MELT-IN-MOUTH DESSERT A double helpinq of chocolate enhances the smooth luscious flavor of no-bake choco-mint cheesecake. Mint and chocolate mingle in the creamy filling and crushed chocolate cookies make the base. Refreshing Dessert Idea Deep down chocolate flavor mixed through richly smooth ill-: mg distinguishes no-back choco- mint cheesecake. To further please chocolate lovers (and that includes most all of us ' chocolate' cookies are crushed for the bot torn crust with an additional sprinkling of crumbs forming circle atop the dessert. It's dreamy dessert for chocolate fans and a dream of a recipe for the cook. Choco-mint cheesecake is a no-l cook as well as no-bake dessert with only a faint flicker of heat necessary to melt the chocolate and butter. When the gelatin mix ture begins to thicken, chilled evaporated milk is whipped in tol double the volume while its dou bly concentrated crcaminess makes the mixture wonderfully smooth. NO BAKE CHOCO-MINT' CHEESECAKE 1 envelope unflavored gelatin Vi cup cold water 't cup boiling water 3 squares (3-oz.) semi-sweet chocolate 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese 1 cup sugar l'i teaspoons vanilla extract ?i teaspoon peppermint ex tract 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 Ij cups chocolate cookie crumbs 128 wafers, ap i proximately! W cup butter, melted 1 tall can evaporated milk, (12-3 cups) chilled Sprinkle gelatin over the cup cold water in a small bowl. Let stand five minutes to soften. Add1 boiling water and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Cool. Melt chocolate in a custard cup set in pan of water over low heat. Meanwhile, cream together the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, peppermint extract and lemon juice in large bowl of electric mixer. Blend in melted chocolate and cooled gelatin, mix ing well. Chill until mixture thick-l ens to the consistency of unbeat en egg white. Line sides of a 9- inch spring form pan with a long sheet of waxed paper folded dou hie lengthwise. Crush the choco late wafers and measure crumbs, Add the melted butter and mix well. Press two thirds of the1 crumb mixture evenly and firm ly in bottom of prepared pan Mace in refrigerator to chill. when chocolate-gelatin mixture has thickened slightly, whip at low speed while gradually adding chilled evaporated milk. Turn to high speed a id continue to whip, until mixture doubles in volume and becomes thickened. Turn into prepared pan. Sprinkle top with remaining crumbs. If desired garnish w ith chocolate curls. Chill until set, five to six hours or overnight. When ready to serve, release spring and remove pan wall, then with a knife peel paper carefully from cake. Place cake on serving dish or cut into dividual servings. Makes 10 to 12 servings. I" , I . 1 Yz:fjj"j?yZ& f &srt a ... -'wii ,,. ..... the cata- li Dowder. HAIL MEXICO! Canned beans and around beef in barbecue sauce ere Ivsts for this Mexican Friioles v Tortillas usinq canned Tortillas and chi Serve with Mexican tossed salad of cauliflower, olives, green peppers, end lettuce. This Mexican meal is fun to serve and eat . . . and high in nutritive value. Bring Mexico To Supper Nothing appeals to a homemak er more than "'atmosphere" at mealtime. There's no need to "eat out" to take advantage of this, however. Something new in the way of meal planning can be created at home. Before you discard this whole Idea with a horrified thought of making tamales. enchiladas, and the like, read on! The main dish of this amazing meal starts with two cans of beans & ground beef in bai-hecue sauce ... one of the four truly favorite and de licious bean products in a can Reans. of course, have long been a favorite fcod nf the Mexi cans. This Frijolrs V Tortillas casserole, takes minutes to pre pare, a few more minutes to cook, and goes right to the table a the center of attention, served with side dishes of shredded let- tuie and chopped onion. Tortillas the kind which can be purchased in the eani and chili powder give this dish a true "south of the border" air. Serve the casserole with a Mex ican salad of cauliflower, olives, green pepper tossed together with a bit of French dressing on lettuce. Bread slicks or hard rolls make a pleasant addition and round out tlie menu beautifully. FRI.IOI.KS V TORTILLAS 2-3 cup chopped onion 1 small clove garlic, minced 2 teaspoons chili powder teaspoon orezano 2 tablespc ns salad oil 2 cans '1 pound each' beans and ground beef in barbe cue sauce By RUTH KING E gjfc , i"P ' '. -; i ''j' f vH- ll.' . IIFRALD AM) NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Thursday, January 10, 1961 PACE I-B Make Freezer Share The Work ?rcd, at 350 degrees, two hours until meat is tender. Taste and correct seasoning as neces sary. hwiss Mean reheats tor even better flavor. To cook frozen por tion, allow to thaw; heat in mod erate oven (350 degrees) for 30 minutes. , .v ' WESTERN FLAVOR Corned Beef Pie wraps a flaky biscuit crust, deliciously, quick ly and economically around other ingredients from your pantry shelf to make a fun to eat-and-serve main dish. Whoah! Podnar Light and Eat Brisk days call for real "stick- to-the-ribs" meals. So at chuck .agon time treat the cowboys and gals in your family to hearty Corned Beef Pie, reminiscent of the Old West favorite meal of bis cuit and dried beef. On especially busy days this pie will be a meal time blessing for you because it's made with ingredients usually found on your pantry shelf. Corned Beef Pie is so easy on your budget, too. The biscuit