edford Dei Crucial Contest Friday elicans At M jerry.waggoner ; The Klamath Union I'rliran proved lattt Saturday night that they can play a very good brand C basketball when thy net their nOmls to It. Proof Is that they bat the defending state chain ptoh Grants Pass Cavemen, 43-37, fir a defensive game and the Pel irons made the Cavemen play their style of ball for most of the game which proved the difference. Coach Al Keck s Pelicans, knowing what they were up against and that they would have to play their best, did just that and turned in what most observ ers, including this corner, thought WS -heir best game of the sea- .Fhey still made mistakes as an himpcrienced team will do. Bui iBv made up for if? in desire and auitle which they hadn't previous ly .displayed to any great length And it took a good second ef fort lo pull this one out. Jlul the best is yet to come and We hope the Pelicans haven cvpn yet begun to fight. They had - belter have plenty of fight left them because the tough ones are just beginning to roll around They meet Medford Friday night In Medford. The Illack Tornado will undoubtedly bo a little Irate that they were beaten by Grants Pass and that the Pels in turn defeated the Cavemen. J Medford must win this game to fir-t back into the thick of thing: imd the Pels must win to remain to (he lead and just a step ahead of the fast-stepping Crater Comets who are blowing like a raging forest fire. Keek's charges proved that they can win when the chips are down. And the pay ing blue chips are down in every game in this league, one of the holiest in the slate. . And while on the subject of Pelicans, there is another big match coming up for them. The KU wreslers, presently fighting it be ready to challenge for the stale championship, will host the louring Japanese national cham nons on Pelican Court Wcdnes jay. Jan. 30. The Japanese All-Star High School team Is touring Oregon nd the KU nialmen will be one of the last teams on their list. The Japanese team has met and defeated Madison and Parkrose im successive nights. 2'J-J and 24-2, resH'etively. They are chum firms of Japan and a split would be a big boon to the KU wrestlers. There is an oulside chance that the Pels could be in belter shape JFnr Hie Japanese learn than mosl flljiers for (wo reasons. One is 3h.il KU is one of the last U)ps for Hie Japs and (hey could ;k somewhat Worn out. The other .reason is that this meet w ill he a Jrroslyle affair and KU has one of the nation's best freestyle grap piers in assistant coach Lee Al len, twice an Olympic wrestler But there are no better freestyle wrestlers than the Japanese. If Pelican Court isn't filled to the rafters for this attraction, it will lie a crying shame. The subject f amateur sporls in general has been sorely head ing most of the sports news of late because of the squabble be tween the National Collegiate Ath letic Association (NCAAi and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAUI Wo haven't fully understood what the blasted cold war be tween the two is about except that they both seem to be much like our Siberian snlt-tongued friend Khrushchev both want ppwer. But one thing is for sure. If something doesn't happen, and soon, something will give and it will be the athletes and the pres tige of the U.S. which will suffer. The prestige has suffered enough as it is. The Russians use every method as propaganda and sporls is foremost in the running. These two groups are going (0 fool around mouthing off to each other until it will be too late to form the best possible Olympic team for 1964 or until someone gets tired of the whole sordid af fair and runs in an event which is sanctioned by one group but not by the other and he or she will be disqualified and therefore a possible Olympic candidate lost, It was