-8141 MILLWRIGHT - WELDER Combination man for night shift in saw mill or plywood plant, send resume in eluding references to Corona Box Lumber Co., Red Bluff, Calif , P.O. Box 790. FUNERAL HOMES G NOTICE OP SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE Is hereby given thai from and alter the 29th day of January, 1963, June H. DesMazes, Conservator of the Estate ot Ailaen O. Scoltf, will, pursuant to order and license of tht Circuit Court ot the Slate of Oregon, County of Klamath, duly entered on tha 36th day ot December, 1967, proceed to sell at private sale for cash or on terms approved by tht above entitled Court, and sublect to the approval ol said Court, all ot the right, title and Interest of A Keen O. Scottf, ward, in and to the following described real properly, to-wit: Lot E of the sub-di vision of Enterprise Tract No. 34, Klamath Counly, Oregon I Bids lor the purchase of said property may be made to the undersigned at the nMtce ot O'Neill & McLaren, attorney at law. Room 4, Melhast Building, 3JS Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated this 28th day ot December, JUNE H. DESMAZES Conservator of the Estate of Aileen O. Scoltl fflo, 161 Dec. 78, Jan. 4, 11, II , 1967 NO. 67-87 PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY tn the Matter of the Estate of JOHN CARROLL HARTI ER, Deceased Notice is hereby given that I have! missing from 1177 West Oregon nea WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. High Street. Phone TU 2-4404. 9251 HELP WANTED 17 MEETING NOTICES 1 Klomolh Lodge No. 77 AF & AM SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Fridoy, Jan. 1 1th, 7:30 p.m. Work Inl the M.M. Degree. All Master Masons cor dially invited. Re- cihments. Gene R. Byrnes, W.M NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted arts published In Herald 4 News are accepted In good faith that the fobs offered are as stated in tne advertising copy we are not re sponsible for the Integrity ot our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reject all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding if to bt misleading is asked to report It to the Classified Ad vertising Department of tht Herald A- News. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 EXPERIENCED ranch steady work of any kind CHILD care, your home or mint any time. TU 2-1778, TU 2-2711. NAOMI SHRINE No. 5, White Shrine of Jerusolem, meets the second Saturdoy of each month at the1 Masonic Temple. Vi Mors & members! welcome. Lois Murphy, W.H.P. I.loyrl Murphy, W O S. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. I a.m. to A p.n 1338 Carlson Drive, TU 2-1844 IRONING, WASHING Hand crocheted ntohan1 Mt ROOMS FOR RENT ....2a 7 blocks STEAM heal, furnished epts., adults; also bachelor apt., 213 Cedar. TU 4-9557. TWO bedroom home, garage. A real buy .or ,vjh. 2212 Laurel. FURNISHED one bedroom apt., gas equipped, adults only, 2033 Eberiem. ONE bedroom furnished apartment. 333 So. Ilth DESIRABLE 1 bedroom furnished apt Clean, close In, utilities furnished. 1 or 7 employed adults, MS for l, TU Z-Z4M days, TU 2-1866 eves. FURNISHED apartments. TU 2-4736. 142 Riverside ONE or 2 water paid. bedroom furnished. Heat, 82S Grant, TU 3-4719. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished, IV avanaoie, weekly rates, pencan wotei, iu " CLOSE lnduplex, furnished, one bed room, laundry, garage, M0. TU 4-3659. NICELY furnished 2 bedroom apartment, 825 Lincoln. TU 4-5692. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fur- shed. Utilities, steam hear, wo. 4-ejtx EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. SO. Ilth. TU 2-1062. BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. COMFORTABLE furnished apt.. utilities paid, 126 N. 3rd. BACHELOR apartment, S47.50, heat, wa- garbage service inciuaea, inquire 223 No. 6th, Apt. 102. , 2-BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wash er, dryer, stove included. Fenced yard. covered patio. fy?o shop. 117,500. Call iu 7-V274 after i p.m. THREE bedroom home for salt. 1749 summers Lant, TU 4-4S39. NEAR Roosevelt School. 3 bedroom home sparkling clean and bright, fireplace, hardwood floors, lull light basement. storm Windows, furnace heal- Owner leav ing town. Assume equity, existing FHA loan of SB, 700. TU 3-5050. pe ymenf. South suburbs. TU 4-3061 eves. NICE 3 or 4 bedroom home, built In oven, range, dishwasher, 2 baths, forced air furnace, unfurnished, make offer. Ori least option, S100 per mo., references,! 