PACE Illinois Builds Up Head Of Steam For Crucial Game With By TIM MORIARTY LPI Sports Writer Illinois is continuing to pick up steam lor its head-on collision with top-ranked Cincinnati at the Chicago Stadium Jan. 26. Sparked by Tal Brody, Bill Small and Dave Downey who to taled 66 points between them the lllini showed plenty of fight in turning back Ohio State. 90-78, Monday night at Champaign, III. Brody scored 23 points, one more than Small, and Downey added 21 as Illinois ran its sea - Stanford Invades Hot California In League Play West Coast Basketball Roundup By United Press International Stanford, only untested Big Six quintet, jumps into the race with both feet tonight when it invades the red-hot University of Cal ifornia. The Golden Bears have come out of nowhere to top the Big Six with a 2-0 record after a pair of impressive wins over USC last weekend. Guard Dick Smith hit .19 points in a brilliant display, but outside of him the Bears have been a strange club with eight players of about equal caliber shuffling in and out. Coach Rene Horerrias never knows who will be on target from night to night. Stanford has an All Coast and All America candidate in center Tom Dose and an 8-2 record, but in the Iis Angeles tourney it ap peared that Dose was not getting any help at all from his co-starl-crs. If they can hit enough out side shots to keep the defense from sagging in on Dose, the Cards still could be the West's best. In an unusually full Monday night of cage activity. Northern California invaders USF and San ta Clara took games in Los An geles. USF"s 71-fiO win over defending champion Peppcidine was espe cially significant since the Wave; huve most of their starters back and were given a fair chance to repeal. Moreover, the Dons fine soph center Ollie Johnson fouled out in the second half when his team led .19-1). Peppcrdine quickly Bruins Lose Pair To Huskies, Drop LOS ANGELES (ITU - How could the UCLA Bruins come away with an impressive hasket b.ill Inurnamrnt triumph in the Los Angeles Basketball Classic and then drop two straight to lowlv Washington during t h c weekend? The Huskies (who lost all three of their games in the tourney "were a much belter team than in Ihc Basketball Classic." said I C1.A assistant coach Hill Put nam Monday al the Southern Cali fornia Basketball writers' luncheon. explained that "every body was down on them (Wash. ington', and wo weren't worry ing about them." Pulnam. silling in lor head coach John Wooden added, "we shot 24 ior cent the first nicht and 33 pri cent Salur- day nighl. We have a small learn and il we can't shuol well we're dead " The double loss was reflected In the Brums' drop in the VP! national basketball ralints from tilth last week In tenth this week Forrest TvuiiukI, whose Tro jans encounlcrcd a surprisingly strong Calilornia team last week end, however, said that I CI.. Mill "has a great chance" lor the Big Si cuntciciice f it to and Drumstick, Klamath Gas Take City Men's Openers The City Men's ItaskrthaH League 0iened Monday night with the Drumstick and Klamath Gas taking owning round victories over Iocs in O'Ncil School gym Diumsliik had lo go overtime lo heat the Lucky l-anr Owlcrs in the opening game hut Ibcy r.mie alive in the ovcrlime c nod lo win going away Willi a 17-67 tally. Klamath Gas had tirfi much height for the shot K'd die Butler in the Kronrl contest. 65 46 Luckv Lane's Owlrrs. made up of Oregon Tech hovs. made up a halllimc dclicit of 16 points andhr. while Dick Den rallied to tie the game al mill Run RoIk-iIs lo o( regulation at M all. Chuckjliad 14 and Dean li!: ., Ramp of Diumsliik blew lour'lhe losers. HERALD AND son record to 10-1 and gained re - venge for a 102-79 clobbering by Ohio State last season when the Buckeyes ruled the college bas ketball world. Ohio Slate, which took over the No. 5 sl in this week's UPI ratings, led during most of the first half and reached the inter mission with a 37-36 advantage. Then Brody and Small started clicking for the third-ranked lllini. Brody, an "import" from Tren ton, N.J., scored IS points and Small added !6 after intermission' closed the gap to 40-39, but the Dons kept pumping and pulled out the game. Forwards Ed Thomas and Dave Lee each bagged 15 for USF as did Hurry Dinnell of the losers. Santa Clara dispatched Loyola. 