thought that Attorney General Robert Kennedy had the mess straightened out a couple of months ago. Hut no sooner had he turned his back and the two were throwing knives once again. So now President Kennedy is lending fn a man who has won many wars, General Douglas MacArthur, to arbitrate the squabble. He is nn stranger to this. He was in Hie middle of a light between the two -much the same this one 34 years ago. Per haps he can smooth over the vol canic ripples again. If he can't, you can put your money on the Russians for the 1964 Olympic crown. Both groups agreed lo a coali tion in November that would clear the way lor the development of the best possible U.S. team for the Pan - American Camcs in San Paulo which is only about three months away. This fell throng! and each group was charging the other with repudiating the coali lion. .So, MacArthur has returned once again. This may he one of the Jl'-'-year-old warrior's toughest battles. Here's hoping It's as suc cessful as his return to the Philip pines. PACK 10-A IIKItAI.I) AM) NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Thursday, January 10, 1903 071 Meets Mountaineers In Two-Game Set A way I.A (iriANDE The Oregon Tech Owls, looking stronger with each game in quest of their second consecutive Oregon Collegiate Conference title, comes here for a pair of encounters Friday and Saturday nights with the Eastern Oregon College Mountaineers. ' The Owls presently are co-lead ers of the conference with two wins and no losses, both coming last weekend in Owl Gym over Portland Stale. The Mountaineers, surprisingly, lost a pair to South ern Oregon in Ashland. Oregon College of Education is at South Westminster Loses Votes But Retains Top Ranking Z NKW YOHK U!PI) West m in--ulrr of Pennsylvania lost more of Us Iran in Die I'nitcd Press In tcrnaliftn.il small college basket ball ratings today as Wittenberg pf Ohio and Tennessee State (nnved up into cliallengini; posi linns and Southeast MiMMiri iginrd the top in for tlv lirt ;itrtH .-; Westminster, the defendmp null eollrye champion which jimv has led this season's ratings oil six weeks, was named No. 1 by only 11 of the 35 coaches who 'comprise the DPI rating board. iTlenlxMij. winch defeated YesiminMer tun weeks ao, was picked by nine coaches for the top sm. Only one named Ten nessee State, but that school Rained enough second and thud place stipn,rt to rank right be Ihtid Westminster and Wittenberg ith poinK distributed on a fosjs e-f MM 8 7 fi -5-4 :i "2 1 for cs from lirst through tmh pWu es, Westminster had 2HI Sprague River Betots Merrill The Sprague liner Duck heat the Merrill Independents Wcclnc .'day night with a closing mm lite lallv, M-.il, behind the shunt ' 'in "I Chin k Huff. rvine ivitmn.il Indian cli.impions .rame Imm behind in the laM Jnfiniilo of the g.ime when Huff ; popped A basket with mi sec J0ils remaining lo gne the Ducks 4 Si-'tl lead and they went on to ice the cake with two more po'nts. The Ducks were paced by the double Injure scurint of Al I-a-JMiinte wh If,. Hob David with U and Hull's 12 points. Call Ly ons paced Ihe Merrill hide Tfndents with 14 mmts and Hick lad ll. The Ducks no own a 3 1 recoid. .i:orntiti oiT -'- MONTREAL H I'M - Hemic Bonm tlmm' (iiulfi inn. top goal oorer this season lor Hie Mont ,Ca! Canadicns. will be out of ;M)n lor another week with a ;8ru infuiy. points, Wittenberg 2."