PAGE I HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Thursday, January 10, 1963 (MALI) AND N'EtVS. Klanulh Falls, Ore. Thursday, January 10, 1963 PAGE 7-B Market Basket Store No. 2 So. 6th and Shasta Way OPEN TILL MIDNITE MONDAY THRU SATURDAY OPEN SUNDAYS 10:00 to 7:00 Ger FREE TV TOPICS of Either Store . t :7 y7 LIKE CHOWDER? Hera is a Shrimp Cheese Chowder that chases meal-planning doldrums. It is rich and hearty fare for cold weather, it's made with froien condensed cream of potato soup. Add some shrimp and shredded cheese and you have a meal in no time. Brown and serve salt sticks to complement this delicious chowder. MERRY MEAL FOR MID-WINTER 4 SZJ While Old Man Winter whips the bare trees with snow end wind, homemakers yearn for new ways to chase the mid-winter dol drums. After the rush and excite ment of the holiday season, Janu ary schedules seem dull and un-i interesting. One of the happiest thoughts to relieve this situation Is an infor mal supper party and it need not be lavish. (Entertainment budg ets are usually pretty well deplet ed at this tune of year.) A chow der a big, hearty, steaming hot chowder can be the center of at-: tention! Chowder is practically a meal in itself . . . and it's little or no bother to make with wonderful versatile frozen condensed soups in the freezer. A can of frozen condensed cream of potato soup starts the kettle simmering for this Shrimp Cheese Chowder. Serve it in a big copper kettle Ladle it into hearty mugs for "sipping and spooning. Accom pany it with a basket of brown and serve salt sticks and a hi. green salad. Plenty of rich hot. coffee and pieces of your prize devils food cake complete the par ty meal. SHKIMP CHEESE CHOWDER V cup sliced celery 1 tablespoon butler or mar garine 1 can (IO'4 ounces) frozen condensed cream of pota to soup 1 soup can water 1 can 15 ounces I shrimp, drained 1 cup cooked green beans Vi cup shredded mild process cheese y teaspoon pepper In saucepan, cook celery in but ler until just tender. Add remain ng ingredients. Heat until cheese is melted and soup is hot. Stir now and then. Makes 3 servings. i 1 u ; , v X.J --m! ' .'h; l J'',' 4 mMmmmmMMttieiMi!',' , k . - J ' j I, ' f 1 1 t'ZrJi ,; Mii(iWl-.illiA4lWafc 2 " So Easy To Serve aJJ lul (Q Hs) Full of Vitamins Blended Juice sassa I m 3 -1.156 "2.19 k Orange Drink 'itvgr. 3 - 69c 6 '-1.33 Orange Juice si 3 -1.45 6 -2.85 v Prune Juice s - w& 3 -1.39 6 -2.69 lyPineapple-Orange 3 - 79c 6 1.53 Pineapple-Apricot war 3 -79c 6 1.53 Orange-Apricot 3 - 99c 6-1.89 Pineapple-Grapefruit war 3- 59c 6-W Tomato JuiceT "iLY,f 3 -75c 6-1.45 Market Basket's Own! Farm Fresh! --r,. 1 AA LARGE Hnr. tSl'; L CCD, 1 """" i ' i M-D Toilet Tissue Pkgs. of 50 Reg. Size Diamond Book Matches Mrs. Chessher's Frozen Drun Chicken roll pak 35 10 Mrs. Chessher's Frozen Drumsticks or Breasts Mb. pkg. Green Beans rn'l. JST 6;79c 1211.55 Green Beans ZtT, "f.,v,;.' 611.29. 122.49 Sliced Beets 35",' Lv.t' 6;79c 1211.55 immm Cottage Cream or Reg. Value Z.A70 Ct UOri1 Whole Kernel, 303's 6 for 1.00 0?7C I Z? 1 .00 Del Monte Cream Reg. Value rrm in ..fa r UOm Style, 303 tin, 6 for 1.34 Oj I . I Y I 2?Z. 35 Sweet Peas l8, 6e?;rVia'ou5e 689c T2FT69 Green Peas atl" ft,va 6L29 122.49 Squash ;oyt:Zucchini ?Lva 6 69c 12H.33 Spinach 679c 12H.55 Tomatoes ST. 689c 12H.69 Tomatoes HN: tin, R6eLv2a.'0uo 6H.69 123.35 Tomato Sauce rHB. R6C9orV5te" 645c 1289c Tomato Catsup rr-ze YV 679c 12H.55 Drifted Snow 10-lb. bag USDA GRADE GOOD and CHOICE, WELL TRIMMED PRIME RIB SIRLOIN TIP RUMP ROAST COOKY MUNCHERS PLEASE NOTICE! Watch the cooky jar when you get a whiff of some tantaliiinq odor in the kitchen. Mom is probably baking these honey, fruit cookies that stay fresh for ages if appetites are not too lusty. Honey Cookies For a honey treat, mix up e b.iti'h of Mixed Fruit Honey Cookies ajwt serve either plain or Rflyly decorated. Kaon petite cookie Is a bit ol spicy, fruiti-d Roodncss. Honey not only contributes its own delii io; llavor, but olso Runrantecs fresh