ROOMS FOR RENT 22.HOU5ES FOR REWT 34 GENTLEMAN, clean month, 1530 Crescent, per WEN, 134 N. 3rd, close In, housekeeping, reasonable, parking, TU 4-9287. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 BACHELOR Apartment, $47.50, heat, v. ter, garbage service Included. Inquire 223 No. 6th, Apt, 102. FURNISHED apis, for rent. 3113 Gary. $45-150, washing facilities TU 2-6034. NICELY furnished 4 room apartment. Wool rutis, ask about utilities being paid. Baby accepted, TU 4-3741. FURNISHEO front apt. All utilities paid Kcept lights. Natural hot water heal, $52.50. Lincoln Apartments, Apt. J, 319 E. Main, Adults only. LARGE 3 bedroom, ground floor, unfur nished, available Jan. 15. Also one bed room, electric heat. Close to Klngsley Field, TU 4-7523. CLEAN three room furnished- with bath and shower. Close In. All utilities fur nished. TU 4-6480. J BEDROOMS furnishd arts., carport, TU 2-4935 anytime, TU 4-329 after 7 REDECORATED one bedroom and studio psrtments. Adults, no pets. $45 and $55. TU 4-7858 7 to 9 p.m. evenings, Salur day afternoon, alt day Sunday. $15 TO 120 weekly rales, kitchens avail' able, Johnny's Motel, 2C0' Biehn. NEW furnished apartment, $42.50. 1030 Upham St. See at ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, $40, ' 3537 Boardman. Ph. TU 2-4C90. natural 65, LARGE five room newlv decorated,' Clean, well lighted upsta'rs apt. Electric 5- Inquire 4055 Shasta Way. heat. Living room, kitchen, service room,' 0NE "bedroom furnished, oil heat, north bain, two bedrooms. Adequate furnishings Si(je, TU 3-4289. inrlitriinn Onutv ruf riapi-fltor. washer, i drver. Two children acceotable. Apply. 1B04 Lexinoton Ave. before 8 D.m. FURNISHED 3 room apartment, $55. One rnnm. on All utilities Included, shared bath, adults only. 419 No. 10th. FURNISH EDapartmentj 142 Riverside TU 2-4736. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, $40 and up, brick court, garages. 221 Spring. ONE or 2 bedroom furnished, Heat, water paid. 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. CONSTRUCTION workers welcomet Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9256. CLOSE in duplex, furn'shed, one bed room, laundry, garage, $60, TU 4-3659. NICE clean furnished apartment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished apartment, $50. TU 4-5686. CLEAN furnished, close to Main, week or month. 333 So. Ilth. ' CASCAD EA PARTME NTHOT EC Nicely furnished 3 & 4 room apartments zjq iouin inn. NICELY furnished 2 bedroom apartment. 825 Lincoln. TU 4-592. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fur- mshed. Utilities, steam heat, $40. 4-8313. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. 11th. TU 2-1062. TWO newly decorated apartments, N. 9th, couples or bachelors, $40 and $49.50. Gun Store. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment, immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. ONE bedroom apts., completely or partly furnished, newly redecorated, TU 4-6732 COMFORTABLE furnished apt., close In, utilities paid, 12 N. 3rd. REX ARMS 1 OR 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAID 224 BROAO - T'J 2-9217. Audley Apartments N;ce, furnished 1 bedroom apt. 303 So. Ith near Post Office. $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST! 1-M bodroom apti., furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1437 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-1177 Office houra a.m. lo S p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS Ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom opts. Furnished ond Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rote j TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 3J14 Union 1 8droom