!l and Ten nessee Stale 226. Westminster was idle last week ;ind that apparently caused a few coaches lo switch their supiiort. Two weeks ago belnrc the loss to Wittenberg the Titans were tile lop pick of 21 conches. W'ittenlerg, which has lost one of eight games, dclcnlcd Muskin gum in its only start hist week, while Tenncssi-e State aikliyl two more victories fur a 102 record Southern Illinois, second a week ago. was idle and slipped to fourth Ibis week, while Kvans- ville defeated IVPauw (or its sev enth victory in 10 games and moved up two places lo (iIUi Prairie View A,VM. fourth last week, was sixth llus lime alter splitting a pair of games; dam bling boosted its record to 12-1 but diopMil fimn sixth to sev enth: llotstra i lO-ii remained eighth: Southeastern Oklahoma it'll held ninth and Southeast Missouri i'Mi advanced liom l:tlh to loth, icplacing Mt. St Mary's iMd i which slipped out of the top 20. NKW YOHK ilTl'-The I njtcd Press International small rollegr basketball ratings iwith lu-sl place votes and w on-lost recoids parentheses ' : Train Points t. Westminster i l.T 'fi t' 5nt I. nuicnbrig "1- s T-1 1 2Vi 3 Tcnncssiv St cio2' Kii 4 Southern Illinois M1 'H:t 2n? 5 Kvnnsulle '6' '7 1' 2no 6. Prairie View A.1M 'I' '!2' W T. tirambling '12 1' isn llofstra ' 10 I i,;, V Niulheastein (Ikla 'I T ,2 10. Southeast Missouri 'till' . 4:1 Second lo II. 1'icmio Slate J.'l; 12. Orange Slate 21, ill. li.iniinii 20, 14. Lunar Tec h 14. 15. Cliaii man 14, Hi. Pacihc Lulheran 11 ctiei. Kentucky Wevlcv.in anl r' "V--- - r ' 4." r" I- L i V "SVVEET" SAM SMITH Back Leading Rebounders Vaulting Champion Has Mononucleosis ItmiLDKH. Colo. (IMM i Hard working Don Meyers resigned himself today to getting lots of i sleep in an attempt In clear up. a case of mononucleosis that has weakened him steadily since he set the unofficial world indoor pole vault record in Chicagoi Dec. 20. Mevers learned late Wednesc''' be had the mysterious blood dis- ase that saps a victim's strenfjlh, and initiative, and can lead to se rious complications. J Actually, the doclor diagnosed it as a mild case of mononucle osis, Meyers said. 'I'lie 22-ycar-old University ol Colorado graduate student, was forced lo cancel his scheduled ap pearance in the Knights of Co lumbus indoor meet in Boston this weekend, a particular disap Hiiiitmcnt because he bad count i-d on conivtioc against Dave Turk in their specialty. Meyers has lost l.t Hiunds from his normal weight of li'sl since llie Chicago meet. He said the loss prevented him from hcndin Ins fiberglass (telle enough to get the spring he would need to com IH-le. Meyers said lie had fell "le thargic" since before his trip to Chicago, adding the understate inenl "II diilc.'t bottler me there though " He vaulted If, feet. t' inchr I Sacr.'tinenli) State Santa Hot bora 1 1 1 inei lean !i II each; 10. 20. If Pan USC Selected Sy Helms Group LOS Wl.Kl.l'.S '1PI' - The I nivcrsily of Southern California. nlre.iciv named I nited Press In leination.il l'.ii-2 college fonlball n.ili. m. il champion, today was named national champnin by the Helms Athletic Foundation. Helms, which has selecled a champion nllrr the Iviwl games since I'lim, cited the Tnans first iiiicU'leaicsl record since lit!2 and the 42.17 Hose Howl victory over isconsm I'Si' pievioiisly received the Helms crown in put and ira. IIOSTON TO COMPFTF S FltWCISt'D I PI Olvmpic broad jump chanifiton and current world record holder Haloh Hostnn w ill eomivle in the licildcn (iatc Inv itatii'iial indoor track and hold meet Feb tV it was announced Wednesday by lo cal piomoti'rs Hctnn li 'Ms the oulilcor mark i in- the' bi'o.nl lump of 27 teet. t'c in, be, although a leap ol !7-.! t bv Hussian s Igor Tcr- Ov.ctievan is up fn rcccignilK'n in the Chicago meet to top the' old world indoor mark of 1B:1 held by John Uelses. Until he began to lose weight rapidly, Meyers has followed an arduous schedule of training. working toward a masters degree in physical education and teach ing part time in the university's physical education department He said his doctor has advised him to train "only when I feel like it. but said lie could not let up in his school work because of semester examinations coming up in two