HERALD AND NEWS. Klamalh Falls. Ore. Thursday, January 10, 1963 PAGE J-B Sandwiches Easier To Make After a long and careful study of the homemakcr's desire for an improved mayonnaise jar, Ihe makers of a real mayonnaise came up with the answer. It is quart jar designed in such a way as to make the mayonnaise easier to remove. The secret is in the funnel form upper section which makes it easv to run a knife or rubber spatula around the in side of the jar to remove the last of the mayonnaise. In the development and testing of the new "easy scoop" jar. the home economists in the kitchens of the foods firm made scores of dishes using mayonnaise. Many of the recipes will be appearine on the wrap-around label. Given here are several high rated sand wich fillings, made easier by the use of the newly designed mayon naise jar. IM.M1KNTO rilEE.SK SANDWICH KILLING lt pound (about 1U cups) shredded cheddar cheese 1 pimiento, chopped 1-3 cup real mayonnaise teaspoon cayenne pepper Mix all ingredients together Makes about l'i cups filling. ROQl'EFORT SANDWICH FILLING 2 13-ounce) packages cream cheese 'i cup real mayonnaise ' pound Roquefort cheese. crumbled "4 cup chopped nuts Soften cream cheese, .'hen blend in mayonnaise. Stir in Roquefort cheese and nuts. Makes about two cups. SNAPPY HAM FILLING l'i cups finely chopped cooked ham cup sandwich spread 1 1 cup real mayonnaise cup finely chopped celery 1 teaspoon minced onion Combine ingredients and spread on bread. Makes two cups filling or enough for six to eight sandwiches. RUSSIAN EGG SPREAD 9 hard cooked eggs, chopped Ji cup real mayonnaise 'i cup chili sauce 'j teaspoon vinegar Combine all ingredients. Makes about two cups. TARTAR EGG SPREAD 3 hard cooked eggs, chopped U cup chopped, drained dill pickle 1 teaspoon dry mustard ' 1 teaspoon chopped onion 1 teaspoon pickle juice 1 cup real mayonnaise Combine eggs, pickle, mustard, onion and pickle juice. Add may onnaise and toss until well mixed. Makes l'i cups. DATE NUT SANDWICH FILLING j cup finely chopped dates Mi cup chopped nuts U cup real mayonnaise Combine all ingredients. Makes about one cup. Arkansas' state - owned toll bridges became toll free in 1938. ALWAYS I AISLE AFTER AISLE OF EASY TO SCOOP Sandwich makinq is easy with i Pimento Cheese filling or ham, when the mayonnaise jar" now being used by the processor. No more messy cutlery or fingers ther a mixed filling, trm the new, such as the easy scoop :Wine In History By JEANNE LESEM NEW YORK (UPli - This is a vintage year for books on wine. The yield ranged from William Massee's small but excellent "Wine-Food Index," to three his tory books, a collection of prose and poetry about wine, and the eighth printing of "A Wine Lover's Cook Book" by Jeanne Owen. Mrs. Owen is secretary of the Wine and Food Society, Inc., of New York. Massee's handbook contains al phabetical listings for more than 11.000 entries on imported and do mestic wines and restaurants, and French, Spanish, German and Italian national dishes. "The Wines and Vineyards of France" by Louis Jacquelin and Rene Poulain consists largely of information about the nature of the soil in growing egions. the grape varieties planted, the yield of wine and official classifications of quality. Since 5,000 B.C., when earliest evidence of wine was found, the beverage has been used in em balming, as external and internal medicine and in lieu of currency in Greek slave trade with Gaul. In "Champagne." Andre L. Si mon debunks as "fiction" the oft repeated story that a Benedictine monk, Dom Perignon, "put the bubbles" in champagne. What the monk actually did, wrote Simon, was to get cork stoppers. These permitted