ness. Mixed Fruit Honey Cookies are pood travelers mot too liaRilei Tangy Cheese Salad Mold 1 envelope unflavored gela tin V cup cold uator 2 tcasixions cornstartch ' teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 1 cup shredded sharp Ameri can cheese 3 ci!R yolks Salad preens Tomalix's Sollen Relatin in water. Combine cornstarch and s.ilt: Rradu.Oly add milk. Cook over boiling water, slirrinR constantly until slightly thickened. Add; stir until melted. Add Relalln, stirring until dissolved. Beat CRg yolks; lowly add hot milk mixture. Itcturn to double boiler and cook until mix ture coats spoon. Pour into 31. cup mold, which has been rinsed In cold water. Chill in refrigera tor several hours until firm. Un mold on bed of salad greens and serve w ith tomato wedges. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Send them to sons and daughter in college. They will arrive oven fresh and if packed with care, in one piece. MIXKI) Htl lT IIONKV COOKIKS 2'i cups sided all-purpose flour l'i lcas(n hiking soda 't leas)on salt I tablespoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon i-loves I tablespoon cloves P cups confectioners' sugar 14 cup finely rhopHd mixed candied fruit cup finely chopped nuts 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind .1 egs 2 tablespoons orance DO IT YOURSELF OR WE'LL DO IT FOR YOU Grn Srompa BOB'S Self-Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners lni Main TU 4-9234 jim-e 1 cup honey Sift together flour, baking soda salt, cinnamon, cloves and sugar Wend in fruits, nuts and lemoi i irai. neai eggs, orange juice am: lioney logetJier. Stir in tlour mi one iiiiiii wen mended. n;u-e in reli igeralor several hours or ov ernight, hop by leaspoonlul: onto a greased baking sheet. Pee orate as desired. Bake in a mod crate oien (375 degrees F. about B minutes or until light brown Homove (rum sheet immediate ly- Makes about 9 doen cookies WPP? annate d Steaks Pullman-shape, all meat, Swift Premium Canned Picnics 3 1 1.98 Swift Premium all meat skinless Wieners 2 Pk9,.79c Swift Sweet Rasher Sliced Bacon u 39c i C&H Powdered or Brown - 1-lb. pkg. 11 USDA Good in Wine Sauce Morrell's Pride Pure Pork Sausage Rolls 2S 65c Mild, Flavorful Cheddar Cheese u. 39c Market Bosket's Famous lean, fresh C33 Lumberjack 22-ox. Bottle USDA Grade Good cut, wrapped and quick frozen. No money down! No payment till Mar. 1st. mm Ground Beef 3 lb,. 1.29 Locker Beef Qtr.nt lb. 45c Bce'b. 5k Banquet 8-inch Size - Your Choice: Apple, Peach, Cherry, Coconut Custard, or Custard New Banquet Frozen Cooking Bag Items Just drop Plio bag in boiling water, let cook for 5 minutes and serve! No fuss or pans to clean! Each bag serves one. Beef Stew Creamed Chicken f p Gravy with sliced beef BW K Sliced Turkey with giblcf isLfL G gravy LmI Chicken and Noodles Mission Brand $00 Pear Nectar Buffet Tins P A Pi P C Applesauce STg. VLv,t 6;89c 1211.69-. Fruit Cocktail jfz iL't 6-1.19 12?2.29 Fruit Cocktail Sr 6:1.29 12I2T4? Grapefruit 3c,r,?.; y-g 611.19 1212.29 Grapefruit 6IU9 121249 Peaches l S','.,' 6:1.29 1212 Peaches "zrS StTS, 1tU9 1229 Peaches j 6ih59 1209 Pear Halves ffS fl'S 6;99c 1289 BagleyPears2; 6YL49 12S219 Apricots ;va -qui 121129 Pineapple u'Cn. jii v' ah 95 1959 ?(? , , ' V 10-lb. Wow! Look at this top of the crop pro duce buy! Klamoth U.S. No. 1 Netted Gems potatoes. They're locally grown and pocked especially for Market Basket. Chet's Frozen Tamales Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Cheese 2 in Pkg. pkgs.Jj Kubla Khan Pork Chow Mein 13-oz. Pkg. 4 Medford Red Delicious 20-lb. Box $49 Meat Pies Aluminum Foil Paper Towels Ice Cream Bonqutf Fraten Tune, Chicktn, Turkey or 8ef Your Choict Koiier 12"i25' Roll Northern Jumbo R0II1 CD19 Large Tender Bunch - Each Artichokes ii - 11 tt n m. t C htW mm m s nil r. r-r a e rmut m II II lit. II II II" 1 CroHr LaVt . Vi Got. Fret Somplts Fri. lr Sol New Chrry Vanilla 5:$1 29' 3:89c 87' All grocery dept. specials in this ad good thru Wed. Meot ond Produce specials good