MAI CSTATi FOK SAH ,.3ttMAL ISTATE FOR SALI 301 FOR SALE BY OWNER Exceptional home In Movint HilghM ftt. uutmy construcrton mrougnoul Beauinui view of KUmtth Biiin. comiOtr any lirmt or tour-option. If in- Itftilrt contact owntrs at 1631 Lake Forest Blvd., Laka Grova, Ore. Phone 36-7774. TOP RANCH LISTINGS 100 acrai deeded land 240 acre Taylor Grazing. All under fanct 1330.000 400 acres SI 54,000 iw acres - improved Laka property UI.OOO 140 acres - all pasture Fraa irri gation WS.0O0 20 acres home partially con structed 1000 PHase come into our ottlct lor dttails the it listings. BRICK Quality and comlort. 3 bedroom, party room, i nrepiaccj. i.jw iq. n. Moor teaci. If your home is too small lor you 'Call anytime lor appointment to see. ULTRA-MODERN DREAMHOUSE Clear story windows In living room. Brick wall with circulating fireplace. 3 bed rooms. l'i baths, family room, built in aopliAncex and lots of storage. A steal at 1 4,000. For Rent I bedroom - Full basement home. Party room that could be used for 3rd bedroom. Located Hot Springs District. Rental Pee i?S montn. STILES REALTY VEVBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 113 So. 9th St. Prtona TU I-47J0 Fred Tucker Lois Vacy Irit Madole Hank Hensen Homer Stiles TU 4 7J? TiJ 2-S667 TU 4-S9S TU 3-3101 TU 4-9904 STROUT REALTY 3419 S. 4th Ph. TU 4-52B1 Eves. Boh t, Stella Dehlinger TU 3-5601 Hank Holman TU 3-5048 Three bedroom home, fireplace, birch capmets. excellent suburban area. $12,500. Large 2 bedroom home, tireoiace, birch cabmets. Attached double garage, sealed. Large redwood lenced brk yard. Excel lent suburban district. 113.500. 10 cty lots. Good location. Total price 12.800. i i I Multiple MLbKs A REAL BUY! Walking distance to town One bedroom home with combination living and dining room. Good qaraqe with room that could be used as another bedroom, Cement foun dation. Clean as a whistle! All this plus a house full of eceptmnal furniture lor only S5.950. MILLS ADDITION Drive by 1371 Ebertein and see this large 7 bedroom home in like new condition. 1'7 baths, birch cabinets, carpeting, eco nomical lorced air gas lurnace. S12.7SO. Any lypa llnanclng. BRUCE OWENS 134 NO Tth Ray Worden Lucille Anderson TU 4 -Jl?1 TU 4-92671 TU 2-OSIBi STILWELL & CO. Presents: 4 BEDROOM MILLS ADDITION only 3 blocks to Mills School. This substan tial, well kept place provides space lor a family at a modest price of 811,500. Let u ihow it to you. TAIRVIEW DISTRICT This U one of thoie spacious, comfortable older 2 beoroom homes. Large living room, dining room, fireplace, basement, oil furnace, garage, this home in good condition. A good value at 19,950.00. 11.500 FULL PRICE n this modern 1 bedroom home Clovi in on north side of town Spc S span condition. Immediate possession. STILWELL & CO. Sil Mem Street TU 4-3U6 Alter 5 00 call Bruce B.nhley TU 4-3474 Ron Van 0'rr.A" TU 2-36?? If no answer call TU 4-700 or TU 3-0444 1 14 ACRES With 40 it bv 40 It. barn. Good buitdinq site across street from Shasta School on Madison St. 101 It. Irontagt Only 1750 with 11500 down or trade for Improved property. CALL NOW. for more informa tion. NEAR HENLEY ' SCHOOL - 1 ACRE $. TWO HOMES. Real nice two bedroom home aid one bedroom home Pruit tree GOOD COUNTRY LIVING. ONLY 115.950 lerms. Sea this today. 4 ACRES COUNTRY ESTATE Plus THREE BEDROOM ranch Style home. Fireplace. Built-in appliances. Good eutbuild'nav Element PASTURE HEN LEY SCHOOL DISTRICT. ONLY 117.000. Terms. Deane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Mom TU 4-4127 SALESVFN: Bob Sori-en TU Annt Maon TU Bob Bn'i'uf 545-7IM Bonania collect ROllin Tuter TU 4 S4M Larry Raraboo TU MLS Multiplt Listing Service ''TERRIFIC VIEW PLUS THE PERMANENT ADVANTAGES O RESIDING IN A DEVRABLE. TlVE POVEN HOT SPRINGS NElGMBOB HOOO can now easily be yours for o"tv t7i00 Mas i bedrooms on 1 floor, so COuS living room, fireplace, partial con cete basement. Private, fu'lv enclosed rear yard area JUST W00 DOWN FHA, plus cloilnq; aiso easy G or conventional loan terms. i WILL TRADE ThU fylly insulated ! bedroom located In tne South Suburban area Has deep lot, lrw hea'-ng enst. in' for tr. Budget-minded Full price oo Wtil trade up 'or J befl'Oom home small acreage 1 acre or more. , , COMMERCIAL BLDG papally tnis"ed, at sfeteaje vMv teve"ed m-e'sect'On, lust a few boc Sou'" of Van St. 