5945 Alva. LARGE 4 bedroom home only 3 blocks from school and shopping center. Re duced to 113,000 for quick sale. TU 4-8224. MOVING? We will "TRADE" your property tny- wnri wii Of me Rockies i can DFANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Liceised-Ort. Cal. Ida Wash. REAL ESTATI FOR SALE ... . 31 FINANCIAL LOANS GRADE A DAIRY RANCH Near Klamath Falls, 100 acres real pro ductive Irrigated land in alfalfa and pai ture. Good potato land. 45 Hoistem cows. mux quota, dairy eaumment. home and buildings. A good going setup. Reasonable rerms. oy owner. Ed Born, Rlt. 2, Box oe, Mamain reus, iu 4-9633. FOUR apartments, excellent Investment, Close in, IU 7-2)31, TU 4-6966. ACRE, 3 bedroom south suburbs double garage, shop, chicken house, TU l. IS ACRES, unlmoroved. caved read, beau tiful building site, Henley School District, 14,500. TU 4-7B14. BEDROOM home, Mills, electric heat. garage, storage. S6.500. Can be financed. iu 4-B856 days, TU 4-5707 eves. GOOD 3 bedroom home, Mills. Near shop ping comer, iu 4-jmb. NEW, large view home. Large lot, close to new un ana noipita , daylight base ment. Appointment only. TU 2-0570. i i I Multiple MLo K5 Mills Addition Three bedroom home tastefully decorat ed and immaculately clean, reflecting the outstanding cart given to it by tht own ers. This two story home situated on a paved corner lot has all tht features a discriminating buyer is looking tor. Large living room with large windows looking out on a nice neighborhood. Din ing area accents gracious entertaining Kitchen Is modern with deeo. deeo cud boards and lots of built-ins. Bath and 1 bedroom downstairs. Two large bedrooms ana pain upstairs with plenty of closel space. ii you art interested in bet ter home at a reasonable or ice In t good neighborhood at lust $14,500, call us todayl Has been appraised and will take any type financing. So. 6th Street Highway Frontage 1,?67 sq. ft. of flying spact. Three bed' room home, combination llvlno and dlnina area. Situated 60 ft. back from the busy traffic. Has lots of bullt-ins In tht utility porcn ano Kitcnen. Added attraction, let your renter pay for your homel Two I bedroom houses completely furnished In back away from the house affording you and the renters strictest pivacy. Lots of opportunity In this 99 x 400 ft. lot. All for $19,500 In Henley High School District. CAL PEYTON KLAMATH TRADERS CLUB 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings "Pal" Palone TU 3-08361 Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173! HOUSES FOR RENT 26 NEAR city center. Clean duplex, fur nished, utilities, gas heat, $55, TU 4-B773 ONE bedroom cabin, furnished. OK for couple. Rent, S35. 3335 Shasta. Key at Apt. 2. TWO bedroom house, wired for 220, 3153 Diamond, Stewart-Lennox, TU 2-0757 after 6 p.m. VERY roomy 1 bedroom home. Quiel location. Close to town. TU 4-3669. FOR rent 3 bedroom house, wall to wall carpeting living room. Partly furnished. U 2-3744. TWO bedroom furnished court, S40, Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. ONE bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, M0, Inquire 4107' i Homedale. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, no dogs, $45. TU 4-4281. ONE bedroom unfurnishe.1, electric range, bulltin oven, extra bedroom and storage space attached to garage, 3 acres, 2330 Grape, TU 4-3309. LOT 5, SKYLINE UiEW. Beautiful view oi me oasin, 1,850. FREE CABIN with purchase of lots 4, ano a ot block 20 Chelsea Addition. Selling for only $3,500. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker Jim O'Donahu Eves. TU 4-W3 STROUT IMMACULATE, unfurnished home. Inquire 2232 Union. TWO bedroom furnished house, close in, TU 4-8409. After $ p.m. REALTY bedroom 5429 ,h Ph. TU 4-5281 Eves. bod & sieita Dehlinger TU 3-5601 Hank Holman TU 2-5048 ONE bedroom furnkhed house, call TU 4-4379. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, ke new, $65. 1613 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. TWO bedroom partly furnished, forced r oil heat, $80, water, garbage paid. TU 7V or I U 4-ViJ4. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished, $65, Hilltop Station, 3031 Greensprings. TWO bedroom unfurnished suburban home, $75 month, call Strout Realty, TU 5281, or owner, TU 7-4195. TWO bedroom home, wall to wall car peting, fenced yard, barbecue pit, Tt 922. XTRA clean 1 bedroom furnished house. easonable. Call TU 4-8R79 after 5 p.m. RNISHED two bedroom, hot well. rage, fenced back yard, TU 4-7875. TWO bedroom house for rent, $40 a month. 