weeks. ern Oregon both Friday and Sat urday. Portland State is idle this weekend. The Owls had one of their best games of the season last Friday night in waxing the Vikings, 76-52 They had lo struggle the following night to get a 68-62 win. Coach Jim Partlow said that Eastern Oregon is one of the toughest teams in the league on their home court. The Mountain eers started off the season in style but have fallen down lately but could be ready to rebound. And they will certainly be out for the upset of defending cham pion Oregon Tech. So the Owls will have to be on their toes to win both games this weekend. Coach Partlow probably will go with the same lineup which he opened with against Portland "Sweet ' Sammy Smith (6S) at center, 6-4 Willie Anderson at for ward with 6-2 Norman Johns, .and 64 Hewlett Nash and 6-0 Van Zi- tek at the guards. He will have 6-10 Ron Wilkcr- son, 6-1 Wayne Dennis, 6-1 Jim Stinkard and 6-1 Chuck Nagley in reserve. Wilkerson, only a fresh man, showed signs of coming to life in last week's games. He is a lanky 6-10 and is now beginning to learn some of the moves and is getting tougher on the boards Parlow also recruited a couple of other athletes off the campus lo help get a 12-man squad. He picked up football player Chuck Hawkins, about 6-3 and 5-10 Jim Heller from the baseball team, Eastern Oregon probably will go with Dick Turley (6-5 1. Rob ert Meyers (5-101, George Wach- for (6-2), 6-3 Don McClain, and Gary Kuykendall (5-111. Others who probably will see some ac tion are Bricn Forrest, a 6-7 soph omore. Dick Willems 6-4 1 , and Dennis Bagnall (6-21. Anderson continues lo lead the scoring parade wilh 201 points and an 18.3 average He also is the leading rebounder with 12!) rebounds. Nash has 165 points for a 15 0 mean, Zitek has 154 points lor a 14 0 average, Johns has 95 )oints for an 8.6 average and Smith has 25 points in two games for a 12 5 mean. He also has 34 rebounds in two conltsLs. f J ' i 7 I ' . I l ,-..- 1 I .- ; I l: . . . J I -: ... ! Tittle Might Retire In '64 U)S ANIil'.LFS 'I PI'- V A Tittle, who at the age of 3fi set a National Fcmtball league sea son record of 11 touchdown pass es miring 1!,2. said Wednesday be probably would retire from loolball after Ihe 1.! season. The bald New York Giants qiiarlcrhark, in Ixis Angeles for Minoav s Pro Howl game, said he probably could keep going hut a guy can't plav forever. Tittle has completed 22 seasons of football, including 15 cars i tile pro game. During the rcgula season he led the Giants to Ihe Eastern Division championship In completing 20O passes. "Next seasi'it is it for me." Tittle said, "I probably could keep going. but my in surance business in Palo Alto Calif ' requires more of tin time. "A guy can't plav forever, and I've gel three children lo think alxiut." Giants coach Allie Sherman, however, imi I sine Tittle will put alter next season, adding "I never have asked him to com mit himself." DICK SCOTT Found Shooting Eye Lions Volunteer To Take Lie Test Whitebirds Slight Underdog In Game MEDFORD The Klamath Un ion Pelicans get one of their big gest tests of the season here Fri day night when they take on the pre-scason favorite Black Tornado of Aledford as the second week of Southern Oregon Conference ac tion begins. The Pelicans, having defeated Ashland and Grants Pass teams last week in close games, leads the loop presently with a 2-0 rec ord while the Big Wind is 0-1, hav ing lost to the C&vemen at Grants Pass. This might indicate a favorite's role for the Pelicans but they will be slight underdogs Friday on the Jledford home court. B u t some injuries of late to the Tor nado squad could aid the Pcli' cans if they are still on the in jured list. The .Medford quint lost to Grants Pass last week without their top scorer Jim Hill with a separated