Foresf Board To Ask For Fire Protection PORTLAND (UPII The State Board of Forestry will ask the 1963 legislature for about S750.0001 lor fire protection on privately owned lands in Oregon, State For ester Dwight Phipps told the Ore Eon and California Grant Lands ;Advisory Board here Tuesday. 3-Phipps said the bill authorizing - money will be introduced later Jhis month. U would provide state protection in recognition of the benefits the state and the public derive from private torcsts. In the past, the landowners havel paid the bill for forest fire pro tection. Phipps said timber knocked down by the Columbus Day wind storm could contribute to catas trophic (ires this summer unless all forests in the state are pro tected. He said Die State Depart ment of Forestry has mapped the critical areas where protection is most needed. Rod Fcty, forest operations! manager for the U. S. Bureau of Land Management, told the O&C panel that the BLM will sell 1, 300.000,000 board feet of storm fallen timber in the first 18 months after the storm New Five Cent Stamp Selling 'Like Hotcakes' Says Post Office WASHINGTON UPI - The new live cent lirst class ana eight cent air mail stamps are clling like hotcakes. the Post Of fice Department said today. But the old penny stamp sud denly is the most popular of all. Assistant Postmaster General Ralph W. Nicholson said "ap parently many people think we are going to sell out of stamps, but we won't. There are plenty of stamps to handle the needs of the nation's mailers. Postmaster General J. Edward Day will unveil a new olfcring today. It will be the new 50-star American flag stamp, this time in the five cent denomination to PAGE 1J-A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Kails, Ore. Thursday, January 10, 13 imalch the basic letter rate that went into effect Monday. Nicholson said "a fantastic $6 9 million worth of stamps were sold Mondav the dav the penny post age increase on letters and post cards went into eliecl. mis was $2.9 million more than the aver age daily volume. "Most of the public took the rate increase in stride," Nichol son said. "A Dallas. Tex., woman told one postal employe that for he niiie of a candv bar. I can still send a long letter to my mother in Bangor, Maine and that's 2.500 miles away, which is a pretty good bargain.' " From San Francisco, however. came a reoort that "two patrons I flatly refused to buy five cents stamps. The were highly indig nant over the rate increase, so they bought four cent and one cent stamps instead." A spot check of the IS regional offices, which supply the 35,000 post offices across the nation, showed that the one cent stamp was the best seller, followed by the five cent issue. "Surprisingly, the air mail stamp sales in some cities weren't keeping pace with the fives and ones," a department Spokesman said. "Apparently many people decided to use two fours to make up the new eight cent air mail rale, until they run out of the outdated issue." The heavy demand for one cent stamps was caused by persons using them to make up the penny shortage on stocks of postcards, stamped envelopes and four cent 9th & Pine Phone TU 4-3188 Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 Daily , ggia mmmamm m am mmm !4, FAMOLY HOE SAL Only because many styles are being discontinued can we offer these remarkable savings. Hurry in ' you'll find famous Fashion Stride, Pinehurst and - PowrHouse shoes reduced -not-every size in every style. EXTRA! find your size on our self-service II LUCKY 10" SHOE racks and receive AN ADDITIONAL 10 SAVINGS WARDS JANUARY FASHION O TERRIFIC REDUCTIONS O LADIES' COATS U00 DRESSY SWEATERS 400 W.r 24.98 NOW I V NOW T LADIES' COATS OflOO LADIES' BLOUSES 000 Wtr. 2198 NOW &V w.r 2.91 t J.M NOW im LADIES' DRESSES JOO MATCHMATES COO NOW Wet I 98 NOW J LADIES' DRESSES COO MATCHMATES JOO w NOW l Wt 8.98 NOW t LADIES' DRESSES ZOO LADIES' WOOL SUITS U00 W" ' NOW U W.r. 30 00 NOW 10 LADIES' DRESSES 700 LADIES' SUITS 1fl00 W" " NOW I W.r, )J00 NOW IU BULKY KNIT SWEATERS 000 LADIES' RAINCOATS 700 W" S 9t NOW J W. 10.98 NOW BULKY KNIT SWEATERS COO LADIES' RAINCOATS COO W 7.91 1 191 NOW M w.r. 12 98 NOW 7 BULKY KNIT SWEATERS 700 LADIES' RAINCOATS Q00 " NOW I w.r. 1 98 NOW 7 stamps. But demand exceeded ex pectations. San Francisco reported selling two million "ones" on Monday compared to the usual 25,000 per day; Philadelphia sold 2.5 million. i in ii i i J. SAVE! THE ALL-NEW SBi -St TONITE - FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Open Tonite & Fri. till 9:0 MP - 10:00 M S:0O. Deluxe 510 Coil MATTRESS BOX SPRINGS 10-Year Guarantee 119.95 g, Opening Sale Price J Manle Desk 95 95 I lamps vfny Aiit. Colon ;j V Compare Elsewhere at ivv.vs " Large Dresser Wfc, Tilting Mirror Bookcase Bed in i "fAr ueiuxe wainui edroom set 95 Another Door Buster! LARGE SIZE WALL PICTURES 95 Large Asst. Beautifully Framed. Solid wood construction. Maple finiih. 2-only, so hurry! Our Reg. Low Price 34.95 Grand Opening Sale Price CLIN Combination vinyl and nylon cover. Good construction. And look ot this low price! Our Reg. Low Price 69.95 Grand Opening Sale Price ?J. 1495 frji E mwm 3 Uoro' Walnut Bedroom Set A beautiful set with large double dresser. mirror, bookcase bed an chest. Grand Opening Soli irge double dresser, f and large 4-drawer r le Priced at only E 95 Deluxe sets. Your choice of many styles. All have no-mar tops, self -edge. Matching chairs ore foam podded, vinyl covered. Our reg. low price M9.93, Grond Opening Sale Price 195 Top Grade Nylon Cover! 5-YEAR GUARANTEE! & CHAIR SET Large size! Deluxe cover and construction (5-ycar guarantee). Many colors to choose from. Our regular low price is only 194.95, but you can have it during our Grand Open ing Sale for only 95 ONE ONLY DELUXE SOFA Sale Priced At Only 95 Top Grade Nylon Cover 3-PIECE SECTIONAL Compare ot 299.95 195 Top Grade Nylon Cover ROCKING CHAIRS 95 Reg. 49.95 Now Only MM EM : WAdyt 9 M 9-.. UT. I SUN. "T" 10Ot4:M NO Money DOWN No Poymenf Till March 1 Deluxe 5-Piece DINETTE Table has no-mor top, extension leaf. Choirs are foam padded, vinyl covered! . Our Reg. Low Price 59.95 Grand Opening Sale Price 1)95 4d