Over The Garden Gate , BONANZA GARDEN CUB BONANZA Tlie Bonanza Car den Club met at the home oi Alyce Haley of Carry on Nov .26. tn. i t. i me ciuo will again sponsor uie Christmas lighting contest, assisted by Pacific Power and Light. There will be two divi sions, one for outdoor lighting, the other, window or entrance decorations. There will be three prizes given to each group. First prize will be $10. second, $7 50, and third prize, $5. Anyone wishing to enter the ' lighting contest is asked to mail a card to Alyce Haley, Route 1, Bonanza. No phone calls' will be accepted. The next meeting of the club at the home of Virginia Hartley on Dec. 10, 2 p.m., will be UieJ annual Christmas party with a gift exchange. Anyone bringing a child is asked to be sure and bring a gift for them to exchange. Hostesses will be Mrs. Virginia Hartley and Mrs. Elsa Clark. The Dead Sea, which is so sally fish cannot live in il, is rich in carnallile, a source of potassium. HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath rlli. Orgo Tuesday, January I, 1963 PAGE- 3 .a. - cama nio tu the fashions, sprmq HERALDING SPRING While guests viewed bloom in'the Galanos 1963 collection shown here. The California designer presented a wide varietyof chiffon over crepe and soft lightweight wool jersey. This 2-piece en semble notes the gently emi-fitted shape-up of the collection. UPI Photo POLLrS POINTERS This Is A lick Job POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn. DEAR POLLY Ti; ed of listen ing to the Top Man of our Totem Pole gripe and snort every spring to change our double-track alumi num storm windows, 1 used a small paint brush to coat the slides with floor wax last spring. This fall they worked like a charm. Instead 6f griping, he whistled through 12 storm win dows. I am sure this would work on any type aluminum window. MRS. N. B. B. GIRLS Hang on to- those old plastic tablecloths; here Is anoth er use for them ... POLLY DEAR POLLY -.Sleet tin a windshield can be hard to re move if the car is outside for several hours. Cut a strip of old plastic tablecloth and carry it in your trunk. When icy weather threatens, stretch the plastic across the windshield and hold in place by tucking It in the front doors. When you return to the car, remove the plastic cloth and Galanos' Spring Styling Is Subtle, Flattering - The Canada goose travels 8.000 miles each year in its round-trip migration. enjoy a clean windshield. H. N. W. DEAR POLLY For those washcloths for baby, in just the size you like, fold old diapers and! sew the edges together with bright .- colored thread. MRS. L. H. G. DEAR POLLY I hope some of the girls will find this help ful. When my chrome dinette chair , backs started to show wear, 1 bought some small terry cloth towels, some eyelets and white shoe laces. 1. folded the towels in the middle and punched eyelets along the side seams, about three inches apart, laced them and then placed them over the backs of the chairs. In at tractive colors and with fringe across the bottom, they look quite attractive, are easy to laun der and change and very inex pensive. I first planned to sew the sides together but found the towels too narrow. The laces were the solution and are real' ly more attractive. B. C, GIRLS As I started to read B. C.'s letter, I wondered why she didn't sew the sides togeth. .NEW YORK (UPI) - Daring necklines for daytime and skirt lengths kept short marked the James Galanos spring fashion collection. The Beverly Hills, Calif., de signer who traditionally brings each new collection to Gotham for its preview, also decided that the sylph silhouette was the shape tor spring. This one follows the body lines "effortlessly," as a spokesman said during Wednesday after noon's show at a New York hotel ballroom. "The fabric is moulded subtly and shaped to accent rath er than reveal." Accent proved! to be on various parts of a wom-l an's anatomy tne neckline, the' bust, the wrist, or hips. But it was revelation for neck lines on a group of daytime jer- er (less work). Some of you may have chair backs narrow enough that this would be possible. POLLY DEAR POLLY-When in a hur ry to iron some clothes that have not been dampened. I Uiorough !y wring out a wet Turkish towel and lay the article to be ironed in the towel and roli tightly. The dampness distributes evenly. MRS. G. L. sey dresses called "world trav elers." All "wore sleeveless, nar- row of silhouette, gently shaped to the figure. An inverted pleat at the center back gave a girl walking room. All had U-shaped or squared necklines cut so low in front that breathing would be hazardous Galanos kept skirt lengths on all daytime suits, dresses and costumes where he has held them for the last several collections- just covering the kneecap. A spokesman for the trend-setting designer said Galanos feels this length is a youthful, flatter ing one and should remain. But there have been hints throughout the fashion' industry that hems may show a slight drop in 1963. Other pace-setting designers will show spring collections later this week and all of next. Italian de signers will open their collections Jan. 19. The Paris voices of fash ion will be heard beginning Jan. 28. Pickup & Delivery Call Sparkle Car Wash 4023 S. 6th ' Ph. TU 4-5543 f: 'ri If you like 'em solid, L , : V : v- f . sure fdoted and quick, jj f Fairlane's your kind of car! ' ( SLAM THE DOOR and listen to the I solid thunk of a car that's all muscle. ! S GET BEHIND THE WHEEL and discover FUWn I 'n-mi'-JtHTM'.iiiii:'ma 1 !''ni"M this hot new middleweight gives you the fV X6!lP- if.O'f ft room of a big car. MOVE 'ER OUT ;J "tftr ':FiJZi'! Pi and learn how Fairlane unsnarls traffic. .12 fH2E Elgjffi&ffi iy (It's over foot shorter thansiandardcars.) ilrT S j HIT THE OPEN ROAD This tight, Jrim Ljj "', i'i ' n, ffti i Fairlane has the solid feel of a big car! 4-Door Sedan jj -"fJ WTV. .iumWT"" "Vr m ' Choose from two livelyChallenger V-8s I. mHim .''ShM 'ffi-- , Zi-: with up to 164 horses... 