shoulder but it is re ported that he may see limited action this weekend which means he could be ready to go. The other Tornado on the injured list is Rick B.enner, the former Grants Pass player, who broke his wrist in pre-holiday action. He is report ed to be on the comeback trail but probably won't be ready for the Pelicans. The Pelicans are in good physi cal condition with no injuries and should be ready for this all-important contest. This will be a very important game for the Pelicans because it can be used as a rat ing for the coming season. The Pels have defeated two of the better clubs and has Crater to meet next week. So this game is an important one, for both clubs. Medford needs a win to get back into contention. The Pelicans should be charged up to some measure because of ihe three lickings the Tornado gave them last year in four games while the Pels were win ning the league title. They will be out to revenge these losses. Each team has four players in the top 20 scoring column for league competitors. The Pelicans have Fred Kelley. Wayne Cham berland, Dick Scott and Hal Hol man. The Tornadoes have Jack Fordc, Jim Hill, Dan .Miles and Mike Neathamer. Kelley is the leader among that group with 94 points and an 11.7 average. Then comes Forde and Lamb. Forde has 85 points in one less game for a 12.1 aver age. Hill has 79 for six 'games and a 13.1 mean. Then comes Scott with 78 and a 9.7 average. He paced the Pelicans past Grants Pass. Then Medford's Miles and Holman and Chamberland. Those four probably will open for Coach Al Keek's crew and with sophomore Terry Ash as the probable fifth starter. Grover Dahn. Lanny Guyer and Bob Moore, a freshman, likely will see action, also. Forde. Miles. Neathamer, Gib Mitchell and Mike Barnes will probably open for Coach Frank Roclandt's Tornadoes. Don Piper may sea some action this week for the Pels. An injury has kept him out all season. Southern Oregon Conference Statistics College Scores By I'nitcd Press International EAST Duke 85 Navy 70 Drexel 61 Haverford 38 NYAC 59 Acadia (Nova Scotia ' 40 Fordhom 89 Rutgers 66 SI. Francis iN.Y.) 51 Villnnova 48 Wcx-.lef 58 Carnegie T. 55 lOT) Lincoln (Pa.) 59 Del. Val. 53 Concord 42 W. Va. Tech .19 Pittsburgh 61 Westminster 51 Springfield 70 Amherst 57 Franklin & Marsh. 57 Dick'n 42 Albright 63 Hnfstra 60 Temple 83 Ifayetle 62 I'rsinus 51 Penn Mil. 50 Kultown. St. 82 Juniata 46 SOl'TII Georgia Tech 72 Georgia 70 Virginia 78 N ('. St. 69 Gallaudct 68 Tovvson St. 49 Gettysburg 58 Johns Hopkins 50 Wake Forest 78 N. Carolina 70 Handolph-Macon 79 Old pom. 74 Minefield St 98 Itccklcv Coll. 78 Okla. Cilv r. 88 Centenary 84 Huntingdon 75 Birmingham S. 61 MIDWEST Notre Dame 82 DoPaul 62 Indiana Tech 91 Marion Coll. 85 Miami cohioi 64 Kent St :j Kvansv ille 622 Valparaiso 50 and more' loledo 60 Howling Green 56 St Ambrose 94 Iowa Wesley an 77 Dayton 69 St. Francis iPa.) 65 Indiana Ind i St. 76 Hutler 56 SOUTHWEST Southwestern U. 105 Tex. Wcs. 10.1 WEST Seallle 5,1 Montana 54 DETROIT lUPIl - Four De troit Lions players have volun teered to take lie detector tests to prove that acquaintanceship with known gamblers did not af fect their play. William Clay Ford, Lions presi dent, said that Darris McCord. John Gordy. Alex Karras and Wayne Walker all volunteered to take the tests. Three of the players Karras Gordy and Walker were named in a report made by Detroit Po lice Commissioner George Ed wards to the Lions management and National Football League Commissioner Pete Rozelle. The report linked the threr players with known gamblers but no criminal actions were discov ered in the associations. Ford said Wednesday it had been his understanding that Ro zelle was coming to Detroit early next week to take personal charge of the investigation. In New York, however. Rozelle