66-56, as that huge front line of Gene Shields, Joe Weiss and Le nny Jackson just had too much size for the toothless Lions Shields and Weiss each had 16 points. In WCAC action ,tonighl, it's Pacific and St. Mary's at Oak land Auditorium, where the Gaels arc playing the rest of their home games this year. The Coast's two leading seorers Pro Football Hit By Two Troubles WASHINGTON (UPD-Tlie Na tional Football I-cague was faced by trouble on two flanks todjy with one of its stars ready to bat tle for his right to run a tavern and tile possibility of an investi- gation by the Senate rackets com miltec. Along with the disclosure here than an investigator from the Senate rackets committee was bound for Chicago to conduct n preliminary inquiry Into the pro football situation, the Detroit News rcporled Monday that do- lensive tackle Alex Karras of the Detroit Lions has boon ordered to that "Stanford has an excellenl team." "Cat is a big cluh" Twocood said. "They stint well and they have good bench strength. But I'm slill not going to say Cal will win it." The assembled writers named I'SC's Gordon Martin "Player nl the Week " Twogood praised his player and said Martin is so thin "That if you gave him a sheet and told him lo drink some or ange juice, he would look like n thermometer." Long Beach Slate coach Dick Perry called Chapman college. which is unnetcalcd alter ten games, a sine bet tor an Nt'A small college tournament beilh Panther coach Don Perkins al Inbutcd his Orange County team's success to ace Jell Cmwridit. n 6 loot-7 center, and 6 loot-3 (or waixl Larry Beard. Bill Sharman is h.uing prob lems coaching l,os Angeles Slale "It's been a long time since I've been connected with a losing tluh." commented the former Boslon ('rides mainstay. In response to comparisons of I'nivcrsity of San Francisco star Ollie Johnson and loimer USE IMrat Bill Russell iiunv with the Coitus'. Dons coach Pele Pellcl la said, "it ridiculous. But at this Mage he is a belter all around plaer than Russell " free lo-ses in Hie lat Mvonds which sent the tame into oxer lime I,any Zilck led the winnoi with 21 points while Virgil Bigby had 17 and Banip t ri ( l.tue Haw kins U- tlir lo-eiN with li mus while Chuik H.twkih had and Tom Smith and .l.i, k I each liad n'ht M.nii.ith das had ino nil!, h height ht tlir i)ot Butler Oi-j-t i7i'is. They jumifd to a -i.'i - :o intcimisMi'i) lead ani nrxcr r:r iioxxl by thr Oi g u: ii i - Jit iv Dciiuv led II w nun t v l ;l '! Ih I.. NEWS, Klamath Falli. Oregon 1 to hand Ohio State its second de- ical in 11 games, oary araaas scored 33 points for the Buckeyes hut appeared to tire in the second half, hitting for only 13 in the final 20 minutes. Illinois has two more Big Ten Conference engagements against Purdue and Northwestern before running into Cincinnati in what should be the season's top game Indiana kept pace with the lllini in the Big Ten race by whipping Purdue, 85-71, Monday night at Bloominglon, Ind. Jimmy Ravi clashed Monday night at Pocatcl lo, Idaho, where Seattle defeated host Idaho State, 79-72. The Ben gals' Art Crump was a giant in defeat as he hit 32 points and hauled down 18 rebounds. Seattle's Eddie Miles was held lo 17 points while Greg Vermillion added 22. Seattle s record is now 9-3 and Idaho Stale's 6-5. In other action Monday night. Carroll College belled Westmin ster, 78-68, as nine players hit in double figures for the winners Touring Hawaii fell at Memphis Stale, 06-60. In other action tonight, Portland is at Oregon in a battle of have- not Northwest independents. sell his share of a tavern. General manager Edwin J. An derson of Ihc Lions was quoted by the News as saying: I don't like the idea of a play er owning a part of a bar where he might run inlo undesirable people." News I'psrts Karras in uis Angeles, where he is practicing for Sunday's Pro Bowl game, Karras was visibly upset by the reort. "It's only a rumor as far as I'm concerned," Karras said. But he added if il were true, "I cor lainly will take action. They're not coing to do thai to me.' Karras said he would not give up Ins H'.ooo investment in the tavern without a fight. "li s all I have." he said Anderson and Lions' president William Clay Ford discussed the Karras situation with NFL Com missioner Pile Ro.clle in Miami. Kla., last Saturday, according lo the Detroit News. We decided lo talk to Alex when he gels back from the coast," the News quoted Ander son. Withhold Comment A .sH)kcsman for Ro.elle. when asked for comment, merely re peated what the NFL commission er had said when owncr-ioach George Hulas first made public it iwirls last week that some of the league's p!acrs had been suspect cd o( "undesirable associations." "It has been and is our (mltcy not to discuss publicly names ol scciiic individuals mentioned in the rumors which we are inves tigating." said the spokesman. Here in Washington, the Senate nickels conimillee. headed by Sen John L. McClolIan. D-Ark". would not reveal whether its in vestigator planned to question cither Clin ago Bear fullback lin k Casares or Halas. Tigers Will Give 'em Fits OKTIiOiT 'I PI - "We'll Rive 'em Ins " That tt;u the (la! boast from Detroit Tiger manager Bob Schetting a be flew into town Monday ami vowed the Tigers are going to make a .serious bid to beat out New oik lor the 'M: American League pennant , Making a two-day isit to De troit Irom his home in Sootts- !ale. An . S helling declared. 