HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Oregon Wednesday, January S, 196S PAGE -A State Okays Medford Hospital Plan SALEM IL'PI' The Statejplans (or an RO-bed hospital with Board of Health today gave quali fied approval of a new concept . in hospital construction to a Med ford group. The b:ard toid Sacred Heart Hospital it could proceed with nothing but private rooms. The board stressed it was to be con sidered an experimental project with no other similar hospitals to be approved until the one aC Med ford has been tested. CLEARANCE NOW EVEN GREATER SAVINGS! STACKED HEELS All heigfcti! Winter styles and col ors. Famous Vitality or Q uteri Qual ity brands. Values to 14.99 FASHION SHOES High and mid-heels. Black or brownt in our popular Trim Tred and other to rtious brands. Good ranga of sixes and widths. Values to 11.99 Trim Tredi and others Stacked Heels X. Smart Sett and others FLATS Values to 8.99 Entire stock! Rand or Randcroft shoes Men's, Boys' 10 to 20 off 6 88 5 88 All Sales Final dafnil's However, the board also ap- proved a report of the advisory councils on hospital licensing and on hospital and medical tac.lit) survey and construction. The coun cils had recommended disapprov al of a license for the Sacred rteart hospital because the indi vidual rooms, designed to be 8-by-16 feet, would be too small. Dr. Forrest E. Rieke, president of the board, said "compromises can be w orked out between Board ol Health requirmeents and Sa cted Heart plans," Dr. Brandt Bartels. Medford, said "there has been a conflict between the hard-headed people of Medford and the hard-headed peo ple of the State Board of Health. Some of our people feel that a lot of dogmatic statements have been made and not many con structive statements made. But 1 think our differences can be worked out without interfering with our basic concept." i Dr. Bartels said hospital con struction regulations have not changed in Oregon in 17 years and that the single room concept would modernize medical practice. 4; SPEAKER Robert Van Houfe, Morrow County School superintendent end Oregon Education Assoc. president, will speak at the Jan. I? meeting of the Klamath County OEA at the Winema Motor Hotel. "Soft Sell' Set For Mental Clinics SALEM (VP? The Siatef Board of Control decided today! against "using unnatural stimu-- lams" to encourage community, menial health dirties in Oregon. The board declined to art on a proposal to let communities; make use of federal funds up to 1 90 per cent the first year in es tablishing clinics. 1 Counties presently are required to match state funds on a 550 basis. The board postponed action- on the overall proposal to change j the language governing f e A e r a 1 1 grants to the etuue program. 1 Gov. Mark Hatfield, head of the board, said the state menial, health clime program never was! conceived on. a "promotional ba-' sis. 1 Secretary of Slate Howell Ap pling Jr. said Iff per cent par ticipation by counties would be "a long way rem what was or iginally conceived as a sound basis." He said the state's aim was not to "ram this thing down, people's throats." Traffic accidents cost the lives of 3,160 persons in the U.S. during May. 1962. V - ' . m cafe '! World Famoui-Deticioui BROASTED j CHICKEN j 't Real Italian Style TRY IT AT THE LUCCA OEA Chief Plans Talk Here On Education Plan "The Oreeon Prnaram A Tie- isign for the improvement 01 M ucation wul be aiscussea dv Robert Van Houte. president of