'flea 'O' a smarter but -nets, end can be purchased to' as I. me as H 0C4 down Full lust Si 500 QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS'! ti Chilcote and SMITH SEAITORS SINCE 1909 SEE US (01 INSURANCE. TOO 7'1 N S' TU W S'M a. II C''C( TU ' T?"' ltv" IW'tt TU ivM I CMcett. t'OMr I LARGE 4 bedroom home only 2 blocks irom tcrtooi and shopping center. duced to 81X000 for quick sale. TU 15 ACfcES. unimproved, paved road, beau titul building site, Henlty School District. 84,500. TU 4-7814. THREE bedroom home for sale. No down payment. South Suburbs. TU 4-3061 tves. GOOD 3 bedroom home. Mills. Near shop ping center, TU 4-3621. NEW, larqe view home. Large lot, close to new OTI and hosplta', daylight jst mant. Appointment only. TU 3-0570. Henley School Dist. VERY ATTRACTIVE and nearly new 3 oearoom ranch style home near Madi son. Fireplace, carpeting and hardwood floors, beautiful kitchen with built In oven and range, die bath. Large at tache garage. Excellent condition throughout. Selling tor the FHA appraisal of 815,600. 8600 down will handle. LEONARD REALTY I Mam TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9005 Audrey Keerins Joe Perry Joe Leonard TU 4-4285 TU 4-5332 TU 3-0527 1629 DAYTON ST. Five room cabin on 100x140 ft. lot. This price needs a handy man. Priced very reasonably at 12.750. STEWART - LENOX ADDITION. Three bedroom house on 100 x 120 ft. lot. Newly painted and decorated Inside. Large roomy living room. Very comfortable home in good repair. Priced to sell at it. wo. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 100 Main TU 2-3471 Jim O'Donahue Eves. TU 4-9693 NEAR HOSPITAL Neat, clean, comfortably lur nished two bedroom home. Util ity, insulated fruit room, double garage, brick shop building. 15.250. 8500 down, balance on con tract. NEAR 9TH STREET Furnished one bedroom home, ninlng nook, living room 12x18. Gas healer, range and refriger ator. Storage space. Just redeco rated. Low upkeep. Lawn, trees. Near shopping. Suitable tor cou ple or retired person. 13,250, lerms. discount lor cash. ALTAMONT DRIVE Four years old, modern home. One bedroom down, two smalt, up. targe living - dining room, knotty pine. AM fenced. Fruit trees, chicken house, two sheds. 14,500, terms. Dye Insurance Agency iju south ain s. Dve. Realtor, Virginia Brown, Sll. TU 4-7755 or TU 4-4357 THREE BEDROOM home-located In MILLS ADDITION '7 block to KlWANlS PARK. Good founda tion. Garage. Only 17950 with 1500 down or WILL TRADE lor lot, smaller priced property or nd Mortgage. CALL NOW before It's too late. $600 DOWN & move in this nice two bedroom home located in POPULAR MILLS ADD IT ion. Good construction I floor plan. Monthly payments like rent. Only (8750. SEE THIS TODAY. $350 DOWN RENT BEATER & 150 per month tor this two bedroom home In MILLS ADDITION. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. WHY PAY RENT. CALL now to SEE this special. Deane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESMEN ROLL 'N TUTER TU 4-5411 LARRY BAPABOO TU 4-4616 TU 4-7985 TU 2-7738 BOB SORLIEN ANNE MASON BOB BAZlLIUS S45-?'t Boneni Collect Multiple Listing bervic MLS Mills Addition Three bedroom home tastefully decorer ed and immaculately clean, reflecting the outstanding care oiven to It by the own ers. This to story homk situated on a paved corner lot has en the features a discriminating buyer il looking for Larga living room with large windows looking out on a nice neighborhood Din, ing area accents gracious entertaining. Kitchen Is modern with deep, deep cup boards and Ion o' built. ins. Bam and 1 bedroom downstairs. Two large bedrooms and bath upstairs with plenty of closet space If vbu arc Inte.