4-4235. !AT and clean 3 year old 2 bedroom unfurnished duplex. New stovt and refrig- -ator. Mills Addition, I9i. i u 2-4M4. ives. TU 4-5544. OUTSTANDING bedroom duplex on Laverne, electric heat, garage, fireplace, TU 2-4752. TWO bedroom house on Altamont Drive, II TU 4-7911 for appointment to see. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, living oom, kitchen, and bath Full basement. wo garaqes. Gas heat, qas cooking. In sulated. Renting for only $45 mo. TU 3471. LOST t FOUND .2 GfiNTLEMAN. clean room, $20 per month, IS30 Crescent. MFN, 134 R.3rd, clo".e in, nouiekeeping, reasonable, parking, TU 4-9287. STEAM healed, quiet, sleeping rooms. 310 So. 5th TU 2-0214. I SMALL two bedroom house, automatic qas heal, washer-dryer hookup, garage. $60, TU 2-53JJ or TU 4 4419. BY MISTAKE wort home brown coat from tht Satellite on 1-5-63, TU 4-7987. filed my final account of the arfmli Iratton ot the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed February It, 193, at 10 A.M. as the time tor hearing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof Anna Hartilcr, Administratrix Ganong a, Ganong Attorneys for Administrate No. 872, Jan. 4. II, II. 35. NOTICE NOTICF OF ANNUAL MEETING OF MFMBERS OF FIRST FF.DFRAL SAV-1 INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF KLAMATH FALLS. KLAMATH FALLS. OR F. GON NOTICF Is hereby given that the an fuel meeting of the members of First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls will be held at the home oif're of the association at 540 Main Street. Klamath Fails, Oregon at two r clock In the afternoon on the lAlh day ot January, 193 lor the purpose ot let ling three director and for the Irans- i ion nt surh buMnes as may piop Irly come hetore the meeting FIRST FFOFRAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF KLAM AIH FALLS Rv Van S. Mnllison Secretary No. in, Jan. 4, 11, 1963. NOTICF OF PUBLIC SAt.E OF ESIRAYS To Whom tt May Concern: Notxe hereby given that on the ?lnri" day ot January, 1963 at the Klamath $t,kmen Commhvon Co a public sale will be held at which time and place (-- founding rieicnhed estray catlle will od to th hiqfet binder, if not fialnitd hy th true owner piior tn tfl'ri dale Th a'ci'tatd animals at d sched as follows 1 Hereford yearling steer, branded up--de Orwn Y 1 on r.oht rib; 1 He-eio'd yearling he iter, branded ir S'de don Y 1 on right rib, both horned Yacht Ctub, Mack male kitten APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 GENERAL NOTICES .4 SCHOOL AGE BOYS! EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact CLEAN, convenient 3 and 3 room fur nished apartments. Water, garbage paid. Washer, dryer, TV cable available! HO and $50. Villa Marquise, 13JO Oak. TU 4-8)8 7 to 9 p m weekdays, Saturday arrernoon ano sunnays. CLEAN furnished apartment for one. lin ens, cook ware, dishes, utilities, laundry Included. No pels. $55, 3110 Summers Lan. , ONE bedroom furnished duple, watei paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-l45. ATTRACTIVE. FURNIShFO 1 BED ROOM HOUSE, $50. TU 46261. NICELY furnished 4 room apartment Wool rugs. Ask about utilities being paid. Baby accepted, TU 4-377. HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, TU 4-4BS0. FURNISHED clean one bedroom apart ment, hot water heat. Call TU 7-J151. ENJOYABLE, downtown furnished, heat tree. Adults, $65. Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4523. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. $45. Children, pets, ok. References required. TU 2-4590 THREE bedroom home with two bath rooms on Watson St. Unfurnished. $130 per month. Call TU 2-7907 or TU 7-2930. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, south suburban, $65, TU 3 3923. 1 3 BEDROOM unlurnished, ground floor, I auto washer hookup, fenced, $50, T U 4-5684. TWO bedroom unlurnished house. 6073. SPARKLING, uptown, furnished. Larqe li ii , , . I nraroom. extra oain. neai free, aauns. nerold & INeWS, CtfCUlatlOniWS- A'ona Apartments, IU 4-4527. CLEAN newly decorated tor couple or single, utilities, $60. Greer Apts. $40 AND $49 50, newly decorated, couple or single, on th St. Gun Store. Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 PERSONALS ONE bedroom unfurnished house, $59, 2IJ9 Main. Phone TU 3 if 86. LARGE ( lean furnished two bedroom house, close to school ond stores. Call IU 4-8337. FURNISHTD front apt, All utilities paid except lights. Natural hot watar heat. $J 50. Lincoln Apartments, Apt. 5. Of AN STINE will he harov old and new customers at Belie s Beau-i V m-i Art..ilt ootv ly Shop. 770 N. Ilth. TU 4-S777. Ad"'U t",'Yl LARGE WOMAN to Shart furnnhed apartment Reiecentu exchanged Write Box 4J1C cart of Herald and News. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous Tu 4J591, Tu 4-8704 Fr,fodly help anytime BFGtNNESf S' Al ANONfr.endly help" for families of alcoholics. TU 2-5740, TU 3 bedroom, ground floor, unlur nished, available Jan. 15. Also one bed room, eiectnc heat. Close to Kingslfy Fteld, TU 4 7573 VACANCY for lady or gentleman need 1"0 mirttnq and or convalescent Tart Motmtalnview Nursing home, 5 Park Ahland. O'e. Ph. 4IMJI Tk true owner t tht above dvscr ihed nimais may reclaim and take posses .rtn thereof plo to the date of sale hy etlahinh.nq to the Micbon of the Sie Department 0 Aqrkulture hit Own e'Sh'D thereol rd hy paying the imIi ol ! r uunn'inn o inn oonn. irt rutnn. i m v i M I Anon tor and ert'e fust o feed and rare ptmr to h meetings, TU 4-3591. 1 U 4I'04 anytime ie. the rovt o transportation o' th an- k, i7i . i7r, ri , ' . man to the nlar. ot .-I. ik-, KlVATH tectrve AeHv Rmvtrrt . - -,.....M.-V.,., muinr, r u. not Ihe time and NICE clean furnished apartment, close In, IU 7 7Sit, TU 4 -4966. 7 BFOROOVS furnnhed aptv, carport, Til i.itK jknutim. Til 4-1M9 alter 7 $is TO $70 weekly rates, Kitchens avail atle, Johnny s Motel, 2O0S Hienn. THREE room furniheo apartment. 7041 White (PAH A V 5 licenced born, lor the aged private rooms or wan rut, tpeoai diet, personal interest assured, IU 7-Jles Kl AMATH e Derailment including , vleaoe ol its employee !' rmvuiq uim o aiq tsu y i . - w -animnlj may give not.te thereof to the 1 " " 1 ta vnoeriignta ar HO III., Ore Vlrtor Shufh I veIOrk Ol'-fer Slate Department of AqnculttJ't Nt. IDA. Jan 11, 18, mi Nt W furnished ant. $42 50. See 10JO Up ham St , lit 4 9907 I HR( ' room tompietelv furnished aparl ment, W Walnut, TU 4 5477 NiCFLY lurnishedT three rooms and bath oarage, private entrance. IU 2U14. fHAMBLRS HOUSL MOVING, lonmU hons.leveling, TU 7 MIS or I U J 1014, THE PRIM POOni Ertom" grooming 'or appointment, Iu 4 47 J Iq'fuRNiSHF O large 3 rooms, dean, warm, t t gerv. ifg. topping, g Rt VOm LING and reasonable, rete-enn h as" NO 67 f PPOFUT f NOTICE Of- DAT! Ot FINAL STTTLFMTNt IN THf CIRCUIT count! Of THE STATE OF 0( GON FOR KLAVATH COUNT V In the rVatter of the t state, ol FRANK OBF Nf HA IN. Oet tri Notice is hereby given that we have TU 3 14S "iei our tinal account of the acim.nn t'etton of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed 'cm nary 11, If1. at 10 A M as the lime for her log ooierliont to sik h lioal account and the settlement thereof l-'anit Openrhain and Matthew Obencham no TU J 7V6 P'un t .er.iim Canftng & Oanong AMnrneyi lor FaetuforS legal No MS, Jan it. IB, JV Feb t 1' Found Guilty POKTI-AM) HTI - ncin.iid HcKlHIwrc .17, Porllnnd, was found Riiilt v of first rlcm'C miir- Hn- hy n Circuit Court jury hrrr Wcdnrvlny niphl. The jury of fijlil uomrn and four mon rec ommended lile imprisonment. Ileidelherc was chrged in Hie fii ,'limilinR nf Waller Jackson, 4!. Portland, at Jackson's home lsl Aug. Jfi. j fpairs, all hi, IU 2 53M MICE, BUGS. TERMITES Mll'S BUG ' r BUSINESS .ty arwi Mta i. teemed, Oshorn, the ft,q t ' Va J7 So 7th St CUSTOM PUnCHERlNG VfH.r place. dalver to or or enin tor leave at yoor piCe Al S'oll, Iu Gma's Tailor Shop .h.ldn ig alteration 1 AM work guaranteed. S3? V Jess' Tree Service Tree lopping, remoyinrj .1 hlPllj ( cleanup work. Free eotmate. TU 4Mi ort,'( t,ue, -t'ait jM,i THf F: tcnping. pruning, mured tree grooming Lakeshore Nunery, TU 4 t)jv Fuller Brush TU 25972 WANT ADS Solve Probltmil TU 4.81 1 1 REX ARMS 1 OR i Bt OROOM APAR IMF NTS. (LOSf IN HEAT, W AT t R, GARBAOF PAID 774 BROmD - 1 J 1 Audlev Apartments N-te. furnnhrd 1 bedroom Apt. J0J So 'h near PoW 0"'ce. $36 to $58.50 rOMORTABLP I IV1NC. AT I OW COST) 1 7 1 bvdroom ants , fi-rnHheci o i nfur " iied. Permanent maintenance included Monday through Ff 'day SHASTA VIEW APARTMFNtS l77 VAAKMBURN WAV TU 4IJT7 Otlne noun a m. to $ p m. RICKFAl LS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One- ond Two Bfdroom cpt.. Furrmhed ond Unfurnished $69 50 to $89 50 Daily, WrfUv MMrl Ritr TU 2-S577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST JS