9 models: hard- fc Stjr-" - ' ' yr' 'ops. wagons and sedans. SdBSS-3i--li AND REMEMBER in any Fairlane, you SSfftffvltbSi enjoy e kind of care-free driving for ?'5t- ""SJjSSS&JJlii- which Ford cars are famous (maintenance j .', ' stops are reduced to twice a year, or "Sl America's liveliest, most enre-free cars! f "j -izmmmt ford ' I Fairlane JSiy!$ftil J . &i Qyi " I n';ft K GOLDENWEDS Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Lorenien of Mount Shasta observed their 50th wedding anniversary at an open house Dec. 2? at Mount Shasta Ski Bowl Sky Room, Photo by J. O. McKinney Couple Note 50-Year Date MOUNT SHASTA - The 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Lorenzen was observed by open house at Mount Shasta Ski Bowl Sky Room Jaturday af ternoon. Dec. 29. The guest book held 142 names of those attending. The Lorenzens were married in Los Angeles in 1912. They came to Mount Shasta in 1916 and have been active in the social and busi ness Hie since then He was a member of Siskiyou Union High School District for most of the time he has lived here, is also city attorney, and president of the bank. The Lorenzens have become world travelers during late years. Mrs. Lorenien has made a hobby of collecting dolls from each land visited and now has representa- ives of nearly all civilized lands. L. N., Louie, to all who know him. is an avid big game hunter. When 70 years old, he climbed a difficult mountain in British Co lumbia to bag a mountain goat which caused the government to name it Lorenzen Mountain. , Attending the open house were the couple's daughter, Mrs. Hazel Swan and her husband. Also their four grandsons, and a granddaugh ter attended. Their son Norman, was a casualty of World War II when he went down with the Bismark Sea. I PROTECT Your Estate Through EilDlUble'i Living Iniuranri John H. Houston A ; - .' ;,-;r - - x LidinitiQA ly HtUn 8tch ' ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Marvin' Hoag of Wald port announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Marlene, to Keith Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Larson of Klamath Falls, Both young people are senior students at Oregon State University, she Is majoring in elementary education and her fiance in science educa tion. Their wedding will be a June event in Corvallis. Bethel 61 Bethel No. 61, International Or der of Job's Daughters, met Dec. 17. at the Scottish Rite Temple with Honored Queen Cheryl Ball presiding at her final meeting. There was initiation of four new members, Robin Trealease. Connie Schouboe. Carol Ann Horn and Linda Bingham. Honored Queen Cheryl Ball. In her farewell speech, repeated the highlights of all important events which had happened during her reign. Christmas gifts were brought by the members for the Christ mas Clearing Bureau. The next meeting will be pre sided over by the new Honored Queen Nancy McClure. RefrcshmenLs were served In in the dining room with lovely Christmas decorations. Annual Public Guinea Fowl DINNER MASONIC HALL MAUN SAT., JAN. 12th 6 P.M. till 8 P.M. July and August are the only two months named for historical figures; the former for Julius Caesar and the latter for Augus tus, i ENROLLMENTS accrpttd si beflnnlm f my manlh. Far n lnlrr tlnf, reward ing cirttr In (mctlogy . . till TU Mill Klamath Boouty ColUg GIFTS - 1IOOU iHIZS Come Help Us Celebrate 5 Years of Progress! ."Hi Anniversary OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, JANUARY 11th The H AMv Of KLAMATH FALLS So. 6th ond Klamath Member F.D.I.C IN KLAMATH FALLS SEE . . . BALSIGER MOTOR CO., MAIN AND ESPLANADE IN LAKEVIEW SEE ... FARLEIGH FORD SALES, 210 NORTH F ST., LAKEVIEW, ORE -SET SAIL FOR YOUR FORD DEALER'S ... THE TRADE WINDS ARE BLOWING! INVESTORS: You'll be money ahead SAFELY when you save at First Federal Savings and Loan!- I $463,23656 Paid to Savers on December 31stJ f Save by January l j' 4 10,h j HIGH PROFITS: All savings earn at our current high return, paid and compounded semi-annually. Youll find no special conditions, no year-long waiting period, so largo minimum balance required to qualify for top earnings. INSURED SAFETY: Savings are Inrared safe up to $10,000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corpora tion, a permanent agency of the United Statu Gov eminent, Through the use of joint and trust accounts, almost unlimited funds can be fully insured. STABLE: Savings invested here are risk-proof, fluctuation-free, always worth par.regardless of market upsanddowns. NO FEES: Add or withdraw funds in any amount, at any time, as you wish. There's never a penny in fees, commis sions or other charges to eat into profits. Make, the most of your Investment dollars Irt 1963. ' Invest thorn here. Enjoy top yield with Insured aafety. U .ii FIRST FEDERAL (jPaviiifjl and $can dtfiicctaftoii 540 MAIN STREET BE THE PROUD OWNER OF SAVINGS SECURITY