'We'd have won the pennant last vear il 'rrank' itry naon I wen ui lured " Ihe Tiger manager, who i woikmg on the second se.ison ol a twn-wMt iontra.t that pas Moooo j cai. aid. "It we don't -u!!er any initiriev. we'll be in tiieie .ill !tr wa " I..iM v.tMHi pu ktt In i;m tin M 10 ,1 At ill i i un lor iht ,! to t.nrlli , money. the won mi! :t:n pointed I.. c.i 111 ,.1 v I: Tuesday, January 8, 1963 Bearcats scored 25 points for the Hoosiers although he sat out the last 10 minutes of the first half after In diana raced to an 11-point lead. Sophomore center Bill Buntin's 34 points led Michigan to an 88-67 triumph over Iowa in another Big Ten game. Buntin put the Wolver ines ahead to stay with a lay-up shot early in the second half aft er they fell behind, 38-36, at in termission. Don Roach led Iowa with 15 points. Kentucky, 'bounced out of the UPI top 10 ratings this week, re gained its best form in smacking Vandcrbilt, 106-82. Cotton Nash, the Wildcats' star forward, tallied 19 of his 27 points in the first 10 minutes of the second half be fore fouling out. Kentucky was especially sharp at the free throw line, converting 46 of 53 attempts Two other southern teams also displayed keen marksmanship in posting impressive victories. Mem phis State clicked on 64 per cent of its shots from the field in over powering the touring University of Hawaii, 96-60, and Richmond canned 20 of 2.1 free throws in downing Furman, 74-71. A 31-point barrage by Eddie Evans led Oklahoma to a 91-83 victory over Iowa State. Oklahoma Stale breezed to an 81-56 triumph over Missouri behind Jim Coop er's 29 mints, and 7-foot cen ter Roger Suttner helped Kansas Stale down the Air Force Acad emy, 68-42. Elsewhere, South Carolina turned back Virginia, 68-54; Ala bama downed Mississippi State, 77-72; Tennessee Stale whipped St. Francis iPa.l, 82-61; Georgia out lasted LSU, 76-67. in overtime, and Auburn spanked Mississippi, 79-44 . I HOLIDAY LEAGUE W L 4.1' 7 20' j K lamalh Hardwood A KC Thomas Lumbisr Co. 41 'i 22' Ptftca Ambulanct Dflvli Flyloq A 35' I ?B' i 34' i 29' i Kf- Creomery Snflctc CoMm Shop lum Window & Door Co. KlAdiAlh Hard wood B Carwm Ctnhion Shop FUM Frelqht ?) 43 KC Floor Covering 14 so Rmulls- KC Floor Covering 4, Canvas Cushion Shop 0; Snack CoHee Shop 3, Hardwood fl li Dv HyinQ A 2' j, KP Creamery Pji Hardwood A 4. Thorn- at Lumber Co. 0; KC 3. Aralum Window Co. I; KF Fait Freight 2, Peace Artv bulanct 2 High team game. KC Floor Covering 1019; high team lerlei. Klamath Hard wood A Jl'i; high Ind. game, Del Knowle 2S'; high tnd. series, Norbtrl Schleeoer A69. Jap Wrestlers Whip Madison PORTLAND (UPD-A team of lapanese high school wrestling champions owned a tour of Ore gon high schools Monday night with a 29-2 victory over Madison of Portland. A crowd estimated at l.linfl watched the eight matches. Pro ceeds Irom the scries of matches n Oregon will be used lo send a learn of Oregon high school cham pions lo Japan lalcr in the year. Madison's only points came ill Ihc i:it"-pound class, where Robin Hollon fought to a draw with S llm, uk.iu.i. Oregon Names Baker Top Foe Kl'CKNK a PI The Oregon Club Monday named Terry Baker of Oi pfion St;itc as the outMandttiR fonlhall player faced by the Ore gon team during the past season Other outstanding opponents in i hided. Jay Carly of Oregon Slate, basketball; liordon Riynild Mn of Oregon State, tennis; Pan Schneider of Anwina. baseball; Frank Budd of Villanova. (rack; lohn Mi of San Jose State, poll. IhvV Joi-hum of Washington, dimming, and Kicrard Bell of Ua--hmgion, wresting. Oregon Runners Return To Camp Kl'GKNK fl'PI' Kour Oregon : diMance runners who competed againt New Zealand racers re cently ret ut tied to thr campus I Mnndav I Ketiiniing wete IHro! Bui loon, j Archie San Komani. Vic Keee ! and Keith Korman l'l.iton ' Stcmke. ho aiMi in.ide the tup.j will romam in New Zealand until:, Mauh to train Km man said the Weh well tieateil aud that mMji were. were weil .tttended. with ciow(( laieiaging alout f.uh. U1N NK !Y TOl RKV t ulil' PIK1U K. Ki.i t PI -mi I' !:t of I ,;v:nn.;:;, Ohio, .mi! li.m