PAGE 10 A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Fall., Oregon Wednesday, January 9, 1963 National Guard Manpower Boosted In Shakeup Oregon Job Picture Up SALEM (UPD - Job place, ments (or luQ increased 24 per cent while claims for unemploy ment insurance dropped 12 p e r cent, Eldon Cone, director of the Oregon State Employment Serv ice, said today. WEDNESDAY KLAMATH COUNTY HISTOR LADLES AUXILIARY, Canton WASHINGTON (UPH-National Guard divisions will get an in crease in strength as well as ad In high-priority National Guard infantry divisions, which are to be maintained at 75 to 80 per cent of full strength, this will be sev eral hundred additional drill-pay berths for civilian soldiers. The new reorganization plan was announced Saturday as a last-minute concession to the Na tional Governors Conference be fore it withdrew its collective re sistance to the guard reorganiza- tion. Some individual states still may veto the changes. For the first time, the new plan includes the guard divisions in a system called "ROAD" (Reorgani zation Objectives for Army Di visions! which is also being ap plied to regular troops. All divisions, both regular and guard, are to be given missions for fighting in Europe, Asia or other parts of the world. If the plan is fully carried out. guard infantry divisions assigned to Europe will be converted Into mechanized outfits. This will mean three tank bat talions instead of two, and will substitute seven mechanized bat talions for the present infantry unit?. Br CLAY I. POLLAN- Crater No. 7, 8 p.m., meeting JK Vow DoV ArJrWty Curd. M According re lr. Stan. if To develop message tor Thursday, reod words corresponding to number! of your Zodioc brth sign. til ICAL SOCIETY, 8 p.m., meet and officer installation, I 0 0 r OCT. S Hall. FRIENDLY CIRCLE, 12:30 p.m., potluck and meeting, home ing, county library. ditional equipment under the new reorganization plan announced last weekend, the Army disclosed to day. 4- 5- 7-14 M 17-24-31 J. WOMEN'S BOWLING ASSOCI (6 lAUtttt AF. Jl MAT Jl scoano ATION. Klamath Falls, 7:30 p.m., 1 Dnn 2ltorf 3 Slort 4 Dnotl 5 Extra 6 Do 7TM 31 t 61 Who 67 63 Iran 64 Pwvn oSPoupan. 64 Now OCT. U (JO, city tournament discussion, Pine Grove Room. of Kathryn Smith, Midland Road. A spokesman said the manpow HO. T 9-10-1& RU1471-K 9-10-18-771 42-47-56-58M er authorizations will be based on an average full strength of about FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Msny wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slipped or wob bled at just the wrong time. Do not live in fear of this hsppenlne to vou. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH. the alkaline ( non-acid) powder, on your plates. Hold false teeth more (Irmly, so they feel more comfort able. Does not sour. Checks '"Plate odor breath' AOet FAKTfcETH at drug counter. everywhere- 89 UI-63-85-86WJ MIDLAND HOME EXT. UNIT, 10 a.m., potluck, fairgrounds. Bring tableware. FRIDAY LADIES ENCAMPMENT AUX ILIARY. 8 p.m., officers installa tion, IOOF Hall. 67Tn 68 Chonoes 69 CXI 70 Th. 71 On 72 AHwrhor, 73VnlunM 74 I otor 75Tolwnt 76 Boor SACfTTAIIUf Tiirn.xnAV 15.000 men each, as compared to 13,700 for infantry and 14,600 for FREMONT JK. HIGH PTA. 2:30 Job placements for the calendar' 1. J5-8l lOCVan. 