: HONORED GUEST Mrs. Haiel Marshall of Des Moines, Iowa, left, supreme queen of the Daughters of the Nile, was honored at a ceremonial Dec. 12 in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Katherine Stonecypher, right, queen of Zuleima Temple No. 13, Daughters of the Nile, presided at the ceremonies. Photo by Kettler Daughters Of The Nile Honor Supreme Queen The Klamath Falls was hostess Dec. 12 to Zuleima Temple No. 13 for the Daughters of the Nile ceremonial honoring Supreme Queen Hazel Marshall from Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Marshall, on a nationwide tour of Nile Temples, has been active in the organization since 1942. Her late husband was a so oloist with the Des Moines Shrine Temple Band. Zuleima Temple Queen Kather ine Stonecypher presided at the ceremonial at the Scottish Rite Temple when 22 candidates were initiated in the colorful ceremony. Lavish decorations for the af fair were in Egyptian theme using palm trees. Oriental throws and rugs and large baskets of golden chrysanthemums. In charge of decorations was Phyllis May. ; Arrangements for the ceremo nial were made by Gretchen Thompson, president of Nile tTltib. and her co-chairman, lmo gene Jones. Temple hostess Jean Coddington and her committee were hostesses at a lea for the candidates pre ceding the ceremony. Following the ceremonial a ban quet was held at the Winema Ho tel in honor of Mrs. Marshall and the newly initiated members. Kathleen Thompson served as toastmistrcss. Seated at the head table were Mrs. Thomson, Supreme Queen Hazel Marshall, Queen Katherine Stonecypher, Chester Stonecypher. Sen. Lvnden Newbry. new poten 1ate oT Hilla Temple, Mrs. New- hrv. Supreme Princess H o y a Dixie Layman. Past Queen Sara Peters. Arthur Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coolcy, Mr. and Mrs Buck Barnharl. Stella Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. George Dugan, Gretchen Thompson, president. Klamath Falls Nile Club. Walk Thompson. Stuart Balsiger. Klamath Falls Shrine Club presi dent, and Mrs. Baliger. Kathy Chilcote. accompanied by Marie Obenchain. sang several mimliers for early dinner enter tainment. Senator Newbry. guest speaker, spnke on the pro)sed three mil lion dollar Shrine hospital to care FASiNETTES critically burned children every year. The cities under consideration as the site for this hospital are San Fran cisco, Denver, Portland and Los Angeles. Two other regional hos pitals are to be constructed lr either the east or south. In her talk. Mrs. Marshall told of the major achievements of Daughters of the Nile in the past year. Contributions totaling $11!),- 232 were made to the Convales cent Fund which purchases braies artificial limbs and special shoes for out-patients of the 16 Shrine hospitals across the nation In addition. 23.R1H garments and 46.225 incidental items were pro vided for the institutions. Mrs Marshall acknowledged the $1 100 check presented to the fund by Zuleima Temple. Among the 200 attending the banquet were officers and mem bers from Southern Oregon and Northern California. Past queens introduced included May Moss. Klamath Falls; Harriet Guldager, tugenc: Joan Relcr. Medford; Lucille Rice. Medford; Lcona BVy ant, Coquille: Obera Dunn, Ash land; Doris Wray, Coos Bay and bara Peters, Ashland. Nile Club presidents introduced were Kthel Jocken, Brookings Janet Rmnnell. Coos Bay; Stella Piper. Cave Junction; Willie Adams. Weed: Laura Dodson Dunsmuir: Bca Paxton. lnke- view ; Gretchen Thompson. Kliim ath Falls; Goldie Gunn, Cottage Grove. Banquet table decorations were done by Ailsa Kuykendall. Mary Vlahos and Iuise Estes. Margar et Lai kin w as in charge of rcer vations. HERALD ANT) NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Thursday. January 10. 