IIKKALD AND BASIN MAUN MIIS. BOB MKKK and Wayne spent the holidays with Mrs. Meck's aunt. Mrs. Pave Cooper, in Visalia, Calif. MR. AND MBS. LLOYD MICK spent the holidays with their daughter and son - In - law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Malick, in San Jose. They also visited in the Bay Area. Mil. AND MRS. W. W. CLARK and daughters, Wilma and Cathy. recently visited another daughter 3nd family, the Hs Van Neses, iji Visalia. : MR. AND MRS. ROY IN GRAM, Mrs. .lohn Reber, and Linda Bcbcr spent last week in San Francisco where Ingram took tests at the School of Dentistry, College of Physicians and Sur geons. They also visited Mrs. Re- tier's sister. Mrs. Jake Silva, in San Leandro. v MR. AND MRS. LARRY HAYNES of Seaside, Calif., spent Christmas Eve visiting relatives in .Malin and Tulelake. RON K A LIN A spent Christmas week in Midland, Tex., visiting with the Charles Rajnus family MR. AND MRS. VACLAV KA UNA were in Fremont, Calif., last week to visit with their daughter and family, the Don Uhruhs. MR. AND MRS. BILL RAJNUS have returned from a two-month visit in Chicago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Secky. They also visited relatives in New York Their twin daughters, Ellen and Evelyn, remained in Chicago with their grandparent! where they are attending school. Ellen is with Ie Automation School and Eve lyn wilh American Floral School of. Design. MR. AND MRS. JACK FREE MAN and family recently moved lo the Fred Rupley ranch, located in the state line soulh of Malin, which they have leased. MB. AND MRS. BOB SIIOBT. Bobbie, Casey and Vickey of Portland, and his mother, Mrs. Frank Taylor, Stoney Ford. Calif., spent the holidays here w ith Mis. Short's mother, Mrs. Ken Wilson. NEW IMNK CHEEK Mil. AND MIIS. BILL ALLEN spent !he holidays with iThilives at Santa Rosa. MIIS. ALPHA FERGUSON left Jan. 4 by bus for Prineville where f.lie will spend a week with her son, Glen Mctirctv, and family. JESSE I.K'.HTI.K underwent major surgery last Friday at Ihe Ijkeview Hospital. He is reported ns doing well and will be return ing to his home soon. MARK A. GETTY, who fell and broke his hip over a week ago. was 'reported resting heller at the Uikoview Hospital Sunday evening. He had been in a stale of semi-shock lor several days. SUMMER LAKE MR. AND MRS. NEWMAN KIMES and suns from Klamath Falls visited until New Year's with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs Guv Foster, and her brother's family, Ihe Jim Fosters. They were also here for Christmas. MR. AND MBS. GUY HANI). Kenneth. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hind and children, Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Mis. Fred l-'eiss and lamily. Itkrvicw. were holiday guests of the IVlmar lUmds. MRS. KVA ASHCKA KT and duKhter .Inv viited in Portland and ( loverdale during tht boll (lavs. THK IIKIIOY rMII.Y tinned (or the f n t linw 1 nt-e when thr llelniiir lhunl were hots I" Mr. anil Mrs. .Kick Do Ixiy And tun t-hihhrn. Mr. .ind Mis. Llod Prlmy and di.uyhlt'r, lilt-nna. Merrill. and Mrs. May Dohny and Mrs. Woods. Hoi so, liom I.p 30 lo .t;in. I. Mlt. AM) MltS. KIM KVOKK PAGE 10-B and ,tim were visitinR liiends lnl..nother datmhlrt and son-in-law. Summer Lake and Paisley nhileKi,-, and Mis. .Inn Moon of hero from Seattle. Anaheim, joined them in San .lose land all sjient Christmas together .M It . AMI MRS. DON' ( (IMI1S and Tour children nf r Pine mk. ,m MHS. It (I II K It T Creek were reient visitors nf Mr TOI'I.KK and los liom lionan, and Mrs. Bud Pernoll and Zilla,Mnl. visited with Mr. and Mrs Klder. Wes Haskins and family and Mr and Mis. Miekev O'Keefle recent- THK JAMKS KOSTKIt home ly was the M'ene of a communis snip Sunday afternoon. Ilee :to (iiiests included Kev and Mrs llaj Harp-caves and family. Lakeview: Mrs. Newman himc Klamath Kalis, and Mis. Anlvs M.irkus and sons of Silver Like WAYS' K KI.DKK, Klamath Kails, was a Saturday nisht Kurvt of Zilla Elder, while here to at tend lodRe meeting in Paisley He is master of the lod;e. MR. AMI MRS. DICK (ll'SKKY and three children led Saturday for Lovelock tmmake Uioir home. Their oldest ton, Dan Thompson, NEWS, Klanialh Falls, Orr. BRIEFS staying with the Jim. Foster family to finish his xophomor year at Paisley High School. MRS. JAMKS ( Altl.ON is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Jim Pitcher in Klamath Falls for about week, while her stepfather is hos pitalized for surgery. GUY FOSTER entered St Charles Memorial Hospital on Jan 2 to be treated for pneumonia Mrs. Foster and son,. Jim, went Sunday to see him. BONANZA MBS. GRACE REVELL writes (riends from her home in Port land that she has just returned from four weeks in Illinois wilh her son, Russell Rcvell, and family who have recently returned from Thailand. Her daughter, Dorothy Revel, Anchorage, spent Christmas with her In San Fran cisco with another son, I-awrcno Hevcll, and family. Her late hus band, Charles Hevcll, was roan ager of the Langell Valley Irriga tion District for many years CAROLYN STRUNK, graduate of Bonanza High School, is attend ing beauty school