Mu. 1 1 ol lit and K.ip-i :i;.!v Mi, .t!l M I W.M till' ; In:- dill- !i . f. nin.ih-.i lor a iH--t- u! ,t;..i -f.; Momiay in!1 one i;olt tourn.tnu'nt yi o:rM(ni!. i a- a i? y k M ft ,57'ttut- ... READYING FOR GAME Y. A. Tittle of the New York Giants practices a handoff to Jim Brown, the Cleveland fullback, as the East squad went through its first work out for the Pro Bowl game in Los Angeles Sunday. UPI Telephoto Klamath Top 10 Ranking PORTLAND (UPD-North Eu gene ranked in first place today among Oregon's class A-l high school basketball teams in the Journal coaches' poll. Marshall of Portland was second with Corvallis third. Others in the top included, in order. South. Eu gene, Astoria. Grants Pass, Med- ford, Milwaukie, Klamath Falls and Pendleton. Pleasant Hill headed the A-2 list followed in order by Henley Myrtle Point, Central, Seaside Illinois Valley. Elmira. Coquillc, Eagle Point and Newport. The Pelicans of Klamath moved into eighth spot in (he Oregonian SATELLITE LEAGUE W Jay Hawk Oils U.S. Naf'1 Rank 4? 3? 40' i 23') 4fl 4 .li'l 25' 1 35 29 Haley Hereford Lucca Cafe Clean Linen A Supply Skateland Wheels The Bank ol Klamath Falls Drew MaiHtore Southern Oregon Insurance Manmes Drive-In Al 'n' Dale Motori .14' i 39'i 42 Vl Crater Lake Machinery IB 46 Results Jay Hawk Oils t, Drews Man store 0; Skateland Wheels 3. Haley Here ford t; Clean Linen fl. Supply 3. Crater Lake Machinery 1; Lucca Cafe ? Al 'iV Dale Motors 2; U S. National Bank 3, The Bank of K. Falls 1; Mannles Drlve tn 4, Southern Oregon Ins. 0. High team series. Jay Hawk Oils 2644; hjrjh team game. Jay Hawk Oils U S. Nanonai nan met W; nign tna (jarrm. Ed Hickman 2i2: high Ind. series. Jack Any., bit. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE W L DuH Equalizer id ?i MAR Market 3H ?i Oregon Food .H J Pacific Motor Trucking it' i ?' ; Coast to Coast Stores .12 .12 Market Basket .17 37 Klamath Brick K Tile 30 .14 Consolidated Freight W i 49' i Results: Pacitic Motor Trucking 4, Coast to Coast Store 0; Consolidated Freight 3. Oregon Food Stores 2; K'am-: alh Brick A Tile 3. V&R Market 1; Duffs Lgualier J. Market Basket I High tram game. Klamath Brick A Tite 1019; high team series. Klamath A Tile 7916; high Ind game. Tom Thomo son 323; high ind. series. Bill Hawtey bli MOOSE MAS LEAGUE W L Russell Glass 40 7 4 WOTM 1H 76 Lauras Beauty Fair K Amusement So. Ore. Mus'C Soarkle Car Wash Nyhack Flower Fair Amldons Meoo-Lantl Bon batr Park Catiinet 77 7H Bing Cafo 73 4t Jan. 7 results' Rings Cafe 4. Medo Laid 0; K Amusement .1. Sparkle Car Wash 1; Ron BtAr , WOTM 1; Lauras Brau ty Fatr 3, NybaOs Flower f- air t ; So Ore Music 7. Am dcm 3; Russell Glass 2. Park Cabinet 7 High team game. K. Amusement 7't; figh team senet. K Amusement J!J7, high ind. game. Opal McDonald 77' ; high Ind. stre. Opal McDonald in. MOOSE PAS LEAGUE W L Luc hy Lanes W 7' j O Hairs Memorial Chapel ' i 7'' ) CP a W W We'd U 'D Aitamont G'fxe'y '4 .50 Vusgrove Plumbing 'I .11 Marry Lance' Ins. 17' i V't Paste0iss Market !' 33 Merrill Vix 7 Bings Sa'eii''e Rtytm Ja'. 7 res"S H Lanphear Ins i. Pastes Ms'ket 0; C P A W V. Ward 7. Owair Memorial Chapel 7. Met'U Moo.e 4, Bmgs satellite Room ft. A 'a nont Ortxery i. Cub I; Vusgrove Pliimhiog 1. Luckv Lanf .V High (fd-n qmt. AHamont Grot fry hflh Ifam sereS. Altampnt O'OC'v 7ji7; h in.1 game. John Ba'ev J'. 71 r. a. ir.(i r- FicvS Fur'e-Wel flc 'son 60 7. cucm LIAGUI "P'or Drvv la.' Fu-n.fu-e Aiir if ni'u' 3- LeTh i vvrrri imi" ace . 2 A Pouvs J S-h St, i s-." K S O'l 4. Kf ' P v. iri(f Prvne ? Jrvirs t. ..'e.'WOPd VastMvy 'PAm g-"f Mamath ' 1 in tr--r Mpnuih t.s 2 o -' -', t it f "I ; f-ms -n Ofi' ' j il se- es twemfn'. S; 10 MOMTttl LtAGUf h-jh t Vtn tll i lJ. f gh ind. r , jJr"rl' - it- ' r zmm Pels Get weekly poll with their victory over Grants Pass which had only one more vote than the Pels. Medford, with its loss to Grants Pass Kriday night, dropped to 10th spot this week giving the Southern Oregon Conference four learns in Uie top 10 with the un: beaten Crater Comets continuing their winning ways and leading the SOC contingent in fifth spot. The Henley Hornets moved up on Pleasant Hill in the A-2 divi sion but didn't overtake the de fending state champions despite their loss to A-I Willamette. The Hornets still are unbeaten in eight games. CLASS A-l Team North Eugene (6-0) Marshall (6-0) pi. 9B M 65 61 5? 