Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 10, 1963, Page 15, Image 15

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HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Thursday, January 10, 1963
-": ' fli i i hit I 1 ''irnnni nlirif "ifi-rrtu' t mririi '.mim&m.tmX
AS NEAfi AS YOUR SHELF Canned pean can be used
in so many ways in the menu that a supply should always
be on hand. In Pearadise Eggnog Pie they offer
idea in dessert,
Vinegar Gives
Flavor To Ham
A tempting dish for family meal
time is tins Ham Pie Supreme
Here is the recipe:
1 cup sifted flour
Vt teaspoon salt
1-3 cup shortening
1-3 cup finely crushed potato
2'i-3 tablespoons cold water
1 envelope unflavored gela
tin Vt cup cold chicken lyoth
V cup hot chicken broth
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 'teaspoons grated onion
dash of pepper
I'j cup ground cooked ham
U cup finely chopped celery
2 tablespoons chopped green
ix-pper '
Pearadise Eggnog
Pie Good Any Time
The holidays are past and most
households have a bit of eggnog
"mixin's" left over from festivi-i
ties and delicious canned pears
are available any time.
Here is a prand new idea for
a dual-role pie. It offers a way
to show 'off your favorite eggnog
concoction and stars the always;
refreshing canned pears as a M
treat. Your choice of crusts gra-!
nam, cuuKy, or regular odKeu pie
shell it is as easy as you make,
it. Commercial eggnog will serve:
but vour own homemade brand,
lis better. It forms the base qj
the filling with canned pear slices:
to highlight it; additional canned:
jpcar slices are dipped in nutmeg I
to spark the lop. !
Canned pears are a blessing at I
any time of year. Use them ir
salads, dtssert, hot or chilled
with sauces or plain.
1 can il lb. I canned
1 envelope unflavored gela
tin I'j cups eggnog
1-3 cup whipped cream
3 tablespoon's brandy
8-inch pie shell
Drain pear halves, reserving
syrup. Solten gelatin in 1-3 cup
pear syrup. Heat over hot water
until dissolved. Stir in eggnog and
chill until syrupy. Whip cream;
with same beater, whip.eggnog-
gelatin mixture. Fold whipped
cream and brandy into gelatin
mixture. Slice pears (31, line bot
tom of pie shell with pear slices.
Pour eggnog mixture into pie
shell. Chill until firm. Slice re
maining pears, dip edge in nut
meg, garnish top of pie with pear
lices. Mokes 6 servings.
2 chopped hard-cooked eggs
1 tsp. dry mustard
'a cup heavy cream
Sift flour, salt in bowl; cut in!
hnripninf to nea size. Stir in'
potato chips lightly. Add water f
slow v. stirring with Joi'ls until
dough forms a ball. Roll out '
inch thick; fit into 9 inch pie
oan; fiute edge; prick well. Bate
al 425 decrees 10-12 minutes until;
golden. Cool. Soak gelatin in cold
broth; dissolve in hot broth; add!
vinegar, onion and' pepper; mix!
well. Stir in ham, celery, green
papper and eggs; chill until iti
begins to set. Combine mustard
and cream; oeai sun; ioia inio
ham mixture; put in cooled pie
shell. Chill two hours. Garnish il
Idesired. Serves 6 ;
POTATO CHIPS GO "SNOOTY" Few cooks us potato chips except for picnics
or snacks. Hera is an idea in Tangy Ham Pie that gives dash to the recipe."
Shopping Hints
State motto of California Is
"Eureka" from the Greek mean
ing "I have found it."
For Professional
Baker's Nursery
Coll TU 2-5S53
rrpptpd at hrflnntnf of inv
montii. l or n InUrntlnr. rrd
Ini cirerr In t otmftolof y . . .
("nil TI' t-HM
Klomoth Bcoury College
County Extension Agent
Home Economics
Shopping for a dishwasher?
More cycles for speeilic johs,
greater capacity, improved water
action and more variety in sizes
and finishes are noted in new mod
els. Dishwashers will hold more
dishes than ever before. Most
hold 12 place settings plus silver;
some hold up to 17 place set
tings. Dishwashers are designed
so that by the turn of the dial
gentle water aclinn is available
lor delicate glassware and fine
china or a powerful surge for pot
, and pans. A third cycle provides
moderate water action for the
usual run of dishes.
