Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 11, 1963, Page 11, Image 11

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    HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Friday. January II. 1961
Oregon State Stanford
Clash In Top Coast Game
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RESOUND CONTROL Cincinnati's George Wilson
132) controls a rebound on a missed free throw during
a game with North Texas State Thursday night. Others
in picture are NTSU's David Ebershoff 155) and Cin
clnnati's Ron Bonham (21). Cincinnati defeated North
Texas, 75-58. UPI Telephoto
By I'nlted Press International
Defensive minded Cincinnati, the
nation's top college basketball
learn, and potent-scoring Loyola
of Chicago, the nation's second
ranked team, have different ideas
about how to play the game of
basketball, and so far not even
Dr. James Naismith could find
West Picked
To Capture
Pro Bowl
violent world of professional foot'
ball reaches its annual climax
Sunday in the 13th Pro Bowl, pit
ting stars from the Eastern Divi
sioti of the National Football
league against top-ranked play
ers from the Western Division.
The West is favored in the bet
ting marts by 3'z points, proba
bly because of tbe presence of
eight members of the champion
Green Bay Packers on the squad
The West has an 8-4 edge in
the series. Green Bay coach,
Vince Lombardi is mastermind
ing this year's western effort and
he's got quite a psychological
edge Lombardi has never lost
a game as a head coach in the
Memorial Coliseum here.
His starting lineup will prob
ably be sprinkled with a large
representation of Packers includ
ing fullback Jim Taylor, league-
leading rusher and scorer during
the iwa season. Taylor was hos
pitalized briefly this week for ob-
tervation of abdominal pains. Ap
pendicitis was suspected but the
pains subsided and he was given
an okay by the doctors.
Coach Allie Sherman of the
New York Giants, champions of
the Eastern Division, is handling
the East squad. His No. 1 quar
terback is Y. A. Tittle, 36-ycar-old
Giant signal caller.
Sherman will have a fullback
who can almost match Taylor in
Jim Brown of the Cleveland
Browns. Brown was named play
rr of the game in the Pro Bowl
last year even though he and the
Easterners lost 31-30.
In addition to the pride in vic
tory, there's a money incentive
for winning the Pro Bowl. Each
member of the winning squad
gets SROO.
AFL To Move
League Offices
SAX DE1GO. Calif. 'CP!' -American
Football League head
quarters will be in New York City
eilective June I.
The AFL franchise owners
voted unanimously Thursday
night to move bom Dallas.
League commissioner Joe Foss.
who onnoscd the move in the
past, told the owners he has spent
so much time in New York lately
that he feels at home there.
"I think it is for the best in
terest nf the league." Foss said
Billy Sullivan, president of the
Boston Patriots, was elected
league president to succeed
W.oyne Valley, vice president of
the Oakland Raiders. He said thr
move had been needed for years
fault with either system.
Ever since Dr. Xaismith invent
ed the sport in 1891, an eternal
argument has persisted as to the
merits of a strong defense in
relation to a powerful offense. Ad
herents of both sides are picking
up ammunition this year.
Those who fcej defense all im
portant can point to Cincinnati.
the nation's stingiest outfit, which
defeated North Texas State, 75
38. Thursday night for its 12th
victory of the season without "a
loss. On the other hand, Loyola
has exploited the country s No. 1
offensive unit for a 15-0 record,
including a 107-69 rout of West
ern Michigan Thursday night.
Cincinnati, the defending NCAA
champion and currently ranked
first among all college basketball
teams, had a fight on its hands
for the first 15 minutes of its
Missouri Valley" Conference con-
test at Denton. Tex. But a late
spurt just before intermission gave
the Bearcats a 10-point lead at
41-31 and they continued to pile
it on at the start of the second
It was the 30th victory in a
row for Cincinnati dating back
over two seasons and its second
win in defense of its conference
The Bearcats, who have limited
their opposition to an average of
48 points this season, actually
were outshot from the field by
North Texas State, 23-22. Howev
er, Cincinnati capitalized on 31 of
34 foul attempts including 13 in
a row by Ron Bonham while
the Eagles connected on only 12
of 19.
Bonham led all scorers with 29
Loyola likes to overwhelm the
opposition with fast-hreaking.
harp-shooting tactics ana places
less stress on defense. The results
c iust as satisfying to the Ram
blers, wlw have averaged 99
lints a game.
After struggling to a jihz nan-
lime lead against Western Michi
gan. Lovola broke away for 57
points in the second half to go
over the loo-point mark for the
eighth time this season.