43 36 3S 38 76 Sunset Corvalli (7-01 Astoria (4-1) rafer (8-01 South Eugene M-2) Grant Paj (5-31 lamath Falls (1-0) ijlwaukie (5-01 Medtord (6-7) Others: Pendleton t, Molalla 3, La Grande I. Lebanon 1, Reynolds ). Sandy 1. CLASS A-I Team Pleasant Hill (6-2) Henley (B-0J Central 16-1) Myrtle Point (8-fl Pis. 9? tf 74 68 60 58 .14 33 23 11 Elmira I-01 Illinois Valley (8-0) Bandon ( M I Seaside 6.t, iglfl Point (7-3) Myrtle Creek (7-3) Others : Waldport 3. Meppner Vale 2, Pilot Rock I, Newport 1, Coquille 1, Clatskanlt t. Ducks. Pilots To Meet Tonight PORTLAND (UPI 'Oregon and Portland, two learns that have found Ihe going rough so far this kclball season, clash tonight at Portland's Memorial Coliseum. Oregon has won three of eight ganvs this season and was flat in losing its last two games the Kar West Classic to Iowa and California. To add to coach Steve Relko's problems. 6-7 tenter Glenn Moore sprained an ankle in prae- ice this week and may not be thle to play. If Moore isn't ready, the, Ore- gon lineup will have -Iim Johnson U center, Steve Jones and Jerry Anderson at forwards and Bob 'ates and either KMiott Gleason or Pat Lev at guards. Anderson ind guard Johnny Mack also are bothered bv bad legs. Portland has won only four of 12 games and was humbled 61-r4 bv Gonaga in its last contest. SKFKS TITLK HOI T NKWAIIK. N J 'I Pi '-Newark boxing promoter William Gilzeri- berg j-aid Monday he will offer lightweight champion Carlos Or tiz Mn.irnn to deiend his title agamt Kenny l.ane The figure matches an oiler made bv Madi- on Square Garden for the cham pion-dtp bout LEGAL NOTICE KATlCSAt rppfST TlVPER FOR SALE 0'i aintiM r .1 ,n r .-eM bv ' tp-fAUvt t t"r "'C' Ol tX 0stf.ft 9n.l qer . S'lver I Oregon beg-n".rg n I 00 Cm JH''V 'J Wr-J ir All rr-r.j chantuftle timtpr rnarfceo or df s QnxVd tor Cutt'g O" r AffM ptrif AQ"Q ifH at'e mo-e or 'fss n'lm set ens j 'U. i. 70. 30. 3'. l?. t ? s . R ! 14 f , sections II, 34. ;s. ?. 34. T 29 j S. P l.l F A ' Survrve.1 in Fre mont NV'01 F-nrett, Orrgpn. The es'- maM volume nt ly t.mpf r Is jsn y txwti left tit Porvirrsa Pit and Otr r Scfr logs li a.i,i irtft s ,ihml tr sve unr' .t'r d viii"n of! fliv (HjfM sfivM) Pr.wosaj Pm and Otf Sr!fS icos T m.r!. mum atiec"ti ? d ?t V ra-d fpt isi as toilom L'vf Pao,1'-i P.-f -f1 O" Sos' t'K d S',""t Pr" r a"d CK' Swt r M il t".s i cii-df ' tiP -o i'h v tva-d et tr s'urrsae t'O ;s s '' pus n aV'0"i SJ 'C Or P-1-r-M f-rm 2 T se a't t SO .10 ,-- fl', t n P" a f p -i se, t i- S' t aw '.rtn t't is t-p ' t 'M vr u"" O O'fir 1 sapwocf' ?n. r frtd as "" el "p 4ss.( vi L.',r ff un'M '' -o"st s- fi eav" dt'C" ova-'tr rs -vi ves L e Kvos a d Qp Sr-s ft; ( a P3 Ctr ;-t ft SJS t ? I friar Qva-t?' LEGAL NOTICE Is computed. In no event, however, shall the payment rates for each Quarter be test than Ihe base rates as ttsted above. When the ao toiled rates bv species art lower lhan the base rates, the difference between live total dollar value ol ihe tim ber cul al adjusted rates and at base rale will be recorded lor each species The stumoate rate for any specie wilt not be increased above the base rate unlit Ihe subsequent adtusted rates above the base rate will develop an aceomuiat ed lotal dollar value lor all specie In excess of the recorded accumulated c f ference. Sealed bids wilt be publicly opened and posted, at S.lver Lake. Ore gon, at 1:00 p.m. on January 18, 1963. All those who submitted a satisfactory sealed bid will be permitted immediate ly to continue auction bidding. A money order, bank draft, cashier's or certified check in the sum of S 700 00 must company each bid, lo be applied to the purchase price, refunded or retained for application to any claim tor damages, according 'to the conditions of sale. H requested by the purchaser, contract terms will permit telling of limber in ad vance of payment up to Ihe value of the performance bond, if an oral bid is declared to be high at the closing of the auction, the bidder must immediately con firm the oral bid by submitting It In writing on a Forest Service bid form. The right to relect any and all bids ts reserved. Forest Service bid forms for use -In submitting seated bids and full In formation concerning Ihe timber, the conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from Ihe District Ranger, Silver Lake, Oregon or the For est Supervisor, Lakeview, Oregon, before bids are submitted. Legal No. 875, January I, 1963. NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE Coshow Spring Oral auction bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor or his authorized representative at the office of the District Ranger, Silver Lake. Oregon, beginning at 100 p.m. January 18, 1963 for all merchantable limber marked or designat ed for cutting on an area embracing 10.600 acres, more or less, within sec tions 9, 10, 11, 1?, 13, 14. IS, 20, 21. ?2, 23. 