HERALD AND On The KLAMATH KLAMATH FALLS BIRTH! BOYS CARTER Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carter In Klamath .Valley Hospital Jen. 5 a boy weighing i lb., I ozt. WRIGHT Born to Mr. and Mr. Cecil Wright In Klamath Valley Hospital Jan. 1 a bnv weighing lbs., 1 01. HODGE Born to Mr. and Mm. Ron ald Hodge In Klamath Valley Hospital Jan. l a boy weighlnq 7 lbs.. ' i ors VANDERHOFF Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vanderhoff In Klamath Valley Hos pital Dec. 31 a boy weighing lbs. 13 ois. DICKEY Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bob- hy O'Ckey In Klamath Vailoy Hospital Dae. 31 a boy weighing 7 mi., im ois. GIRLS FOWLER Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fowler in Klamath Valley Hospital Dec. t a Qlrl weigh i no 7 ids., i on, STINSON Born to Mr. and Mrs Wallace Stinson In Klamath Valley Hot- oltal Jan. 4 a girl weighing 7 lbs GUYER Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Guyer In Klamath Valley Hoipltal Jan. 4 a girl weighing I lbs., 14 on. WASHINGTON Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Washington In Klamath Valley Hos pital Jan. S a girl weighing 5 lbs.. 7 ots. JOHNSON Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wailace K. Johnson In Klamath Valley Hospital Jan. 6 a girl weighing lbs. 11' ois. BARKLEY Born to Mr. and Mrs. Si las Barkley In Klamath Valley Hospital Dec. 31 a girl weighing a ihs.. 1 1 1 CARTHWRIGHT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carthwrlght In Klamalh Valley Court Records KLAMATH FALLS MUNICIPAL COURT Charlie Hood, drunk, Mi or live or 10 days. Capron L. Rail, drunk, $50 or 10 days. Randolph T upper, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Austin Leon WiKey, drunk, $?5 forfeit Talmadge E. Strickland, drunk, 125 for felt. Kenneth W. Kennedy, drun1, 135 lor fell. Robert Lee Dehm, drunk, $25 forfeit. Kenneth J, Wilson, drunk, S?5 forfeit. Wesley Brown, drunk, $25 or five or ID flays. Mlchele Haskfns, drunk, $75 forfeit. John David Bruner, violation of fire cracker ordinance, ISO or 10 days. Charles A. Denlson, drunk, S25 forfeit Marie Barkley, disorderly conduct, S50 or io aays. Ernest Mitchell, fallur to yield right of way to vehicle, 150 or 10 days. Donald Daniels, drunk, S25 forfeit. Simeon Riddle, drunk, 70 days, Deilis Wood, drunk, M5 or five or 10 days. . Lynn Brantcomb, drunk, $75 or five or 10 days. 1 PACE S-B NEWS. Klamalh Falls. Oregon Records Hospital Dec. 31 a girl weighing lbs y,4 o. VANMETER Born to Mr. and Mrs Malcolm Vanmefer in K lamath Valley Hospital Dec. 31 a girl weighing lbs. 7 ois. ZECK Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayn A. Zeck In Klamalh Valley Hospital Jan. I a gri weighing a lbs., 1 o. ! SUMMARY Bovl: 570 Girls: l 1M1 SUMMARY Boyi: 3 Girls KLAMATH COUNTY MARRIAGE LICENSES Joseph E. Ivie, At, and Bertha Cum- mlnos, SO. both Klamath Falls. Mike Alan Newell, 19, Klamath Falls, and Janice Maria Welch, II, Yreka. DIVORCES FILED CROFT Elhelda M. vs. Walter P. LAW SUITS FILED Lillian Dale vs. Richard Ewefl J. al, 13.817.(0 balance due on contract, plus interest. LAKE BIRTHS WOOD Born to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wood, Dec. 17, a hoy, S lbs., 10'j ozs.. at Lakeview Hospital. MORRIS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morns, Dec. 20, a girl, 7 lbs., al Lake- view Hospital. WHILLANS Born to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Whiltani of Bly, a boy, Dec. 21, a lbs., A'j ois., at Lakeview Hospital KIELY Born io Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kiely, Dec. 25, a girl, I lbs.. Hi ois.. at L.ikevlew Hospital. SHRODE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mai colm Shrode, Dec. 78, a girl, I lbs., Hi ois., at Lakeview Hospital. DUKE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duke, Jr., Dec. 28, a boy, I lbs.. 3 ( at Lakeview Hospital. WILL IAM5 Born to Mr. ana Mrs. Williams, Dec. 78, a boy. 7 lbs., 7 ois., at the Lakeview Hospital. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nolle is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed as Executor of the Estate of FREDERICK A. ECK, also known as FRED A. RUECK and FRED RUECK, deceased, by Order of the Circuit Court of the County ol Klamalh, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to pre lent the same to the Executor, duly veri fied and with the proper vouchers at tached, at the office of his atlorney, L. ORTH SISEMORE, 731 Main Street, Klam- Palls, Oregon, within si months. rom the data of first publication of this notice. FREDERICK L. RUECK Executor No. M0, Dec. 19. 26, Jan. 7, f, 1967. J -r "'":'. " . . V space os well. W5 : V A TU 4"8111 Wednesday, January (, 1963 I C(Z,A MHTITP L-CvJ'M- lvl IC NO. 6M66 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY ! In the Matter of the Estate of' HERBERT E. HAUGER, who was also known as H. E. HAUGER, Oeceased: Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed Executor of the Estate Herbert E. H auger, who was also known" as H. E- Hauger, deceased, ah persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to me. with proper vouchers, at tha otfic of Ga-i nong & Ganong, First Federal Building. Klamath Falls. Oregon, wilhln six months 'from December 26, 1962, which Is the. date of first publication of this notice Wm. Ganong, Executor Ganong 6, Ganong Attorneys tor Executor No. 167, Dec. 76, Jan. 2, 9, 16, 1963. Equity No. 42-260 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH WILLIAM B. CUNNINGHAM and MIL DRED D. CUNNINGHAM, his wife, and CAMPBELL and IVA BELLE CAMPBELL, his wife, Plaintifls, vs. ANNA P. JENSEN, CHRIST L, CARL- SEN, FANNY SHIELOS, KAROLINE COOK, MARTHA M. KNUDSEN, HIL DUR THOMSEN and MARY RUND- BERG, and all persons claiming by. through or under them, Defendants. ANNA P. JENSEN, CHRIST L. CARLSEN, FANNY SHIELDS, KARO LINE COOK, MARTHA M. KNUDSEN, HILDUR THOMSEN and MARY RUND- Bc KG. and all persons claiming by, through or under them. Defendants: IN THE NAME Oh THE STATE Or OREGON: You, and each of you, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit within four (4) weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, said date being the 19th day ol December, 1962, and then and there set forlh the nature of your Interest, and the Interest of each ol you, In and to that certain real property situated In Klamath County, Oregon, and described as: Lots 3, 4, 5 and the SE 'NW V, SW I.NE V. W ')SE" of Section 6, T 39$.- R. 10 E W.M., and Lot 4, Section 31 S., R. 10 E.W M.i or In default thereof the Plaintiffs wltl apply to the Court lor a decree removing as a Cloud on Plaintiffs' title to said real property that certain mortgage made, ex ecuted and delivered to P. C. CARLSON the 74th day of April, 1945, and recorded on said data In Volume 91 Mortgage Rec ords of Klamath County, Oregon, al Paqe 497, and declarlna the Plaintifls to be owners In fee simple of said real property tree and clear of claim of th Defendants or any of them. i This summons Is served upon you pur- 111 wMo DciisfNlF 1 LEGAL NOTICE Isuant to an Order of the above entitled J court dated the 10th day of December, 1967, directing the tarn b published once a week for four U) successive weeks In th Herald and News, a daily newspaper printed and published In .Klamalh County, Oregon, and requiring f vou, and each of you, to appear on or b .fore four (4) weeks from the data of i first publication. L. Orth Sisemore Attorney for Plaintiff 731 Main Street Klamalh Fails, Oregon of,No - M Dk- ' J 2, 9. NOTICE TO MINING CLAIMANTS Published pursuant to section 5 of the Act Of July 73, 1955 169 Stat. 367). To whomever it may concern: PRO CEEDING NO. FS 42-70 (Oregon 017331). Notice is hereby ,oiven in pursuance of a proper request for publication here tofore filed In accordance with section 5 of the Act of July 23, 195S (69 Stat. 367), and the regulations thereunder (43 CFR 185.123-185.127). I. That on February 17, 1967, the Chief, Forest Service, Department of Agricul ture, whose address is Washington 75, D. C, filed in the Land Olllce of the Bureau of Land Management, Depart ment of tha Interior, at 