in Klamath Falls. She is staying with her sister, Mrs. Calvin Douglas. FRANCES DrllEL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DcBcl, for mer owners of Lorella Store, the Waves, stationed in Wash ington, D.C. MRS. HAZEL BROWN, former Bonanza resident, is visiting in Sprague River wilh her daugh tcr, Mrs. Tim Hess, and family 'She just came from Coquille where she visited another daughter, Mrs. Jimmy Martin, and will visit two. daughters, Mrs. Vernon Ncwlun and Mrs. Dob Rhinevauld, Klam ath Falls, before returning home MR. AND MRS. GLENN HUFF MAN had as weekend visitors, Mrs. Blanche Huffman, Ashland. Ruby Carlisle of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Don Huffman and Mrs. Es ther Hensley of I.as Vegas, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Huffman of Phoenix, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lilly of Riddle and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carlisle of Klamath Falls. , MRS. BILL HOUSE and daugh ter accompanied Mrs. Elizabeth Rell and Mrs. lxmne Murine to Sacramento on Jan. 5. Mrs. Mor- ine's daughter, Mrs. Tom House, hud major surgery Jan. 8. BONANZA GARDEN CLUB met at the home of Alyec Haley of Dairy Jan. 9, 10 a m in noony classes were neia in Hie morning, with a short busi ness meeting in Ihe afternoon. FRED COMBS of Mountain View spent the weekend y it li his mother, Mrs. Homer Roberts. MR. AND MRS. JOHN SULLI VAN had as recent houseguests. Mrs. Cecil Gale of Portland, Mr. and. Mrs. lister Wood of Rose hurg. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wood of Santa Monica, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Wood of Redding. RAY VOWEI.L, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vnwell, and Susan en joyed dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mervvn Wilile of Malin on Sunday. MI'.llllll.l. Mil. AND MBS. DALE MrCOL LOCH and family nl Eureka vis ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Conner and Mr. and Mrs Will.-ud McCnlloch, over the hnli davs. Mil. AMI MHS. JACK DK.ItOY visited uilh Mr. and Mrs. Kd Weaver on Christmas and over New Year" traveled with Mrs May Drhny ami lla Woods to Summer 1-ake lo visit Mr. and Mrs. IVlmar Hand Mrs. May lie hoy anil 1-ela Woods spent Christ- mas with the l.lovd IX-bovs MILS, rilll.ll' JOim.W and son of San .lose visiled a week follow mi; Christmas with Mr. and '.Irs, Stan Fleslier and family UK. AMI MIIS. KM. I'll DAN IK I. visited over Christmas witl their daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mis. Don Mohr. San .lose Mlt. AMI MRS. IIKNRY SHI R. Rll.l. have relumed fiom Corva! lis alter taking Mrs. Alllia MiCul ly ol New Mc.hIows, Idaho, to Ms it relative's She has been their hnusecuesl. KKVIN MAT1.SOS, son of Mr and Mrs. Itawnond Malison, was excited to relurn to his home fan. B alter socnding sew;,il days in a hospital with a lung infect ion. MK. A.MI MKS. FRANK I1KR- SKN and boys of Salem traveled lo Harrison, Ark , to spend Christ- Thursday, .lanuary 10, 13 58 Students Make High Test Scores Fifty eight students attending Klamath County District high schools have scored in the highest two per cent of students who have taken the nationwide Iowa Educational development tests, according to the results of the test given locally last November. During the week of Nov. 5, 777 students in the seven high schools administered by the county school district were given the test according to Howard Bingham secondary schools supervisor of Ihe district. Results of the tests just received are reported in terms of a com parison of each student's scores with those of other students of his own grade level in the United States. More than four per cent of the district's students who took the tests scored in the top one per cent nationally, while nearly eight per cent scored in the lop two per cent. Students scoring in the highest two categories follow. Bly Janet Hartcr. Bonanza Donald Sclireincr, Shirley Beckdnldt, Fred Dearborn, Nondice McFall and Barbara Reid. Chiloquin Kim Hale, Donald Rogers, David Van Wormer, Hob-! in Wilson and Rocky Evans. Gilchrist Sherri Collister, Fred Castro and Tanya Megginson. Henley Richard Anderson, Jeff Davis, Tom Ferguson, Dorothy Flowers, 1-arry Hilyard, Sam Hill, William Skinner, Arthur Warren, John Antic, Lylc Bergstrom, Rex Friend. Melody Grilton, Kathleen Herringshaw, Dunne Larson and 'atricia Moore. Also: Andy Raglnnd. David Reppe, Dale Hogalski, S h e I i a I m o n, Gary Snyder, Connie Slonc. Anthony Vassalo, Peg Baldwin, Jesse Black, Cynthia Ilarlcss, Rosalia Long, John Mitchell, Jerrv Smilh and Linda Tavlor. Malin Noima McCormick. Kristi Ottoman, Danny Tofell, Glenda McCormick and Thomas Brown. Merrill Pamela Conner, Glen- na DeBoy, Eric Haskins, Allen Hohson, Charles Cahan, Larry Conner, Iiis Hohson, Suzanne Kandra. Lynn Ixing and Dwight Winlher. Hatfield Not Elected Yet SALEM UJPIt - Gov. Mark H.ilfield hns not yet been officially, elects to his second term as gov or nor. lie won't be until next Monday, the day the 52nd legislative as sembly convenes. urenns constitution requires Hie returns