Jerry Harkness. the nignesi
corer in Lovola history, showed
the way once again with 2fi tal
lies and he was helped by Ron
Miller with 18 and Lcs Hunter
and Johnny Egan with lfi each.
In other Missouri Valley Con
ference games Thursday night.
Wichita boosted its record to 10-3
with a 71-65 decision over St. Lou-
and Tulsa topped Drake. 9-
72. behind the 21 points of James
Country King.
Elsewhere. Miami 'Kla de
feated Florida. 86-77. Providence
beat Rhode Island. 75-67, Boston
College romped over Brandcis,
80-44. Holy Cross slopped Massa
chusetts. 68-61. William & Mary
surprised Virginia Tech. i-63.
Loyoia of New Orleans edged
Memphis State. and Texas
Soulliern beat Prairie View A&M
. , . Inquiries invited conetrtv
ing flying club.
Charter Pilot Training
Ground School Multi
Engine Court.
Klamath Aircraft
Klamath Folk Airport
Ph. TU 2-4681
By I'nited Press International
Oregon State's invasion of Stan
ford, Big Six action in Los An
geles and a replay of the West
Coast Athletic Conference tourna
ment final highlight a big week
end of baseball activity along the
West Coast.
The Stanford 9-2 vs. Oregon
State 18-31 battles tonight and
Saturday in the bandbox Stanford
'Battle Royal
Tops Mat Slate
The 1963 professional wrestling
season will open with a bang
here Wednesday night -when pro
moter Elton Owen will have a
battle royal" to headline the
Owen will present the six-man
battle royal Wednesday night at
Klamath Auditorium as the fea
ture attraction with a prelim card
of three matches. A $200 purse
win go to the winner of the RoyaU
and all six men will really be
scrambling for the added purse.
The six contestants will be
Wild Bill Savage, Buck Davidson,
Rocky Colombo. Haru Sasaki,
Irish Pat O'Brien and Lorenzo
Parenti. This will be a wild af
fair in which a man can be elimi
nated by a pile-up or a submis
sion hold These royals are dan
gerous to the contestants because
of the increased chances of knee
injuries and the wrestlers would
rather not be in one. Wrestling,
like pro football, is a rough sport
and it's the lure of the money
that keeps the men in it.
In the top preliminary Savage
will tangle with newcomer Lor
enzo Parenti. Savage is well
know n here for his w ild action and
his rough and ready style of
Grease Monkeys 46
Bi & Qs 45' MVi
Lower Laker 39 2?
Alley Sliders Wi 29Vj
Lees 76 38 30
Grandmas 6V Pal 30 38
Open Frames 27 4)
Team No. 7 27 41
Bowl Wetvlll 25 43
K-G'S 24 44
Results: Grandmas & Pas 2. Bs J
Qs, 2; Lower Lakers 4, Team NO- 7 0,
Open Frames 4, Lees 76 0; Attey Sliders
3, Bowl Weevils I; K-Gs t. Grease More
keys 3.
Hioh team game. Bs & Qs 616; high
team series, Open Frames 7154; nigrt ma.
game. Jtm Parker 198; Shirley Beasley
272; rtitjh ind. series, Don Griffith 507,
Jerry Moort 486.
, W L
Loveness Co. 4S 33
interstate Pump 44 ?4
Douglas Service 44 ?i
Klamath Milk Producers 47 26
Dennis Shell 4? 36
Shasta Richfield 33 35
Dick B Miller 37 36
Blue Ok 30 38
Ranch Club 30 38
Ore-Wash Telephone 26 4?
Pacific Power & Lite 75 43
Montgomery Ward 15 53
Jan. io results: Douaias service u,
Loveness Co. 4; Dennis Shell 1. Shasta
Richfield 3; Klamath Milk Producers 3.
Oregon Wash Teieohone 1; Interstate
Pump 3. Pacific Power a. Die i; oiue
4, Montgomery Wftras 0; dick a
Miller Co. 1. Ranch Club 3.
High team game. Blue O m; mqni
team series. Blue 0 303; high ind. game,
Stan Hoff 736; high Ind. series, George
Epperson 566.
Oorrij Lumber
Drive More Motors
Local Loan
50 37
Victor Business Machines
Fashion Cleaners
Mobil Oil Co.
Ed Wharton Signal service
Lucas Furniture
Jordan Shell
Pelican Mobil Service
Slate Police
Fuller Paint Co.