denied he planned to question Ihel four players and said he did not have any plans to come to De troit. Rozelle said onlv that the investigation was continuing and he will make a statement when it is concluded. Ford said he was convinced all tile Lions plavers were in the lear but be conceded sonic ol Ihem may have used "poor judg ment. McCord, a defensive end, was not mentioned by name in the re- port. The Lions became involved in the lootball investigation when it was reported that the manage ment was unhappy with Karras' partnership in a Detroit bar. RUSSELL SUCCEEDS BI..MK LOS ANGELES 'UPL - Fred Russell, sports editor of the Nash ville. Tenn , Banner, has been names! to succeed Eatl Blaik as hauman of the National Foot ball Foundation Honors Court McKAY HONORED COI.l MRUS. Ohio I PI -Coach John McKav of top ranked Southern Calitoinia will receive the Robert Zuppke Tivpliy at the annual bampict ol the Columbus Touchdown Club .Ian 18. The trophy, given in memory of the lale Illinois coa h. is aw aided to the college tcmtball oMch who has faced ' Ihe nit's! demanding schedule " Complc to STEAM CLEAN MOTORS . . . $5.00 Sparkle Car Wash 402 S. 6lk Ph. TU 4-5S4J Ak about daily "Busineti Cati" SPOT ADS TU 4-1 Ml ORGANIZED GROUPS Add Square Dancing to Your Entertainment. LET US TEACH YOUR GROUP WE HAVE CALLERS Phone TU 4 8066 BOB'S BARN Hoe and Pfdo This Week's Specials! Mahogany Paneling Pre-Finishecf Cfe? V-Grooved J "x4'X3' Sheet Striated Hardboard New Stock $195 V4"x4'xV Sheet ! Swan Lake Moulding Co. 3226 South 6th TU 4-5145 Ram where police said known biers congregated. Walker entered the picture when it was learned he had loaned his car for several weeks to Jim Rutsicaris. Karras' part ner in the bar. Walker also ad mitted he knew several men Ed wards identified as gamblers. Ford said he was not sure how McCord's name was thrown into the investigation, lie said, "Mc Cord doesn't know cither but he wants to take the lie detector test anvwav." Ttm K-Fallt Crittr Aihland Medford Grants Pais Playtr Mika Glinti Jim Pippin Howard Tomltnton Low Alvarvi Fred Kelley Jack Forde Jim Lamb Jim Hill Dick Scoll Pal Pepper Dan Milei Hal Holman Wayne Chamberland Tod Met Tom Sparlln Greg Lindley Mike Neathamer Bob Shepard Rick Pierce Paul Brantom L Pet. PF PA Team 0 1.000 40e 333 K-Falli 0 1.000 413 333 Crater 1 .710 417 311 Grand Pan 2 .714 414 344 Medford 3 .4IS 433 413 Ashland Top 30 individual scorers Conference W L Pel. PP PA a o i.ooo s m 1 0 1.000 4$ 10 1 1 .100 101 0 1 .000 40 42 o 3 .ooo ioi m c KF 119 w r on ljl ,11 "" FT-A PF TP AV. IMt 1 114 14.3 35-42 It 107 13.4 4011 If 104 IS I 13- 20 23 101 14.4 14- 22 21 U 11.7 13- 30 22 11 17.1 20- 42 17 14 10! (4 games) 11-21 14 71 (3.1 21- 31 21 70 f.r 11-1 77 11,0 7 -14 11 71 10.7 21-34 I 7 .1 71-34 2? 73 1.1 31-32 II 71 It 1114 21 41 7.4 14- 70 7t 40 7.1 -17 17 51 1.3 14-71 13 54 47 11- 20 24 45 S.4 12- 21 23 42 4.0 v Tomorrow and Saturday! How can anycre resist the ne cars? But please, slave off the buying urge until ou've experienced a drive in the '63 Pontiacs and Tempests at Pontic's Drive O Rama. There II be such delectable Wide-Tracks as the elegant Grand Prix and the sumptuous Bonneville Sports Coupe and Convertible. And to further titillate your automobile buying palate, the sparkling Tempest Le Mans Sports Coupe and Convertible. A wide selection of body styles and series from our Catalina, Star Chief, Bonneville, Grand Pn, Le Mans and Tempest lines, with engines, trans missions and axle ratios tailored to your specific desire or need. Deliver yourself into our hands and we'll reciprocate with the keys to a Drive-O-Rama Ponhac. No eN'gation. ,is they say. We d just like to meet someone who can samp'e a Pontiac or Tempest and stay calm (we ll be watching your eyes). ECCLES MOTORS 606 S. 6th