U'0 1 fd'Oom n(.rftlhM 3 Bedroom tnfirniht Snc on Booms Teste'ul'y (ec'a'et Wall to wan Ce'oetinej Sjeenirg Po' Stents I wiidei all te'viret rent t'ernone " eiec'ricitv rthe heian ly J-C'M , BEDROOM duplex. Water, garbage paid. Move, refrigerator, uo. TU 4-4vn. WODERN, unlurnished 2 bedroom, i lached garage. Fireplace. Water, garbage paid. 3 miles north or town. si. 4-5647. REMODELED 3 hrdroom duplex S65. Inquire lit Pine. furnish SMALL two bedroom unfurnished house, call TU 4-9161 or TU 4-65B9. Three bedroom ranch type home. Henley District, Attached double garage sealed. IJ,Mf. Duplex In nice suburban area, ah rented. $2J,0O0. Low down. Halt acre Homedale. Three bedr home full basement, 510,500. , 160 ACRES Sprague River frontage. 22 acres Irrlgat ed, 50 head grazing capacity. A good rec reational spot lor fishing and hunting. Only $22,000, 25 per cent down. Good terms. BRUCE OWENS REALTOR Woody Bowers TU 2-337? COUNTRY ESTATE Approximately 5 acres. Three bedroom home, CArpeled. Several outbuildings, run ting stream, only I6.MK, Terms. "CALL US TODAY" Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-WS4 Anytime TU J-0H8 Commercial Property With Home Located on South Ath St., on large lot Good 3 bedroom home wilh fireplace and l Dams. Large building at rear with ap prox. 4500 square feet suitable for ware house or shop with separate oftice space. J30.000. Terms. LEONARD REALTY 12)3 Main TU 4-7571 or TU 4-9005 Joe Perry Audrey Keerlns Joe Leonard TU 4-5332 TU 4-4285 TU 2-0527, RETIRFO' Looking for an attractive lit tle house fully furnished? Economical oil heat 4 rooms plus bach porch. One extra e bedroom Washer, dryer, refrig erator, new bathroom, large yard, fulli ire garage 5610 Cottatje. SSS Immedl le occupancy, TU 2-51'J for further in formation. LS, three roam. Stoves a"d retriqer . Wa:iher, dryer hookup TU 7-30SI FURNISHFD I bedroom. Close In. Neat, acant now' TU 4 WH 1 RrOROOW duple, ftirnivhed. auto malic washer, elOe in, 15. tiS Mt. Whitney TWO bedroom fun age Inquire 1(17 1 tvd'oom un'urnlthed house. 7C7I Vme. Phone TU 4 UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, oa lirrplat e, 3011 Boardmai, TU COWt-DT ARl noe. re'noer, I'h.tge. t-alit i bedroom rtupl iranerle water and and Donald, MISC. PROPKRTY TO LET 17 f OH lrse U(t litres level ground under rnqatiO'i, Ma(doel area. 70 acres good Pi-d ground. Or v.iN sell or trade. IU TOP RANCH LISTINGS 7S0O acres teded land 240 acres Taylor Grazing. All under fence J330,0O0 40fi acres 1154,000 tW acres Improved Lake on property 141,000 160 acres - all pasture - Free Irri gation 125.000 70 acres - home partially con structed Please come Into our office for details of these listings. BRICK CONSTRUCTION Quality and comfort, 3 bedroom, party room, 3 fireplaces. 1,500 sq. ft. floor space. If your home Is too small tor you now, offer it In exchange on this one. Call anytime for appointment to see. ULTRA-MODERN DREAMHOUSE Clerestory windows In living room. BrlcV wall with circulating fireplace. 3 bed rooms, Pi baths, family room, built In appliances and lot ot storage. A stea al $16,000. STILES REALTY WEVBFR INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So 9th St. Phone TU J-4740 J4 8H PH SrH - Hobble 41 NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If noqqing bills become o nui iunce, get rid of them! Check our courteous, confidential, cash loan plan, You'll be glod you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 10 FT. duck boat for tale, afternoons, TU 3-5457. TWO gentle healthy Siamese cats, 4-9743. COLLIE puppies, AKC reg., TU 2-3121, 4517 Winter. BLACK mln. poodle puppies, excellent blood lines, S100-SI25. Terms. TU 2-4052. PUPPIES, Poodles, Pekingese, Poms. Stud service, poodle clipping. TU 4-7525. "A-HOME AWAY FP 6 HOME "' . . . for your pels. Dog & cal boarding, best professional care. Heated sanitary kennels with outside runs, 24 hr. service, pkkup & delivery. Special rates for stea dy or monthly boarders. Special atten tion to females In season. Visltorr, wel come. Shasta Cascade Kennels, lust past Merrill-Lakeview junction, ott Merrm Highway on Booth Road. Rte. 2, Box 504 E, TU 4-5071. ICE SKATES LARGE SUPPLY NONE OVER $4 All Shapes and Sizes LOW PRICES AND TRADES The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth MISC. FOR RENT 45 FOR RENT, America floor sandtr and edge, swift and easy to operati. tang. papers and Bruce floor finishes. Klenv am Voile, Lumber Co. I