of every election for governor skill be sealed up and transmitted to the secretary of stale. The secretary of sUtle is re quired to deliver the returns to the speaker of the House "who; shall open and publish them in the presence of both houses of the iccislative assembly. Until the returns are "nub lished' at Monday atlernoon's joint session of the House and Senate. Hatfield's election will not be official. mas with lier parents, the Tiill Barbers. All were former resi dents of Merrill. MR. AND MRS. JOHN ItltYN- (il.KSON and lamilv were visited by Mi. and Mrs. Alan Hiyni;le son and family of Rupert, Idaho. and Mrs. Laura Bivntleson of Mora. Minn , over Christmas and New Year's Mis l-aura Bryn leson remained to visit relatives in the area. MR. AMI MRS. VKI.TON HAS- KINS traveled to Kupene recenll; tor a medical checkup and to visit Mi-s. Haskins' brother. Krni Hed;epath. MR. AMI MRS. III I.MKR RAS KINS have returned from Sac ramento where lliev visited Mr anil Mrs. Paul Whitney ,lr. Mlt. AMI MRS. FRKII TAY LOR had as guests, Mr. and Mrs I hflord llunniciitt and family of Citrus Heights, Calif, who were here for the Ivolidays While hi the Hiinniiutts visited Mr. anil Mrs Mike Noonan; the .1 e r r v Wolframs; the Pan Hevnnlds, and the Bill Noonan families. MR. AMI MKS. CI.YHK KOX and family traveled to Wheeler niter Christmas where Mis. Ko remained for two weeks. Mit. ami mrs. vtitdii. conn .ere visited last week by Mr. nd Mrs Art Creenhank of tjiun. y. Calif, While here the Crcen- lunks aUo visited with Mr. and Mrs K.rnesl Walls, W. C. AINSUOIITII is in the Vetetans Hospital in Portland where he is lecciving medical treatment, (aids front friends may lie senl to Veterans Hospital. Hldg r. W.nd K. Room KM. 1'oit land LEGAL NOTICE EQUITY NO. e2J90 AMENDED SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. CITV OF CHILOQUIN, OREGON, A MU NICIPAL CORPORATION, PLAINTIFF V5. JAMFS L. CHIPMAN AND CLAR ICE CHIPMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE; I OP FN A ARTHUR JACKSON WRIGHT, ALSO KNOWN AS. LORENA HILL AND LORENA E. HILL; CARL DAWSON AND CHRISTINE DAWSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE; CALVIN BARNEY AND WINO NA BARNEY, HUSBAND AND WIFE; ROSE MARIE LANG, ALSO KNOWN AS, ROSE MARIE JACKSON, ROSE MAR 1 1 HILL, ROSE MARIE HERRERA, ROSE MARIE LONG. MARIE LANG HERRE RA. ROSE MARIE MOORE AND ROSE MARIE LAONj LEO HERRERA) LEO FRANK) C. R. SCHIFFBAUE R AND ETHEL SCHIFFBAUER, HUSBAND ANO WIFE) HUGH COWEN; EDNA CQWtN, ALSO KNOWN AS EDNA COWEN STAN TON; HUGH WALLACE COWEN; BANK OF CALIFORNIA IN TRUST FOR HIir.H WALLACE COWEN; C. C. He D- RICK; LEONARD D. JONES, DOING BUSINESS AS BASIN CREDIT SERV ICE; M. A. CARTER, DOING BUSINESS AS. CARTERS COLLECTION AGENCY ATLEE CARMICHAEL AND LYMAN SLACK, A COPARTNERSHIP, DOING BUSINESS AS CARMICHAEL MOTORS TOGETHER WITH THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND-OR SUCCESSORS OF EACH OF SAID DEFENDANTS, IF ANY OF SAID DEFENDANTS ARE DECEASED; ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PAR TIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LtEN OR IN TEREST IN OR TO THE REAL PROP ERTY, OR ANY PART OR PARCEL THEREOF, DESCRIBED IN THE COM PLAINT HEREIN; DEFENDANTS. TO: CALVIN BARNEY, WINONA BAR NEY, LEO HERRERA, LEO FRANK, C. R. SCHIFFBAUER, ETHEL SCHIFF- BAUER, HUGH COWEN, HUGH WAL LACE COWEN, EDNA COWEN ALSO KNOWN AS EDNA COWEN STANTON AND C. C. HEDRICK, of THE DE FENDANTS, THE DEFENDANTS STYLED, "UNKNOWN HEIRS OR SUC CESSORS IN INTEREST OF EACH Or SAID DEFENDANTS IF ANY OF SAID DEFENDANTS ,ARE DECEASED, AND DEFENDANTS STYLED AS, "all OTH ER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ES TATE. LIEN OR INT EREST IN OR TO THE REAL PROPERTY, OR ANY PART OR PARCEL THEREOF, DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN FILED; OF DEFENDANTS AND TO EACH OFl YOU. I IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; you, and each and every one of you, are hereby summoned to appear and answer the Complaint Hied against you in the above entitled suit, on or be- fore the elh. day ot February, 1963, and set forth the nature ot his, or her, or ils claim, right, title or Interest In the prem ises described in piainmrs compiaini, which are located in Klamath County, Oregon, in the Cily of Chiloquin and described as follows, to-wlt: i, Block 3, Soulh Chiloquin Addi tion; Lot 7, Block 3, South Chiloquin Addition Lot 7, Block 6, South Chiloquin Addition; Lor 15, Block B, South Lnno- Addillon; Lot 16, Block I, Soulh Chiloquin Addition; Lot 3, Block 5, West Chiloquin Addition; Lot 8, Block 9, West Chiloquin Addition; Lot 6, Block 11, West Chiloquin Addition; Lot I, Block 12, West Chiloquin Addition; and. East Chiloquin Unplatted; beginning at a point 16 leet Southeast and parallel to Schonchin Street from Southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 7, Original Town of Chiloquin) thence Southwesterly parallel to Third Ave., AO II., thence Soulheasterly parallel to Schon chin Street 110 ft.; thence northeasterly parallel to Third Ave. 80 feet, thence Northwesterly parallel to Schonchin Street 110 feet; to