Travel Modes- ACROSS lWmllyvehlcb 4Ttxil 8 Hortcmui'l ' travel mode 12 Mohsnunedsli title of ref pect 13 Oriental nurse 14 Presently 15 Hawaiian ' wreath 16 Pronted 18 Thawing 30 Faultily 21Wle of Aeglf , (myth.) "22 Burden 24 Book of the -. Bible 2ft feed vessel (ab.) 37 Horae color 39 Remain 40 Savin (s 41 Encountered 42 Domestkator 45 Noisy ones 46 Milky liquids 61 Knock 62 Feminine appellatioB U OrienUI foodstuff 64 Age 65 Card M Japanese) outcasU 57 Low haunt DOWN 1 Peaceful ' if u.toh nf Inrils 2 Awrv -SOCudgeler 'SPennsyind 32 Fastening othera device 34 Senior! 36 Attack 4 Rude domicile ( Church response e i " j ji "1 U IS- li 17 la "la 1 116 In 12 n' ft 13 n fiT 19 ""!3T ; ' si a-b 1 JTET-""" "b" STpTT 33 Si - J2 3? 1 !3S 35 71 37 iT" "33 ' ' ' 1 1 w isr 42 W3 K4 ""l4 47 (43 a ST sr sr 53" 5? 55 55 5T I I I I lit!., I I I 7 Stocks Hit Record r r sT II mqns in big Kaiiy NEW YORK (UPI) Slocks glittered for the new year last week, smashing through to new recovery highs on the biggest pro. longed rally since the Cuban ririsis. ;Jfler inching ahead despite ljeavy tax-lo;s selling in the final sejsion of 1962, stocks reopened far the new year on Wednesday ijth a dull, selective decline cen tered on high-riding blue chips. :jrhcn, with the tax pressure re moved and first-of-the-year profit-taking lilted, the market went1 l!ew Controls PORTLAND (UPIi - The Stale Sanitary Atitnority was loin rn day that new control equipment has reduced fluoride pollution nt the Harvey Aluminum Co. plant at The Dalles by 50 per cent. The Authority, however, turned down a request that it dismiss show - cause proceedings against the company. Richard Hatchard, chief of the air pollution control division, said air snmplinq should be continued Into the spring and summer growing seasons to deter mine if any damage was being done to plants and Iruit trees. Harvey also was ordered to grant free access to air quality control inspectors without advance notice. Charges of "dictatorship" ech oed at another point in the Au thority's meeting here when the town of Sherwood asked for more tithe to present engineering and imnncing plans lor a sewage treatment plant. Kenneth 11. Spies, deputy stale sanitary engineer, suggested the Washington County lown ol 7.12 persons he given until July 1 to submit the plans. Sherwood City Atly. Fred Anderson called the (leadline "unreasonable" and said it would kill the whole project. "This thing has been going on for 10 years and it doesn't seem unreasonable to have plans by July I," Dr. R 11. Wilcox coun tered The Authority then ap proved the deadline and threaten, ed a court complaint if Die ton doesn't meet it. FIND RIGHT fl RE BUDAPEST i ITU - Hungar ian newspapers claimed today they have cut traffic mishaps by women drivers by printing both Ihe names and ages of the women invi-ilvivl The newspapers said that, where women are concerned, vanity works better than logic. Ends TUESDAY! m limr.s Hotter kTECHiftC01.0R TtCHHMM.'i . FCTTI'RIRIU P 1 : :.-ji.,J"An intense -7 I eiperiencel" frsTTvjihhrn AmwM to Pravlotu PuiiU 7 Pronoun .20 Depend 8 Mangles 31 Mistakes Against 33 Property item 30 Fun eggs (pL) 3fl Ingenious 11 Termini 40 Waylay 17 Fillings 41 Biblical IB Sample character 23 Hebrew month 42 Canvas shelter 24 Brother ol Win 43 uve goo (Bib.) 44 Prospector's 25 Dissolve 20 Mallclouf burning , 57 Splashed travel moat 48 Indian 47 Uncommon 48 Bridge Zfl Lamb w Anger inlo its steepest upward spiral since Oct. 24. When the industria1 average es tablished a new recovery peak from the big break of last spring, additional buying and short cov ering developed and carried through Friday when trading was so heavy that tickets sent "flash" prices for the first time since the exchange installed Its faster sys tem of recording transactions on Nov. 1. In the Dow averages, indus trials gained 10.80 to 662.23, rails rose 7.S1 to 147.51, utilities tacked on 103 to 131.01 and 65 slocKs rose 5.44 to 234.30. ! Trading over the abbreviated (our-day period totaled 17.M4.486i shares against 14.359.6:10 in Christ mas week and 15.796,810 in New Vear's week