So. tn. TU MISC. WANTED 44 WANTED rear axle for truck and dual aile log trailer, both to take e-hole fiudd wheels. Ph. Express 1-2379 Macdoel. WANTED "pooT7abieCairtu 4-57M. WILL buy house to be moved, writ Mrs. Bob Adams, Bonanra. MISC. FOR SALE 51 FOR sale fence posts, old growth heart redwood, 45 cents each. Ph. Newell M4 0441k 50 WHITE gold diamond ring set. Sell for $95, TU 4-M6fl. , LADIES V carat diamond wedding set. ' Platinum mounting. TU 2-0805. IN it BAR RE LS, 1250 Press Room, Herald and News. HAY for sale. First or second cutting. L. E. Furber, TU 2-3848. RADIO - TV . MUSIC 41 tUlLDINC - REMODELING 36 REJECT hardboard and plywood, 4x8 six- , a aneei ana up. Klamath Val gy lumper io. iyg 50. 6th. TU 4-4816. ARMSTRONG ceiling tile, many beauty ful patterns to choose from, a inuu . 16 cents a sq. ft. Klamath Valley Lumber vu., ir.ij ju, pin, tu -4BI6. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 household furnishings tor sale. All in o-icmjpii tonumon ano reasonably priced KELVINATOR Foodorama refrlgera lor-freeier, 1150; O.E. stove, 135, TU FOR sale 5 windows, 40 x 44, J20. TU 4-4872 evenings. GUARANTEED USED RANGF5 REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. 42 Main TU 4-8365 v if f Multiple MLo sr. TRADE MINDED?? Owners of this beautiful Norrhside 3 bed room home WILL TRADE FOR STRUO TURALLY SOUND 1 OP 7 BEDROOM HOME, CITY OR SUBURBAN, GOOD area, Here's your chance to acquire an Immaculate "better than new" custom built home In superior all-new home area. near Conger School. Going for SIB. 250; GIVE US A CALL & LET'S DEAL HERE. DRIVE BY . . . 2235 WHITE AVE. ONLY $600 DOWN ON EASY CONTRACT for this neat 2 bed oom home, going at the low price Of S7750. MOVE IN NOW I 1402 DAYTON ST. Solid 2 story, 4 bed room home on close-in Irrigated i tract. LOW OOWN PAYMENT CON TRACT TERMS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 1934 FREMONT ST. Modest ? bed room home near Roosevelt School. Fireplace, hardwood floors, full base ment. Just $9500, with $750 down. 5657 INDEPENDENCE AVE. A terrific buy at $7750. Well-built 2 bedroom home, near Ferguson School. Huge gflmqe - workshop. REASONABLE CONTRACT DOWN PAYMENT MOVES YOU IN TODAYI Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 i SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 711 N. 9th St. Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Tom Rabbitl Ph. TU 2-6482 Eves. Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker Fred Tutfcrr Lou Mtv Iris Mrtfiie Hank Homer S'l'e TU 4 974? TU JW TU 4-55 TU 2-301 TU 4 9004 REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 t V O O' and Se- If I jilt, PiK 42K. Herald ,F A'e RUvfNf. snil.l EQUlTiES H ov e"t 10 SEl. I 5F"fc PAUL McATEE 11 F AST MAIN St Iff T l 'I Ai0" ' 'f NT I MLS s DRIVE BY .1707 HOVEPAl E ROAD T wo bedroom. 1' i bVM. Price 17.J00, 515 HULS'PF Twc htcdronm. covfed patio. P'u c sn 413 A LA V I- PA Five hevirrvm ? bethv Pr.te SiJ.flW. THEN CALL US E-HR THF I XCfeLLENI TERMS ON T MfcSE. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE VF VBF f'CMAL TRADERS RIAL ESTATE EXCHANCE 2 lAr SIlVI ri,H'i HI V'H. fflr 1 M ruMrOO'Tl t At for h 1 itlt aMme rrprtgg. PpO"e IU vS or 1 tJ W?J tt E rnth tylf 1 pedr.vim hoinu, V i n cdv lat'dw r)iitnt vow. s;?V0 icyt.i'rt il t'fl.i lot MA'TiA'h t' i prep CLUB TU ?WJ r'v HJ 2-5048 I om a "TRADER" ARE VOIP why mhen fu ( n trine. DEANE SACHER nr Al TOR Merntr iteri'io-il 1 rariors d b t itemed Ore. :al Ida. Wash EAt ESTATE rd in Wl TU ii p' f i'eri rn 'M 1 i of 3 oed'nom CAPE COD STYLE IN HENLEY HI "ee hortrnoT". t i 1 hns. ef'A l-g "ig r.x-n. t(.rrt d.ning room, firp o.i-'e inr de'atrnd Qfraoe W'lr y ahop Total prite HO-tfl NORTH SIDE 'Ving dr,nce of Aianemir To he? i- i fijvN tirrAt oarta!tv '".hrd liri'rt ,ifi pot t Me 3'd hedrppn in r-., pot'bi!(t'e gaio'e! Tt I P"ie Si SOUTH SUBURBS tut ) bi-irppm Wait to wait cn'pr ''itirn't rrtvflv, Ci'f fiAimg firppf r ii'.l etrAt Aide'wpori ch-rtrM vp' .-nfif, e,.Af, ocvMe garage S! r M A Terms PAUL McATEE ""I AsOC'AT E S. Bf AL'PPS t E v i t u 'es y" Evft. FIVE BEDROOMS It's a Big Family home, only two vears Old. Large dining room Big family room. 2 full baths. 2 fireplaces. Excellent hot air furnace piped to all rooms. Double garage. Unsurpassed vienv. 