itlie Oregon Education Association land Morrow County School super intendent oa Jan. 19. He wilt ibe present for the regular luncheon meeting of the Klamath County OEA at the Winema Mo tor Hotel. He will say that the Oregon Program involves 21 local scnooi districts which are undertaking such projects as team teaching, flexible scheduling, and variable groupings of pupils. It is spon sored hv the Stale Department of I Education, the State System o! Higher Education, and local school districts working with eight col leges. The speaker will be introduced by Mis. Beulah Elliott, vice presi dent. President WiUard McKinny. principal of Klamath Union High School, will preside. There will be election of officers for the com ing year. gifts - noon phizes Come Help Us Celebrote 5 Years of Progress! ."JlIi Anniversary oikx HOUSE FRIDAY, JANUARY 11th Th- It.WK Of KLAMATH FALLS So, 6th and Klamath Member F.D.I.C. UAISY BONUS! tXFAXTS? DEPT. SPECiALS fitted crib sheets 89c blanket sleepers, plastic soles 4J99 baby quilted comforters 3J&9 stretch sleep-or-play suits, cotton-nylon terry or all nylon HJ99 diaper bags, embossed plastic 3J99 Chix Redi-Fol gome diapers, slightly ir regulars, doz 3t& I Exclusively For Children 419 Msin We Give Z.'tC Gwut Stamps criss-cross STRETCH-EVER" SPANDEX pull-on girdles and panty girdles Yes! A price reduction sale en Sarong's famous Criss Cross Girdle and Panty Girdles that you've seen on T V. Only Sarong's exclusive Criss-Cross construction allows complete freedom of movement for every activ ity, yet provides the firm control you look for Criss Cross double front panels give that extra control. Lower cut sides stop thigh bulge. These Sarong T.V, Girdles are all made of Stretch-Ever spandex, the no rubber elastic . . . machine washable too! Hurry! Two dollars off all these styles while they last. lt,e iJ Kytf. ipif ftrfi hefc trn". rtdt ptl it '6trH tat OytM. ftt-t-r . iw Low, Low Prices PLUS Green Stamps BUY OH Revolving Charge or 121 GIRDLE i 123 PANTY GIRD18 NOW "795 1 1 1 1 Ufa V tVfelJ I - --w . . flit I 1 m i riMH 1 is- it ii-isfisiixazif v 1 m is mi. 1 i "snrqpwf : 7 L-J M Orders to Go, Too I Sen. 1-aurin W. Jones admitted I Vk S I O T)l HVC (TX ft I if I I i I chan9M LUCCA CAFE ISSJI5LSS,t u 1 I " I I J J zi u VE u ssib , , 1 1 , m mm m 1 m I 327 M.in 1 PH02N3f 4TSU tih276 1:- , , 1 i ' nrf-.- ! ipf- 1 PREMIUM QUALITY 1 IJ7 Mft lilt j': P5'''" 52-GALLON GLASS LINED i- m, fl (I f ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS I REDUCTION , . iZ4 i ; . , B 'v r. , : ' lv ' : r! ofkj ' 1 3 DAYS ONLY! ' - ' rem I' fM) wig)95) : , j; i LONG-LEG ' , , : - I I , VVSII ' " ;" 1 lltSCTj: MONEY DOTN . J PANTY GIRDLE .W; ' " .' ' ! .- :; S , fr?S. 'jl ' I CTmfOS31 -SB-rFwsmPb. ; now j ; y l, f j W1'"' wfdv mil -A I fsAVK $3on I jj J. r- ft. P ft ft 1 ft - L m i m rn . i si r (if av -ii i s4i j ri r i p m " " c .IPygWiTO M MONEY DOWN j K Fitment Dnt V 4 BII Oil II O I : ,nI r-.t T', i.r., r. v. (nr inj'in .uhlr.n.m I, iiri 1 .. . , 1 KAIt artfl lO-YKAK fil AKANTF.K rw irr ht- m.tSM lr if HnV fi!t Ssi J ? .! V. (1 ynn f W w.) I'J rnlr runrel si- dur im iw-tt T' t t'in, f S jr fnr in jmi l uh(ri-tint TlW"h (I, Iflth fur 1ft jurt of prire for rich tnontrt remtmrns o" -J f iMrMntr . , ttKtHtrton extra. 3 hfttinfeetion OtirnleerI or Hour Mone Back o- , U3 So. 8th TU 2-4431 I -s ! if:. t and save OlSAltD Shop 9.3& - 5:3ft friiey T ?M. Lay-Away 4480 South 6th Next to Oregon Food I.