thru Sunday, subject to stock on hand. Fancy Fresh eoch I a?' ;f" ;W -5t Bulk - Your Choice Reds, Pintos or Small White We Reserve The Right To Limit With everyone rushing tliese, days rom here to yonder and dropping in without a moment's notice," hotcsses must be pre pared to serve refreshments at I he drop of a hat and with no fuss and feathers. Here is a sim ple, rich, and "sure to get com ments" dessert. It can be whipped up so quickly guests will scarce ly know you have opened the re frigerator. GKAHAM CRKAM TORTE 1 pint heavy cream a cup confectioners' sugar 1 te:isxm rum flavoring Among the good things that come in small packages are foods styled in single-serving sizes. In dividual portions are not only quick to serve, but also have time saving advantages during prep aration. Ramekins of a casserole combination or souffle, for cxam-l pie. bake in a shorter time than docs a family-size baking dish of the entire mixture. Midget Meat Loaves, made tn muflin pans, have not only brief h.-ikinir time, but also annealing with wheat germ, lemon juice and lemon rina, neai egg wnues umu stiff but not dry; fold into eggi yolk . mixture. Set eight 5- ounce custard cups in shallow pan V. - DELICIOUS AND RICH Simplicity end eleqance is the keynote of this delectable torte tender layers of Graham Crackers in harmony with whipped cream, fruit and nuts. Graham Cream Torte 54 Graham crackers 2 ripe bananas, very thinly sliced 1 cup chopped walnuts Whip heavy cream with con feclioners' sugar and rum fla voring. Arrange 9 graham crack ers in a square on a plate. Spread with a tliin layer of whipped cream; top with sliced bananas. Repeat 4 more times. Top with another layer of crackers. Frost sides and top with remaining cream. Coat sides with chopped nuts, reserving a few for decora lion on tup. Chill about 3 hours Cut into 9 squares. Hot Buttered Rum With Cider A warming drink for a cold night! Combine one quart cider or apple juice, Yt cup light or dark corn syrup, and two table spoons margarine or butter in a saucepan. Heat until margarine is melted and mixture is hot but not boiling. Pour one to two ta blespoons rum into each serving mug or cup. Add cider mixture; stir. Sprinkle with cinnamon or nutmeg, or serve with cinnamon stick as muddler. Makes six to eight servings. Individuality In Small Dishes. . cup flour Vt teaspoon salt 3 eggs, separated l'i cups milk i cup wholo bran cereal with wheat germ 1-3 cup lemon juice 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind Mix together sugar, flour and salt. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon-colored; stir in milk. sugar mixture, whole bran cereal llavor to recommend them as an entree. Canned onion soup stirred1 into ground beef along with nackaged corn tlnke crumbs con tributes to the goodness ot the meat. Add both flavor and an at tractive garnish by pressing ol ive halves or cheese cubes into, the tops of the little loaves before baking. Desserts, too, are a singular suc cess, l-emon uipcane runnings. baked in custard cups, consist of a tart lemon pudding topped with a cakelike layer containing wholcj bran cereal with wheat germ. Puffs of whipped cream or halved mil meats give a tasteful finish- ng touch. Individual collcecakcs ac- serilws fragrant Coffcecake Bran Muffins. To make them, layer a mixture of brown sugar, chopped nulmeaus, flour and cinnamon be tween spoonfuls of your favorite whole bran cereal mullin baiter muffin cups. Bring the muf fins to the table oven-warm. MIIMiET MEAT LOAVES 3 cups corn flakes or H cup packaged corn flake crumbs l'i pounds ground beef 1 teaspoon salt ', teaspoon pepper 1U cups ilO'i-oz. can) con densed onion soup 3 stuffed olives, halved 6 't Inch cubes Cheddar cheese If using corn flakes, crush into fine crumbs. Mix together ground beef, corn flake crumbs, seasonings and soup. Spoon mix ture into 12 ungrcascd three-inch muffin cups; press lightly to shape. Top half of meat loaves with olive halves; press cheese cubes into remainder. Bake in