crust is made from enriched flour, one of the most economical sources of the vitamins thiamine, niacin and riboflavin and the mineral iron all nutrients you need every day for maintaining good health. Add two other economical ingre dients canned corned beef and process cheese other good sources of the important food nu trients, essential protein, miner als and vitamins. For a touch of Western whim sey make a "brand" design in tne top biscuit crust with a sharp knive. Voila! A nourishing, deli ciously appealing main dish put together in about 30 minutes. The savory pie needs only a crisp green salad and a simple dessert such as a compote of chilled fruit and bakery fresh cookies to "round 'up" the most nourishing meal ever. CORNED BEEF PIE cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine 2 1-pound cans corned beef hash 2 cups sifted enriched flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt ' cup shortening 2-3 to M cup milk 'a cup shredded sharp cheese Cook onion in moiled butter or margarine until tender. Com bine with corned beef hash. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Cut or rub in shortening until mixture is crumbly. Add enough milk to make a soft dough. Turn out on lightly floured board or pastry cloth and knead gently .10 seconds. Divide dough in halt. Roll out one-half of dough to inch thickness. Fit into a 9-inch pie pan. Spoon in corned beef mixture and sprinkle with cheese. Roll out remaining dough for top crust and arrange over tilling. Trim and seal edges. Cut design lop. if desired. Bake in hot loven '4O0 degrees F.) lor 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. Makes six servings. Swiss Steak is such a favorite in most families that it makes an excellent choice for the new triple - play food preparation. Here's how to play: Instead ol cooking three separate dinners. triple the recipe (this one for 12 makes three dinners for a family of four' and prepare it all at once. Serve one-third to your family as usual tonight, then freeze the rest two separate portions to be enjoyed at future meals. At those later dates, reheat right in the foil. It wouldn't be real Swiss Steak without tomato sauce, the con venient canned kind that adds col- flavor, and nourishment easily. As an extra bonus, serve additional sauce separately. When you cook this way you cut your preparation time down to one-third, your oven fuel down to one-half, and even if you have to use two skillets to prepare the four pounds of steak, you're still way ahead on lime spent cleaning up. Remember also to serve your home-frozen entrees within four months for best flevnr and nu trition. SWISS STEAK (Serves 121 4 pounds Swiss steak (or round steak, cut 1 - inch thick) 'i cup flour 2 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon paprika 'i teaspoon pepper U cup poly-unsaturatcd oil 2 large onions, sliced 1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce 2 U5 - ounce) cans tomato sauce Salt and pepper to taste Cut steak into individual por tions. Combine flour, salt, pap rika, and pepper. Pound mixture into both sides of steak, using edge of saucer. Brown meat on both sides in hot poly-unsaturatcd nil in large skillet. Top with on ion slices. Add Worcestershire; jxiiir on tomato sauce. Bake, cov- IT'S AS EASY AS THAT Have your steak and eat it too when you cook enough for three family dinners at once. Here is where' your freezer comes into th picture. Serve one meal of this popular steak, twissed with zesty tomato sauce the same day, freeze the rest in two separate portions for dinners later. Be sure to date the pack ages. A tortillas 2-.1 cup graled cheese Chopped onion Shredded lettuce In covered skillet, cook ornon, garlic, chili and oregano in oil until onion is tender. Stir in beans; heal. Cover bottom of l' quart casserole with 4 tortillas, torn in thirds. Add 'i bean mix ture and cup cheese. Repeat with beans and cheese. Bake at 375 degrees F. for 15 minutes Serve with chopped onion and shredded lettuce. Makes 4 to servings. BROWNED RICE 3 tablespoons butter i cup washed, drained rice 3 cups boiling water l'i teaspoons salt Melt butter in skillet; add rice and cook and stir until golden brow n, stirring occasionally. Grad ually add boiling water and salt Cover and simmer 25 minutes without stirring, until rice is ten der and has absorbed moisture Makes about 3'j cups. NOW OPEN! Shirley's Coinomaric Laundromat HiIt'' 1 AltsmoM Or. s . Mmatrr f 1 S STI R IIR1VE 1 LIQUORS KtrkilMt S:M I s m Jock's Super Market Tultloka. Calif. I' CoaU-to-Gxutf :i NEWSPAPERS II SELLTHE MOST! E fiiinfiiii-ifiiiiMifiri friuivliS $Wtfkdkh Jfnxl& anbjeto fvtrMi Ir Jtnninft Feldinf WHEEL CHAIRS Rentoli Solei Surdity uiiluily Dlind Authorized Ivtret A Jtnnini DUrt 9th & Main Ph. 2-347S fram Adult 9 Tmy Tol Sisaa Rugged tOlti 10 L ,, J ROMAN MEAL MAKES SANDWICHES BETTER Tv The light brown bread wilh .7 natural whofe grain goodness Ik-,.-. I Your Local Bakery Bakers of HOLSUM JANUARY SALE NOW-VV AT TOWER FURNITURE KING SIZE fj ' F0F J p. v c! Lrc TABLES R0CKERS 169" I00 39" 12x13 All Wool RUG Charcoal Tweed Reg. 111.08 79 95 12x16 Nylon-Wool RUG Sandalwood Reg. 126.45 89 95 DAVENO & CLUB CHAIR 169" Foam! Nylon Cover. Brown. 1 Only Reg. 269.95 9x12 RAYON TWEED RUGS Foam Back! Reg. 39.95 Now Only 24 95 12 18 NYLON RUG Green & Brown Tweed Reg. 142.80 99 95 Danish Modem CHAIRS Vinyl Coven, Choice of Colon Your Choice 95 15 Deluxe Double Dresser Charcoal Finish 1 Only AT No Money Down S&H Green Stamps 12th & Main Open Fri. Till 9:00 Phone TU 4-8858