HERALD AND NEWS, KUnuth Falls. Orrgoa Wednesday, January t, 1963 PAGE J A New Drug Rules Aimed To Protect Public From Thalidomide Tragedies WASHINGTON UP! - New drug regulations aimed at protect ing the public from a repitition of last year's thalidomide tragedy will go into effect Feb. 7. The new rules issued by the . Food and Drug Administration ov er the weekend are a direct re sult of the tranquilizer drug which . resulted in the birth of deformed ' babies. FDA acted under orders from Congress to shield the public from untested drugs such as Thalido. mide which caused thousands of ' deformed births abroad. A few expectant mothers took thalidomide in the United States by means of samples distributed by doctors. But the stubborn op position of Dr. Frances 0. Kelsey, an FDA medical officer, kept the German-developed drug from be ing put on sale in the United States. Decorated by President Dr. Kelsey later was decorated by President Kennedy because her insistance on more proof of the drug's safety prevented wide spread tragedy. Only recently she was put in charge oi FDA's new drug investigation division. Among olher things, the new FDA regulations require that: FDA be notified and supplied with full details on the distribu tion of all experimental drugs. The drugs be tested clinically on animals to guarantee their safety. Such tests be properly planned and carried nut by qua! ified investigators and that these investigators and the FDA be kept fully informed on all prog ress made. The new rules mean any drug found unsafe or ineffective can he taken off the market quickly, ARTHRITIS sufferers have shown rapid improvement ...iiiv ' w r i i" !!!. !-!!!" !Z3I ' i i il'nnWtTiriTf M8Jigg Woild Famous Spears Hospital Research at Spears has opened the door to health for thousands o( sufferers who have been led to believe there was no relief. If you are interested in the treatment that has released so many from bondage of pain and invalid ism, write for our free literature; and see your local Chiropractor. SPEARS CHIROPRACTIC HOSPITAL East 10th & Jersey Sts. DE. 3-1581 Denver 20, Colo. Dept. A-l FDA Commissioner George P. Larritk said. Before Congress authorized the new rules, Larrick said, drug makers did not have to give no tice of a clinical test or supply later reports on a drug s use. Test on Human Beings After tests of drugs are run on animals, the rules provide regula tions for clinical tests on human beings. These regulations cover, first, when drugs are given to a limited number of people under closely controlled scientific con ditions. and second, when they are given to a larger group of people by a number of physicians The drug firm or research or ganization must investigate and report promptly on any findings that may suggest hazards or side effects. If the findings are alarm ing, they must be reported imme diately and testing must he dis continued until a decision is reached on whether it is safe to proceed. The new rules were completed after FDA met with scientific groups and reviewed more than 30 written recommendations. There were protests that the origi nal FDA proposals were too in flexible. Judge Wylie Retires From Superior Court LEGAL RETIREMENT After serving for 24 years as Superior Court Judge of Modoc County, Judge A. K. Wylie officially went into retirement this week. He has practiced law for 56 years, but now plans to spend his time developing a mining interest near Alturas and writ ing a history of the judges in Modoc County. Teacher Rdse Proposed PORTLAND (ITU -School Supt. Melvin Barnes proposed sal ary hikes for Portland teachers Monday night. He told the school board there ENROLLMENTS armitrd at beginning ef any month. Kor an Inlrrrtttlnr, reward ing rarerr In ( otn-.rlolog)' . . . Call TU 2-1111 Klamath Beauty College has .been no basic change in sal aries (or the past two years and that it was becoming increasingly difficult to recruit "teachers of good quality." Barnes suggested, a starting scale of $5,000 next (all for teach ers with bachelor's degrees with no experience with an increase to $5,200 the next year. Present scale is $4,800. ma & SIE A ALTVRAS The 14th attorney in Modoc County. 