unfurn!hd) t Bedroom unfurnished Soacious Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services ecept tileohone and electricity Psvo'hn Mrlaw TU I -ATM HOUSES FOR RENT .26 FOR rent 2 bedroom house, wall to wall rrpeting living room. Partly furnished. TU 3-3744. TWO bedroom furnished court, Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. ONE bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, Inouire 4107' i Homedale. F'JRNUHFn 7 hertroom. clean, modern, Cs 'ove. Water, garbage paid. $60, 1939 Vvantiand. TU 4-M26. TWO" bedroom furnished, north side. TU 4-4268 after 4:30 and weekends. 'i E a n 7 bedroom house In suburban dls net, call TU 2-626 HOUSE vntf. garage, rfers Lane. Inquire 1832 Sum- CJE bedroom lurnisned duole r.o dogs, US. TU 4-4281. Adults, FU&NISHFD one bedroom house on lrt, tnt on Ooden St. Electric heat 147.50. Water and garbage paid. TU 3-373. CNE'bedroom"unfurnisr.e 1. electric ranqe, Kjiif-n even, extra bedroom and storage (rare attached to garage, 3 acres, 3330 raoe, T U 4-3309, OUTSTANDING J hdmom OuD'r on Lavl'ne, electric hai. gara-je, lirepiace. TU 3-47S3 KEATandciean3 vear old 3 bed'r-om tinfurn,shed duo'f New Stove and relro -a'or. VIH Addition, $85. TU 2-46W. Eves. TU 4-5S44. 1 BEDROOM turnnr-ed suitable for cnu p'e. easily heated, inouke 3'24 Ooden MCE 3 bedroom home. In trn, US TU 3-417 newly decoded, TAO hedroo' e' nnokuo, r rvi'th jne. 1 furnished. We"'. d'V Shown by arpolntmenf. tu 4 5JC3 after 5pm J BEDROOM, 1 cri, I50r KrP Highway. TU 3-30(1 IMMACULATE, unfur rw. Inquire 3332 Ur .tied i bed'oom on DESIRABLE 1 bl'oom f C'fan, ciese In. u'i1''' 'u ) erwplo.ed Bflults. $65 for rmst-ed as' usi-ert 1 o 1. TU 1 3406 flaw Tu 2-186 eves. (J "Ti URN I SHE 5 twfl he drno -:tric hea' Garaoe on ra-. 'TOfrn t!Tru!jtOut. Mills artf' 1U 4 551 a"cr 5 or efkf"ds dtde- rd anv $(5 mo hEW. ta'oe v tw home Large ir'. etese tn new OTi and r-oso-ia , rfeyi-vt base ren( ArDO'Mment only, TU 2J15"? tvont on 2 red-no-" fouie on Agency Le. S40. Criioocn 783 i:i TAO SM'MTi lOute on Alfamonl D'i tan Tu 4 9M to' DOO I'rr.ent to see TAO ct-t-rom u"fyn.sf-ea rome. lvr reom. itr;-n, "d ba'h Pull b'"'"' Two oa-ao1! Gas t. oas tw-a. n,'-ea R"'i-g tor en' US mo. T 531. Mi M? B-van', TU J-?54T; TU fUFUONiFO '; fod'OAm ;a- f-?e. f:'eci:e. n Bte-flman. tu J-W h t h?V ca-rO't, 'a' Tni 1 Country,! tie. wi c-etsv, tu 4-:m S ' AL ;ta rCute- T U 3J5 us Ad-j.t DonaS. AIL t b.nn fm haf , trp'jsrypf h-vjp, 'fl. TU J-S3;i Or TU 44 V ONE bedroom furnished duplex, v. iter paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-145. ONE bedroom furnished house. TU 2-3702 RENT with option to buy, nice four bed room home, unfurnished. TU 4-822. FOR rent two bedroom house unfur nished, phone TU 2-3364 anytime. FURNISHED or unfurnished bedroom, $75 a month, TU 4-47S0. NICE 2 bsdrnom unfurnished home, 4545 Shasta Way. Call TU 2-2663. $75, THREE room furnished duplex, wv lines, Mills, 2137 Eberltin. TU ? ATTRACTIVE, FURNISKFD $50, TU 48261. ROOM HOUSE, THREE bedroom unfurnished home, 4746 Alva, TU 4-3061 eves. ONE bedroom furnished, $30; TU 'U HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, $65, TU 4-4850. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, $65. Children, pets, o k. References required. TU 1-6590. THREE bedroom home with two bflth rooms on Watson St. Unfurnished. $130 per month. Call TU 2-2 W or TU 2-:930, NICE two bedroom trailer (or rent, TU 3-1350. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, south suburban, $65, TU 2-3923. ATTRACTIVE and comfortable 1 bed room furnished. 