PAGE -A Wtdiinutay, January 9, 1963 ItKRAI.n AVD NEWS, Klamalh Falls, Orrgnn CARLSON'S o A M C E T N I S V I T By j Helen Bechen n'(t"( t WT 1 ' Hi "'M-4L -.'( ';. vtj STOPPERS I- . f It's a Great Idea- That Lasts a Lifetime! N Shrine aomi Tlie Masonic Temple was the scene of a beautiful Christmas ceremonial and party for mem hers of Naomi Shrine No. 5, Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem on Saturday. Dec. 8. A 4 p.m. business meeting pre ' ceded the evening ceremonial '. with Lois Murphy as worthy hi . priestess and Clyde Brown, asso . ciate watchman of shepherds, as ; watchman of shepherds. : : Members gathered at 7:45 to ; enjoy entertainment of Christmas music which helped establish mood for the evening. Sandra Ru- ronich played several Christmas numbers on the piano and later accompanied Tamia Mitchell in a solo entitled "Silver Bells." Sher ry Meade, Janice and Mary Jane Brittain of the Order of Rain bow for Girls, Assembly No. 57, "sang "0' Holy Night." Sherry Meade accompanied the girls at tbe piano. ;Al 8 pm. officers of the SJirine presented the beautiful Christmas Story and ceremony of .Initiation fur candidates Olive and Paul Hanna and Mae Moore. Past officers present and intro duced from the sidelines were Nell Ttcttcralh. Ruth Rodenber ger. Blanche Marks, Blanche Schulze. Hele n MtCornack and Aura Mitchell, past worthy highi .:-, -t , I t-l...: --.I priPSICSM'5 Ul lUrfUlllt ONI autj George Rclteralh and Jim Hunt ,cr, past watchmen of shepherds of Naomi Shrine. . Following the meeting and initi al ion ceremony, members adjourned to the dining room, .turned into a virtual "Christmas Land" by Committee members Blanche Marks. Nell Stew art, Verda Scrihner, 1-orcne Mo Collum and Marie Metier. Tables were festive in red and white decor accented by evergreens and a gaily decorated lattice fence and archway formed a beau tiful background. The dessert prepared by Marie Metier, also carried out the red, while and green color scheme. i Adding lo the evening's enter tainment was a rakewalk and candy sale. Almon Geiss as a spirited Santa Clans distributed gifts brought for exchange by memliers and guests. The evening concluded with everyone joining in singing of', Christmas carols. I; ' The next regular meeting of Naomi Shnne No. 5 will bo held at the Masonic Temple on Jan.1 tn. with advance night for line offircrs and a memorial service, in honor of members deceased within the past year. U Li I , L A iiiwimnirMitiiB mtmr-rt iin"' rtr4 'ff ir:T. X ri--rtmiin'irnr-riir?riii iImtmiht SNOW BALL ROYALTY An h onor guard of DeMolay members stands in fronf of the royal court at the annual OeMolay Snow Ball. Queen Robin Hiatt and Master Councilor John Otterbein, center, are flanked by the four princesses and their escorts. Left to right are Karon Sloan, Fred Ehleri, Pam Bauer, Don Christy, Robin and John, Roy Marvin, in back of the master councilor, Carol Bousquet, Charlie Ochs and Kathy Cooper. Photos by Bob Anderson p vllfl i .it IV f i QUEEN OF THE BALL Robin Hiatt, who was selected queen of the annual DeMolay Snow Ball, receives the royal cape from her escort, Master Councilor John Ot terbein, Lavish decorations In purple, white and silver set the mood for the gay holiday event at the Willard Hotel. White snowballs, glittering with silver, hung from the ceiling and smaller ones were fled to silver-toned tumble weed and pine cones. Wall motifs, silver trees and Christmas songsheets with silver notes, completed the wlntery setting. in ma i i .nil liBiijuiitfJwiiMP BIRTHDAY HONORED MALUM Mrs. Dick Derry was honored on her recent birthday with a decorated cake brought by her daughter and grand daughter, Mrs. Howard Schmidt and Debbie of Bonanza. They were accompanied by Mrs. Leavitt. Mrs. Mike Dearborn. Mrs. Wes Dearborn and Mrs. Fred Kern- lund. Mrs. Jerry Smallcy, Mrs. lorry Den y and Mrs. George I .Smalley of Malm also called dur- rienl: Mrs. Adolph