point of beginning. And vou will please take notice that if you fall to appear and answer plaintiff Complaint, or otherwise plead within Ihe said time, me piainim, tor warn mereo.. will apply to the above entitled Court for the relict demanded in us lompiaini inea in this suit, as follows: That it be de creed and adjudged that defendants and each of fhem have no estate, claim or Interest in or lo said premises; lhal plaintiff be declared the sole owner of alt said real property; and that defendants and each ol them be forever enjoined from asserting any claim whatever to said real property, or any part thereof, adverse to that ot plaintiff ; and for such other and further reliel as to the Court may seem ust and equitable. This Summons Is published and served upon you pursuant lo an order ot the -shove entitled Court made of Ihe 7th tlay of January, 1963; the first publica tion hereof being on January 10, 1VA3, and the last day of publication being on the 7th day f February, 1V63, end Feb ruary I, 1963, Is the last day fixed by the Court for the defendants herein or etfhei thereof to appear herein or answer plaintiff's Complaint. Dona this 10th day of January, 1963. Henry E. Perkins Attorney for Plaintiff, Address 731 Main St., Klamath Falls, Oregon Nn. M, Jan. 10, 17, 74. 31, Feb. 7, 1963 To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HtRALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I am. to 4' Ml pn. tttekdayl Dm. In noon SA'urdftV fount five word 0r hot. Ada unrt.r 3 llrtat count ma I lln. 3 6 10 1 TlmM Tlrtifl TlmM W ,inth I? w 4 no u on i 3 7S 5 1? A SO 1 t no no bi h nn 4.75 7 00 fSO H50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT pr Idvf'itstmr nt. if pad In dvonrt Anov rtti m (or concunvt mwi- mm, without thno ot Cpy. for pn f Individual Advrllln( mut M tr and unrtf rstndjt)l 'o r prwiuc ivt All wrO'dt mutt b iDfi'rd out iio off'd tor tait by pnvata irtdl- vldiiait cairi wlrt copy. OFADLINF 4 W pm dy bn' ptih'l cation Noon Saturday far Sunday and Mjnday. CANCFLLATIONS 1 CORRFCTIONW On tarn .rhMol'. (to fn Vonda tftt Ukan til t 30 nv Pli rmd firl Inif rtlon nt vniir or! Tha Hai-Atd & Niwi wHI giva na tra tun for tvDcflraptiical trror. "Business Builder" WANT ADS 1 tftUimn Incn. JlS par month with tl V) dufounl lot pavmpnt 0" or hr'ora tfi 10th '7 Inch, H ith 11.50 rimcounf for payment 0" o' btttvt iha '0'h. Bfd on on topy chunga rar mnnth OOX St eani par tl. ( '.RO OF THANKS. nd IN MEMORIAL PHONE TU 4-811 1 fOR COMV.tRCIAL Rrcs CARD OF THANKS vf to thaii ail of our -d t r ipids i "eig-itors. pnnea'en ad tt-r.i hn so'BR'GHT, checut rinsr"e-e tor vot.r kmdiv P'Ov'fird fhe'f m"y a. 's n' k-rii j p e i tp, AM' at 'vr jv""v nte'v "pi. et-ivesvon nl sytimat'i a-1 rw eiji'pced i"'v si.ri fipencrKr do'ence. to' thr.r oaiit'vi "cai o", I teat. Met 5pr.njs. v..iort tiomr gs et te to nd ami ta of ' (te foe ni CO"tn(K'e(1 P Ree,t' A t- am UNIRAL HOMlS A4H05 Klan' Home. f:s MFETING NOTICES CKATli? I. AKt LOfXiL No. 2U, o cation. ThU,,, yj ,, , . . - X aii Movr-t ,i(om TKorvos Pflffif, W M, MEETING NOTICES 1 Klomoth Lodgt No. 77 AF & AM SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Friday, Jan. 1 1th, 7:30 pm. Work In iPY the M M. Degree. All -A kAnitmr Mntnnc rnr. dially invited. Re freshments. Gene R. Byrnes, W.M NAOMI SHRINE No. 5, White Shrine of Jerusalem, meets the second Saturday of each month at the Masonic Temple. Vis itors & members . Lois Murplry, W.H.P. Llnvd Murphy. W O S. LOST 1 FOUND BY MISTAKE wore home brown coat from the Satellite on 1-S-63, TU 4-7983 MISSING from tm West Oregon neai Yacht Club- black male kitten. GENERAL NOTICES ..... FILL thai vacant rente with a last act no Want Ad. Simply dial TU 4-iHl. BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! it GUNS BOATS TENTS STOVES RADIOS PIANOS BOOKS TOOLS SKATES TRUNKS PLANTS JEWELRY LIVESTOCK FISH POLES TV SETS ft Ik BICYCLES ,V CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Call Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 PERSONALS TU EM AN St iSF jp'd a d ne c ty $r-ot. ::0 AOVAN to i-a-e U' (J Sr'fffi etKgrd A- is't o' neretci axi "ir Kl AWATM 'cpf(i''e Wvml T U 4 1 Bi i'.INNT y ALANN. fr-enflK Ke'p for ohoi'ii, TU 7 TU VCArY (or lar-i n he r-.rPv to greet -cvm e.'-a ha'h e, tr . uts lit", l u CL f AN ne 'v detca'ed tsr teuc e 0' i ;,,.,. Nlv ..-SH ;,:;Pr?, cx - c -v'M" l-.MV ,.,n,! N--, , o,,llt !I,-S e .. " - le '""'M 1UJJ.'." t . ti.i:0 '' UlA'.'A'M A-,n t.