of 1962. The week's most active issues, in order, were Brunswick up "i. Spcrry-Rand up , American & Foreign Power up . Chrysler up i and General Motors up 2'a. Cains in the top two were at tributed to reinvestment demand and covering following relief from tax-selling pressure. Chrysler and UM rose on a huge increase in December auto sales and the ulili- ly responded to a special offering for its shares. The powerful surge in rail sliares on the heels of ICC appro val of the B&O-C&O Merger fea tured the market. These two is sues, plus Pittsburgh & West Vir ginia, Atlantic Coast Line, Louis ville It Nashville, Southern and Seaboard Air Line gained from three to seven points while many others rose two or more. Dine chip industrial highlights were Anaconda up 3V Bethlehem Pa. Proctor ft (iambic 2. U S Steel 2j, Union Carbide 3lt, and Alcoa l'a and American Tobacco l'i. Big Du Tout dropped two against the grain. Tony Confirms Wedding Story HOLLYWOOD IT! - Actor Tony Curlis conlirmrd rumors Saturday that he plans to marry German actress Christine Kauf mann. "hut not until she is 18 years old " Miss Kaulmann, romantically linked with Curtis since the pair co-starred in a movie last year, will celebrate her 18th birthday Jan. II. A friend said it was probable Curtis would marry Miss Kaul mann belore the month u out. The 37-year-old star was divorc.lurdav. causinc an estimated IS ed earlier this year in Juarpz, Mexico, by actress Janet Leigh who since has remarried Klimtth rtt, OrttM Puellthte tally ((pi Sal I an tMf Sarvlnf SMitharA OrfM 4 Narlhtrn Olifnrni r Klematfc PvlitMnj (imMf Mat at tUnada ptwn Tu oam W. fwHa-4, pvti'fhtr Mar) a xtewKittt matitr at (MMt HKe at KlamaMt Mlti, Oraton, mi Atffvtt H. 1H. mtftr act 1 -frttt, March J. IIT lexaM-cuiii at aa MM at Kiamatu ran, Ortaan ne at aMittanal mnit affttai. SUftKftir-T.ON HATIt tarrtar I want. tin I MrtM HIM 1 Vaar Ul M Mail .a. Atvanca I Maftto , I 1 T I Mantfit : iM 1 Yaar Hit Cart-tar arttf Oaalan WMtar 4 tvMffV. 1c UNITIO PRItt INTi NATION L AUDIT tURIAU OP CIRCULATION I SubHriatn nal raraivifta, trr a tXtir HrH and Ntwt. r'itl aftftt I TUiao HI aafara I P.M. Adenauer Observes M BONN I UPI I - Chancellor Hon rad Adenauer turned a lively 87 years old Saturday, chipper as a cricket as he sipped champagne and shook hands with well-wish crs. It probably was his last birth day as head of the West German government. Adenauer, oldest living govern ment head, began the day by at tending a mass said by his son Paul, a Roman Catholic priest. and then for six hours received a stream of Germans from all walks of life who came to the chancellory on the banks of the Rhine to pay their respects. The ordeal which would have tired a younger man did not ap pear to faze him and throughout he exchanged witticisms with his callers. He was on his feet from early morning until he sat down to lunch with his family of seven children and 32 grandchildren. President Kennedy headed long list ol world leaders sending congratulatory messages to "der altc," the old one, as he is called behind his back. Kennedy told him: "Few men of such an age carry the burden of high office with such strength and energy and no one has done more for the cause of freedom." 'Both Adenauer's friends and po litical enemies called at the chan cellory to shake his hand and pass on gifts. Economics Minister Ludwig Erhard, the man most likely to succeed Adenauer, presented the Cabinet's gift of two 18th century silver candlesticks. Japanese Pre mier Hayato Ikeda sent a gift of three 200-year-old swarf pines. The Free Democratic Party, Adenauer's often-rebellious coali tion partners, presented him with 20 bottles of one of Germany's best wines. Adenauer has announced his in tention of making way for a young man next fall, probably in Sep tember, just short of 14 years as chancellor. During that 14 years he brought Germany from the ruins of war to a position as one of the richest countries in West Europe. Mother Held For Murder ESCONDIDO, Calif. tUPP An autopsy disclosed Saturday that Steven Potter, 2. Escondido. died of a beating Friday at the hands of his mother. Deputy Coroner M. T. McKisic reported. Mrs. Jerry Potter. 