40 Club
J. W. Kerns
J. C. Reme
l Ann rh.trAn
33 39
37' 1 38' i
75' 4'
Results: F.ihloi Cleaners i. PtlicAn
Wotoil 0; Mobil Oil Co. 3. LucM Fuml
luf ij Local Loan I. 0 Club 3; Ed
Whorlon Signal 3. Stat. Polica I; Jor
dan Shell 3. Lonqj Chevron 1: Fuller
Paint 3. J. C. Renie I; Victor BiriiiWH
t. J. W. Kerns 0; Oorrli Lumber 3,
Drive Wore Motors 1.
High team game. Fashion Cleaners tr
hiqh team series. Fashion Cleaners jn7o;
hiah Ind game. BUI Hanan 233i high Ind
series. Bill Hanan cou.
Drive More Motors 3 M
Schulie Tires 3 3
B'ily Golden TV 41 31
Converts from direct to geor
drive tn 9 minutes or Icis
Dip-cost construction lor long
Cuts level with ground
Cuts in ony position, even
upiicie down
A. H. Stewart Co.
121 Sprits. TU 4.4752
gym match clubs seeking nation
al recognition as the best team
west of Arizona Stale.
11 also pairs off the Beavers'
7-foot Mel Counts and the Indians'
6-foot-8 Tom Dose in a battle
which might determine which one
is an All America and which one
is just a first or second string
All Coast performer.
High interest will also center
fighting. Parenti is from Italv
and speaks Italian, Spanish and
English. He is a big boy at 228
pounds and comes here directly
from St. Louis, where he was tak
ing on some of the best. He is
young and a fast-moving scientif
ic wrestler who is guaranteed to
make-a hit w ith the fans. Promot
ers are high on him and predict
he will win the battle royal. Sav
age predicts that he can't even
beat Buck Davidson.
Columbo. who is also new to
this ring, al least, recently, will
take on sinister Sasaki in the
second prelim on this big card
Columbo is well - remembered
here for some great matches last
spring. He is an ex-boxer and has
the fastest hands in wrestling
Sasaki is a judo expert who uses
chops and Karate, which is
barred in "catch as catch can"
American style wrestling.
Davison, the veteran Klamath1
Falls wrestler - referee, will take
on Pat O'Brien in the opening
match. Davidson gave a good ac
count of himself in the last card
here and should be in better con
Tickets are on sale at Dick
Rceder's and The Waldorf.
Coca Cola 33
Luces Lounge T' 33'
Little Sweden 3t'l 34V
First Federal 37 3S
TP Packing 34 38
Signal Oil 33 3?
Howards Cleaners 33 39
The Ranch 30 43
Market Basket 33 49
Jan. 10 results: Signal Oil 3. First Fed
eral 1; Lucca Lounge 2, scnuize I ires z,
TP packing 4, Market Basket 01
Golden TV 4. The Ranch 0; Howards
Cleaners 3. Drive More Motors 1; Coca
Cola 4. Little Sweden 0.
High team game. Drive More Motors
96S; high team series, Howards Cleaners
3B15; high ind. game, Bev Negrevskl 247,
high ind. series. Bev Negrevskl 373.
Great Northern Railway 44 38
Fori Klamath Hotel Tavern 40
Automatic Transmission ServlceJS
Little 5wedcn 38
Duffs Heating service 37
Blue Ox Cafe Je
Swan Lake Moulding
Crater Lake Meals
Franklin Life Insurance
Amidons Business Machines
34'3 37i)
Sewing Machine Center
37 40
Wrights Real Estate 7B a
Jan. to results: sewing Machine cen
ter 4. Wright's Real Estate 0; Blue Ox
Cefe I. Automatic Transmission service
3; Swan Lake Moulding 0, Amldon'e eusi
ness Machines 4; Fort Klamath Holel
Tavern 2. Great Northern Railway 2
Franklin Lite Insurance 3. Crater Lake
Meats 1; Little Sweden 4, Duff's Heating
Service 0.
High team game, Amldon's Business
Machines 956; high team series. Amnion's
Business Machines 3694; high ind. game.
Gloria Cantwell 225; high ind. series.
Gloria Cantwell 551.
BELGRADE (UPH - A lottery
operalor has been accused of of
fering bribery money to a soccer
(cam to induce it to "throw" a
Two national daily newspapers.
Borba and Politika. reported
Thursday the ringleader of the
scandal and 10 players of provin
cial second league clubs had been
arrested. The operator was ac
cused of olfcring 600.000 dinars
i$S00i lo the Macva club to lose
its match to Prolctar.