-r c?i-fl-c adi-pei- Jri'-v te4t. c-ie e k, "g e CS pMtyr- v mee'ngt. TU 4 ."9t. TU 4 S?4 "yte. f- eld. T U 4- J, t : Vr" SERVICES 10 THE PRIM POODLE, custom grooming,!? BEDROOMS furnuned apt) lor appointment, TU 4-4239. TREE surgery, iuch as removal, prun ing, topping, grooming. TU 2-3961. DOLLS repaired, modern and antique. Reasonable prices. Lorna's Ooll Hospi tal, TU 4-Am, 1434 Laktvitw. WANT ADS are all-purpose na I per si buy, tell, swap. rent, htre, call REMODELING and repairs, ill kinds, reasonable, references, TU 2-5381. TREE topping, pruning, Insured tree grooming. Lakeshore Nursery, TU 4VSS. MICE, BUGS, TERMITES BILL'S BUG "E" BUSINESS Insured, City and State Licensed W. L. "Bill" Osborn. the Bug "E" Wan TU 2-3458 312 So. 7th $1. CUSTOM BUTCHERING your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your place. Al Sloll, TU 6176. Gina's Tailor Shop Tellorina alterations tor men, women, children. All work guaranteed, Reason able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tree toootnq, removing, any kind of clean-up work. Free estimates. th 4441I Don't Guess Call Jessl Coin Op Laundry lopioaa wesnen Also 20 lb, Washers T C SHOPPING CENTER ' Behind U.S. Bank DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3284 Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed insured professional service. Trees topped or removed. PHONE TU 4-9698 EDUCATIONAL II new 1963 World Book Encyclopedia, Ruth Scheffer, TU 4-4941 before 9 a.m. HELP WANTED. FEMALE PART-TIME work. Interesting market re search Interviewing. Car desirable. High school grad. or more. Write Box 436C, care of Herald and News. NEEDED at once, ladies from Dorris, Malin, Klamath Falls, full or part-time, party plan, TU 2-430K WOMAN to care for two small children In my home Mon. through Frl. Must dp permanent ana nave references, iu z-uim after 5:30 ana weekends. POflTION available approximately Jan. 15 with Klamath Falls Creamery. Some stenography, general otftce work. Appli cant must be above average typist. This i salary commensurate to ability or ex perience. ppiy i" person iu rviamom ails creamery unice, h:ju a.m. 10 iu:ju m, mornings. i HELP WANTED, MALE 16 SAW FILER who wants permanent position in box fac- lory located in Central California. Must he experienced and have references. Write ' Box 4j7C care ot Heraia ana News. WANTED brake and alignment man Must be experienced. Call Don, TU 4-9141 MILLWRIGHT - WELDER Combination man for night shift In saw mill or plywood plant. Send resume in cludina references to Corona Box & Lumber 'Co.. Red Bluff, Calif., P.O. Bon 790. Automobile Sales Trainee WANTED The man we are looking tor Is between 72 and IS years old, married, with at least 2 years of college, and interested In mak ing the automobile business a career This is a salaried lob with retirement benefits and vacations. If you qualify, write to Box 432C Herald and News, giving full resume and photo. NEEDED MEN Mn needed In the Klamath Falls area. Year around work. NO LAYOFFS! Good npnorlunily for advancement and high sal aries. it this Interests vou and vou are over J1 yenrs ot aqe. have a car, contact Vic tor E Gutherle. territorial supervisor and William Hunt, district mannaer at Room 21, La Vista Motel on Highway " north of Klamath Falls between 1:30 & ifl p m Tt..rt,rty. Jan in HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In the Herald & News are accepted in good faith that the lobs offered are as stated! in the advertising copy, we are nor re sponsible for the Inteqrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reject all misleading adverfis mg. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading is asked to report It to the Classified Ad vertising Department ol the Herald SITUATIONS WANTED CHILD care, your home or mine any. time. TU 2-1778. TU 2-2711. FAMILY man, 31, wants permanent em ployment on ranch. Clean habits, non drinher. Re'erencesl Wrife Herald and News Box 430C. LIC ENS ED CHILO CA R E by hour, day, week Monday throuoh Friday. Bam to 6 p m. 1328 Carlson Drive, TU 2-1844 I R O NT NGr WASHING - Pickup, Deliver. Hfl-d cocr'ed s'gM-s Tlj 494J4 ROOMS FOR RENT 21 utilities GENTLEMAN, clean menfh. ISJ0 Crescent. VhN. i J4 N 3rd, close in. honsekeepT reasonable, parking, TU 4 287. SI E AM heated, nutet, sleeping rooms. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 CLF AN. convenient 3 and 3 room Uir mshed apartments Water, garbae paid Washer, drvff T V CiMe avaiiahle! 4Q and fW Villa Marquee. U. 0 TU .7ts$ 7 to 9 p m. ee.davs, Saturday ittternoon jind Sundays furnished including utl- CLEAN liirmihed ara'tment t0r one. I.n- rns, ronhvoart. dunes. u''Hf-es. laimrcv included NO Pets. (5, 3"0 Summer 1 NKCLY furms'ied 4 ' A(vl rios. AV about ra-d Bat-v acteoted. TU FURNISMF D 1 'OOm na rt '9 NO lfth O . U0. uMi rl V.n tu'".l eti A:pna Apartments. 1 U BCDROOW u"tu-n;! tn vtashpr hvii'r. Set e.1. fl-fAt-M flonr. ;PARKLIv".. uot,in, fed'coi" eit-a ha' 1 S A!nra Apa'tme'its. M- sixgif on 's S' Ovo S'0'f H F I n g apart grhoe er iV he at '.'1 No e e n, "g e Brs 4JIC.I PURNlSHfO '"ee rm ap' -e'v cec prat-M, an uf',,''e. a.iuits. $6f. J Va.r i 'tu i Apanmeirs. Tu 414. U carport, TU 2-4935 anytime. TU 4-324? after S11 TO $20 weekly rales, kitchens avail able, Johnny's Motel, 2005 Biehn. THREE room furnished apartment. 20a 1 While PARK APTS., S30 up, bachelor, natural hot water, TU 4-9754, TU 4-3854.. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, S40 and up, brick court, garages. 221 Spring. STEAM heat, furnished apts.. adults; also bachelor apt., 213 Cedar. TU 4-9552. FURNISHED one bedroom apt., on equipped, adults only, 2033 Eberlem. ONE bedroom furnished apartment. 333 So. Hth DESIRABLE 1 bedroom furnished apt Clean, close In, utilities furnished. 