25, a mother of five and the wile of a post off uc employe, is being held in San Diego County Jail on a mur der charge. Escondido Police Capt. George Pierce said records show that an other of Mrs. Poller's children. a-monin-oin vetie. ciica ot hull praciure in r.i.i aner a beating by the mother while the family 1 1 cd at Gages Lake. HI. Pierce said Mrs. Potter struck Steven repeatedly with her hand and a 14-inch long willow switch in an effort "to houscbreak" him. He said the child, who wore only a blood-sottcd undershirt and tennis shoes, was found lying face down on tnc lioor ol tne Denroom ( ny a me ocpai uuem ic.mhc , squad He was pronounced dead on ar rival 15 minutes later at Palomar Hospital. McKisic said there were bruises on the child's face. neck, groin and back and the autopsy showed his heart and a lung were punc tured. He said Ihe death was caused by internal bleeding of the organs ruptured by the heating. Pierce said he planned to go to Ihe district attorney's ollice Mon day to seek a murder complaint Fire Gufs Warehouse PASCO ilTI'-A lire of unde- jiermined origin gulled a (ertiluer company warehouse at Burbank. it m,ies east of here, early Sat- million worth of damauc The hrp in Ihe (1. W. Chemco Inc. warehouse and laboratories broke out about 3 a m. Flame ix-nMimed the entice interior of the metal building and a portion of the exterior walls collapsed. Tlie warehouse was built about Ifl months ago at a cost of MO, 000. Company olficials said about t&o.ono worth of fertili7er was Mored in the building. The fue Mo dotroyed sccul compan cars and truck-trailer units. Fire Department official Mid the bla;e apparently started in the laboratory or at a nearby furnace About 50 persons were employed in the warrhoie. WANTED!! ( omit 4 pat (,in hpa na ttrh I i hlnp t Ni tftasiiitfi Kltmtttt Boss Irks Secretary 3y Childish Farewell By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Recently you had a letter in your column from a church secretary who com plained because the minister wore his hat in the office. I was glad when I saw that letter because it gave me tour age to write to you about a tee ny weeny gripe which is driving me nuts. My boss is a top execu tive. He is bright, attractive, well educated and going places. At the close of his conversations with other business men he invariably savs. "bye bye." I don't know what they think ol State Plans To Dig Well SALEM (UPI) - Plans to drill demonstration an experimental well at Champoeg Park were an nounced Saturday by the Oregon Walter Resources Department. The department said the experi mental well will be designed to demonstrate modern construction methods and materials to show the well drilling industry and the public a method of constructing efficient sand-free wells. The demonstration will be con ducted next Friday and Saturday at Champoeg Park, in the heart of the sand-troubled area of the Willamette Valley. Materials, equipment and serv ices are being furnished by firms and agencies interested in proper design of wells, the state engineer said. A new rotary drilling machine will be used, a plastic well casing is being provided, a well screen will be installed, and special drill ing mud will be used. Technical services are being provided by the ground water branch of the U.S. Geological Sur vey and the state engineer. Drilling will begin at 9 a.m. Friday, and the well will be drilled to a depth of 160 feet. Drilling of the last 30 feet will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday. Water-bearing sand strata will be developed by use of a high velocity water jet, then a pumping test will be held. Champoeg slate park is located on the south bank ot the Willam ette River 10 miles west ot the Willamette River bridge on the Baldock Freeway between Port land and Salem. Last Chance Plan Urged PORTLAND iL'Pli-The Legis lative Interim Committee on Ical Government has recommended legislation that will give local u.iits ol government one more flianr In rnntVM-.ltf. " Stall Hon l-j,.j u-u-i-n