0); PACK B B HERALD AND NEWS, Klanulh Falls. On. Thumday, January 10, 13 ( MU.Z2 jf TAMUS AM. 21 H 1- 7-10-4 W769 71-83-901 STAR GAZERO MMM O MAY 22 V, 4- 6-31-3 44-46-5 CANCfR .31-48-59-A5 76-77-84-89 uo 4- AUG. 23 CM 4-1 8-24-291 VttGO AUG- 24 I' SWT. 22 1 2&45j 70 W,lcV22-2 N -'51-67-7 By CLAY K POLLAN H Your Ooity Activity Gouk U " According to rfia Stan, ! To develop messoge for Friday, read words corresponding to numbers ot your Z.odioc birth sign. 1 CVwek 2 Your 3 i You re 5 ArrwM 6 In 7UD 8 Thro"joh 9 Winning lOOrt 11 Woyt 12 Dav 13 W.ll U Worxkrful 15CH 16 Be 17SreW IB r-inancial 19Sm JO Btter 21 New 22 Firm 23 V-vtor 11 Gams 25Avd 26Fn ? O 28 Oon 29Ar 30 Smryl 31 TtrU 32 T.mt 33 Moody - 34 -3.S For ' M And 37 A 3? Artvrttt 39 Morning 41 StutVww 47 Problem 43 And 44 PWV4 4 b fwv 47 4 Who 49 Oof S0 Imprcwt 52 53 Trip 54 In 55 Stow 5o Pop 57 SorpnN 'MO 59 Vow (SO Up Al TonW 62 UnPKd 63 Attract 64 Your 6b Hmt ft Ni 67Th ft MnMgt ? tnde. 70 Vp 71 Mnk 72 incomt 73 New 74 ConlocH 7b And 76 Wth 77 Gt 78 In 79 MoMrW 80 Frw-nd. 81 TV fl? VsntiirM 81 84 Of 8b Ard Al I. unM AB PrMtip. 89Soh 90 Rapatn lM SWT OCT. BO-W-W-MfV HIO6-0I VI- como OCT. jto, NOV. 71 J- o.n.iv-l fcj-7M0-WVJ lAGfTTABJUS CAPIKOVN DCC IS f JAN. VJi 3- 5- P7-62M VS AOUAftM IM5-17-40fO mcis t39-42-4f France Plans To Fire Pacific Island H-Bomb PARIS UPl France is start- inR preparations to explode her drsl H-bomb in the remote Gam bier Islands in the Pacific Ocean about 1,000 miles southeast ol Ta hiti, possibly within two years, reliable French sources said to day. The government refused official confirmation. The sources said the Armed Forces Ministry and the French Atomic Energy Commission have started active preparations for the test. The (Jambier Islands are an archipelago belonging to France. The actual explosion will take place on Mangareva Island in the Gambicr group, the sources said. Mangareva has a population of about 5(10 persons. This would be France's first hydrogen bomb test. The French have set off four above ground atomic explosions in their nuclear testing ground in the Sahara Des ert since February, 190. There have also been one or two under ground tests there. France has never tried to ex plode a hydrogen device in the Sahara. French officials said the danger would be too great. Explosion of a hydrogen bomb is considered an important stage in President Charles de Gaulle's plans for giving France an inde pendent nuclear striking force. New Zealand s leaumg news paper, the Auckland Star, called for a complete ban on all hydro gen bomb testing in the South Pacific. Lucas Furniture . . . Semi-Annual IF L3 L2i A ZZS ITU We've cleaned up the attic, cleared out the warehouse, and here are tome of the "dust catchers" we found! Not all of these are "Cob-wcbby" . . . some of them we just over looked in the Christmas rush. Come in . . . you'll find many other haraain hecirtpo the! Look for the "Cob-Web" Shop Sale Tags 6 Only Reg. $39.95 Reg. $44.50 2 . NIGHT STANDS KEMP CHEST 4 0Bnoyokc8aekcr BABY BEDS Your Choice For your btdroom, 3 draw.,. HEADBOARDS Slightly dn,.,.l. $688 $2495 "gs"' $2495 2 only, Reg. $45.95 Reg. $102.95 Values to $14.95 Reg. $10.95 FIBRE KRIBS MAPLE CHESTS Fireplace Andirons Occasional Tables Folding, packsoa tcib, torn- 1 1 Ono group. tlU with matlrox, tt. L ,j ont 0 0n, JtouPi tT00 toiy to lak in cor. SWOO $2995 $6995 SL $288 wjl:l,t Reg. $269 Save $100 Reg. $1.49 Reg. $8.95 Reg. $179.95 Dining Room Sef SOFA PILLOWS td.c i nine RCA WMr,p001 orep ,J tob... 4 wrAriLLunj TABLE LAMPS Fl FPTRIf DRYER chairs, 2 holt chain. In But- Choice of colon. LLLLllUU lll I Lit tered Birch. $T69 88c No, '6 88 , oniy' 129" Reg. $149.95 Large size One only One