1 or 2 employed adults, 165 for 1. TU 2-2406 days, TU 2-1866 eves. FURNISHED apartments. 143 Riverside TU 2-4736. ONE or 2 water paid. CONSTRUCTION workert welcome! Near new OTl site, furnished, TV available, weexiy rates, pelican wotei, iu CLOSE in duplex, furnished, one bed room, laundry, garage, $60, TU 4-3659. NICE clean furnished apartment, close tn, IU 2-2531, IU 4-6966. NICELY furnished 2 bedroom apartment, 825 Lincotn. TU 4-5692. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fur nished. Utilities, steam heat, $40. 4-8313. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. 11th. TU 2-1062. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart- mem. immeaiati occupancy, i u z-tsoo, COMFORTABLE furnished apt., close tn, utilities paid, 126 N. 3rd. REX ARMS I OR 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAID 324 BROAD TU 2-9317. Audley Apartments Nlct. furnished 1 bedroom ept. 303 So. Bin near Post Office. $36 tn $SR .Sf COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTI 1-2-3 bedroom apts.. furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 111? WASHBURN WAY TU 4-U7) Office noun I a.m. lo p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom apts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rotes TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 2544 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnlshwJ 2 Bedroom unfurnished Spacious Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services except teleohone and electricity Dsiolhea Nolan TU 2-0764 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 NEAR city center. Clean duplex, fur nished, utilities, gas heat, 155, TU 4-773 ONE bedroom cabin, furnished. OK tor couple. Rent, $35. 2335 Shasta. Key at Apt. 2. THREE bedroom house, unfurnished. near KUHS. Rent 160. TU 2-6590. TWO bedroom house, wired for 220. 3153 Diamond, Stewart-Lennox, TU 2-0757 after A p.m. VERY roomy 1 bedroom home. Quiet location. Close to town. TU 4-3669. FOR rent 2 bedroom hou?e. wall to wall carpeting living room. Partly furnished. TU 2-3744. TWO bedroom furnished court, 140, 1235 Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. ONE bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, S40, Inquire 4107' Homed ale. FURNISHED 2 bedroom, clean, modern, gas stove. Water, garbage paid, 560, 193fi Wantland. TU 4-6626. TWO bedroom furnished, north side. 4-4268 after 4:30 and weekends. CLEAN 2 bedroom house in suburban dis trict, call TU 2-6268. ONE bedroom fumKhed duplex,. Adults, no dogs, 45. TU 4-4281. ONE bedroom unfurnishe-1, electric range, huiltin oven, extra bedroom and storage space attached to garage, 3 acres, 2330 Grape, TU -3309. IMMACULATE, unfurnished 2 bedroom home. Inquire 2232 Union. TWO bedroom furnished house, close In. (65. TU 4-6409. After 5 P m. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex like new, SB5. 1813 Siskiyou. TU 4-7584. TWO bedroom partly furnished, forced TWO bedroom hou?e. parity fu" 165, Hilltop Station, 3021 Greensprin TWO bedroom unfurnished suburban home, $75 month, call St'Out Really, TU 4 5J8I, or owner, TU 2-4195. TWO bedroom home, wall to wall puling, fenced yard, barbecue pit. EXTRA clean 1 bedroom furnished house Reasonable. Call TU 4 -BP 79 alter 5 p.m. FURNISHED two bedroom, hot well, ga rage, fenced back yard. TLf 4-7875. TWO bedroom house for rent, U0 a month, TU 4-4235. NEAT and clean 3 year o'd 2 bedroom unfurnished dupif New stove and re'rig. em tor. Mills Addition, SIS. TU 3-4664. Eves TU 4-5544. OUTSTANDING 7 bedroom duo if on Laveme, electric heal, garage, fireplace, TU 2-4752. eiectriC hf,st. Garage on paved alie Modern throuohout Mills Add'n. 115 mo i IU 4-5561 eftei 5 or weekends. TWO bedroom house on Aitemont Drive, can Tu 4-7911 for appointment to see. TWO bedroom unfurnished houe. living room, h.tchen, and bath Full basement two garaaes Gas heat, gas eoomg. In sulated. Renting tor only 4S mo. TU 2-3471. UNFURNISHEO 2 bedroom tripien. elec trie heat, carport, near Town & Country, 180, 4418 Crosby, TU 4-4766 SMALL unfurnished house. Mills Addition HO TU 4-9373 SVALL two bedroom house, automatic gas heat, washer-drver nook up, garage S60, TU I-53i2 Or TU 4-4619. f E A N. tumis"ert 1 hedroom 1 Nock off . Vtin s, p,nr ,lgu,re 516 No. 9th. 1 Ty 5,5 APARTMENTS FOR RENT VOOFRN. unfinished : bed'oom. At. tmeM Itjchayg- garage Fireplace Water, garpaqe bfin':p-cl 3 m.ies ncth of town Vi. TU 1 4 4 7 RFVOOFLtO 7 hed-?om duPe, ! tou-'e 1'1 P-"e fur- 7A0 bearoom house, soutn suburban ' t ,iv( r;vm K(w j,".;,che QA, f M v ,,, , ne' as'8 Sc hOOL 877 V al TU 2-U45 attpr 4pm SVALL fo bMrpom ! TU 4-t O' TU . ONE hed'PO' "ed dv P ! pa d Nice ne igDOr-hood TU 2 AT'0ACTIVF FuPN'StFD" ROOV HOUSE s: TU 4 llftl WIT frqisr- 2 PV-rvm i'p fv 'msrei 6c et, ga-age A.iu si. Tu 4 41.0 "WO bedr C-ilfl-en p TU I- 90 THpf. hert'ivm pflmi wtn two ba1 ' ;m s on Wa'so" St Uturnitied. 8 M0 pf mnn-V Can TU .'-W Or TU J-J91 T A O u"'i"",sr,fd so e-trylm houses u : J9;a vjheo" house. Tl. est t--c u"'i" sea cs-se. 8J9 pve tu 2 2 COMFORTABLE two bedroom duple, range, refrigerator, draperies, wafer and garbage. California end Donald, 1 u 2-2759. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 TWO or three bedroom in city under 817,500. Give details. Box 42.9C. Herald WE are BUYING smail EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE . PAUL McATEE 33 EAST MAIN STREET TU 2-4646 for an APPOINTMENT CASH BUYER! For good 2 or 3 bedroom suburban home, up to 813,000 - Buyer wants on pavtment and In good neighborhood. LEONARD REALTY Main TU ,-75?t or TU i W5 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 21 ACRE ranch style 3 bedroom home, fireplace, 2' 1 baths, nicely landscaped yard, excellent view, (27,500. Location Yreka, will trade for Klamath Falls prop erty. TU 2-5041. "TRADE" end SAVE TAXES For Information on tox FREE Tradti, coll DEANE SACHER Realtor Member internal! one I Traders Club Licensed-Ore., Cel., Ida., Wash. 1037 Melfl TU 4-4'7 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 HOT SPRING. Family type home, hot wler heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7985. ONE bedroom partially furnished, tow down payment. Mills Add'n, TU 4-4481. TWO bedroom home, oaraoe. A real buy for 86,950. 2212 Laurel. THREE bedroom brick, 4715 Onyx, Vi baths, wall to wall carpet, fireplace, built in oven and range, sprinkler system, 819,800. Will accet 2 or 3 bedroom trailer In trade. TU 2-5132. 2-BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wash er, dryer, stove Included. Fenced yard. covered patio. 16'x20' shop. 117,500. Call 1 u Z-OZZ4 atter 5 p.m. FOUR aoartments, excellent Investment. close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. THREE bedroom home for sale. 1749 Summers Lane, TU 4-4539. NEAR Roosevelt School. 2 bedroom home sparkling clean and bright, fireplace, hardwood floors, full light basement, storm windows, furnace heat. Owner leav ing town. Assume equity, existing FHA loan of $8,700. TU 2-5050. TWO-year-old 3 bedroom home, l'.'i baths. TU 4-5866 after 6 p.m. THREE bedroom home for sale. No down payment, Soufh suburbs. TU 4-3061 eves. NICE 3 or 4 bedroom home, built In oven, range, dishwasher, 2 baths, forced air furnace, unfurnished, make offer. Or lease option, $100 per mo., references, 5945 Alva. LARGE 4 bedroom home only 2 blocks from school and shopping canter. Re duced to $13,000 for quick sale. TU B226. , DREAM HOME Exclusive residential district. Best of con struction. Beautitul view. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, birch kitchen, patio, ceramic tile bath. 8)5,500. TU 2-2410. YOU'LL NEVER HAVE A BETTER OP PORTUNITY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE GOOD BUYS: 3 Bedroom - 2 Baths - Elec. Ranqe -North Side $8,000. Excellent Business 815,000. Good Terms. Also Good Rentals., Schroeder Realty Co. I REALTORS -.434 MAIN ! TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0168 Henley School Disr. VERY ATTRACTIVE and nearly new 31 bedroom ranch style home near Madi son. Fireplace, carpeting and hardwood floors, beautiful kitchen with built in oven and range, tile bath. Large at tached garaqe. Excellent condition1 throughout. Selling for the FHA appraisal of 815.600. $600 down will handle. LEONARD REALTY 1 Main TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9003 Audrey Keerlns Joe Perry TU 4-4285 ( TU 4-5332 TU 2-0527; Joe Leonard TOP RANCH ' LISTINGS 2800 acres deeded land 240 acres Taylor Grazing. All under fence $330.ono 4M1 acres $154,000 160 acres - Improved Lake property 848,000 160 acres - all pasture - Free Irri gation 825.000 20 acres - home partially con structed 89 000 Please come Into our oflice for details of these listings. j BRICK CONSTRUCTION Quality end comfort. 3 bedroom, party 00m, 2 fireplaces. 1.500 sq. ft. floor splice. It your home is loo small for you now, offer If In exchange on this one. Call anytime for appointment to see. ULTRA-MODERN DREAMHOUSE Clear story windows In living room Brkk wall with circulating fireplace. 3 hed- ooms, 1'j baths, family room, built m aop'iances and lots of storage, A steal at 816.000. For Ret 2 bedroom - Full basement home Partv room tnaf cnu'd be user) 3rd bedroom Located Hot Sc-gs District. Rental Fee 893 month. STILES REALTY MEVBFR INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB J3 So th St. Phone TU 2-4N0 Fred Tucker TU 4 9741 TU 7 67 TU 4-599! TU 2-3-01 TU 4 9904 Lois Vary ij Martele ink Henn Homer St-ifs STROUT REALTY S429 S ft'h I B-h K teiu Oehi ee hed'POm hr-m. '-'Hilare. h cabmets. eicenent subu'ban 't 8U.S0O La'ge 2 hei-nnm hnme. tirfoia'f. h"(h La:""es Ataf-ifi awbie gafaqr. seair.1 i-a-ge redwood 'enced bai' yard Etet lent suburpan a st',ct. IU Xft t'ty lo's Gcod loca -p". MLS Multiple Listing Service DRIVE BY ?;; urivEpALF. RPiD To re-!'-.'w i i i;.k ' HiLLS'OF. T.o be-a-eTi coi Pr,Cf (5 tJC '3 ALAVFDA F'e near com. ? b' te r T'-FN CALL PS tC9 Tp EKCE.wEST TERV$ ON 7t.t WRIGHT REAL ESTATE HOUSCS FOR RINT RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3t tree 1 KuirMm inuth auhurfaan. double garage, shop, chicken house, TU 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved roid. beau tiful huildind site, Henley School Distr ct, 84,500, TU 4-7814. 