-ested in a bet ter home at a reasonable price in a good neighborhood at lust S14 500. call us today! Has been appraised end will take any type financing. So. 6th Street Highway Frontage 1,167 so. It. of living space. Three bed. room home, combination living and dining area. Situated 60 ft. back from the busy traffic. Has lots of buiit-tni In the utility porch end kitchen Added attraction, let your renter pay for your home I Two 1 bedroom houses completely furnished in hack away from the house affording you and the renters strictest pivacv. Lots of Oporfunity in this ft x 400 ft lot. ah tor iie.500 In Henley High School D'CAL PEYTON K 1 A MATH TBinrBt flllR 35 Market TU 4-S14f Evening Al Hrmie TU 7fll Pat " Palo TU 703 Harold V Rut TU 7-4t73 WANT THAT DREAM HOME? Thfn see this very VOOERN THREE BFDPOOM hnmt with PANORAVIC view in vOyina heights. Has an in comforts you want. Buft-ln appliance Wnlt to wall crrt. Tk a tOOtt A ! dream come true Only 117,450. Terms. WILL TRADE TWO HOUSES FOR ONE (17 SAO THREE BEDROOW horn lotved n Vdicn St fireplace Butlt-tn appli ance vaii to win carpet Nicely a' raioed floor plan AND ecei'ent one bd 'onm hem with evt of materials. Rents for M per merfh p-.c iJ0 OWN-. ER WILL TRADE FC TMP E f BED ROOM B-Ound V4.500. CALL NO FOR more Information. I Deane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 StLtSWIN: TU -it TU tun HOB SOtuEl NE MASON tu .m TU J H tot 2ILIUI UiVf lovn Ceiwcl REAL ISTATf FOR SAL! 39 NICE 3 o- 4 bedroom home, built oven, range, dishwasher, paths, forced air iurnct, unfurnished, make offer. Or least option, 8100 per me., references. 5945 Alva. MILLS ADDITION 3 BEDROOM HOME near school J. park. Fireplace. Carpeting. Big kitchen, com. plefeiy remodeled Attractive corner lot. it.iw. tasiiy financed. DON SLOAN Realtor 304 So 7th St TU Anyti" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 wamt r:Mn..M. ....... .I parr time business one to two davs a week. Excellent return for 11.850 invest ment, call Mr. Sparks. TU 2-3451. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Pleese investigate thoroughly any Invest' ment of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities tort Investing your capital, the Herald and News makes every effort to relecl an rrauauieni or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the integrity of the firms or individuals who plere advertising In our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to the Classified Ad ver'iilng Department ol the Herald and news. We're Not SELLING OUT! But If you want fo rent something . anything irom plumber's tools to portable heaters , . . let's talk BUSINESS. VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Moin TU 4-68)2 Full-line Farm and Light Indus trial Equipment Franchise open for Klamath Falls and vinicity. Liberal Financing Terms. Whole sale and Retail. Good opportunity for aggressive merchandiser. Call or write J. I. CASE CO. 1707 S.E. 3rd Ave. Portland U, ORE. BE 4-0441 FINANCIAL LOANS 34 HAVE client, will pay cash tor your con tract or mortgage at a Discount. EVER' ETT DENNIS. REALTOR. TU 4-1491, TU 4-4378. NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If nodding bills become a nul bance, oet rid of tbem! Check our courteous, confidential, cosh loanl plan. You II be glod you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We FinancB New & Used Cari Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co, 5)3 So. 6th TU 4-7783 IUILDING REMODELING 34 REJECT hardboard and plywood. 