1 1 Romance 12 And I3R. 14 To 15 Planning 16Ambtoti 17 Lnvd IS Nolo 19 And 20UfrlW 21 Lougnler 22 Your p.m., meeting, auditorium. Exec utive meeting, 1:30 p.m. armored divisions at present. WJ1-70-76 year totaled 507.419. Cone said. Claims for unemployment insur ance for the year totaled 195,306. Benefit payments for the year 172-78-83-88 GUARANTEED REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS Hl-fl phono, radio. TV, appliance . . . . Wardi technician Is lust a phone call away! You'll like the service . . . and the prlcel Call today! MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPARTMENT TU 4-Jlle tth 4 Pjna CANCtl CAreiootN JAN. V. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10:00 J. W. Kerm NORGE LAUNDRY & CLEANING VILLAGE 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 INSIST ON GOLD BELL BRAND KLAMATH POTATOES of Your Favorite Grocer's IMC MERRY MIXERS. 8 p.m., round dance, Pelican City Hall. 13-25-35-41tJI 1,-1 2- 8-17-IM dropped 26.7 per cent to K10.625. and the amount dropped from $9.3 million in 19fil to $28.3 mil lion in l2. k4-67-84 87&1 S4W0.79-80 ORSON STEARNS, PTA, 2:40 Largest watermelon on record ' 100 pounds i was grown in Ar kansas. uo p.m., meeting, scnool gym. tnuti ) JULY 3 JAN. 21 5L, AUG. 13 23 ftb. n care provided. 32 Th. IHoU 34 tor 36bcpond 37SpotligW 30nty 39Wo 40 Am 41 AAokmg 47Wsr 43 NKwery 44 law 45 Anvwof 46 W.ll 47 Awhile 48 To 49 Tnpe 50DOV 51 Rock 52 Now 53 Ann 54 Vww 55 Of .ViTnw 57 8j 58 Vrfc. 59 Sotenl 24 0nm I47&5-77-81.-90I VMOO Aoai SPT. 3-1J-J9-M y 57 74 25Poonx 2oTn 27 And 2oTok n Now 30 To 62) Good oOAII 77 Prrnwnt 78 And 79Fovorad 80 Now I Or 87 Popar 83 Moronrjl 84 To 8b Is 8oHot 87 WenW. 88 Gom f9Todoy OOAAovn ej!u73l il-l9-?!-28r: P2-37-52 men ", "Stn MAR 71 t.; P2 73-39 46f I5W673 2'. Bomb Explodes Near President ACCRA, Ghana (UPH Police questioned an unidentified man today about a bomb explosion in a croud of 25,000 persons cheer ing President Kwame Nkrumah. Tile bomb went off Tuesday while Nkrumah drove from the Accra sports stadium after a cel. ebration marking the 13th anniver sary of action that led to indepen dence from Britain. Nknimah was not in the area where the bomb went off. The unidentified suspect was arrested immediately after the incident. Several injured were re ported hospitalized. It is estimated that about 90 per cent ol tne neat striKing Uie outside of a house is conccn (rated on the roof. LOSE POUNDS DID THE HOLIDAY PARTY SEASON ADD A POUND OR TWO HERE ' AND THERE? THEN... MAKE DIETING MORE PLEASANT WITH SLIM! WW mm 1 ew liner i li I i it a highly rcommndd diet drink that hot b.n popular for years because it it loaded vith proteins ond energy, yet hos had the high colorie tats taken out. An extra 2000 units of vitamin A ond 400 unit! of vitamin D are added to each quart. TRY SLIM and you'll join the hundreds that are already drinking it for heolth'i soke . . . and a slender figure. I 3 JF i J. V V Mil i BUY? mm J C. tliXVM!atrXi.'if.;mS:i7. mmmmmmm ROOM SIZE 100 VISCOSE RAYON PILE 9 ft. by 12 ft. RUGS FOAM RUBBER BACK - NttOl NO PAD: 4k. lk JR CHOICE K22J ur luluk IN CLUDING CANDY STRIPE. 