10 x 285 It. U3.S00. Easily financed. DON SLOAN WESTINGHOUSE DRYER Good Condition $65 GUARANTEED KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886' REPOSSESSED ALMOST NEW SINGER SLANT-O-MATIC When New $284.50 YOU PAY ONLY ?9.90 MONTHLY After Smoll Down Payment SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Moin TU 2-2513 K. FALLS AUCTION JERRY DURNIL JIM RICH ft CLAIMS ft FOR UNPAID PAYMENT OF MERCHANDISE CONSIGNED To Either of The Above SHOULD BE MADE IN WRITING IMMEDIATELY! FNCLOSE CONSIGNMENT SLIPS AVAILABLE. STATE APPROXIMATE VALUE OF CONSIGNMENT. WRITE HERALD & NEWS BOX 435C RENT a new Baldwin piano, $10 a month No delivery charge. Bowden Music Co. 830 Main, TU 2-4863. EXPERIENCED piano teacher, begimv ers, advanced, Blanche Ma pes, TU 4-3049. WE pay cash tor used pianos. Derby's Music. TU 4-5121 USED ORGAN TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOMAS LOWREY - HAMMOND EASY TERMS SAVE UP TO $450 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Main TU 2-4883 THE "ISLE OF CAPRI" Ii lust minutes away on a LOWREY ORGAN $595 $3295 (As Advertised in Lile) KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER SIS E. Main TU 4-3360 Used Hammond CHORD Sgr ORGAN '7- New Hammond "Extravoice" $AO Organ DERBY'S MUSIC CO. Yean on 7lh ' LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 FOR sale long yearling Angus bul 1-4740. geldings. 8 yrs. KLAMATH PROVE SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 3-1165, TU 4-45S3, TU 2-6102 GUERNSEY cow, fresh less, Tulelake 667-5491. DRAIN rock, gravel, ana roadway ma Serial, TU 4-3568, CEO. R. STACY CO. MASON sand, fill dirt, sandy fill, ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4367. TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. J. M. Barnes. TU 4-76S9. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS PEST KIL Livestock Spray & Cattle Oilers. Controls Lice, Ticks. Mange. Wood Mag ates. $1 .50 GAL in case LOTS "Other Animal Health Products" PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 r SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOUR PICK Yours For The Asking STOP IN TODAYI GOODYEAR STORE 201 So. Ilth TU '-H'-l Cofer's Exchange UNREDEEMED LOAN PLEDGES Guitars-Radios-Tools-Can-eras-Shavers Sewing Machines-Watches OUT OF PAWN Diamond Rings-Weeding Sets ALL NEW MOUNTINGS '1,001 Bargains Small-Short Term-Pawnbroker Loans 625 Klam. TU 4-7160 HOLSTEIN and Durham family milk cow. fust fresh with calf. 6 gal.. Newell 2441. BABY calves tor sale. 1145 Gary, phone U 2-5889. BABY calves lor sale or trade. TU 4-3407, 3312 Autumn. 304 So. 7th St. TU 4-54SI Anytime STILWELL & CO. Presents: $4,300 FULL PRICE - WOO down, $V a month on contract. 1 bedroom home. Excellent condition. OWNER TRANSFERRED must sell this AAA constructed newer home with fireplace, modern kitchen, utili ty, baih. Everythino immaculate. Large, level, landscaped lot In olees- ant quiet location. Priced at $14,9JO. ONE OF THE FINEST IN iVOYINA over 1S00 iquftre feet of etremely well planned comfortable living area. is oe must be seen to be aoorec AUCTION FRIDAY, 7 P.M. 3899 So Sixth WE ARE LOADED WITH FINE MERCHANDISE WHICH MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK TO MAKE ROOM FOR A TERRIFIC CON SIGNMENT ARRIVING SATUR DAY! SB00 blond mAhooany bedroom set, love ly cononion; 3-pce. cherry finish bedroom set wilh sorinqt and mattress, loce. blond (lining set wilh hutch, gas ad elec tric refrigerators, round table dinette set. two, hke new. 30-in. electric ranqes. TV sets, good automatic waihers. occasional tables of all types, lamps, dishes, pois. pans, vacuum cleaners, cribs, cedari chests, sectionals, divanetles. oas heat ers. picture, mirrors, books, bookcases. I ated. S?3,soo Shown by appointment I "r ,tnc Mm' n) w111 nnscel KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr. TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY at 1 p.m. sharp Rtf. 3, Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midlond Road Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Moke Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stockmens Market. Tuesday is sale day in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Offirp 4-9667 Hnmt 4-9436 Auction Sale G. C. Motley Plumbing & Heating 812 Klamath -2 Big Days-- FRIDAY & SATURDAY JAN. 11th & 12th STARTING AT 9 A.M. SHEET METAL TOOLS PLUMBING TOOLS PICKUPS & TRUCKS ELECTRICAL ITEMS PLUMBING SUPPLIES OFFICE EOUIP. LOADS OF TOOLS GRIGG & WILLIAMS, LIQUIDATORS Cliff W.llioms Auctioneer TRAILERS .51 Buy Your VACATION TRAILERS NOW! We're Giving BIG DISCOUNTS on all new trailers in stock. MACHINERY DOZER BLADES for TD6's - TD9's - D4's HD5's - D6's TD6 Angle Dozer - $2,500 J. C. Equipment Co. 6'h & H.lvorrl TU 2-105! DISC. PRICE! 