4x1 sli es, it. tj a sheet and up. Klamath Val ley Lumber Co. 1940 So. 6th. TU 4-4114. ARMSTRONG celling tile, many beauti ful patterns to choose from, as low as 16 cents a sq. ft. Klamath Valley Lumber 10 . !VJP iO fitrv TU 4-H!6 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 COSCO metal high chair. TU 4-7612 KELVINATOR Fnodorama re'rigera tor-freeier, SIS0; G.E. Hove, Mi. TU 2-OSIS. GUARANTEED USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Fum. 412 Vain TU 4-1343 JANUARY SPECIAL FLOOR POLISHER RUG CLEANER Scrubs, waxes, polishes floors. ONLY $24.88 SINGER SEWING CENTER 3 Win TU I-JJ1J' WESTINGHOUSE DRYER Good Condition $65 GUARANTEED KIRKPATRICK'S Eot Sid Applionces 132 So. 7ih TU 4. 8866 K. FALLS AUCTION JERRY DURNIL JIM RICH ft CLAIMS ft FOR UNPAID PAYMENT OF MERCHANDISE CONSIGNED To Either of The Above SHOULD BE MADE IN WRITING IMMEDIATELY! FNCLOSF CONSIGNMENT SLIPS AVAILABLE. STATE APPROXIMATE VALUE OF CONSIGNMENT. WRITE HERALD & NEWS BOX 435C FUEL . HEATING 31 PINE twdv wo 10 ' l"CM Itngth lis com. deiive'W TU GOOD rH I'' NyJV woM VI ce'fl. d HvtrMt. TU TU 3-4311 CLL CLt YAOEN For P'P'S LOQ1 1 HlnQ O'U Vle'td PfOPAft S' 1 H G'M" S'ATiOl Omp 34 r-ouM JSM Sou' TU I-J4H sod TU 3360 DAY lodatooit Oin lod pint bodr ftflod. "y Ifnglhi. TU 3 S'GS NEW FRANKLIN HEATERS The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth PREPARE FOR WINTER STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finsf Oil & W0O4 StOvM "0- ALL YOUK fUtL MEIDI" Frankfcrd Fuel Co. N 9 eh" 9 TU -444 ! GIVI GOLD IONO ITAMPt 38 FUEL OH, Furnaces. Heaters Western 01 & Burnr, TU 4-3873 $OOD THIN6S TO I AT 3 BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch ering, cutting, curing, Shamrock Meats 4329 Shasta Way, TU 2-421 B. TU 3-068. Beat i - Pert $prN . Hobbies 40 10 FT, duck boat for tile. 2420 Garden afternoons, TU 2-5457. TWO gentle healthy Siamese eels, TU 4-9743. COLLIE puppies, AKC reg., l'i months, TU 2-3121, 4517 Winter. 1 BLACK min. poodle puppies, excellent I P' lln- 1100-1125. Terms. IU PUPPIES. Poodles, Pekingese, Poms Stud service, poodle clipplngTU 4-753S. "a-h6e-aw.yfrom home . . . for vour ptts. Dog L eel boarding, best professional care. Heated sanitary ktnntls with outside runs, 24 hr. service, pickup L delivery. Soecial rates for stea dy or monthly boarders. Soec'el atten tion to females In season. Visitors wel come. Shasta Cascade Kennels. ust past Werrlll-Lafceview Junction, oft Merrill Highway on Booth Road. Rte. 2. Box S04E. TU 4-S07I. ICE SKATES LARGE SUPPLY AM Shapes ond Sizes LOW PRICES AND TRADES The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth RADIO . TV . MUSIC WE pay cash lor used pianos. Derby's Music, tu 43131 THE "ISLE OF CAPRI" Is lust minutes away on a LOWREY ORGAN $595 $3295 (As Advertised in Lile) KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER 315 E Main TU ,-33M USED ORGAN TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOMAS LOWREY HAMMOND . EASY TERMS SAVE UP TO $450 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Mom TU 2-4883 Used Hammond CHORD $4Qr ORGAN New Hammond "Extrovoice" JiLOC . Orcjcn OV5 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. 'II Years on 7th M 1 36 No Mh U 4.(111 LIVESTOCK I POULTRY 42 KLAMATH PROVE SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-1 1 C5, TU 4-4551, TU 2-6103 JERSEY, Guernsey family milk cow. Freshen early spring, tested, TU 2-0B91. BABY calves tor sale, H45 Gary, phone TU 2-5B89. BABY calves for tale or trade. TU 4-3607, 2312 Autumn. WANTED to buy 10 or 12 flood local slock calves, 300-400 lbs TU 2-4976. LITTLE girl, 10, will provide good foster home for gentle horse in exchange tor Wing privileges, iu a-wy. FOR sale 33 head thrifty whitofeca heif ers, start calving Marrh, Leplro. vac cinated, ph. Lorella 4105. KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Call "Woody" Gueck, 0ner-Mgr, TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot t p.m. sharp Rtc. 3. Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Mid fond Road Sole TUESDAY - 1 p.m. Th. BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Mokt Your Plans Now to Consign to th Stockmens Market. Tuesday Is sale day in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4.9436 MACHINERY DOZER BLADES for TD6's - TD9's - D4'$ HD5's - D6's TD6 Angle Dozer - $2,500 J. C. Equipment Co. 6th t. Hilvord TU 2-2051 Mulor Firm Equipment Fran chllt tvlilftblt tfir Kiamstn Fills nd vicinity. COmpltlt linfl ot arm and Llgrtt tndultrlal EqU'O mint. Wnclasali am) Retail Fi nanclng available from Company. Call er wrlie-J. I. CASE COM PANY. I7 S E. 3RO Ave. Portland u. O'eoon Phone BE ,4441. January Machinery ft Bargains 9 i' No 32 IH oflt disk' .. 1 975 new J 0Q ' ' ' 545 Inewi hydraulic Control Special IH No. 30 troiler with used tires Browe r cattle feeder TD9 Chawler tract or with hvdrau-j I'C stroight doer J3700 Iron age . 350 C'0lfr M200 .'1800 potato planter T340 IH tractor fder"Ontrotr) Co Moael 850 10' W.ndrower 61 IH combine ton, 16' header UO reel .. 2 pf-cd geor p,ck 7000 FUIL - HIATIN6 J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 t 43 GUERNSEY Com. Utsh I days, fault less. Tuieiakt w7-i4i. HOLSTE IN end Durham family milk cow, usf fresh ifn calf, gal., Newell 644-2441. MISC. FOR RENT ...43 FOR RENT screw lack and hydraulic lacks. Klamath Valley Lumber Co., 1940 5 6Th. TU 4-4116. FOR RENT, American floor sender and eager, switr and easy to operate, sand papers and Bruce floor finishes. Klem- eth Valley Lumber Co. 1940 So. ih. TU 4-4B'6 RENTALS ON Hospital Beds, Wneel Chain, Walkers. Crutches, Commodes and Roll-A-Aay eeos. AT MERCHANDISE MART 264 Sn 6fh TU 4-6660 MtSC. WANTED 46 MISC. FOR SALE 51 4250 WHITE gold diamond ring tel. Sell 'Or JVJ, I U LADIES l'i carat diamond wedding set. Platinum mounting. TU J -080i. FOUNDATION gem seed Grown In Iso lated area, west ot Oorrls. l'i In. min. a to to ounce. $2. SO bulk . 12.75 sack. Norm Unis, Merrill 7?a-5?99. Gofer's Exchange UNREDEEMED LOAN PLEDGES Guilars-Radios-Tools-Cameras-Shavara Sewing Machines Watches OUT OF PAWN Diamond Rings-Weodini Sets ALL NEW MOUNTINGS '1,001' Bargains Smalt-Shorl Term-Pawnbroker Loans 625 Klam. TU 4-7160 DURALON WAX NO MORE For Wood Linoleum - Concrete - Cork Mesomte Metal - Asuhalt or Rubber i ne DRIES IN 30 MINUTES! NO SLIP ... NO SKID . . . SAFE FRANK'S it TACKLE & GRINDING SERVICE '0 E. MAIN TU 2-Vtl Auction Sale G. C. Motley Plumbing & Heating 812 Klamath -2 Big Days-- FRIDAY & SATURDAY JAN. 11th & 12th STARTING AT 9 A.M. SHEET METAL TOOLS PLUMBING TOOLS PICKUPS & TRUCKS ELECTRICAL ITEMS PLUMBING SUPPLIES OFFICE EQUIP. LOADS OF TOOLS GRIGG & WILLIAMS, LIQUIDATORS Cliff Willioms Auctioneer USED CARS AND LIVISTOCK A POULTRY SPECIAL SALE! The following cars and trucks MUST BE SOLD BY JANUARY 15, 1963! We must reduce our inventory for tax purposes! All Units Fully Reconditioned if All Units Covered With Famous O.K. Warranty & No Down Payment 1962 CHEVROLET Impalo Sport Coups' 1961 CHEVROLET Biscoyne 4-Dr. Sedan 1961 CHEVROLET Impala Sport Sedon 1960 RAMBLER Super 4-Dr Sedon 1959 CHEVROLET Porkwcod Stn. Wogon 1959 CHEVROLET Impala Sport Coupe 1958 CHEVROLET Biscoyne 2-Dr. Sedan 1961 WILLYS CJ-5 Jeep 1961 CORVAIR Rompside Pickup 1960 CHEVROLET V-8 Vi Ton Pickup '58 INTEkNATIONAL Vi TON PICKUP Wos $798 oni" $598 PLUS 19', I FORD 4 DOOR SEDAN S 78 1 953 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN SI7S 1955 DODGE 4. DOOR SEDAN . 