Pre-rinsing dishes is not nec
essary before dishes go into the
dishwater. Some models have
.Quick Snack
Biscuit mix eases the prepaia
tion of "Dale-Cheese Buns" ex
cellent snacks for the entire fam
ily. Grated Cheddar cheese pro
vides sharp flavor in these eaten
oul-of-hand treats which arc fur
ther enhanced by chopied fresh
California dales and honey. To
chnp fresh dates, simply snip the
fruit with kitchen scissors into the
sie of pieces desired.
1 cup fresh California r,ate
2 tablespoons lionry
2 tablespoons melted butter
2 cups biscuit mix
1 cup grutcd Cheddar cheese
1 ecg
Confectioners' Icing
Chop dales. Mix with honey and
butter. Combine biscuit mix Willi
cheese. Break egg into measurinc
cup and till to 2 3rds full with
milk. Stir mlo floni cheese mix
ture. On a lightly fl Hired board,
roll dough mlo reclansle alwut
16 x 8 inches, Spread date mix
ture on dough; roll up jelly-roll
fashion. Cut Into 12 rounds Place
in well-greased baking pan. Bake
in 375-degree (moderately hot
oven 20 minutes. Frist with con
fectioners' icing while still waim
Serve warm or cold.
Makes 12 buns.
pre-rinse cycles for use when
only a few dishes are in the wash-;
er and are to wait until a full'
load has been accumulated. '
If supply of hot water is limit-1
ed, families can still enjoy a
dishwasher. Some- models have
booster heaters to bring the tem
perature to 140 degrees or higher. j
Hot water is a must for good 1
dishwashing and it speeds up
Loading a dishwasher alter a
big dinner will demonstrate the
roominess of most models. Long
slem goblets, large platters and
(xld shaped serving dishes fit into
most because of flexible rack arrangements.
What if water Is hard? Be
fore new detergents and rinsing
agents, spotted glasses were a
problem. Now many dishwash
ers automatically eject welling
agents into the last rinse for
spotless drying.
Portable dishwashers provide
capacity and performance com
parable to buillin models. If you
plan to remodel or move, some
of these may be built in later.
Portables may be top opening
or have a deep drawer which
pulls out to load the dishes. Some
also have drop doors in the Ironl.
Dishwashers can lie used with
septic tanks if they conform to
local health department require
ments. Dishwashers are avail
able in a variety of colors to
match or harmonize with kitchen
decor. Thev come in stainless
steel, copper and ood tones. One
model can be installed at coun
ter height.
People Read
you art now.
(Vs A Delicious Treat!
Y "Magic Freeze" UN Yry f '
t . Gallon PPt Jj
pear I hik-wsj tf&h&Jr& m i d i il t; mm v
(smkI mm l u h h ? IMS
:Tr. . u w
ht s . t.w ii ii m.ii m
Qf; LARGE "A A" White Spray Chunk
jjfej Farm Fresh 1 Packed, by Del Monte
' SSMS I tf'-.v S I E 9 II 111 t. I I BB I
ii u ii i it no. vi j w
771 MM. M TIKJs
Sweet, Juicy Novels. We Bought o Truck- ' " ., !" ?f
urn in
: . one EN '.
P' NTMPR;:''.'
unsurpassed craftsmanship with exclusive
contact freezing
... Model D-13 upright - Holds
452 Pounds!
Model D-18
Molds 613 Pounds
Model D-23
Holdi 791 Pounds
"DEEP-FREEZE" Che$l Freezers by Amana
V2 Carton 1.25
m Carton... 2.49
Indian River Pinks. Refreshing Appetizer, Thin Skjnned. Large Size 40's
eta! Ii
Yellow, Very Mild, Crisp and Tasty! From Central Point Oregon
Firm And Flavorful. Good Raw or Cooked! From Medford
1 9. A :
Model DF-180
Holds 609 Pounds
Model DF-240
Holds 833 Pounds
America's Finest by rcputoiion
and performance!
Amono'i New
cu. ft.
Vern Owen's
Cascade Home Furnishings
412 Main
Ph. 4-8365
int k in.
Stems And
Luncheon Meat
If You're Not Shopping Here
You're Spending Too Much!
We Reserve The Right To Limit
4480 South 6fh 1315 Oregon Ave.
Avolon ond Shasta Woy
2 Pricoi Effective Through Sundoy Night While Quontitici Loft - Store Hour 9:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M.