n.PHUmt .in Fridav. In a speech to the City Club here. Ihe committee chairman said local taxing districts have grown into an almost intolerable hodge-podge. He said city dwell ers, especially in Portland, are paying an unfair share ol service costs in fringe areas. Mcdford has taken the right c hy rofusinf, ,0 p,ov,te any s.rvl0 outsld(. the citv hmits W'hclan conlcndcd One proposed law would pro hihit incorporation of auv n c w- cities within six miles of a present city of 5.000 or more people and within three miles of a smaller incorporated city. Whelan said such a law would prevent the de vice of incorporating to escape annexation. FREE 1963 DESK CALENDAR Owl SigLJbtkL HARD OF HEARING At a thank you to our many patienti and to make new friends for our Heoring Aid Depart ment, we have these beautiful easel type plastic desk calendars yours for the ask Ing. Just drop Into any one of our 10 Con venient Locations COLUMBIAN 730 Main tuts, but to me It sounds like a small child. I have discussed tliis with other secretaries in the of fice and they agree it's terrible Should 1 come right out and tell my boss "bye bye" is no way to end a business conversa tion? READY TO FLIP . Dear Ready: Greetings and farewells are highly personal. If your boss wants to express his own personality rather than stick to conventional phiases, why sho-ild you become unhinged Say nothing. If you just can't hear It another minute, pi to his office and tell him "bye bye. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a boy 17. a high school senior and very miserable. I wish you'd print this ettcr so my mother will see it She is wrecking my life but it will sound different if you tell her. My father left my mother four years ago lor another woman. My mother told me I would have to take my father's place in her life and make her happy. At first it made me proud. 1 was only 13 but now I'm sick to death of it My mother won't let me talk to sirls on the phone. A date for a school party is out of the ques Hon. She tells me that girls will get me into trouble and trap me into marriage. She talks about the evils of sex until I'm ready to jump out of my skin. If I tell her I'm going to the library she says. "Wait, I'll go with you." She begs me to hurry home from school because she's lonesome. I told her last week I want to live with Dad for awhile but she says she'll kill herself if I leave her. Please tell me what to do. SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD WRECK Dear Seventeen: Your mother Is mentally disturbed and needs pro fessional help. Discuss this prob lem with your principal or your favorite teacher or your clergy man. When you graduate from high school 1 recommend that you go to a city where you have rela tives. Find a summer job a n d plan to attend college away from vour mother. Dear Ann Landers: A dis appointed mother of three lovely daughters wants to know why she is now the mother-in-law ol three bums. Another woman with lovely family is afraid she will talk while under anesthesia. In Ihe same column you tell a woman about your lovely round dining room table on winch your sauare tablecloth looks lovely. There is no word in the tngnsn language more meaningless than "lovely." A word which means many things to many people has meanine at all. Lovely Ills just lovely into any round waste basket. A person who continually uses trile. tired words has a limited vocabulary, so take your punish ment honorably and gently apply that lovelv wet noodle to the top of your lovely head. DE TROIT ' Dear Detroit? Thank vou for vour uh Interesting letter. t uh cood nf ynu to write. Are you tempted to smoke be cause Ihe crowd noes: n so. send lor Ann lenders' booklet "Teen-age Smoking." enclosing wilh your request in rents in coin and a long, self-addressed. stamped envelope. Ann Landers will be glad to help vou wilh your problems Send them to her in care ot this newspaper enclosing a stamped. self-addressed envelope EMERGENCIES and ESTIMATES BUD KENNEY Plumbing & Heating in an. nth rr 41; ntiim At OPTICAL CO. TU 4-7121 wrests Completed By Rocket