1273 1953 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN J 7 1949 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN I 48 1940 CHEVROLET Vi TON PANEL 78 YOUR COURTEOUS SALESMEN Tom Bender .. Da'e KC"..or'd Eenton Voh.t TU 4-6770 TU 4.9881 TU 2-4219 ' Chijfik" Ramp Drop In Today DUGAN TRADE Chevy Citer 6th to 7th on Pum MISC. FOR SALE INK BARRELS, tl SO 'rest Room, Herald and News. HAY tor sale. First or second cutting L. E. Furber, TU I-M6I. DRAIN rock, gravel, ana roadway ma terial, TU 4-3561, CEO. R. STACY CO. MASON sand, till dirt, sandy fill. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4317. TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. J. M, Barnes, TU SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOUR PICK Yours For The Asking STOP IN TODAY! GOODYEAR STORE ?m so nth tu i-ani TRAM. E RS 1 - TRAILER space. TU 2-6034. HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, 4423 Winter Ave. TU 2-1163. FACTORY trained Coleman & tnlernat't mobile furnace service, parts, TU 4-84J6. 1951 21 ft. trailer home. 11995. Used very itllel A Beautvl to settle esiaie- mi. View Trailer Court, 6660 So. 6th, See manager. FOR SALE Equity In I960 Great Lakes trailer, ss X 10, 2 bedroom, furnished, washer-dryer, air conditioner. Consider trade. TU 4-7401 after 6 p.m. 15 FT. Terry trailer nous, excellent con- dilion, sleeps five. t550. Call between 6 and p.m., TU 2-3300. FOR rent large trailer space. Fenced and lawn. 2j50 Siskiyou. TRAILERS WANTED Any me, age. maktl CASH waiting. iradt up or down! SFLL VOUR TRH ER DON'T G!v"B AWAY S3 Dal or "Shlnt" DALE'S U5F.D CAR LOT 333 So. 6th TU 2-4980, AUTO MISCELLANEOUS Si SNOW TIRE WHEELS 13 In. Olds F-BS, 13 In. Corvalr. 14 In. Chevrolet, 15 In. Chevrolet, 17.50 enclv MJR Muffler, 3730 So. 6lh, TU 2-03W Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Up II a Specialty 1851 Altemont Crtll TU i-9033 OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE' BATTERIES CAR TRUCK BATTERY JUMPER CABLES STARTING FLUID ICE OFF REASONABLY PRICED AT PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 MOTORCYCLES NEW & USED LARGE SELECTION Rov's Harlev Davidson Sales 97 North TU 2-6270 SPECIAL SALE! Good Used 4-5 Yard Dump Bodies ond Hoists. 3 in stock. M50 each JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. Hth & Klnmoth TU 2-25R1 TRUCKS SS (On Approved Credit) Was NOW $2798 $1698 $2398 $1498 $1798 $1898 $1198 $2098 $1798 $1698 $2598 I ADO T70 $2I98 298 598 598 998 798 598 498 Specials fa '56 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR. CPE. - R&H Was $898 EC J698 NOW Bob Nicodemul TU 4-4498 Pov OrWerich Tulelote 667-2789 Cove Shirt TU 4-8051 TU 2-4958 Prove To Yourself That & MEST BEST! TU 4-3101 HERALD AND NEWS, Kl.imath USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 19SI VOLKSWAGEN lor sale TU 2-6045 I960 RAMBLER American station wagon, overdrive, 23.000 actual miles, like new Will trade. TU 2-3154 alter 7 p.m. 1941 FORD D'ck up, 4-soeed, needs work Vi, phont Don Keltler, TU 4-1111. 194t FORD panel, ne paint, new tires and battery, run like a new one. Priced at s?2i. Call TU 2-3301 between 6 and 9 pm. 190 FORO ".i Ton pickup. Only 23. IBS miles on this one! Just had tuneuo. E ceotional buy at only si, 2 JO. Call TU 4-U21. 'M VOLKS. 2 Dr. Sedfn, motor ovei hauled, new dutch, battery & tires Good paint & interior. Sacrifice II US, trades, private party, TU 4-4142. 1941 FORD convertible, radio, heater Cruis-o-matic, power steering. All ne tires. $1,991. J7Q California. 5211959 OLOSMOBILE hardtop. Powe ibrrtkes, slcennq New motor, no miles on. 11.600. TU 2-6223. 1955 OLOSMOBILE. automatic trnnsmll sion. Good condition, 1550. TU 2-0105. 19S6 INTERNATIONAL coaster, 220 Cum mins engine, utility logging trailer, $7500; 952 GMC 750 series, 61 UML Qiesei engine, truck and trailer lor S4500. Call GReenwood 6-7217 or Gteenwooo ?-jh6, Grants Pass. NINE passenqer country sedan, 1956 Ford, mechanically sound. One owner. 