24. 25, 26. 27. 28, & 3. T. 29 R. l? E.; Section 18. T. 29 S.. R. 13 E.; W.M. surveyed in the Fremont National Forest, Oregon. The estimated volumes of live timber is 380 M. board feel of ponderosa pine logs. The estimat ed volume of live and recently dead (sound sapwood) timber is 20 M. board feet of white fir and other species logs. In addition there Is within the sate area an unestimated volume of blue stained (sound sapwood) "ponderosa pine logs. The minimum acceptable bid per V. board feel i as follows: live ponderosa pine 116.30 white ftr and other species J2 45 blue stained ponderosa m This Includes Ihe following ral board feel for stumpaqe. rate plus an additional S3.30 lor live pon derosa pine SI. 00 base rate plus an ad ditional $0.00 for white fir and other spe cies S2.00 base rate plus an additional SO 00 for blue stained ponderosa pine and Si. 45 lor slash disposal tor an species In addition there is within the sale area an unestimated volume of older dead (unsound sapwood) ail species logs which will be paid for al Si. 00 per M. board feel, plus $0 00 for slash disposal. The prices bio tor stumpage snai oe con sidered as tentative rates subject to quar terly calendar adjustment upward or downward by 0.5 of the difference be tween the average of the Western Pine Association lumber price indices, a cat-! cufated by the Foreit Service at me erta of each calendar quarter, and the totiow- no base Indices: live ponderosa ptne 84.03 blue stained (sounrj sapwoooi pon derosa pine loqs 4 03 live and recently dead (sound sapwood) white (ir and oth er species logs 5985. Such adjustments the pnee tor stumpage shall be appli cable to timber scaled during the calen- ouarter for which the adjustment Is computed. In no event, however, shail the payment rates tor eacn quarter oe less than the base rates as stated above When the adjusted rate bv species are tower than the base rates, Ihe difference between the total dollar value timber cut at adjusted rate and at base rates will be recorded tor eacn species The stumpaqe rate lor a specie will not be Increased above the base rate until the subsequent adjusted rates above the base rate will develop an accumufaieo total dollar value for Ihe species in ex cess ol the recorded accumulated differ ence. Sealed bids will be publicly opened and posted, at Silver Lake. Oregon. 2:00 p.m. on January IB. 1963. All those who submitted a satisfactory sealed bid will be permitted Immediately to con tinue auction bidding. A money order, bank draft, cashier's or certified check in the sum ol $1,100 00 must accompany each bid, to be applied to the purchase price, refunded, or retained for applica tion 10 any claim lor damages, accord ing to the condition of sale. If requested by me purchaser, contract terms win permit felling ol limber In advance of payment up lo the value of the pertor ma nee bond. If an oral bid is declared to be high at the closing of the auc tion, the bidder must Immediately con firm the oral bid by submitting II In writinq on a Forest Service bid form The right to reject any and an bids is reserved. Forest Service bid forms for ue In submitting sealed bid and lull information concerning the Umber, the condition of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger. Silver Lai-e, Oregon or the For est Supervisor. Lakeview. Oregon, before hids art submitted NO. 883. Jan. I. 1963. national forest timber for sale Bridge Spring Slowdown 0-i auction bds will be received hy the Forest Supervisor, rx Ms auttmnirvt rep resentative at Ihe otlke ot the District Ranger. Silver Lafce. O'egon. beomning at I JO p m, January 18 IflftJ, for all merchantable timber marked or desig nated for cutting on an area embracing '7,488 acres, more or less, withm iec tions 1. 2. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14. T 30 5.. R. 13 E ; W M. unsurveyert. sections 5. A. 7, 8. 18. T 30 S . R 14 E ; spctmns 15. 1. 20. Jt. 22, 27. 38, 2. 30. Jl. 33, 33. 34, 35. 