44 21963 ALOHA 16 It. (Toilet Modelsl Rero.l Price $1,595 . 31963 ALOHA 15 (t. Retail price $1,195 . 1 1963 ALOHA 9 (t. PICKUP CAMPER Retail price $1,495 . 1 1963 PONDEROSA 15 It Retail TOT ' r to qualified buveri. TOP CONDITION K CONSTRUCTION -7 bedroom, living, dining, dinfte. utility room nod bait. Fireplace Luroe level lot. Elient, nieanm n.wtr neighborhood. NOW REDUCED TO tU.MO. STILWELL & CO. Itneouft. Alter 5 00 cnll Hon Van O'man Prue Birtkley ipr fM TU t TV t TU J-3? TU 4-3471 Tit 7 0414 BuStNISS OPPORTUNITY .33 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Plet Investigate thoroughly any Invent mnt of montyt lh mtrcMiryJlM. various pnttrpruts or bunintts opportunities bt fr investing your capital. th Hfria And Ne makes every el fort to rect all fraudulent or muleadiDQ advertising however, we are not responsibly for the integrity of the firms or ndvduais who place advertising in our publication. Any advertising of buses opportunities "!FUEL Dir.oo lo he fraudulent or mis leading 'houid be reported to Ihe Oait.ed Ad- UFL Oi vtr'nlng Department of tha Hrad and News THE POET'S CORNER dor way out poets) No matter what you r looking for You'll find It without fail. F rom cedar chestj to cedar pos'. At tht friday Auction Sale PREVIEW ALL DAY FRIDAY If You're Not Buying At THE RESALE HOUSE You're Povinp Too Much' Valor Farm Equipment Fran chise available for Kiamath Fans and vicinity. Complete Una of Farm and Light industrial Equip ment. Wholesale ani Retail Fi nancing available from Company. Call Or write J. I. CASE COM PANY. I7r S E 3RD Ave . Portland U. Oregon. Phone BE 4-0441. HEATING 38 Furnaces. Heaters Western OM 1 Burner, TU 4-3173 January Machinery & Bargains We're Not SELLING OUT! But If vow want 0 'ent something . . anything from e'umber's tool to portable Neate' I ... let s talk BUSINESS VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E Mom TU 4-6812 PINE body wood. It to II Inche Itnoin. 9 us com. deliverer tu 4-sj GOOD red fir body woort jlj ccd. Iive-ed TU 4-77l, TU 2-2'2. CALL CLIFF YADFN For Prento Loos & Heating O l Veiered P-orne Sales S a H Green Stamps Ocen 24 hours 7S0 Sou' $.h TU 4-3611 and TU 770 Ful'-l:ne Farm and L'oht Indus trtal Equipment Franchise ooen tr' Mamath F alls and vin.cty. liberal Financing Term Who1 naie and Retail Good oooo'tumW tor aggrenivt merchenoutr. Call or w'e J. I. CASE CO. 107 S E 3.-d rue. Poland 14, ORE. BE 4-0441 Dv kvooei pint tid pin body ood ."V notM, TU 1-3W. "TrREPARFFOR WINTER STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Fmfst Oil 4 WcxkJ Stoves "to all you fuel fcds" Frankford Fuel Co. No Fl ehn V Tu ? 444 GOOD THINsiS TO IAT 3f P " F F , pook. wholesale, custons bu-ch er-ng. cutting, curing, Sa-nrx MeaM ;'"-i Vv Ttt ? C'l Tl 7 'Boats . Part - Sports . Hebes 0 No 32 IH of'ct dtik lnfl hdraulic S crotrcl specol . IH No 30 tro'icr rrw with usrd tires Brawf r cattle tccc . ... TD9 Cnovnlfr trcsctor v.ith hvrtrou lc straight drcr ron oge Cvfoto p'onter T30 IH gawlme cro'er I t-octor $4?nn' l.ienv-nst rote) t-JJ . 10' W.ndrowcr ... ' OVJUj t IH combm; 2 vprrd gror h-. 1ft' header pck S7AAA un rrW UUU J. W. KERNS ??? ??? Ill 895 $1,395 . .. SPECIAL 62 ALOHA 13 It COVPACT Reduced from H.095 I tn enly Remember . . . Dale or "Shine" will trade for almost anything! DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. 6th TU 2-4980 975 190 545 $37CO J 350 FINANCIAL . LOANS TU .4j:hae c e" w-i p ch tor e '-act or r"C"gaa at a e scont FTT rFNSiS. REALTCH, TU -: TU 4-4VI. VQ0 AKC reg-se-d CVmi ' rrr pun F fid 'nai ,T.l-?J1. ( fnaoo'i'ano, And'tws, sed(tfd. O't e 4 Ah Tl 4-4107 EVE 441, i FKCfLLF1" 0. Itema't, i; monies, V wie tOv T'W. 1 WOO. TU 4S"J. (M,S-C- -'Oj.tNT 45 UrR BEST K'tw lac hvd;a''cl Kiama Ve'ey Lumber Co. lCf TU 4 41' I JANUARY LIQUIDATION of all brand new 1962 ARISTOCRATS! To be scld at invoice or be low. See these right away! t-XAMPLES 62 ARISTOCRAT 16 Ft. S'cccs 6 If? box CcT-o'eteiy fdU'Dwd tor can-Qing. Regu lar retail price. $1545 r'' M245 62 ARISTOCRAT 16 Ft, Hi. liner Wodcl. Ccr-pletely stlt cc-"cmrl Tclct Prcs- wa'C svtcr- rjoi refri. CC-Otrr S'c?r-. 6 Rflular re toil prict, J1995. Gong trr hlow invoice $ I PQ7 Ot Only I DO 3 More '62 ARISTOCRATS In Stock AH Likewise Reduced' Wilson WILEY BUICK Vc,-, Ga-ow 1330 Vain Tu 4.3UI Cc Let 2 429 So. 7th TU 4.92CJ