Cacka. vicoi ling the alteration. ' president : Mrs. Kmil Pslivka. sec-! ill? MipiiiiriiiFiiii ZCBJ Lodge Elects Slate A1ALIN Now olticers were elected at the annual Christmas party of the ZCBJ Lodge in the Malin Community Hall. Approxi mately 100 members, their fami lies and guests attended the pot- luck dinner. Mrs. Adolph Cacka. president. conducted the business meeting. Officers named lor the coming year include Frank Paygr. presi-l relary; Frank Victorin, financial secretary; Mrs. George Brothan ek, treasurer: Roy Kunz, sergeant at arms. Vince Jelinek, Vaclav Kalina and Roy Kunz comprise the auditing committee. Enjoy a KRAUT Dinner I lonignr 1 (Do QJdu JOww? ' Now a refillable purse nlnmi.- pr that holds l;t ounce o( perfume. In gold and black case. ' the atomizer is boltled. packaged ' and sealed In France. The refill simply clicks into place. A new vacuum bottle comes decorated with auihentic illustra tions of six North American game birds. II features a break-resistant filler, leakprniif triple-seal stopper and a handle on the cups. EGONO-CLEAN DRY CLEANING PROFESSIONALLY cleaned and spotted If you bring In mnd pickup. Pick-up nd Dtlivary Srvict 50c pr ordvr ttr. QUICK SERVICE! Any Garment beautifully finished out of the obove service at regilor charge. CASCADE Laundry & Cleaner! Opp Pott. Ollirt Hi. 4-5111 t j 353 1 BROADWAY CLEANERS 411 I: 6lh Ph. 4 t403 NEW METHOD CLEANERS mmm TOWN SHOP Our Entire Stock! Famous Brand Nylon, poplin, corduroy and wools. Nylon cr pile lined. Our entire stock now reduced for clearance! Reg. 18.95 NOW Reg. 25.95 NOW Reg. 29.95 NOV 64 U30 1997 And Ski Jackets V 1mm W WW ' VS.". ' i XiZ ?- Group I Reg, $189.00 Come in and Stt Tlitu DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Bookcase Bed v Dresser & run oust psoor construction Mirror CENTER DRAWER GUIDES HIGH GIOSS AMREV lACOUCT riNISH r0 WAY TIIT MIRROR ChCSt ' GUARANTEED 10 YEARS AGAINST SILVER SPOILAGE SAVE $40.00 ME TOPS i and abuia Reg. 4.00 to 6.95 2.68 to 4.64 ' Famous brand flannels and cotton knits. Long, capri or short pants. Sizes 32 to 42. Save one-third! Complete with quilted lounge jacket. Cotton. Only a tew, so hurrv. Reg 1 3 95 set now only SETS $1000 Famous brond wool skirts in tweeds, oloids and solids Sizes 10 lo 18 Many styles. Hurry and save one-third now1 Reg. 9.95 Skirti Now Reg. 11.98 Skirts Now Reg. 12.98 Skirti Now Reg. 1695 Skirts Now Our dresses hove been re-grouped and marked down ogain tor this big clear ance sale All styles in fall and winter dresses A few spnng-stvle dresses are reduced to one-holf or less' Reg. 25.95 Now Only Reg. 18.95 Now Only Reg. 14.95 Now Only LIFETIME LAMINATE withstand hard uaa J VIRTUALLY INDESTRUCTIBLE RESIST Crettt Bum Fruit lucct Heit up to 27V Atonal .1' . II t tl t!. ...p With Panel Bed tiu.UU Less. the WtfajWL look , price you can afford 4 1 fTFTIMt LM'MTE tOPS t- -z1 'mUtik BeooliloE Wutii- W W 9n CoaimI Wcikul Timk rrr-zrr 9 (W larM Mlrtwt M itltm Oww Glamour Lingerie Our better fancy, frilly lingerie including baby dolls and others OFF Famous Brand Bras 300 Famous Brond Strapless Bras Regular 5.00 2x1 y its 1 Group II SAVE $40.00 Regular $199.00 Suite Q Panel Bed Q Triple Dresser & Framed Mirror Q Large Chest Fine ouolir stilts now reduced ONE-THIRD tor quick clear once Select the style and color (hot smts von he. Reg. 28.95 Now Only Reg. 31.95 Now Only SUCH PROFOUND ELEGANCE AND QUALITY FAR BELIES ITS LOW PRICE! r m U2 mi -' ...... - - 5th ond Main Uie Your Charge Account- Free Customer Porking at 5th and Klamath lastingly Beautiful, Richly Inlaid Casual Walnut Btdroam Group irilri ( niijiip. t'.tmrrnlni ihinim,f suni: TR.ns: Panel Bed Triple V' Dresser & Framed Mirror Large Chest ft 4 Y SAVE $50.00 1 ' II SB ittT twms Ktti -f, ww. Ptwt fern, fc. krtv aMm rw tifw atl .LIFETIME LAMINATE TOPS ' 1 r ftW Sdf r.-i H t f". EASY TERMS O FREE DELIVERY UN FINE FURNITURE 14S1 PK 4 4471 240S South 6th TU 4-4510