1025. TU 4-9315 evenings- FOR sale 1959 Chevrolet Impnla coupe '348' 3 2 s. Powerglide. ws, tu 4-jio. It no answer, call TU 4-649B. 54 PONTIAC Starchiel Custom Catalina Hardtop. New tires, power, auiomam Also '52 Plymouth 2-Dr. SMn. etcei lunt Both cari have nac rerni moim overhaul jobs. Call Dick Floyd TU 4-IW4 days, iu z-gy eves. FRUEMAUF low boy trailer; also steel dump bed with hoist, pnont vsotu. Merrill. BEST BUYS!!!! 'al Ford Country Sedan, Loaded! .. S779S '61 Chev. Moma Coupe. SticK .. 1(9S. 40 Ford Pickup V-l, Sharp! . II39J. '59 Austin Mealy Sprite, Cieanl S 5. to r-h.urniii Rl Air 4 Dr. V-8 Automatic S1395. DEAL RITE MOTORS I3i; So. ttn tu ' Er OowrtV '"! WANTED WE NEED USED CARS 1957 MODELS AND OLDER GET OUR BID LAST Central Auto Sales Between S. eth & S. 7i on wit'ow TU 2-1130 Of IU i-JtM THESE HAVE BEEN HERE TOO LONG . . . THEY HAVE TO GO! Wi'v cut ortees. but even so, WE'RE OPEN TO YOUR OFFER! The cars MUST BE SOLD NOW 53 Ford V-8 Sta.Wagon 93 54 Ford V-8 Sta. Waaon ... SI 23 55 DcSoto 4 Door Sedon ....$133 59 Volvo Station Wogon ....J753 57 Plvmouth V-8 Belvedere 4 Door Sedan S513 52 Olds '88' 4-Dr. Sedan ..193 53 Olds '88' 4-Dr. Sedan ..$183 53 Plyrroulh Sta. Wagon ..$2 1 J 47 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan $ 93 56 Mercury 2-Dr. Sedan ....$343 DICK B. MILLER co. 7th & Klomath TU 4-415 ECCLES MOTOR CO. We're Having a Real JANUARY Stock Reducing JAMBOREE at 606 So. 6th St. 62 Pontiac Grand Pnx Coupe Radio, heater, lloorshitt Hy dro. Finned wheels, per. bucket Jeots, Morrokide In terior, hlnrk JJ7' 60 Pontiac Calolino 4-Dr. 5tn. Wagon. Rodio, liealer, Hyaro. Power and 6-woy power seat. Full Morrokide In- JO oy tenor. Excellent .... 1 7 ' 61 Romblcr '6 Custom 4-Uoor Radio, healer, overdrive, pow er steering. One local owner. Jet block. Full vinyl 2Q97 interior Xft I 62 Chev. II 300 Sedan 6 cylinder, radio, heoter, standard Irons. Extremely low mileage. ?097 Like new iXti I 62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4 Dr. Radio, heater. Multi-drive, power steering, power brakes, one locol ?A97 owner Z.W '59 Mercury Monterey 4-Dr. Radio, heater, Mercomotic. power steering, I OQy extra sharp I J 7 '60 Plymouth Fury Convertible Radio, heater, auto, trans., power steering 8. brakes, swivel scats, $ CQ7 one nwnnr ...... ' 3 ' '59 Volvo 544 2-Dr. Sedan Radio, heoter, 4-speed, low mileage, one owner, Fire engine S 1097 red '58 Volkswofjen 2-Door Radio, heoter, 4-sped. Block with white ) I (Y57 sidcwolls IU7 '57 Buick Century Riviera Coupo Rodio, heater, DynaHow. Pre- mium white side- $ walls. Sharp 997 '55 Pontioc Starchiel Hdtp. Cpe. Radio, heater, Hydromotic, omume leather interior. Ex cellent tires. i ")QJ Reduced to 07 '54 Ford V-8 Custnmline 2-Door Radio, heater, click shift. A real sharp J 007 '54 model - 60 Ford Foirlone 2-Door Radio, heotei, standard trans VI $ engine 1497 Coll one of our Salesmen You'll be GLAD you did! Dick Flo,d TU 2-5859 Dean Howell TU 2-3596 Bill Cunningham .... TU 4-7177 Pete Stride TU 2 0491 Russ Cotter TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson TU 4-6618 B.M Hotchkin TU 4-4551 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6'h St. TU 4-6124 Falls, Orfgoa Wednesday, USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS WANTED to buy, later model heey duty pickup or light truck Engine condl lion nol important. Call TU 2-1226. 