710 N. E. Holla day, Portland 17, Oregon, a request lor publication of notice to all mineral loca tors or any person claiming under them Involving a mining claim or claims lo cated on lands owned by the United Stales and under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service In the County ol Klamath, State of Oregon, described as foltows, to wit; Oregon 017331 (FS 67-70). the Sugar Pine Area, 6-SR-70-1, Winema and Fre mont National Forests, Klamalh County, Oregon. Willamette Meridian, Oregon T. 24 S. R. 11 E: Sec. 31; SE1. Sec. 33; SW' Sec. 34; SE'.' Sec. 35; Sec. 36. T. 75 S., R. 9 E: Sees. 24 to 27 Incl.; Sees. 33 to 36 Incl. T. 35 S., R. 10 E: Sees. 13 lo 36 incl. T. 75 $,, R. 11 E: Sees. I, 2; W'i, SE Sec. 3; Sees. 4 to IS incl.; Sees. II to 35 Incl. T. 26 S., R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to S Incl.; Sees. 7 to 36 incl. T. 26 S , R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 15 incl.; Sees. 17 to 36 Incl. T. 26 S., ft. It E: Sees. 1 to 15 incl.; Sees. 17 to 33 incl.; Sees. 35. 3. T. 27 5.. R. 9 E : Sees. 1 to 15 Incl.; Sees. 17 to 36 Incl. T. 27 $., R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 36 incl. T. 27 S., R. 11 E: Sec. 1; Sees. 4 to 14 Incl.; Sees. 17 to 77 Incl.; Sees. 74 to 35 Incl. T. 70 $.. R. 9 E : Sees. 1 to 36 Incl. T. 28 5.. R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 3 Incl. T. 28 S., R. 11 E: Sees. 3 to 6 incl.; Sees. 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, IB; Sees. 20 lo 31 incl.; Sees. 34, 35. T. 29 S-, R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to 6 ind. T. 29 S , R. 10 E : Sees. 1 to 6 incl. T. 29 S, R. 11 E: Sees. 2 to 5 incl. 2. That if any person claiming or as serting under, or by virtue of any un patented mining claim located prior to July ii, iibb, any rignt, line, or inter est In th vegetative surface resources and other surface resources, under such mining claim, contrary to or in conflict! with th limitations or restrictions spec!-. f ted In section 4 of said act, as to the above-described lands or any part there of, shall tail to file in tha Land Office of the Bureau of Land Management at S'ioRftGE 9 Solution. Call the Herald and News ond put a Want Ad to work for you. Let H&N Classified sell the many good items that you no longer use but take up storage space. you will have cash in LEGAL NOTICE 710 N. E. Holladay, Portland 13, Oregon, and within 150 days from th below stated data of first publication of this Notice, a verified statement which shall set forth as to such mining claims; (1) Tha date of location: (2) Tha book and page of recordation of the notice or certificate of location; (3) The section or sections of the pub lic land surveys which embrace such mining cllm; or If such lands are un surveyed cither th section or sections which would probably embrace such min ing claim when the public land surveys are extended to such lands or a tie by courses and distances to an eporoved United Slates mineral monument; (4) whether such claimant is a loca tor or purchaser under such location; and (5) The nam and address of such claimant and names and addresses so as known to the claimant of any other parson or persons claiming any interest or interests in or under such un patented mining claim,- such failure shall b conclusively deemed (i) to constitute waiver and relinauishment bv such mining claimant of any right, title, or interest unoer sucn mining claim con trary to or in conflict with the limitations or restrictions spec Hied In section 4 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367), as to unpatented claims located alter thai dale, and (II) to constitute a consent by such mining claimant that such unpatent ed mining claim shall be sublecl to said limitations and restrictions, and (ill) to preclude thereafter, prior to Is suance ol patent, any assertion by .such mining claimant of any right or title lo or Interest In or under such mining claim contrary to or In conflict with said limitations or restrictions. Section 4 pro vides, generally, that unpatented