HERALD AND NEWS, h'Unuth Flt, Orr, Thurriay, Jaawry It, )9fJ PACB-J GET THE JAVI TIMi AND MONEY '.VVlfl fP State Capitol Readies Inaugural Ceremonies HOTTEST lb easy mf . Jh jJf. unitt ysr. Sun yeur -vC? SALEM WPV Protocol to the And what a forthcoming !,: The state's four living former which came to four years ajo re- dkMMkM, Pith to O At inaugural ceremonies here Mon for Mrs, Hatfield! In a four day period she entertains the entirei Coventors are expected to attend BURNING duced the number of seats on the north and south aisles. day will taNe a slight shilt from: the inaugural ceremonies. They previous years. The superintendent of public In legislature at the Hatfield home, are Charles A, Sprague, John Econo-Wash takes in the inaugural affairs, be Hall, Elmo Smith and Robert: However this inauguration will ROCKET HEATING OILS struction, who until 1961 was a Holmes, Chief justice William M. Mc probably he seen by more people statewide elected official, no long cr will be in the processional. gins her weekly "at homes" fori than any in Oregon history, thanks to television, Not only are the public, and observes another birthday her 34th, tafiind VS Hmmmmt tank His position will be taken by tax court Judge Peter Gunnar! who is a statewide elected oiii- Allister, a former speaker of the there more stations to Oregon, bat ambitious coverage plans call for IJ cameras to the House chambers Monday when the gavel House, mil be swearing in Hat field for the third time. He did The governor won't be usint s cial. leleprompter on his expected 45- the honors for Hatfield as secre- tary of state and last lime asj LOOKING FOR DELICIOUS FOOD...? I DELIVERY I 7-DAYJAJyEEiy minute inaugural address, Hel :opcns the Knd legislative asscm- The soloist for the program will be Edith Fairham Gunnar, the: used one last time and it stopped governor. Wy, in mid speech. He had back. stopped himself with a typed man- To accommodate (he planusd judge's wife, who sang at gover Seating space, as always, live television coverage, the House wilt be sworn in at 19 a.m, and the Senate at 10: IS a.m. nor and Mrs, Hatfield's wedding! tiscript and was able to go on without interruption, ; be at a premium for the inaujyjra-: lour years ago. lion. The new filing cabinets PHONE TU 4-6788 JAY. HAWK PETROLEUM Fmwm mm Now Is The Time To Buy This Famous Name Mer chandise And SAVE Vi O Sportswear O Sweaters 0 Skirts Be Here Early! QUANTITIES LIMITED SALE STARTS JAN. 11th at 9:00 a.m. AH Sales Final No Refunds No Exchanges EXTRA SAVINGS With won "Gredl StfllUpS" ,n "r,"ie own Country Shopping Center NX V 0 SPEED QUEEN 2-Speed, 2-Cycle AUTOMATIC WASHER 2 speeds, 2 cycles, 3 washing tern, perotures and 2 rinse temperatures a perfect wash for every typ of clothes. Lint ejector floats off dirt and (int. 2 speed spinning action, loo. See it at Shaffers, E3 t " J 289 95 AUTOMATIC ELEC. DRYiR Perfect companion for vaiktr above. You select the heat, You se lect the drying time, In-A-Daer Lint Trap built in front door, Cleans in seconds. Drum stops when door is opened. Safe around children. 179 95 Prices Lass With Trade-in! Convenient Terms ffiCbaptfffeo1, NEATEST HAIR CUTS IN TOWN! w to get, too, Just rop in any time, no op poiirtmeirt needed, Drop Ne kids off while yen! hop, we B have them; rimmed up lit ne time. Plenty of free parking,! ee, tight in front of the Boor, Si Adults Wldren SI JO $1.25 OPIN MONDAY THROUGH (SATURDAY 9-7 SUBURBAN BARBER SHOP EVERYTHING FOR BABY AT SUBURBAN! Similoe or Baker's Liquid Milk 20e 479c JbV Con T Com Terry Feedina Bibs f 1 Baby's Knitted Gowns 4 Al w 180 COTTON Bambi Sleepers Snap Wst UU4 f. 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