TOWN and COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER 3800 So. Sixth F9V 1I "Trii r4! Y.I. I i ss 111 r 'AY V BIGGER AT ALL TOWN & COUNTRY STORES DO NOT Cut Number out of Paper. You Must Bring Entire Front Page of This Sec tion to Every T&C Store! ZsL irriiilN SAVINGS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN pQSTED THAN evcix--" HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Your Lucky Number is printed on the front of this section . . . bring the entire Section to T and C if your lucky Number matches the numbers posted on the merchandise in any of the stores you may buy that merchandise at the ridiculous low price as shown. Numbers good through Wed., January 16th. i :-7 THIS IS your Number SORRY. W No Phone Calls or Mail Orders Right Reserved to Limit 30 Numbers Posted 4 Numbers Posted 10 Numbers Posted 10 Number Posted 10 Numbers Posted . 10 Numbers Posted 10 Numbers Posted 10 Numbers Posted ROCKET ROCKET ANY MEAL IN ONE WASH ONE PENDLETON ONE PAIR Hart Schaffner GASOLINE HEATING OIL THE HOUSE AND DRY DRY CLEANING SHIRT LEVIS & Marx SUIT 10 Iflc 100 $400 4 AC 4 1C 00 9' $9 gals. ... , V gallons III I With th. correct No. from With th. correct No. frem With the correct No. from ...... ... I W tho trant of thli McHon. With th. corroet No. from tho tront of thli section, tho front of thli section. With Iht correct No. from With tho correct No. from . .u. ,., .u. ,-,, , , . tho front of this section. the front of this section. With tho correct No. from With th. correct No. from Your choice of one mon's tlie tront ot mis section. Choose any pair in the Choose any suit in the .4V I.illfl ..w the front of thi. .,,.. ,h. front of this section, or lodie, suit. Our regular 14.95 seller. housei to., ,50 housaup to regular 89.50. JAY HAWK JAY HAWK VILLAGE DREWS T&C DREWS T&C DREWS T&C PETROLEUM PETROLEUM BING'S ECONO-WASH CLEANERS MANSTORE MANSTORE MANSTORE 10 Numbers Posted ...... 5 Numbers Posted-- - t 10 Numbers Posted 100 Numbers Posted 10 Number Posted 25 Numbers Posted " 5 Number Posted 10 Number Posted LADIES REDWING IRISH LITTLE YANKEE EARRINGS OR MEN'S SHIRTS BATH TOWELS ELECTRIC GE STEAM-DRY "Galaxie" Heels SETTER BOOTS SHOES NECKLACE flc BLANKET IRON 88C $188 ?5C 0C 99 " $f95 $788 WW .1 Em J M , tL , , With tho correct No. from im L With the correct No. from I With thiT.rT!ct No. from With th. cITracf No. from TtatTSrmT ' th. front . this H.n. Our new hi or flat With th. correct No. from th. front of this H.n. th. front of this .H.n. th. front of this H.n. regular bla thirsty With th. correct No. from With th. come. No. from Our new hi, mid or flat th. front of this secKon. . . , v ... . . rour choice from ony In Our rtgulor Wj, tiling, the front of this toction. th. front of this section. heel shoe that reqularly re- Your choice of ony size. Tour choice from any in the vlu.. o SO floral designed both towels. .-.-.. . . ..... tails for up to 10.95. Regularly to 24.95 boots. Values to 9.95 house. ,h ,tora' V0,UM ,0 , S0, Reg. 97c. Reg. 24.95 Dual Control Our regular 14.95 Iron. HOUSE OF HOUSE OF HOUSE OF HOUSE OF HOUSE OF HOUSE OF SHAFFER SHAFFER SHOES SHOES SHOES DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 10 Numbers Posted 10 Numbers Posted , 10 Numbers Posted 10 Numbers Posted 10 Number Posted 15 Number Posted 10 Number Posted ... 10 Number Posted STEREO OR SPECIAL GIFT COSTUME Man's Waltham SUNBEAM 4-PC. lpOI!3e mP- SUPER LP ALBUM CERTIFICATE JEWELRY WATCH FRYPAN COOKOUT SET Double Jtastic KEM-TONE 19 i(v 9 9" $100 9 lov fiQ With th. correct No. from j With the correct No. from ' fiul TX ' ' I ' W "' tho tront of this section. tho front of this section. With th. correct No. from With th. correct No. from With tho correct No. frem WHh th. correct W.' from wa. . . w. i Your choice from any in Select from any of our reg- ' " rt" ,h " t( ,h" ,h" " B" front w stock. Value, to 5.98. th. front of th h.n. a, 4.40 costume jewelrV. A regular 49.95 value. A regular 21.95 value. A regular 1.98 value. A regular 2.98 value. SHAFFER SUBURBAN BOB'S T&C BOB'S T&C BOB'S T&C ROBERT'S ROBERT'S ROBERT'S ELECTRIC BARBER SHOP JEWELERS JEWELERS JEWELERS HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE ' ' i i i 1 100 Numbers Posted 10 Numbers Posted 10 Numbers Posted 30 Numbers Posted 30 Number Posted 30 Number Posted 30 Number Posted 10 Number Posted Prescriptions CANDIES OR S4A00GIFT MJB COFFEE C&H SUGAR SWIFT'S SWIFT'S $10.00 WORTH pc COOKIES 0c"tG,hcatE . . BACON CANNED HAM OF PAINT W T.ctN..r.m P9 With ,h. correct No. from J Lb,. 9 2 l the front of this stion. Wifh ,h, tretf Ne- Mm the front of th.s Mh.n. ' Lb, V " With th. ot Ncs frem Up to 5.00 credit on your 'Juj' frL "IT Good on anv small oonll- With th. ,.rrt N.. from With th. correct No. from ' With th. correct No. frem th. front of ... Ho. newM-onlWprescn, gJ-JZ "J" , hi. -c,n. ,h. fren, this .c,n. - thefrontof, fnm .nyM. SUBURBAN SUBURBAN SUBURBAN LOW COST LOW COST LOW COST LOW COST JACK'S DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS SUPER MARKET SUPER MARKET SUPER MARKET SUPER MARKET COLOR CHIP 10 Numbers Posted 5 Numbers Posted 10 Numbers Posted 10 Numbers Posted 10 Number Posted 10 Number Posted 10 Number Posted CHECK PAINT ROLLER TRICYCLE OR PLASTIC TABLE LAMPS LADIES' CHILDREN'S LADIES' NYLON r""j" & TRAY SET BAR STOOL SHELL CHAIRS CAR COATS COATS PAJAMAS EVERY Q $199 0QC 89' $r00 $ 7rc PAGE wththecfrectN. frem With the, ort N.. from WHh th. correct No. frem J J IJ OF THIS ih. fre'l of rtis section. With the correct No. frem th. front of th section. the ret of this section. Wiffc N- With tho correct No. from With th correct No. frem Vl in. rronr or r, the front of thlt secHon. T. , th. front et this uttin. the front ot this soefion. th. front of this section. Our regular 3.51 heavy. Rc9ulor f0 19.9S voluc,. SpTo.Tair. From our reg. 12.95 group. Refl. 25.00 39.00 vol.. Value, from 15.95 f 21.95 Regular 5.98 values. BIG JACK'S DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT FASHION 1 FASHION FASHION ccntm! COLOR CHIP FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE VILLA VILLA VILLA SCUiUN