8:15 P.M.
Tickets ore on tale at
around Hcisman lrophy winner
Terry Baker of the Beavers
While the southpaw guard is not
a punishing scorer, the Beavers
basketball team has improved a
notch since he took over duties
as backcourt field general.
In Big Six activity, Washington
2-0) is at USC (0-21. The Huskies
have still not convinced anybody
that they are a threat in Big Six
ay but could do so with a vic
tory or two against the Trojans
California faces deflated UCLA
Saturday. Johnny Wooden's
Bruins went to Seattle last week
ith an eight game winning
streak, a fifth place national
ranking and the rating as Big
Six favorite.
But lowly Washington singed
them twice and UCLA dropped
tenth nationally. Cal (2-1) goes
south with a 68.7 scoring average,
best in the school's proud cage
St. Mary s Gaels, who lost the
.'CAC tourney title to San Jose
State, will seek revenge tonight
: Oakland.
The Spartans contained St.
Mary's and won 55-51 in the tour
ney final as San Jose's Dennis
Bates put a good clamp on the
Jaels' brilliant Steve Gray
Santa Clara (2-01 hosts Loyola
0-2) in more WCAC action to-
light. Saturday night San Jose
meets Loyola while USF (2-0)
hosts Pacific (0-2).
Other games tonight find Idaho
Oregon, Fresno Stale at San
Diego State, Cal Poly at Long
Beach, Humboldt State at tie
vada and Chico Slate at Sacra,
mento Stale.
In action Thursday night, Pcp-
pcrdine dominated the back
boards but had a cold night from
the floor as it sneaked past Ha-
aii, 64-59. Harry Dinnel scored
1 points and grabbed 18 re
bounds. The two teams clash
again Saturday.
It was Gonzaga 73 Washington
State 56 as the Bulldogs' Bill Wil
son poured home 26 points. Wil
lamette blasted Whitman 74-51 as
four players hit double figures
and Alameda State dumped the
San Diego Marines 68-49. Darnell
Mikel and Larry Lauritzcn hit 16
and 15 for the winners.
Utah Coach
To Colorado
versity of Utah assistant football
coach Don Stalwick has resigned
to take a similar post at the
University of Colorado.
Stalwick, an assistant al Utah
for the past five years, had asked
lo be relieved of his duties and
Athletic Director James R. (Bud)
Jack announced today that the
request had been granted.
Stalwick. 31, played wingback
under Red Sanders at UCLA for
throe years and was freshman
football coach for the Bruins in
1956. He then coached Hart High
School in Newhall, Calif., before
joining the Utah staff in 1958.
He confirmed he had accepted
Ihe Colorado job under new Buff
coach Eddie Crowdcr.
Stalwick, a native of Wallace,
Idaho, ended his career in the 1954
Rose Bowl game. He was among
the lop five pass receivers in
Bruin history and in each of his
three varsity years was lop
ground gainer for average carry.
1 Aff mmvs
and Ye Public House
Tirtd al biini ytllte) all day by lha boss? Than coma
into Shokty's and shout at our cooks! At Shakay'l you're
always tha bott. Yalting't not only good thoropy for
frustration. It'll also gat yaw ana at tha Watt's most
famous, eiiiai. That's at Shakay's, of couria.
Phone TU 2-6222
2725 S. 6th Next to Tower Theatre
. it V H5a.
Hornsby, the Rajah of baseball, was buried in the com
munity cemetery named for his ancestors Thursday. Ger
ald Mansell, 6, came appropriately dressed to pay his
last respects to the great man of baseball. Gerald, who
At Home
Rogers Hornsby, baseball's
greatest right-handed hilter who
asked no quarter and gave none,
was buried Thursday in this tiny
ghost town.
The ceremony amid a clump of
oak and cedar trees drew some
of baseball's top names. Includ
ing Milwaukee Braves manager
Bobby Bragan and St. Louis Car
dinal manager Johnny Keane.
The final resting place for base
ball's "Rajah" who managed five
major league teams was a cem
etery near a monument that
marked the site of an Indian raid
in 1833, a year after the com
munity was settled by his ances
tor, Reuben Hornsby.
Funeral services were conduct
ed in Austin for the 66-year-old
outspoken baseball immortal, nine
miles north of Hornsby Bend on
the winding Colorado River. Rev,
William Crosland of the First
Southern Presbyterian Church
said the rites.