3. T. Jt S, R. 13 W M surveyed in the Fremont National ForrAt, Oregon. The estimated volume of hvt limber ts 440 W. board feel of ponderosa pine logs The estimated vol ume of live and recently dead (sound sanwoodl limber is jo M board teet ol hite fir and other species logs In addi tion the'-e is withm trie sale area an un estimated volume of blue stained I sound sanwoori) ponderosa pine loos The mini mum acceptable per M board fr-et is as trilows Uve ponderosa pine $'05. white fir and other species $7 45. blue stained ponderosa pint S3 45. This includes the ioHoing ratps. per V bod feet 'or stymoage "$H 30 base rate plus an addi tional $3 30 tor live pondfosa pint $1 00 base rate ptus an additional $0 00 for wtiite fir and othpr soec'ts $2 00 base 'at piyj an additional $0 00 'c b'ue Stained ponderosa pme and $1 45 or slash disposal tor ail sntc'es in addi tion thurt is withm the salt a'a an unestimated volume of o'flr dead fun sound saowoc-i) an srtces loos wil he paid tor at $t 00 per V bord efi plus $0 00 lor slash disposa1 Trt pnees b'd to' stumcaat shall be cons d e'M as tentative rates subiecl to gu' tf riv calendar adiustment upward or dnnB'd by 0 5 ot tne &Prmct he twren th average 0 the Western pme AssrK'ation tymnt' price Indices, as cal culated bv thp Forest Service at tr-e end c each calendar guartpr, nd tolio ng b:S inflices dvt ponderosa P" 'ogs ttc-i b'ut stained (sovnd saowoodt Dvdf rosa pint logs R4 03 lVt and tcniiy dead (sound sarood wh-te fir ad (iher soecfs logs 5' 5 Such adiust mer't ,n trtt price tor stumpage shall be arniicarit to timber aiert during the calendar gjarter tor h c Iht tdlust ment is CPTiputpd In no tvfnt. hOi evf shaM tht payment ratrs lor each qua' ter be less than tht bast rates as t fated above When the adiuOed rates t-v sptcts art tower than tht bast rates, the di'frertc between tht total dona' value of the timner cut at adiusted rates and at hast rates wM ht recorded tor each species The itumpage rate 0' any sret es wl not be Incrtastd ahiv t"t b-"e ratf until tue suDsectient aoiu'ed rates abovt tht bast rate w'l de vei?p a aitumuiafed total Oonar va'ue tor ait sEecif itimi'!if(i he ovD'H-'v not ij anrj txsfd. a S' Lf O'Mri A 1 XI C m rm Jafya'v "!t A l tose no iut"'tect a sa- ts'--v PA3 !! rt pt" ed r-rM a' 0 Cfnhnut aut'On ft.rjj'no 4 rnK'v ("ffr. fA" O'' C'h'' i Ot e''-M c"k in t-e sum p t X "ut a,-cr""cy et t 'n ht aoc-S'td ; r'"t,'e p' ce rpiV'yt tx -e- ACCrA'C 0 l"v fla f" 'r 3"-"3rS Aili-Q 'O CO,1 9 s'e if 'eav'ea hv t pu'Cas p' ' '' j .-.' t'- "'g " a(vave c rfrr-t" to v At ft tnt w-ivwuxt r--v3 h fKi fd n ctttia-ed 'a r-a fr Cf.M -o O 'he Avt ? h-cter mt-s' r-ftf (,.. r (-f f,f1 3 f-V rf 1 -q ,1 --'.g fyi 9rS Se' C f-i ic,-n tk flQf a-yl a'i . rpp'tj e-fst serv c fc ' t tf.rri( t(r v t . Si.t-niH"g ftd 6-1S 1."tr. CM ' OIS f t'Xt -t O s .f tn'ts 5.v'pt-is' I 0wnn, tt?- 63s m'9 sufcm "ea U J- . itJ LEGAL NOTICE NO. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DARRELLE FRANCIS GALLA GHER. Deceased. in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor ihe County of Klamath, Pro bate Department. in the matter of Ihe estate of Oarreilt Francis Gallagher, Deceased : Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, as administratrix ol the estate of DARRELLE FRANCIS GALLAGHER: deceased, has tiled her final account in the -Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor Klamath county. Probata Depart ment, and that on the 8th day of Feb ruary, 1963, at the hour of 10:00 AM of said day and the Court room of said court have been appointee by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objection thereto and the settlement thereof. DATED and first published Jan uary 8th. 1963. Date of last publication, February 5th, 1963. LOLA HARRINGTON, Administratrix Vandenberg and Cot Attorneys at Law 202 Underwood Building Klamath Fails. Oregon No. 877, Jan. 9, IS, 22, 29, Feb. S, 1963. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AUGUST E EUGENE NORTHUP, de ceased, notice 1 hereby given that the undersigned, LEONE V. NORTHUP. has been appointed Executrix of Ihe estate of AUGUST E EUGENE NORTHUP, de ceased, by the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and has qualified. All persons having a claim or claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present the same, duly veri fied as required by law, to the under signed Executrix, at the office of P-K Puckett, Attorney at Law, First Federal Savings & Loan Building, Klamath Falls. Oregon, within six months irom the date of ihe first publication ol this notice, which date is iht 8th day ol January. 1963. LEONE V. NORTHUP, Executrix P.K. PUCKETT Attorney for Executrix First Federal saving & Loan Biog. Klamath Falls, Oregon NO. 876 Jan. I, 15. 22. 27, 1963. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-81.11 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekday S a.m. to noon Saturday Count fivt words per tine. Ads under S lines count same a 2 lints. 3 6 10 1 Lines Times Times Times rVonth i $2.50 14 00 $5 00 $ 9.0A 3 3.25 5.00 4 50 1150 4 4 00 6 00 ROD 14.00 5 4.75 7.00 9.50 U.