only Daveno-Rocker Sets WINDOW BLINDS VIRTUE DINETTE VIRTUE DINETTE 3 only - beige, blue, tur- your choice. Ovol table and 4 chain. Round table, 4 chair, quoiie. $9888 99c $3988 $4888 One only -11 piece , B Anr.i 410 Coil Dinin Room Sets " oneoniy SERTA Intention table, leaf, 8 KNEEHOLE DESK DESK CHAIR uattww t choin. tool Hoot and 3S24 . ...,, . L TIMIinLJJ a Hr.K. toble. Walnut Finish Rr- ' w"l"ut "'" nnv CDDIMiC Reg. $159.95 OrtOC CftOO BUX iKKINW $13495 $3995 I $988 ;;:c,$6488 Reg. $9.50 Sq. Yd. 501 NYLON CARPET SALE Choice of Beige or Kjrccn MISCELLANEOUS CHAIRS 1 Group, You Haul DAVENO, OTTOMAN, CHAIR Repossessed DAVENO, OTTOMAN, CHAIR $ Repossessed - Like new SAVE ON RUGS-SALE! SPECIAL-just arrived 9"xl2' RUGS Foam padded back, Tweeds in Colors. $2188 ft 5850 USED FURNITURE DAVEHOS -lO00 VANITY & BENCH 19" ODD CHEST f,,.'.'.'"fl.$19" ODD CHAIRS .fr J4" 2-PIECE SECTIONAL $39" 1 WHEEL CHAIR J9'5 DAVENPORT AND CHAIR $10 95 SETS From J DINETTE SETS $()95 and $1(195 Table ond 4 Chairs 99c $79's 169" Buy On Our Low Easy Pay Plan! MW-4t4 M m "1 I I fir ma KUkiN.. "Wo ond MilI$cHool Reg. $10.95 NYLON CARPET SALE Famous Wilton weave will wear ond wcor! a 5950 Reg. $12.95 ML WOOL AXMINSTER CARPET Beautiful 1 Roll Only SALE 51050 Many other Items not listed Shop Save! Another HAPCO G-E First! This is News! Happy Hapco Announces Brand Ne l 2 Year Warranty on BOTH Parts and Labor! Shop and Compare You Won't Find This Value Anywhere! During our past 6 years in business, we have found GE appliances so trouble-free, service problems so slight, that we are oble to offer this 2 YEAR WARRANTY! Starting 1963, we're happy to pass on this evidence of GE craftsmanship to our cus tomers in the Hapco service area. Shop Compare! You won't find it anywhere else. It's PLUS VALUE time at Hapco! 11.2 Cu. Ft. G-E Combination 2 Door -1963 REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER n9S Only 28 Inches Wide Big, 70-Lb. Top Freezer Self-Defrost Refrigerator O Full Width Crisper O 2-Door Convenience ,f ' ii s-- $239 G-E 1963 DISH WASHER "MOBILE MAID" 3 eye lei, doily dishes (mixed loads), pots and pans, fine china ond crystals. Wash orm on bottom, show er tower in center, power shower on top. The only dish washer that washes 3 woys. Place Bettings for 12. 95 . plus 2 year warranty ft !2f . I SI KJ'V. "V "V "V. "V. W. . . J311X PLUS 2 Year Warranty '63 G-E 30-INCH RANGE $19995 Plus 2 Year Warranty O Clock, Timer, Minute Timer OPush Button Controls Full Width Oven Removable Oven Door Cal-Rod High Speed Units All Prices Even Less with Trade! USED DRYERS Crosley S65 Kelvinator S65 General Electric $75 Hot Point $85 AUTOMATIC WASHERS KENMORE MAYTAG WESTINGHOUSE G-E REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE IRONER $75 $100 $65 $59.95 $40 G-E Matching WASHER-DRYER PAIR 4 i WA 650X 1963 Models K " . . .- "r 620X Filler-Flo WASHER Plus 2-Yr. Warranty 12 pound capacity. 2 cycle. 3 woter levels. 5 woth and nme temperatures. Soak cycle. ftltfr-FI. Porcelain top. MATCHING DRYER Plus 2-Yr. Warranty Thret hoot letting plui teonomy dry sot ting. Do-wrinklf i.tting. High ipeed or. tlo drying tysrecn. Porcelain lop and drum. Full 12 pound capacity. REMEMBER . . . We have complete sctvice facilities lor ell G-E Appli ances and all m a k s of TV. (Credit, gladly). 0 Kitchen Aid I 2 PORTABLE DISHWASHERS Both just like new. $125 $100 lady Kenmore Repossessed! Like New! Hot Point 18 Cu, Ft. REFRIGERATOR FREEZER Sold new for S800, less than $400 10 OFF on all USED TY SETS 50 to choose from . . . we have to move them out! Park jutt across tho ttroct ot 10th t Mom liii Ll A 1001 Main Store Hours: 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Phone TU 4-8183