mining claims located alter July 23, 1955 shall be used for purposes other than prospecting, mining, or processing operations, or uses reasonably incident inereio; inai sucn claims will b subect to tha right of th United States to man age and dispose of tha vegetative sur face resources thereof and lo man age other surface resources thereof; and, that, except to the extent required for mining operations and uses reasonably nctdenl thereto or to provide clearance for such operations or uses, claimants of such claims shall not use or dispose of vegetative or other surface resources thereof; and that, except for clearance tor such purposes, any permitted severance or removal of timber must be In ac cordance with sound principles of forest management. Said section 4 also pro vides that any us of th surface of any such mining claim by the United States, its permittees or licensees, shall be such as not to endanger or materially ntertere with the prospecting, mining, processing or reasonably Incident uses by m mining claimant. Th dat of first publication of this Notice shall be Jan. 9, 1963. Dated: Dec. 5, 1967. D. B. Leightner Chief, Minerals Section Bureau of Land Manaqement Department of Interior Portland, Oregon First publication: January t, 1963. No. 837, Jan. 9, 16. 23, 30, Feb. a, 13, 20, 77, March 6, 1963. SPACE In no time ot ol hand and storage . To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD , NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I am. to 4-30 p.m. weekdays I am. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under lines count same as lines. 3 6 10 1 Lines Times Tlmrt Times 3nth 13 50 14 00 $5 00 9 00 3 3.25 5 00 50 11.50 4 4 oo a on i no u .oo 1 4.75 7.00 9.50 14.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT, per advertisement, If paid In advance. Above rales are for consecutive inser tions, without Chang ol cpy, for pri vate individuals. Advertising must be clear and understandable to be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. Autos ollered for tale by private indi vidualscash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day belore publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and M jnday. CANCELLATIONS l CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday tese are taken 'til 9:30 a.m. Please read first insertion of your ad. The Herald & News will giv one extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, 135 per month with S7 S0 discount for 'payment on or before the 10th. Va inch, 119 with 11.50 discount tor payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy change per month. box SERVICE 50 cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORIAM 13.501 PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES ehjroAi ma-titc a uuLnwi. " w hmk - BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! tV GUNS i.Y BOATS ft TENTS ft STOVES ft RADIOS ft PIANOS -A- BOOKS ft TOOLS ..V SKATES ft TRUNKS ft PLANTS ft JEWELRY ft LIVESTOCK .V FISH POLES ft TV SETS -.V BICYCLES A- CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Coll Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 IN MEMORIAM MEMORIAL IN HONOR OF THE LATE DICE CRANE we, the former associates as th Klam ath General Officials- Business Commit teemen, Executive Committeemen, and periodic Delegates to th Nation's Capitol at Washington, D C, now learn with srui sorrow of the passing irom this life of m me long resident ol former Klamalh Indian Reservation. And In our memoir of Dice Can we nere say fo his widow. Mr Ainr... -rne, ana members of the family that vtMi uur, nis former assotiatec. re . tlon that although God had given him an extended stay in this life, we believe and leei mat nis call to leave us has come mutn ioo soon. We, therefore, hereby extend to mi. and family, relatives and friends, our deepest sympathies in this, your time of vreaiesr ioss. And we, too, have lost through his oass ing, a friend, a business associate, and a guiaing nano ol a fellow member, foi the principles lor which he stood in his oenet I0 m