him to bottle wine of the preceding vintage each spring. This process, Simon added, turned still wines into the naturally sparkling beverage that became INSIST ON GOLD BELL BRAND KLAMATH POTATOES or . Your Favorite Grocer's favorite with royalty and any one else who could afford it. Some of California's "ghost" towns once were vineyards and wineries, wrote M.F.K. Fisher in "The Story of Wine in California." The 1906 earthquake created some of them. Other wineries fell vic tims of progress the El Aliso, for example, on whose ground Los Angeles Union Station stands to day. Prohibition killed off still more, wrote Mrs. Fisher. But wine-growing survived to become an im portant industry in the Golden State, thanks in great part to a Hungarian count, Agoston Harasz thy, who brought from Europe many of the vines from which the California industry grew. OPEN EVENINGS TILL' 10:00 J. W. Kernt NORGE LAUNDRY & CLEANING VILLAGE 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 SORRY WE RAN OUT LAST MONTH NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED AND WE'RE CONTINUING OUR GIGANTIC Our Entire Stock Dining Room Sets On Sale! You Save! Beautiful 5-Piece I! """""""TV LiTTl maple fte.yiD .Ml Dining Room Set! Reg. 149.95 Just Arrived Large Size SOLID MAPLE PEDESTAL TABLE WITH 2 LEAVES A beautiful set with 4 mate's chairs. Large 42-inch round table with 2 extension leaves, no-mar heat resistant top. Matching Captain's Chairs Reg. 29.9S 19.95 And 4 tirre heavy choirs Rcj. 259.95, now only 219" WALNUT DINING ROOM SET Deluxe modern walnut set with large drop-leaf extension table, no-mar top. Four match ing chairs with padded seats. Fantostic savings now! firro Matching Choirs, rtg 19.95 12 95 Largo 57" 'Matching Buffet, rag. 99 95 69.95 BE HERE EARLY FRIDAY MORNING. Our Entire Stock of Dining Room Sets is Now on Sole. Select from Solid Cherry, Pecan, Walnut or Maple. Act now for huge savings! No Money Down! No Payment Till March 1st! 221 Main "Where Quolity Is Not Expensive" Ph. TU 2-4688 DELICIOUS SUNNY JIM Imitation r-r CEREAL Triangle Rolled Quick or Regular FRESH MILK SIERRA HOUSEHOLD PAPER Jumbo 225 Count Rolls OREGON - In Shell 2 lbs. - TOk ... m ... r m J It 1 ' Ipt, WALNUTS BANQUET fctl' fV Meat Pies gp6S.98c j M$p Ullfll MA 1 K.anIaH I. ir U --- Irr mm mm. t ' I W W U WLM W a. . . - . , , . fair it 1 FISH N rHIPS F, Fri .Both Onl I . w.... - W-omr I I DUNDEE MAR&AKlNc ALAn i.ib. Ss7w DLCIJ no. 303 f xt7L j pkgs. 2yC Adamsdale Homogenized Gallon Jug JUMBO SIZE 15-01 ANGEL n CAKES EACH 69c Value Shasta - Grape, Orange FRUIT DRINK PINEAPPLE & ORANGE - GRAPEFRUIT "we 3jc rap DEL MONTE. Sliced No. 303 Dundee - No. 303 Grapefruit 98c I CAL-TOP No. 2'i PEACHES 51.00 Fresh, Local Grade "AA" Small doz. 9 NEW, DELICIOUS HI-LO ADAMSDALE EGG NOG FROZEN HALF-GALLON DAIRY DESSERT Special! PORK CHOPS (Si Pork Loin Roasts Nebergol Sausage Nebergall't Slab Bacon Ham & Beef or Pure Pork Mb. roll Crater Lake - Jack or Cheddar Cheese Dundee Plain or Kosher DILL PICKLES 48-oi, Jug WATER SOFTENER CALGON Self-Polishing - Long Life AEROWAX Quart NAPKINS By Scott rmicincTC pkg ofu lASm iulij. SUNNY JIM Square 40-oz. jar GRAPE JAM SCHOOL BOY - 3-lb. Jar PEANUT BUTTER Lowest Price in Years! ORANGES D... Large Size - Sweet, Full o' Juice Potatoes U.S. No. 2 Klamath 50-lb. bag New Crap, Solid Head LETTUCE each For Super Winter Salads! Avocadces Marble Head, Baking SQUASH ORANGE JUICE SALE Hudson House , 46-or.' cans c Real-Gold Concentrate Dundee 8-oz. cans TOMATO HOT SAUCE " SILVER FALLS PUMPKIN HA LEYS' FOOD SALer BEEF Bi9 40 ox BUY STEW Hwmw Tiny Perfection PEAS EST DUNDEE No. 303 TOMATOES cans CHILI CON CARNE 40-oz. can IC