moderately hot oven 1400 degrees K.i about 20 minutes, Yield: six servings, two loaves each. LEMON CUPCAKE PUDDINGS 1 cup sugar Factors In Food U.S. r I Trv &fA i Dept. of Agriculture POTATOES For Hearty Winter Meals One of the most popular vege lablcs for hearty winter meals- potatoes are hi abundant supply in western markets. The USDA's Agricultural Mar keting Service reports that potato prices are expected to remain relatively low tins winter as hen vy storage stocks are available. Plan to serve a parade of po tato and meat platters this winter while potatoes are in such plen tiful supply. PORK 'n1 TATER SCALLOP Blend uncooked potatoes and an onion flavored white sauce in an ovcn-to-table casserole. Top with Inch-thick pork chops. Cover and bake about 45 minutes at 350 degrees F. Remove cover and continue baking until chops brown. Garnish with sliced tomato and serve. TUNA CUTLETS Combine seasoned mashed po tatoes, beaten eggs and tuna fish. Shape into cutlets and roll in crushed corn (lakes. Fry in shal low fat until crispy and golden brown. HAM AND POTATO CAKES Mix three cups each ground cooked ham or shoulder and mashed potatoes. Season with chopped parsley, salt and pep per. Mold Into llal canes ana try in hot fat until brown, serve not MEAL-IN-ONE CASSEROLE Saute onion rings in hot fat. Add round steak and brown slowly on both sides. Place steak and on ions In casserole. Add halved po tatoes, turnips, whole carrots, cab bage wedges. ' cup water and seasonings. Cover tightly. Bake about Pa hours in 350 - 375 de grees r. oven. Cinnamon on Hot Cereal Add i teaspoon or u to ecttl at It cooks, or tprinhli nn iet. tned Mini. Bi sun it's Crescent because e pick only choice cis nemos from the Far fast, selected lor fiirt aroma, flavor and color. CRESCENT f 1J B. 1. t I fill with lemon pudding. Pour hot water into pan to about one-inch depth. Bake in slow oven (325 degrees F.) about 45 minutes or until cakelike portion is done. Serve warm or chilled. Garnish with walnut halves or whipped cream, if desired. Yield: eight servings COFFEECKAE BRAN MUFFINS A cup brown sugar, firmly packed Vi cup chopped nutmeats 2 tablespoons flour 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 cup wholo bran cereal cup milk 1 egg Va cup sott shortening 1 cup sifted flour 2't teaspoons baking powder '.-j teaspoon salt V cup sugar Combine brown sugar, nutmeats. flour and cinnamon; set aside. Combine whole bran cereal and milk; let stand until most of moisture is taken up. Add egg and shortening; beat well. Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; add to whole bran cereal mixture, stirring only until combined. Spoon small amount of batter into greased mullin pans; sprinkle with layer of nut mixture. Repeat layers, ending with muf fin batter; fill pans two-thirds full. Bake in moderately hot oven (400 degrees F) about 25 minutes. Yield: one dozen muffins, 2V Inches in diameter. CANAPE No fuss, no bother with this canape. Open and drain a can of sardines. Mash the sardines and blend with sharp cheese and dash of lemon. Spread on thin I'orktall wafers or toast strips. Chocolate Sauce Pudding 1 cup sifted flour Vi teaspoon salt Ji cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 square unsweetened choco late, melted V4 cup milk ',i cup sugar V cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1 tablespoon cocoa 1 cup boiling water 1 quart vanilla ice cream Sift tin flour once, measure. add salt; i cup of orgar and baking powder, and sift again. Add vanilla, melted butter and melted chocolate to the milk, which has been allowed to come to room temperature. Add to dry ingredients, mixing thor oughly. Spread in an eight-inch square baking pan. Blend H cup sugar, brown sugar and cocoa, and sprinkle over the batter. Pour boiling water over all. Bake in a 350 degree oven, for about 40 minutes, or until done. Serve warm with a generous topDing of vanilla ice cream. Makes s i x servings. BREAKFASTS BIG IN FLAVOR... NUTRITION ... ECONOMY 1 J " 'Jvit; j 4