1963 PAGE 3-A o A M C E T N I 5 V I T Bu I Helen r C Dechen DEAR POLLY Here is a tip for stamp collectors. To remove the stamp from paper, soak in cold water for 10 minutes. Then slide off the paper. To dry. place stamp between two paper towels and go over with a warm iron. PATRICIA ANNE Our thanks to another of our young readers (11 years old) who shares her own pet trick and a good one with us. POLLY DEAR POLLY - As 1 go POLLY'S POINTERS Soak Off Used Stamps POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn. through magazines before throw ing them away. I cut out all articles for children. Some are patterns for puppets, easy-to-make gifts, decorations, etc. 1 keep these in a box along with scraps of felt, paper and other materials. Whenever the neigh borhood children come to visit or when 1 baby-sit. they enjoy seeing what 1 tiave to make that day. STEPHANIE Another good way to keep lit tle minds busy and little hands out of mischief. POLLY DEAR POI.LY-I find that plas tic baby bottles in which milk has been ifced get to smell sour, so I put in one-half teaspoon of baking soda, fill with water and let stand overnight. Next morning they -moll sweet and fresh. I also use soda to cealn combs and brush es. Just add a couple ot teaspoons to a pan of water after five or 10 minutes soaking, dirt floats out of combs and brushes and leaves little or no scrubbing for me. MRS. D. G. DEAR POLLY When packing I to move, I label each carton in big black letters with the name of the room where it is to be unpacked. For example, a box with dishes, pots and pans would be marked "KITCHEN" on the outside. When the box arrives at the new house, one quick look will tell the movers where to put it. MRS. P. M. DEAR POLLY-When matting circular felt skirts for growing girls, cut them two or three inch es longer Uian the present skirt length. Finish the skirt and cut off a circle of two or three inches Irom the bottom and put this away until the skirt needs lengthening. How happy vou will he to have those extra inches. Just sew that circle of felt on to the bottom of the skirt and cover the seam with fancy braid, stitching or rick- rack and the skirt will be good for another vear or two. MOTHER OF THREE GIRLS C.lltl.S I think this idea should be good not only or felt skirts but also corduroy, velvet, wool or anv other firm skirt fabric. All of who sew know that circular skirts I'hnnol have deep hems to let out, so this suggestion keeps them from being a one-season proposition when the girls are still growing. POLLY 1 free77. 1 1 1 -ft TNi vrftM nKsra3 , !Q MAN'S LEATHER WATCH BAND M kL3 f Vl "A 1 rVA? li R or LADIES' CORD BRACELET Y,,A I wh f lf , tirflf1rliTlfcdlT lillf n WV ff tVt ft I I AT WEiSHELD'S if I G&gdi&AAfCG vza ; with each Pallas i iii i ..in 'yj y i WATCH REPAIR f '"niess" m T JWWl 4 GUARANTEED g3 II LIFETIME FLATWARE J VV yMtfjU, 1 24 Pe service for 6 ,.; 11 J'g' ''' ' ' - 5 PORTABLE TABLE OVEN BROILER ' M cAMftlic Prvmr- h fCJ ' L-iss '" no ..toast... tTAA i FAMOUS REVERE Stjm) ' r E599 M prices reduced! - I TrKfR0w . Mloclod lomooroton. fa MOOtl 1,-t " -if ! I II W ' III l! PAY ONLY 1.00 A MONTH J " i REG. 6.95 - 2 QUART $ Sj - W . , J j I I COVERED SAUCE PAN I '11 ' ' -i1- ? iJjati.,..rt). a REG. 6.95 