194) FORD pickup, rebuilt inalne, new nres, u i-ue aner e TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your cor or equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 SEE THIS! '59 FORD V-8 STATION WAGON Radio, heater. Fordomatic, 2-tone. Was $1695. REDUCED TO $1095 Wilson WILEY BUICK Co. 1330 Main TU 4-3141 Joe Fisher SAFE-BUY . Specials! '62 ThundOrbird AM white finish, on owner, X 3897 62 Mercury 2-Dr. Hardtop. One ?9Q7 owner 61 Falcon 2-Dr. $ I rm Standard trans J '61 Hillman Minx $ 00"7 4-Dr. Sedan 77 '61 Valiant Station Wogon. New motor. Completely re conditioned in our shop. In fho'p, '1497 SALESMEN Dole Sechrist TU 2-5720 Koy Rinehorr TU 4-9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-5711 blnothan Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-81041 ii BALSIGER MOTOR CO. ix INEXPENSIVE But GOOD! See These "Low-Pricers" at Our 2 Big Lots They're Real SUPERMARKET VALUES' Your Ui-1UIOt 1951 WILLYS JEEP STATION WAGON $ 75 1951 NASH 2-DR. STATION WAGON S 75 1953 NASH SEDAN 1953 NASH HARDTOP it 1951 MERCURY SEDAN 1940 CHEVROLET COUPE lynj MJKU '6 !-LK. sfcDAN $135 1952 PONTIAC 2-DR. SEDAN SI 45 1940 CHEVROLET PICKUP. 1950 CHEVROLET PICKUP 1950 CHEVROLET PANEL $195 1951 CHEVROLET Va TON PICKUP $245 1947 CHEVROLET Va TON PICKUP $295 1955 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. STATION WAGON $245 1953 PLYMOUTH V-8 2-DR. SEDAN $225 1955 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN $345 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN $345 1953 PONTIAC HARDTOP. Loaded $395 1953 CHRYSLER 2-DR. SEDAN. Shoro S345 1953 PLYMOUTH V-8 CONVERTIBLE, Loaded ....$345 1955 CHEVROLET PANEL $395 1958 ENGLISH FORD THAMES PANEL ""$39"; 1956 DODGE PICKUP $445 1955 CHEVROLET V-8 PANEL. 3-spd., 1 owner"'$495 1957 PLYMOUTH '6' 2-DR. Rodio, heater $495 1954 FORD V-8 2-DR. STATION WAGON Radio, heater, overdrive $495 1957 FORD '6' SEDAN. Radio, heater .... "$495 1955 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomatic $545 1955 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE SEDAN Rodio, heater, Fordomatic, one owner . $545 1956 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Rodio. heater. Fordomatic $595 1958 FORD '6' BUSINESS COUPE Rodio, heoter, one owner $595 1949 FORD V-8 Va TON PICKUP 4-wherl Hriv, hubs, excellent condition $595 1953 CHEVROLET '6' Va TON PICKUP Enclosed utility body. Sharp $595 LOT NO. 1 . LOT NO. 2 TOWN & COUNTRY 2152 SHOPPING CENTER A SOUTH SIXTH TU 2-3866 TU 4-4354 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES AM. CmM TU pevtfr C!m!fi TU i-UW Vtrkty Citr , TU 1075 Jck MH'r TU l Ala" rich BALSIGER II I I WIN W W I T I I Mil Always the Fairest Deal . . . The Finest Product 'Main & tsplonod TU 4-3 PAGE -B USED CARS AND TRUCKS ....SS DRIVE MORE WOTORS Will piy calll lor carl. TU 4 357. '41 FORO dump truck, TU 4-5765. rebuilt englnt. JANUARY CLEARANCE! '.: '62 Chrysler 4-Dr $2695 62 Stude. 4-Door (Over- drive) $1845 61 Imperiol 4-Door $3595 '61 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. .. $1995 '60 Plymouth 4-Door $1545 60 Pontiac Bonn. 2-Door Hordtop $2395 59 Plymouth Belv. 2-Dr. $ 995 '59 Imperial 2-Dr. Hdtp. $1995 '59 Pont. 4-Dr. Sta. Wgn. $1695 59 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. .. $1495 '59 Stude. 2-Dr. Hardtop (Overdrive $1195 '59 Rambler 4-Dr. Over drive $1295 58 Plymouth 4-Door Sta tion Wogon $ 895 57 Pontiac 4-Dr. Stn. Wogon. Sharp $1095 57 Golioth 4-Door $ 395 '57 Dodge 4-Door $ 795 56 VAIIyi 4x4 Station Wagon (Sharp) $1295 56 Chev. 2-Door (As - is special) $ 345 '55 Cadillac 4-Dr. (Sharp) $ 845 55 Stude. 4-Door $ 198 55 Ford Sta. Wgn. (As-is special) $ 98 '55 Rambler 4-Door Sto- llon Wgn. (Overdrive) .. $395 '54 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hdt. .. $ 98 '47 DeSoto Sdn $ 78 '54 Buick2-Dr $ 58 COMMERCIALS '62 GMC SWB (4-speed) $2095 '62 GMC SWB (3 - speed) Power Steering $2095 61 Chev. LWB V ton (4-speed) $1995 60 GMC LWB (4-speed) $1695 '59 Chev. SWB '6' (4- speed) $1295 56 Dodge LWB V-8 (4- spe!) $1195 '56 Ford SWB (4-speed) V-8 $ 695 55 Willys 4x4 $ 995 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 2-5646 J 75 $ 75 $ 75 i? i: $ 45 $ 65 4-speed $195 4-Soeed J 1 95 ft VtMfAt TU 4 1 LhiyiJ Chlr1ttr TU fhr OH TU JOiTfl "WH" WUt .... Mrr1ll 7tt-S TU January 9, 1063 -3121 i Mom Go--ofl 410 So. 6th St. i