lor ms best oood of - . ... And may God be with you and gi vou through the trials and problems Signed in all sincerity. By Boyd J. Jackson Sr. Wernle Foster D i boon J. Cook Elnathan Davis Dorothy McAnuity Jess L. Kirk Sr. FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 975 mqn arreg?. Knone 1U 7-4404. MEETING NOTICES 1 KLAMATH CHAPTER No. 35 ROYAL ARCH MASONS II hold a STATFD I CONVOCATION Wed nesday, Jan. 8, 8 p.m. Installation of Officers. Don Johnson, E.H.P, MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 OES meets 2nd ond 4th Wednesday, 8 p m. Scottish Rite Temple. All OES members cordially in- vited. Verdo Scribner, W.M.i Williom Anderson, W.P. LOST & FOUND BY MISTAKE wore home brown coat from the Satellite on 1-5-63, TU 4-7982. LOST large Airedale dog, Doak Mountain. Jan. 3. Contact 1105 Riverside Dr. or ph. TU 4-6621, Dick Reeder's Men's Store. PERSONALS DEAN STINE will be happy to qreet old and new customers at Belle's Beau ty Shop, 220 N. 11th, TU 4-5277. WOMAN to share furnished apartment. References exchanged. Write Box 431C, care of Herald and News. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous. TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime. BEGINNERS' ALANON, friendly help tor families of alcoholics, TU 2-5740, TU 4-7129. VACANCY for lady or gentleman need ing nursing and-or convalescent care Mountainview Nursing Home, 596 Park, Ashland, Ore. Ph. 412-1316. GRAHAM'S licensed home for the aged, private rooms or ward care, special diet, personal interest assured, TU 2-3165. KLAMATH Alanon for counseling and meetings, TU i iw, tu 4-S704 anytime. SERVICES 10 THE PRIM POODLE, custom grooming, 'or appointment, TU 4-4239, TREE surgery, such as removal, prun ing, topping, grooming. TU 2-2968. DOLLS repaired, modern and antique. Reasonable orices. Lorna's Doll Hospi tal. TU 4-6992, 1434 Lakeview. REMODELING and repairs, alt kinds, reasonable, references, TU 2-5388. TREE topping, pruning, insured tree grooming. Lakeshort Nursery, TU 4-6955. mTce7"bugsterWtes BILL'S BUG "E" BUSINESS Insured, City and State Licensed W. L. "Bill'' Osborn, the Bug "E" Man TU 2-3451 312 So. 7th St. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your place. Al stoil, TU 126. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations tor men, wnmen, children. Ail work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Grn"s Mens Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tre topping, removing, any kind 01 r lean-up work. Free estimates. TU 4-A418 Don't Gue Call Jessl Coin Op Laundry Tooload Washers Also 20 lb. Washers T 1 C SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank DENTAL- PLATES Rnalred while you wait, Nw Plate Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE '033 Mam TU 4-3284 FullTBrush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE L 'C"ed insured professional service. Trees toppl or rrmevM P"OMf Tl) 4 I 50UCATIONAL 11 NEW 1963 World Book Encydooedia, Ruth HELP WANTED. PlMALE POSITION available approximately Jan 'S wi'h Klamath Fails Creamery. Some tenoaraDhy, general ot'tce work Aon rant m-jst be above average typist. Th n a good Inn for the right p.-ton. Starting a'arv commensurate to ability ppnnr. Anply m person to Klamath Palls Crea-nery Office, 8 X am. to 10:30 HELP WANTED. MALE 16 WANTED b'ake and alignment man " d rverenm. an uon, iu MILLWRIGHT - WELDER nmbinatinn man for niQht shift in saw n.il or plywood plant. Send resnma in lifting rprntrs to Cry'OnM Bx A iimoer Co, RM R'uft, Caat , p O. Box or NF EDED WEN i rwT)rf In the K amah Talis area ir armi"rt wpr UO LAV OPS' Gnrvl ivcrw-tumfy for advancement and hgh sal 1 this ififrnis ymi n-xl vmi 'e hv ypars rf age. have a car. contact Victoi Guthf. territorial supervisor n- I'Miam Hyni, itsftct maraoer at Rtxm i. La V.a Mptel on Hiq"V 9; noM ' lOAT-aih Fans betwrn I l H 1 m. Wednesday, Jan. f, or Thorsda' an. 10. Automobile Sa'es Trainee WANTED T ri w !rvtng W I between 77 ed 7 vrs Md. marred. at least ? vea-S O frUleOf. and interested in fak "9 ,K autfmoe ia b:s"ss career -. ts a a'a"ed " m re -eme-it her-el-H a-Yl Vf a'lfios If yH' Oi"':'v, -it ff, pt 4j;c we-aid Hews v- -g 'i H rein-" an pM WANT ADS Rring Kull! TU 4-8 II I 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads puoilshed in the Herald & News are accepted in good faith that the fobs offered are as stated in the advertising copy. We are not re sponsible for the Integrity ot our adver tisers, but wt make every effort to dis cover and re (act all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding It to be misleading is asked to report ft to tha Classified Ad vertising Department of tha Herald News SITUATIONS WANTED FAMILY man, 31, wants permanent em ployment on ranch. Clean habits, non drinker. References! Write Herald and News Box 430C. LICENSED CHILD CARE bv hour, day. week Monday through Friday, a a.m. to 4 p.m. 1331 Carlson Drive, TU 2-t44 IRONING. WASHING Pickup, Deliver. Hand crocheted afghans TU 4-9434. OFFICE typing or babysitting in my home. TU 2-5157. ROOMS FOR RENT ...22 COMFORTABLE room, bath, close In, pri vate entrance, parking, 126 No. 3rd. LARGE housekeeping room, utilities. furnished, 317 Pine, TU 2-1467. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 blocks Irom Main, $5 & up. TU 4-4259. MEN, 134 N. 3rd, close in, housekeeping, reasonable, parking, TU 4-92B7. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. 310 SO. 5th - TU 2-0214. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 ENJOYABLE, downtown furnished, heat free. Adults, $65, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4522. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, ground floor auto, washer hookup, fenced, $50, TU S6B6. SPARKLING, uptown, furnished. Large bedroom, extra bath, heat free, adults, IBS, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4522. CLEAN newly decorated for couple or single, utilities, $60, Greer Apts. FURNISHED three room apt,, newly dec orated, all utilities, adults, $60, 39 Main Apartments, TU 4-3479. $40 AND $49 50, newly decorated, couple or single, on 9th St. Gun Store. BACHELOR apartment, $47 50. heat, wa ter, garbage service included, inquire 223 No. 6th, Apt. 102. FURNISHED apts. for rent. 2113 Gary, $45-$50, washing facilities, TU Z-60J4. FURNISHED front apt. All utilities paid except lights. Natural hot water heat, $52.50. Lincoln Apartments, Apt. 5, 319 E. Main. Adults only. LARGE 3 bedroom, ground floor, unfur nished, available Jan. 15. Also one bed room, electric heat. Close lo Kingsley Field, TU 4-7523. 2 BEDROOMS furnished apts., carport, TU 2-4935 anytime, TU 4-3269 after 7. REDECORATED one bedroom and studio apartments. Adults, no pets. $45 and $55. TU 4-7858 7 to 9 p.m. evenings, Satur day afternoon, all day Sunday. $15 TO $20 weekly rates, kitchens avail able, Johnny's Motel, 2005 Blehn. THREE room furnished apartment. 2061 While ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex $40, 3537 Boardman. Ph. TU 2-409O. PARK APTS., $30 up, bachelor, natural hot water, TU 4-9754, TU 4-3854. $65, LARGE five room newly decorated, clean, well lighted upstairs apt. Electric heat. Living room, kitchen, service room, bath, two bedrooms. Adequate furnishinqs including stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer. Two children acceptable. Apply 1804 Lexington Ave. before I p.m. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, $40 and up, brick court, garages. 221 Spring. STEAM heat, furnished apartments, adults; also bachelor apt., 213 Cedar. TU 4-9552. FURNISHED one bedroom apt., gas equipped, adults only, 2033 Eberleln. ONE bedroom furnished apartment. 333 So. 11th DESIRABLE I bedroom furnished apt Clean, close In, utilities furnished. 1 or 2 employed adults, 165 lor 1. TU 2-2406 days, TU 2-1866 eves. F U RnTsHEO3 room apartment $55. One room, $40. All utilities Included, shared balh, adults only. 419 No. 10th. ONE or 2 bedroom furnished. Heat, water paid. 7i Grant, TU 2-4717. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9256. CLOSE in duplex, furnished, one bed room, laundry, garage, $60, TU 4-3659. NICE clean furnished apartment, close in, TU 2-2531, TU 4-4966. NICELY furnished 2 bedroom apartment, 825 Lincoln. TU 4-5692. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. Ilth. TU 2-1067. 7 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment, immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. COMFORTABLE furnished apt., dose In, utilities paid, 176 N. 3rd. REX ARMS 1 OR 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAID 724 BROAD - TU 2-9J17. Audley Apartments $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST! 1 -7-3 tKdroom aohj., furnished r unfur nished. Permanent ma -n telenet Included. Marwtey through Frdey SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1637 WASHBURN WAV TU 4-M77 Office hours I i m. Ii I i m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS end MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom apM. Furnished and UnfurnnHfd $69 50 to $89 50 Paily, Weekly Motel Ratei TU2-55ZZ K LAM At hf F ALLST I NEST 1444 union 1 fert'oons urtturi!hM 1 N'Wfl V'tfrmshed Snac out Room Tai'etully Otter 'M rVall to Wall Caroeling 5 'Timing Poai Rental inciitfies all erv'ct cent teieohone and e'trt'tcitv Dcatnea Neian TU J -0744 HOUSES FOR RENT .26 NEAR city center, nnhed. utilities, ga Clean dopieo, heat. 155. TU . ON? bed'oom raftm. furnished, eouoie Rent. $35. 7335 Shasta. Apt 7 Key at THREE bed'oom house, unfurnished. near KUHS Rent $60 TU -50 TWO bedroom house, wired for J?f 31 VI D'm0fvt, Sffwarf-Lenno, TU 1-0757 'ter P m VERV fW"y 1 hed-oom home Qyift Cos to town TU 4-t OR rent bedroom hem carpe' no living room. Pi T U I-J'aa wall to wa" tly furnshd TWO bfC'OC f-j-n-shed tru'l Adams. TU 4 3K54. TU 4-t7S ONE bed-oom $40. InQuire 4'P' Homeea'e URJ15MED bed-ewn. 'ean. gas s'rv wte g-bege o d. $o, a-i-vj. TU 4-l It wyn furnished. yi-M t rie 4 X aM weefce-as TU Adiltl. PE W-wffl turn shea duple' no dogs. $45. TU 4-47111. C4 F bert-fwn un'vrtVh4M. electric ra-vje Ni:' Oven, esfa bedroom ard s'o-aire trace sm to ga'eo. ) acre. Jiv rvapa, Tu rtfo Ms'ACULA'E unfu-tM ife ingu-'t Jr.iJ IP'? ' 1 bedroom i HELP WANTED 2 NEAT and clean 3 vear old J bedroom unfurnished duplex. New stove and refrig erator. Mills Addition, IS$. TU 1-444. Eves. TU 4-5S44. OUTSTANDING ? bedroom duplex on Laverne, electrle heat, garage, fireplace, TU 2-47SJ. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duple, electric heat. Garage on paved alley. Modern throughout. Mil's Add'n. $15 mo. ru 4-5W1 after 5 or weekends. TWO bedroom house on Altamont Drive, call TU 4-7911 tor appointment to see. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, living room, kitchen, and bith Full basement. Two garages. Gas heat, gas cooking. In sulated. Renting lor only S45 mo. TU 2-3471. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, ga rage, fireplace. 3011 Boardman, TU 2-0990. UNFURN IS"HED 2 bedroom triplex, elec trie heat, carport, near Town & Country, ISO, 4418 Crosby, TU 4-4264. SMALL unfurnished house. Mills Addition, 140. TU 4-9323. COMFORTABLE two bedroom duplex, range, refrigerator, draperies, water and garbage. California and Donald, T U 2-2759. SMALL two bedroom house, automatic gas heat, washer-dryer hookup, garage. 140, TU 2-5322 or TU 4-4619. 1 BEDROOM duplex. Water, garbagS paid. Stove, refrigerator, 160. TU 4-4915. CLEAN, furnished 1 bedroom. 1 block off Main St. on Pine. Inquire 526 No. 9th, TU 4-5455. MODERN, unfurnished 2 bedroom. At tached garage. Fireplace. Water, garbage paid. 3 miles north Of town. $75. TU 4-5647. REMODELED 2 bedroom duple, furnis 165. Inquire 111 Pine. TWO bedroom house, south suburban. 1 1 acre, TU 4-7116 evenings and weekends. LARGE five room house, attached ga rage. Miller St. near Shasta School, $77.50, call TU 2-1245 alter 4 p.m. SMALL two bedroom unfurnished house, call TU 4-9161 Or TU 4-6589. ONE bfdroom furnished duplex, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. ATTRACTIVE, FURNIShED 1 ROOM HOUSE, $50, TU 4-8261. HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, $65, TU 4-4850. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, $65. Children, pets, o.k. References required. TU 2-6590. THREE bedroom home with two bath rooms on Watson St. Unfurnished. $130 per month. Call TU 2-2903 or TU 2-2930. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, south suburban, $65, TU 2-3923. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. TU 4-6023. nIce 2 bedroom furnished house. $7S. TU 2-3852 ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. ONE bedroom furnished house. Newly decorated. TU -32 LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duoleX, like new, $85. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom unfurnished house. 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-2866, REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 TWO or three bedroom In city under $17,500. Givt details. Box 429C, Herald and News. WE are BUYING smul EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 339 EAST MAIN STREET TU 2-4646 for an APPOINTMENT CASH BUYER! For good 2 or 3 bedroom suburban home. up lo $13,000 - Buyer wants on pavement and in good neighborhood. LEONARD REALTY 1 Vain TU 4-7?t nr Tl.t 4-W RIAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 2 3s At-Rt rancn siyit j oearoom home. yard, excellent view, $27,500, Location erty TU 2-5048 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 39 HOT SPRING. Family type home. wter heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7985. ONE bedroom partially furnished, low down payment. Mills Add'n, TU 4-4481. TWO bedroom home, qarage. A real buy for $6,950. 2212 Laurel. THREE bedroom brick, 4715 Onyx, 1" baths, wall'to wall carpet, fireplace, bunt in Oven and range, sprinkler system, llv.tOO. Will accet 2 or 1 bedroom trailer in trade. TU 2-5132. J-BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wash er, dryer, stove Included. Fenced yard, covered patio. 16' 70' shop. 117,500. Call TU J-0774 after 5 p.m. FOUR apartments, excellent investment, close In, TU 3-7S31, TU 4-4966, THREE bedroom home for tale. Summers Lane. TU 4-4539. NEAR Roosevelt School. ? bedroom homa sparkling clean and bright, fireplace, hardwood floors, full light basement, storm windows, furnace heat Owner leav ing town. Assume equity, existing FHA loan of $8,700. TU 2-5050. 7 BEDROOM home. Mills Addition, elec tric! heat, garaae, storage. Can be fi nanced. TU 4 8(156 days, TU 4-5707 eves. BY owner, suburban two bedroom noma on fenced lot, has tile balh, large utility, separate dining orm, small workshop, one block to chnnl, Kt,500, $.500 will handle. Will consider trade on car, or pickup, TU J-4715. baths, TU 4-5066 after 6 p.m. DREAM HOME Fwduslv residential district. Best of rnn ttrucfion Beautiful view. J bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, birch kitche.1. pat.n. ceramic tile bath. $15,500. TU 7 7410. YOU'LL NEVER HAVE A BFJTTER OP PORTUNITY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE GOOD BUYS: 3 Bedroom - 7 Baths' Elec Range - North S'de $.fwn Erp"ent Business $15,000. Good Terms. Also Good Rentals. Schroeder Realty Co. BEALTOflS . 434 MAIN TU t77U Anvl'Tit TU 7-fl'M Multiple Listing Srvic MLS DRIVE BY 3T(T? MOMtDALF ROAD Two hdroom. r i bathj. Pnca 7.Ve. iS HILLSIDE Two hedronm. covered paM. P'ice $5.50. 1 ALAMEDA Fiv bedroom. ? batht. Price $13,950. THEN CALL US FOU THP EXCELLENT TERVS ON THESE WRIGHT REAL ESTATE VFMBFR INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLU" V S Mh TU J-3" Mildred Mall TU t (Vam vanS'Ckta Ti 7-'? CAPE COD STYLE IN HENLEY HI Three heflrnems. I VJ hh. ef 'vng rOfm. separtt d'-'ng rnm. O'are ovn'e ca' detached oa-ae storage above Ttal pr.re vf) mo. NORTH SIDE la-fje. wth a':-g d'a-ea Of Aeane iy Tw 'Onms o. finnr furnace ptally finished haenet .th posP'e )rd neoff- Th.s hAMte has po'biit4 oafye' Te al P"fe $ wrt SOUTH SUBURBS nf-sjt J fce-t-jsnrw wail tn wan ra-?e ""mrOiVt Ifweiv ("fuH'pnfl t.'ec1". me-ieo W.tw ei-as Aie,yvl rahne's. 9as pe'iet-r Heat. dAUD,t Bj,-.5e $'5.. 000 FHA. Tfmi PAUL McATEE t ASSfKiATEV REALTO05 Va-n tu J-ifJ 'S Vaft Fves i MfA'ee ttj fve'vi E'a-f HOOMS MR RIMT