1 rBEOROOM home, Mills, electric heat. garage, storage. 86.500. can do imancea. TU 4-8856 days, IU 4-"g GOOb2 bedroom home. Mills. Near ihoV ping center, TU 4-3628. NEW, large view home. Large lot, close to new OTl and hospite', daylight base ment. Appointment only. TU 2-0570. MLS Multipls Listing Servic A REAL BUY! Walking distance to town One bedroom home with combination living and dining room. Good garage with room that could be used as another bedroom. Cement foun dation. Clean as a whistle! All this plus a house full of exceptional furniture tor only 83,950. MILLS ADDITION Drive by 2321 Eberlein and see this large 2 bedroom home in like new condition. l'i baths, birch cabinets, carpeting, eco nomical forced air gas furnace. 812,750. Any type financing. BRUCE OWENS 134 NO. 71 h Ray Worden Lucille Anderson TU 4-3129 TU 4-9267 TU 2-0518 Multiple Listing bervic MLS Mills Addition Three bedroom home tastefully decorat ed and immaculately clean, reflecting the outstanding care given lo it by the own ers. This two story home situated on a paved corner lot has all the features discriminating Buyer is tooKtng tor. Large living room with large windows looking out on a nice neighborhood. Din ing area accents gracious entertaining. Kitchen Is modern with deep, deep cup boards end lots ot builf-ins. Bath and 1 bedroom downstairs. Two large bedrooms and bath upstairs with plenty ol closet space. If you are Interested In a bel ter home at a reasonable price In a good neighborhood at lust $14,500, call us today) Has been appraised and will take any type financing. So. 6th Street Highway Frontage 1,167 sq. ft. pf living space. Three bed room home, combination living and dining area. Situated 60 tt. back from the busy traffic. Has lots of bullt-ins in the utility porch and kitchen. Added attraction, let your renter pay lor your home! Two 1 bedroom houses completely furnished In back away from the house affording you ana rne renters strictest pivacy. lois of opportunity in this 99 x 400 tt. lot. aii for 819,500 in Heniey High school District. CAL PEYTON KLAMATH TRADERS CLUB 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings , Al House TU 4-7038 "Pat" Palone TU 2-0836 Harold M. Rush TU 1-4173 v' if Multiple MLS ass TRADE MINDED?? Owners of this beautiful Northside 3 bed room home WILL TRADE FOR STRUC TURALLY SOUND 1 OP ? BEDROOM HOWE, CITY OR SUBURBAN. GOOD AREA. Here's your chance to acquire an immaculate "better lhan new" custom built home in superior alt-new home area, near Conger School. Going for 81 8.250; GIVE US A CALL & LET'S DEAL HERE. DRIVE BY . . . 2235 WHITE AVE. ONLY 8600 DOWN ON EASY CONTRACT tor this neat 2 bedroom home, going at the low price Of $7750. MOVE IN NOW! 1402 DAYTON ST. Solid 2 story, 4 bed room home on close-in Irrigated tract. LOW DOWN PAYMENT CON TRACT TERMS. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. 1936 FREMONT ST. Modest 2 bed room home near Roosevelt Schoot. Fireplace, hardwood floors, full base ment. Just 89500, with 8750 down. 5657 INDEPENDENCE AVE A terrific buy at 87750. Well-built 2 bedroom home, near Ferguson School. Huqe Garaqe - workshop. REASONABLE CONTRACT DOWN PAYMENT MOVES YOU IN TODAYI Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 711 N. 91h St Phone TU 4-7T71 Sales Personnel: Tom Rabbitt Ph TU 2-64X7 Eves. Bill Chilcote Ph TU 4-3281 Eves. Fd Chilcote. Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker Lot 47, Skyline View, one of Skyline's best selling lor 81.850. STUKEL MT. 150 acres bordered by Lost River. This ranch Is cattle set-up with a pasture and hay balance tor ear round operation. All pasture and hay produc tion under Irnqation. One 3 bedroom ranch house, large bunk house and spa cious metaf machine shed Also a potato cellar. This ranch selling for only S SO. 000, 29 per cent down, balance easy terms. Midland Empire REALTY 1CW V,.n TU 13, CLEM LESUEUR. Broker O Oooariu, Evtt. TU i-691 FIVE BEDROOMS a B'g .Family home, only two yean O'd Large dming room Big familv TKim 2 fuit baths 2 fireplaces Exce'lmi hot air furnace piped to all rooms. Dnun'a oaraoe Uni;rna"ed vr 1 60 i 25 ft. lot 823 500. Easily financed. DON SLOAN 304 SO. 7th SI. TU 4-.SSSI Anytime STILWELL & CO. Presents: 14.300 FULL PBICC - I son down. 8S0 a month pn enntrarf . 1 bedroom home. Excellent condition. OWNER TRANSFERRED . must sefl t-,s AAA cons-rijc'itd nenver hcm with f.'eoiace. mof!e-n tt.tchen, u'i'i W. bat Evervrt-nng immaculate. Large, level, landscared tpt in reas ant gu.et locat.oo. pr,Ced at t.9d. ,CNE OF THE FINEST IN WOY'NA -eve- l 4 snuare feet of etremeiy j P'annM tom'nrtatjlf twng B'ea. I '".s 0" fr-MSt he spfi c he apo-ec' 'rfl Sj 'y SOn by apPOmtrnenf to gua;.' ej bver 1 T r-f rNDifiON K CO'JTQUCTiON J ter!r"s, I'vnq, 3'-.ng. fl "et'e. ltl 13 - F.'era'f j L-t .eii let Ei;f,ni cfnr' r.-v.r r -rtX'V01. NC tV REDUCED o r; -o STILWELL & CO. Rea"-i ' Vain S'-et iu 4-)'J A- -V) t TU ! W TU 4 J4' business opportunities ji We're Not ! SELLING OUT! . . i , , business ,' VALLEY RENTAL :-"3 E v; i tj J t3'2