28.95 VALUE Q88 A WORD ABOUT PRESCRIPTION PRICES! YOU COMPARE PRICES THE GROCERIES YOU why not Compare the prices on prescriptions WISE SHOPPERS KNOW PRICES ARE LOWER AT PAY 'LESS DRUG! WE INVITE YOU TO BRING IN YOUR PRESCRIPTION TO US! TO SEE MOW YOU SAVE! Service Always, Too! DISCOUNT DRUG PRICES ALWAYS? 3.50 METAMUCIL 2.67 2.09 METRECAL LIQUIP " 6 PACK 1.39 83c TUMS FAM,LYSIZE 66c 1.69 DRISTAN TABS 1.37 1.25 ANACIN 99c ... i III FAMOUS ANGELIOUE II ii ii it mF" ii w it i f J j e. r V. i PERFUME MIST uznTL I ' TH I HlOOniTlll (nTTj I TPULRSEE ATOMIZER' A V LAMri frJ II I I 'J J Y I I j ' J 5 I 1 m a e ( QFT-prr i chap.ansI " 11,1 '" 11 """ FLUFFY SvSk. FOAM LIhWJQ Antiseptic Hand Cream fjP4 COTTON '?a,ny44T.i '"r mmm r"'it rtVl-il nillC 1 SAVE NOW 5S?5NAW I I mem' UNGAR BATTERY ELECTRIC Vt I cotton BALLS lrv iWW auto race set H i r halls "J (BitRm 1 MOSAIC TILE! r. .rr QO N V Qv I J" "J 3 " Xm-Vl Val i ,Jr f j -k WIDE CHOICE OF COLORS FOR EVERY IU.7i) - Jl AN-!t -"T-- 1 I 9 FOR """Si v jr f need from ash trays to bath room 1 ,ltTt,r. C3r Hfl A QTOCK Jl wmm pea F l WALLS end FLOORS, DRAIN BOARDS ETC. Ut PRILt till A. UP NOW! S U j&XSrJVJJ 187 ALL NEEDED SUPPLIES KtSSSSSSm g U U,n A Jr eeeeX I. Of JT Re,u 37 GOLDEN QQ- CHOOSE - 1 III Mil IIIWWI IMI 1 1 m .eeeeeeeeJeeeeJeeeeJmeaee- eeeeGTe 111 '"VtTmmmmHei ' " 1 " "V J, W.WMrLSrtt ff.TtlP J "J TROPIC-AIRE FULLY GUARANTEED 1 lLi'ltJ FAST DRYING lj llAUliildd ELECTRIC HEATERS mMmminn fBl'"'u''T'' I . , ' , 1 1650 WATT - INSTANT ELEMENT Ur!ffplTrul LATEX j ft , .J JIOAal SiWli. , FAN FORCED HEAT FULLY AUTO- VMfS11 0 TUC tUT,c t.u,, v ''TjU PAIK1T K K3V fitt! I -S- - 'A. MATIC - SET-IT - FORGET IT! OkK FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY rrfMl t r AINl LSJLiJ I f assorted fJ so a nnt THE KEY TO BETTER DENTAL HEALTH! 0R colors jUixf BBATH: just ig. i fet.3U - yall Leedrd -th m CORDLESS - AUTOMATIC Y CZ - ' vn..M , A w O'nTr Jp?flp Ba ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH fjzs " " Sff1,1!" 1 1 ? 59c C : i WliU- w,thyobuaaydsforO A PAMT ROLLER : 0 boxes r ill - 7 . SotrNVR.cial AND TRAY SET 1.77 VALUE U MJI-'I 7BtolittM WWinAIOEl If f, 11 ir( 1 l- A I lilt adults 7ff5tHr Na9jc .n I,... -I """- FINEST QUALITY PROTECT YOUR CAR FROM WINTER! V J MJFII vvwVN -r" SWEAT "SHIRTS heavy rubber one pc- 7c iACESG tWf$ CAR MATS yWJ B I.Hllilj.UlH Vy I'J R,E,G- QQQ SR0iSIRVANsr0!TO n Ii EXTRA HEAVY 13M-OZ. T W 1 SSJ,97ll DENIM JEANS A H UUUnj C ' LOflGIi- .... Ls!a 11 mde for rugged wear' I 1 t - fl FOR 32" OR 36" -immmmmmmm LQZ WAI kaf 11 reinforced at points wU"-f I i I DOORS. HEAVY J TURTLE WAX 6000-lb. TEST 1 ?JT,!IN - ols,G 'OR gTTt I I V 1 cS 1A$Y T0 LIQUID AUTO SAFETY C!T' ' Wtt&r- I i MJ.VHU. ALL SUti FURNACE 3 FILTERS SUPtR SOFT HEAVY BASE RUST CRAFT BATH DECORATED CHILDREN'S SPONGES TUMBLERS VALENTINES " 19c ? 87c 3!39c Really Get Feet Clcanf Spin Rubber Leree 24. io BRILLIANT COLOR ACCENT" DMoraFeP Threw PILLOWS TALL N SLIM J04 PC. JIG SAW PUZZLES MODERN PICTURES Side Freme Well : 777 VAL. L COTTON LISTLESS DISH TCW,.5 3 MANY SUBJECTS AT em A. Choic77C jtr v " now Juir cY;::. oo PAY iUC N 1 1 JUST I LESS z. y