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT ptr advertisement. If paid In advance. Abovt rates art for consecutive Inser tions, without change of copy, tor pri- vata individuals. Advertising must Ot clear and understandable to ot produc tive. All words must bt spelled out. Autos ottered for salt by private tndl viduais cash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday lor Sunday and fvunaay. CANCELLATIONS I CORRECTtONS-j On stmt schedule, except on Monday ese art taKen 'tti :30 a.m. Please read tirsl Insertion of your ad. Tht Herald News will give ont txtra run tor typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS t column Inch, 135 ptr month with S3 SO discount for - payment on or before tht lotn. vs men, ti? witn u. discount to1 payment on or before tht 10th. Based on ont copy change ptr month. BOX SERVICE SO cents ptr ad. CARD OF THANKS, nd IN MEMORIAM $3 PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES CARD OF THANKS WE wish to i tend our heartfelt thanks and aportciation tor tht sets of klndnes. messages ot sympathy, beautiful flur: offering and tokens of sympathy re ceived trom our kind friends and neigh bor! during our recent bereavement in the loss of our lovm ont, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Family FUNERAL HOMES . .0 MEETING NOTICES 1 KLAMATH CHAPTER Nn. 35 ROYAL ARCH MASONS ill hold o STATED: CONVOCATION Wed nesday, Jon. 8, 8 p.m Installation of Officers Don Johnson. E.H.P, ALOHA Chopter No, 61, O E S. Will hold n stated meeting Tuesdov Jan-j uary 8th at 8 p m Mavnic Temple All! member cordially in vited. Obligation Ntqht, Leono Sclbv. W M Sanford Se'bv, W P Odd Fellows, KLAMATH LODGE1 No. 137 regular meeting Tues day evening. 8 Dm. Jan 8th Odd Fellows Hall, 5th & Mom. Refreshment!. Visiting Odd Fel lows welcome Edgar D. Hoffman, N G. MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 OES meets 2nd ondJ'J K 4th Wednesdov, B p m. Scottish R ( t W3' Temole. Ml OES membe',s cordially in-j Verdo Scribner, W.M, W.Minns Andrrnrs, W P. BOYS! scahgeol EARN Vacation Money by selling the He; aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contoct Herald & New$. Circulation Dent , 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 LOST & FOUND LOST red kty case, pleast call TU 4-92,54 and rtceivt rrd. lost pair of men's black rim giauM. Reward! TU 4-J30J. LOST large Airedale dog. Doak Mountain. Jan. 3. contact lira Kiversioe ur. or pn. TU 4-6621, Pick Reeder's Men' Stoe. GENERAL NOTICES HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! & GUNS fr BOATS & TENTS & STOVES & RADIOS' & PIANOS & BOOKS ft TOOLS ft SKATES ft TRUNKS ft PLANTS ft JEWELRY ft LIVESTOCK & FISH POLES TV SETS ft BICYCLES ft CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Call Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 PIMONALS DEAN STIME will be haooy lo greet dd and new customer! at Bette's Beau y snop, no N. llth, TU 4.527. ASM for term touipmtnt vou want tt sell comts last when you Utt low cost Aant Ads Dial TU 4-lltt. WANTED Room, board, some nursing cart for etderly lady, ph. TU 4-1331. WOMAN to shart furnishtd apartment. etrtnces tchanged. Writt Box 43IC, cart of Herald and News. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous. TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Fnendly help anytime. BEG!NNEV ALANON, friendly help for families of alcoholics, TU 2-5740, TU H2. VACANCY for lady or gentleman need ing nursing tnd-or convalescent car. Mountamvtew Nursing Home, jh firfc, Ashland, O-t. Ph. 4I2-I31. WANTED brake and alignment man. Must bt eperttnctd. Calt Don, TU 4-f!4t. GPAMAVS licensed homt for tht aged. prlvttt rooms c warn tar, special det. personal interest assured. TU 2-3iJ. KLAVATM Alan, SERVICES 1 REVODELING anrj repairs. M kinds. reasonaoie. references. I U 2-53f TOEE looping, pruning, IntU'td trtt grooming. Lakesrwe Nursery, TU 4-455. MICE, BUGS. TERMITES" sill s bug "E" business Insured. City and S'a'i Llcenstd rv t. "Biif Oiborn. tht Bug "E" f TU 204St 312 So. 7th V. CUSTOM BUTCHER ING your place. dtWer to urft4sin9 tia"t or leavt al your place. At Stoii. TU Gina's Tailor Shop Tapering - alterations lor mtn, women, children. An work guaranteed. Reason 537 vam Jess' Tree Service 1 Tret tooping. removing an kind at e'ean-up wo'k. F'tt esfima'es tu i-M'l Don't Guess Call Jfst treTservice Prymrg, trtt rtmgvtl. Pu'ly tnsur BAKER I NURSE RV Sp i tu 2 ss Coin Op Laundry Topifvtrj wastM Also 'ft. Vsrtt T L C SHOPPING CENTER Bert, no u Bank DENTAlT PLATES Retatrtd you it. PS Srf Vo..r fij PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE !MJ Va n Tu t r.U Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PSOVAMCE TREE SERVICE I 'C-std 'nsu'td T'tts trrcS tr PHONt JL.