PT. MUGU. Calif. (UPI) -Searcher, a rocket launched vehi cle that can vastly extend the search range of Navy vessels, has successfully completed its first series of drop tests, it was an nounced Saturday. Searcher will provide ships at sea with the capability of locat ing nose cone beacons, downed aircraft or personnel within an area of 125.000 square miles with out the use of search planes. The drop tests were conducted at the U. S. Navy's Pacific mis sile range headquarters here. .Searcher resembles a bullet with helicopter rotor blades. Its bullet-shaped payload, 18 inches long and 5 inches in dia meter, is mounted atop a Side winder class booster rocket for launching. The payload has four rotor blades, each 5 feet long, designed to slow iu descent to earth. Contained in the payload arc a transmitter, receiver, magnetic heading reference generator and antenna. Drop tests were conducted from a helicopter. However, in actual operation, the Searcher will be launched from ship deck straight up in a vertical trajectory. When the vehicle reaches 43.000 feet, tlie blades spring open and a tumble occurs to cause booster separation. Once free, the payload rights itself and the slow spinning descent to earth begins. As it descends, it receives sig nals from downed objects and transmits them to the ship provid ing an accurate fix for pick up or rescue. Two Strange Deaths Eyed SYDNEY, Australia IUPD - The bizarre New Year's Day deaths of a brilliant physicist and Ihe wife of one of his coworkers remained a puzzle to Australian police today. Authorities said preliminary medical examinations indicated, that stiychnine poison may have killed Dr. Gilbert S. Bogle. 38. and Mrs. Margaret Chandler, 29. Hut they remained uncertain whether to label the strange case a double murder, accidental poi soning, murder-suicide, or possi bly, the result of a suicide pact. The bodies of Bogle and Mrs Chandler were discovered on a river bank in a Sydney suburb after both of them left a New Year's party at 4 a.m., police said. Bogle was clad only in a shirt, lie and socks and police said the clothing on Mrs. Chandler's bodv was disarranged. Three flattened beer cartons were lying on her body. I here w as no open Indira tion of violence. Police said the scientist, em ployed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, had known Mrs Chandler only for about two weeks Mrs. Chandler's husband had been at the party. He left before she did lo pick up their two chil dren, who had spent the evenin in tlie homes of friends. Mrs. Bogle, who recently gave birth to a child, slaved home. Police said a pathological exam ination indicated Mrs. Chandler did not have sexual relations tlie night of her death. Now at Miller's! Waitress Skirts lack Nylon SlriM ft Flair Sims t t. I 5.98 Also in stock - a complete selection of UNIFORMS by: 9 Bob Evan Bares White Swan Tiffcny Alt WittrtM Aprvns .a tflts in r Ntini Dtpr, HERALD AND i w" 57Ac VaT vessel .s HOMES DEMOLISHED BY SLIDE A Brentwood, Calif., water inspector uses cau tion at he peers from cliff-hanging sidewalk into gaping hole left when two homes were demolished due to landslides. One of the homes was owned by TV personality Jack Leseoulie. No one was hurt as the homes had been evacuated earlier. With the earth slippinq about two feet per hour, fears were expressed for other homes below. H y UPI Telephoto Educators Tour Salem SALEM I UPI i Seven educa tors from seven countries toured the city Saturday before set tling down in Oregon communi ties to study public education. The educators, participants in the International Teacher Develop ment program of the U.S. Ollice of Education, arrived here Thurs day for meetings with Dr. Leon Minear, state superintendent of public instruction, and other state education personnel. Each educator has been as signed to a local school system and will live in that community for five weeks to observe and par ticipate in the school program, ac cording to Dr. John S. Conway, director of secondary education and coordinator of the foreign ed ucators' visit. Tlie visitors and school systems assigned them include