56 years of prac tice in the field of law, and 24 years of service in Modoc Coun ty as superior court judge with this list of achievements behind him, Judge A. K. Wylie of Al turas stepped down from the post of superior court judge of Mo doc County this week. Judge Wylie has served on the bench in the county as superior court judge longer than any other judge in the history of the county He is the seventh judge to serve in the County Superior Court, having taken the judgeship after the retirement of Judge F. M. Jamison. Wvlie is a native of Modoc Coun ty. He was born in Cedarville April 8, 1880. His father, James Wylie. was a blacksmith in Ce darville, settling in that area m 1878. James Wylie was well known in Modoc County as a coun ty supervisor as well as for his prowess as a blacksmith. When he w as 52 years old, he decided to study law and in 1902 passed the state bar examination with the remarkable grade of 100 per cent He was known throughout the the stale as the "blacksmith at torney." Young A. K. Wylie followed in his father's footsteps. Alter grad uiiling from grade school in Ce darville, he attended the Palo Alto High School and then Stanford Uni versity. He took his law training at Kent Law School and passed the bar examination in 1907. He returned to Modoc County to prac tice law in Alturas for some years with his father. After his father's death, Wylie and F. M. Jamison formed a part nership of law that lasted for 10 vears. "I am proud to say." Wy lie reported, "that during the last 50 years, the members of the Jamison and Wylie partnership held cither the district attorney's office or judgeship of Modoc County. I don't know but what that might be some kind of a record," he continued wryly. Now that he is retired, the judge says that he and his wife. Dorothy, will share their time between San Francisco and Alturas. The judge has an extensive mining interest near Alturas that he is develop ing and is also writing the history of the judges of Modoc County. Our Best 8 - Cycle, "Work - Savingest" $ motac Washer Aut "I intend to take it easy, but not too casv. I have the mine and my writing that will keep me from getting too laiy." Wylie said. He has a son, Fred Wylie, San Francisco: a daughter, Norma Fitzgerald, of M librae: a daugh ter, Yinid Lutjcn. of San Bruno; and three grandsons and two granddaughters. fl SAVE BY JANUARY m CAROLINE'S WAY WORKS WASHINGTON (UPD-Carolinc Kennedy believes in solving her problems by taking them by the tail. When Charlie, the President's daughter's Welsh terrier, got loose Tuesday at nearby Andrews Air Force Base, Caroline chased the pup and brought him to a halt by grasping his tail. Then she switched her grip to the dog's leash and hauled him back lo a waiting helicopter. Earn from the 1st HAVE SAVINGS SECURITY SOONER: All funds placed in an account here by January 10th earn from January 1st qualify for six full months' return when earnings are again distributed June 30th. Savings invested here are fluctuation-free , , risk proof . . . insured safe. Current Rats 4 Per Annum FIRST IEDERHI Waitiiiffi and 'Stiaii .rtuicinivn 540 MAIN STREET BE THE PROUD OWNER OF SAVINGS SECURITY FOR NEXT THREE DAYS ONLY Priced S40.00 Lower SAVE $40 Other Automatic Washers as low as 169.95 NO MONEY DOWN On Sears Easy Payment Plon Easiest to operate! Gives you safe, thorough washing of everyday, delicate, wash 'n wear or washable woolen fabrics . . . plus every most wanted washer feature. Big 12-lb. capacity. See it today! Exclusive, Kenmore "Soft-Heat" Electric Dryer T 0 H.C095 Keg. ley.ya SAVE $20 New "Soft-Heat" dries clothes more gently . . . softer, fluffier than ever before! Safe, fast, easy all-fabric drying. 12-lb. capacity; lint screen; air fluff; air freshener; safety switch. Other Electric Dryers As Low As 119.95 mi " 9 . 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I CUAN8U J REYLON Winter Lotion SPECIAL Aquamarine or Intimate Moisture Lotion for hand $160 Revlon Moon Drops Moisturizing eleonser for eery complexion. s $?oo Value J 'lllli MM LOTION 4. . 'Wlntrtime,"Summrtlme; Vcttiontime...nytim. Wind end Weather Cream or Lotion it your best buy. Especially now when it's it hall price.. Lotion ' ui l2-ounee unbrealti able plattie bottle. Regularly $2.00. NOW $1.00 'Also: lotion In 6-ounee glass bottle. V Regularly $1.00. NOW S0 Hand Cream In 8-ounee jar. 1 Regularly $2.00. NOW $1.00 Ail aritaa ej. radirai Taaw "YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS" feud Sid&mma 808 Ea,t Main Always Plenty of Free Parking Ph. TU 4.6776 Check Our Many Other Winter Specials Through' out The Store