WHISTLING J ri?! Mj - j l TEA KETTLE I . SLWrPTir'i " f0?J371fWW'l W G. 7.50 STAINLESS I ' iJO-Z jtffffl1 insJJliJxr H mixing bowl set Lt&&SdM Oil fe tmlnn iis SI v CH0,CECHmGE twril W 'i tllXTZT fihM J n APPLIANCES i! If '!kC 14.kJm M Ml 10 BY THERM-O-WARE :, I I UW. fe-A 17-JEWEL STYLES M waitmam g i Your ALQQ t W vt A WITH METAL 2S& I 1 ChoC. Q7 J J ; J W J j W - v-IIO ,1 SHSr-- m&A I S llM8r'-Vi " j Tick...,! $49.so f II .TM -;i i MMiwa ifnrNN WZ&ig J-m & t&jrZil&G&l'; " l - ; Miri-f "OCIAM COKSAH" I. YVw "'3 100 imiootiiblo .d Mrwtilo, M 6- i5S5ifeS?;: 5zA f ISSlWl ihoclTiiilum ili l.n 2'Wi si O"omoc eowrol .d fry o( f - .-(i'XfjS?' ' idt-ftffcvtl 1 EGG BEATER I j .t'olfeffm i V' lfSS j E tTw fill tl ? PTrf-ll if " M.wwf.tajtiij..... , , ! A ,4 Vt fm&our WfSk 't 1 i U FAMOUS NAME fj 53-Pe. St$ V t!7 maiu.i oi -si-' Y I g WATCH BANDS .j 57-Pc. Sets UJ 1 VwZV.u. eotriAI i i 67-Pc. Sets I l SPECIAL ' 3 TV,U" 149 ' ' J C.mpor.0frwe. V M7j M NEW REMINGTON "ENVOY" iTS AP , 3 To5.95 1 tl;., ..-., . oLfk tl DA DT A D I C T VDCUD I TCD A.!frtl1f.Pl li d I0UR CH0,CE fj Aboard. tZM j , j -v-. . Tr" , fc I ' ' wm mm A f-JL. i;A ij Two-Colot Ribbon and iw month J j t ! j I H 4Lr I ,5", I Coffiog rloi ltvr epr tTf Sfl"'d lpa' bar Ceffiogt wln"a lcH"8 Utf ;4 O 'j J -Ji J j ' I fj 13 i ' I ft 'if tnraohl lep eftvef lighl hnnrf ihlfl hty SMf lV Itty lint ipqr and locolltg lilcor fy"'. (M) i' l 'i d B fj If ::'J set CTTroT'XA ( .,,. M..,.., I.. '1 I, j' ' M 1 I;' f- j b-;,h, p. i,,..,, '' , '-; A) ; r I 1 JlL - Mouor.dT ,.,,., -''l' ' ter,,ia,,:;.au,' f ,;.,lMm.i,.V,.i Winr rm, ,ridi.li..ii.i..te-r "i, DICORATEO MELAMINE HANDLES . J L, D.MUH A..0I i... I KAjM XV JPtf WSf' -- J -ill 2" Jv-w -"I- tv-yfwl ws-s.-sSl "-i By I'nftrH Trra Intrrn.-ittnnal The lnn-u kids are inflnr-ncins fashion in England. The tm-up-prrs are younustcrs who Ret their kitks from tcarinR around at hich I ... ..I... Thrt,r 1 UN 11IUIU1 1 IV.'. tin ii umi form: hoot;, ticlit p.irits and leather jackets In town, the ton up cotume lakes the hum oi daintily pointed le.ithrr hoots ris ing well over the ankle and with a jlt hoe! for raual wear. ).icketJ and slaiks. helled at the hips, continue the ton up silhmi- 1963 Admiral PORTABLE TV SETS While they last 11 995 45 Piece MELMAC DINNER WARE Service for 8 P Man's Massive Alan's Massive BIRTHSTONE K RING with 2 " t Side Diamonds g 3250 3 IASY TIKMS . 11 88 Values to $4.95 Special SCRAMBLE TABLE Your Choice 9 1 3 piece LUGGAGE SETS While they last 62 1A 6 transistor POCKET RADIOS Complete with ear phone and case. 12 88 Fat Free FRY PANS While they last fip" -SN I r THE GRETEL S - 'J 10-DIAMOND t:-, if BRIDAL PAIR v I S9 I if Wi MK M4 Mmlbft l'-s 'l fi PAY ONLY S6.00 MONTH !: M ' ' -i.il ..,,,- s 'GLORIFIED 100' IS '4 10-DIAMOND f ; BRIDAL PAIR IO00 i !. .3 S-DUmond Mlch,P0 land L . ; , j FAY ONLY 10.00 MONTH f ! j "f ' " .ill n" j , $ THE CHALLENGER LARGS SOLITAIRE wffk Matching land too 00 if ) Admiral automatic STEREO RECORD PLAYER M With MK Gold t ilid ' i PAY ONLY 110 00 KONTH i V .1 i 39 95 2 only EMERSON 23" CONSOLE TV with trade THE SENATOR DIAMOND SET Man's ONYX RING 59 50 MtHtlv RHdM 4MtIn4 PAY ONIY iLOS MONTH 139 95 Reg. $39.95 R.M.B. TAPE RECORDERS SOnly $C As-li JP All ELECTRIC BLANKETS Including C-E 20off Reg. $29.95 SHETLAND FLOOR POLISHERS Save $10 GERALDINE I 3-DIAMOND RING ' l) 4-DIAMOND BAND I 25000 I LOW IAST TfRMS I lady't Eltgant k BIRTHSTONE K RING with 2 C Sid Diamonds J p 2450 PHV . lAir rrs . 95 701 Main St Open 9:30 a.m. Till 5:30 19