Miss Maria Mendcnez, Peru, assigned to the Lake Oswego schools: Miss Atifa Arslan Senno, Lebanon. Da vid Douglas High School in Port land; Hussein Nassif. Cyprus. Mil waukie Union High School in Port land Nolan Scalv from Barbados, Monmouth - Independence schools- Gabriel Soties Picrrcs, Mexico. Eugene schools; Marcel Hofiman Luxembourg. Corvallis schools; and Ingvar Kristinn Thorarinsson. Iceland. McMinnville schools. Both Hofiman and Thorarinsson are accompanied by their wives. Idaho School Sale Rumored l.EWISTON. Idaho I UPI 'Offi cials of Cascade College of Port land. Ore., visited Lewis - Clark Normal School here Friday. It L reported that the Portland liberal arts and science college is considering buying the two year Idaho normal school. Included in the delegation was Thomas Leupp. president of Cas cade and Dr. Charles Fogg, chair man of the Cascade's board of truslces. Eiclusivt! Fast! Polaroid Reprints 2 for 25c LEO'S CAMERA SHOP 836 Main Ph. 2-3331 l Sir- ,x - i . : J VI tl .. 'J ... fl ll NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon . ... . .... ..w - t- H'....r.w ms.-hkmmk '-i li lyvaSHasnaavV V.' ji.'rtn.i .am i ill i ion li Mi amsi. iniiiiiiiiifti '' ''- 8 Shifting Hill WEST LOS ANGELES lUPD- crash sandbagging program was under way Saturday in the exclusive residential Brentwood area where a shifting hill already destroyed two $60,000 houses and threatened others. More than 100 residents have volunteered to (ill the bags and lay new flood channels to protect against further damage in case of heavy rains. The houses on Kenfield Avenue were destroyed early Friday. Houses below the shifting earth area have been evacuated while precautionary actions were being taken, police said. A spokesman for the residents said a citizens committee was making "rapid progress" in lining up most of the 50 housenwners in Early Woman Printer Dies I PORTLAND i UPI i - Mrs. Lu-' cia Elizabeth Clemens, a pioneer member of the International Ty pographical Union and veteran Northwest newspaperwoman, died at her home here Friday. She was 86. Mrs. Clemens started as an apprentice typesetter on the Pen dleton East Orcgonian at the age of 15 and later became the first woman member of the ITU in the Northwest. vvPWPwei 'ffwi'i 'I'M! SAVE I r: U.S.-Treasur7P3TS:ne"1 j -I . '- lateuy!Rfvenu8 Service Announcing... tW A SIRVICI TO TAX PAY IB. Tvfr wih, at income tax time, that you had a com pleie rciord of eveiy cent you spent for drug and drug prnduiK iliroughnut the year and how much of it ai Irgallv clccluc tililr? i That kind of a record rould save you money. And that kind nl a record can now be yours, every year, aho luiclv free of charge. This new service is called DrugTax. We are making it avail.ihlr lo all of our rusiomers immediately, free of chaigc, as another way of saying "thank you for their patronage. on would he surprised at the number of drug and medical supplies that can lie of a deductible nature items such as amisepiics. aspirin, cough and cold prepa rations, and hiindici's of others. Indeed, the American taxpascr has been losing mil lions of aiinuallv because he hasn't been aware of how mans ding items aie legally drdm liblc. Hut sou must be able to offer proof of purchase in order to claim suih items in pieparing sour federal income tax leinrii. And when sou buy from us, sou get that proof in the foim of an annual record, mailed in Februaiy. Osme in today nd let tii tell srmt more about PrugTax. And from now on, bus- nil of your drug and medical supplies from the store that gisei you the free DrugTax lecoid. Open Week Days 9 a.m. Monday, January 7, IK Sandbagged the area to carry out a $75,000 rehabilitation project. ECONO-CLEAN DRY CLEANING PROFESSIONALLY cleaned and spotted eanei 4 LBS. I I 1(K2 If you brinf In and pickup. Pick-up and Dtlivtry Scrvkt 50c per order itro. QUICK SERVICE! Any Garment beautifully finished out of the above service at regilor charge. CASCADE Laundry & Cleanen Opp Post. Office Ph. 4-5) 11 er 2-2531 BROADWAY CLEANERS So. 6th Ph. 4-6403 NEW METHOD CLEANERS 14S3 Eiplonsdc Ph. 4.4471 -9 p.m. Closed Sundays I