Hornsby, who developed a run
ning feud with some of today's
ballplayers including Roger Mans
of the New York Yankees, died
last Saturday in Chicago of com
plications arising from a heart
He posted a lifetime batting av
erage of .359 and his .424 bal
ting average in 1924 stands as
the highest in modern major
league baseball history. Hornshy
led the National League in hit
ting for six seasons.
World bantamweight champion
Edcr Jofre of Brazil, the World
Boxing Association's "boxer of
the year" for 19B2, began his
training program Thursday for a
title defense against hatuloshi
Oaki of .Japan at Tokyo, March 3.
-J ....
r 5
fj' ' .
- -r
AAU Screams Doublecross
In Latest
NEW YORK (UPI) - Black-I
mail tactics. . .treason. . .fla
grant doublecross. . .sabotage.
These were some of the words
used by Col. Donald F. Hull, ex
ecutive director of the Amateur
Athletic Union (AAU), today in
his latest attack upon the Nation
al Collegiate Athletic Association
Hull was particularly incensed
over the action taken by NCAA
delegates at their annual conven
tion in Los Angeles this week ad
vising college athletes not to com
pete in AAU-sanctioncd mceU.
such as the Knights of Columbus'
indoor track meet at Boston Sat
urday night.
At a time when General of the
Army Douglas MaeArthur has
called for the AAU and NCAA to
mediate the track and field con-1
troversy, the NCAA has adopted
Bame Honored
As Dec. Star
sity of Southern California line
backer Damon Bame today was
named Southern California's alh
Icte of the month for December
by Ihe Helms Athletic foundation.
The 5-fool-ll junior, named to
Ihe UPI All-America third team
was honored by Helms board
members for his play against
Notre Dame, Ihe final regularly
scheduled game of the undefeated
Bame. a product of Glendalc,
alif., high school and Glendalc
College, intercepted a Wisconsin
pass in the nose Bowl game
which led to a USC score.
Internationals Are Coming!
We have a good inventory, in stock, of
International "C" Models!
Pick-Ups, Vi and 3A Ton, Travelalls, 1 Tons
all ready to go!
We're Cleaning House!
Get Our Deal Before You Buy!
Trucks Are Our Specialty!
11th to 12fh on Klamath
' "
. I V
Is too young to remember ihe feafs of Hornsby on the
baseball field, knew enough about the man to wear his
baseball uniform to the graveside services.
UPI Telephoto
Attack On NCAA
four-point program designed to
torpedo the chances of the Unit
ed States in all international com
petitions," Hull said.
'This is another in a series of
NCAA 'blackmail' tactics to de
stroy the AAU," the AAU leader
Boxing Aired
Before Group
ALBANY, N.Y. (UPI) -The,
role of boxing in the physical de-l
velopmcnt of young people wasli
to be aired today before a joint!
state legislative committee study.sionai investigation of the NCAA.
uis wneiner proiessiunai ooxing
should be allowed, to continue
New York State.
Msgr. Francis Kclliher, direc
tor of the Working Boys Home1
in Buffalo, N.Y. and an adviser
lo the Golden Gloves tournament;
Fredcrich Febel, doctor of phys
ical education at the state Unl
versity of New York at Buffalo,
and Rubin Frost, director of phys
ical education at Springfield
(Mass.) College, were lo appear
at the windup session of the two-
day hearing before the commit
lee on professional boxing.
Assemblyman Hayward H.
Plumadore, R-Saranac Lake, is
head of the group which will
make recommendations to the
state legislature.
Inquire at:
Lewis Richfield
Oragon Ave. A Bithn
Watch for te date!
The New
" . ! t
V :4
! v
declared. "In our opinion, pre
venting coaches and athletes
from participating in AAU pro
grams indicates that the greed of
the NCAA hierarchy is stronger
than their patriotism.
"The athletes of the nation
have never been the victims of
more flagrant doublecross. At
time when we are priming our
athletes for the Pan American
Games, the NCAA has withdrawn
iU athletes from competition in
over act to sabotage the
U there is such a thing as
treason in sports, this is it."
Hull then called for a congres-
"The only effective means to
in at the root of the NCAA erah
l(nr nnwer in tor n rnmnlelA in.
vesication of the activities of this
association by the Congress of
the United Stales," he said.
928 Front
Johnson talci onf terv
ic. Motor repairs
boat rapaire accat
torlai and tuppllai for tha ,
boar ownir. Um rha win
tar to maka your boat '
ready for naxt lummir,
Sta iii for avarything you
We're having
a model
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February -WATCH
Phone TU 2-2581