4 blocks north of Main, no hlllt $67.50 oer monlh Include water. TV cable, garbage. Call TU 4-6539 after $ "d weekends. (TWO bedroom unfurnished house. TU 033. NICE 2 bedroom furnished house, $75. TU 2-3852. EXCELLENT one bedroom, furnished, qa rage, fenced yard, $85, TU 4-8052 after ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4 - 4379. ONE bedroom furnished house. Newly decorated, i U 4-3243, LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, $85. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 TWO or three bedroom In city under $17,500. Give details, Box 429C, Herald and News. WE are BUYING smil EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 339 EAST MAIN STREET TU 2-446 for an APPOINTMENT fUAL f STATE fOR SALfc 30 NEAR Peterson School. 3 bedroom, elec tric heal, wall to wall carpeting, fire place. Large fenced backyard, cement pat in. $16,500. 4645 Bristol Avenue, 2-3137. HOT SPRING. Family type home, wter heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7985. hot ONE bedroom partially furnished, lo down payment, Mills Add'n, TU 4-4481. TWO bedroom home, garage. A real buy for $6,950. 2212 Laurel. THREE bedroom brick, 4715 Onyx, baths, wall lo wall carpet, fireplace, built oven and range, sprinkler system. $19,800. Will accet 2 or 3 bedroom trailer in trade. TU 2-5132. -BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wash r, dryer, slove included. Fenced yard, overed patio. 16'x30' shoo. $17,500. Call TU 2-0224 after 5 p.m. BY owner, suburban two bedroom home on fenced lot, has tile balh, targe utility, separate dining room, small workshop, one block to school, $6,500, $500 will handle. Will consider trade on car. ickup, TU 3-4715. FOR sale or trade 150x150 fl. level lot. Near lake and highway. For late model pickup or car. Star Route Box 98. Cniio- i 7B3-226. THREE bedroom home lor lele. 1749 Summer! Lane. TU a-453. SUPERB bulldinq lot in Hot Springs area. Call TU 4-8978 evenings. FOUR apartments, excellent Investment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. NICE 2 bedroom home, 4545 Shasta Way. Call TU 2-2663. YOU'LL NEVER HAVE A BETTER OP PORTUNITY TO TAKE ADVAN 1 Alje ur THESE GOOD BUYS: 3 Bedroom - 7 Baths - Elec. Ranoe -North Side $8,000. Excellent Business $15,000. Good Terms. Also Good Rentals. Schroeder Reolty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4 9254 Anytime TU 2-0168 DREAM HOME lus've rrsidential district. Best of con- struction. Beautiful view. 3 bedrooms, dwood floors, fireplace, birth Kuerten, patio, ceramic file bath. $15,500. i u 2-2410. MILLS ADDITION 3 BEDROOM HOME near school & park. Firrplace. Carpeting. Big kitchen, com pletely remode'fd. Attractive corner lor $8,950. Easily financed. DON SLOAN Realtor 3U So 7th St. TU 4-.WSJ Anytrme MLS Multiple Listing Service DRIVE BY 43S9 Summers Lane and sre thu sub urban 3 bedroom bungalow Wall to wall carpeting In living room. Combination dm. ing area, kitchen. Washer, dryer, range. t tivnno Reduced tor ouick sa'e to $11,500. Owner will consider exchange for larger 3 bedroom home. NORTH SIDE Older, good 2 bedroom home 12 x '7 if. ia rftrtm. flmtno room, kircrien, uniity Nice yard, garden snot, f-our extra tots Included In price ol 86,000. BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 NO. 7th TU 4-3U9 Lucille Anderson tu J-os's Ray Worden 'u FOR SALE TO BE MOVED 3s unt ) 3-4 rof 0" 3 bed mom house, 1$ n hnttet. t9 tn nd four room aoartmen's. in sealed Furniture, b'dt en one cafed at 2514 Sn 6th. ad 8 O" Weyerfiaeuser Road. Inquire 2, Box 500A Rtc TU 2-5423 S SPARKLING NEtV IM Country en 3 He-siey School fOfl'n wth CirCUla'i 3 pMr&om home In ac-ei O onra ritf Ca'Deted g fireplace. ft raveled tarr org a l "ting room, large jilt.; renje- ovei a"d' a y ''t bett W'fn te'anvc tile, und built-'" vanity m rr-ister bth Eco-i "omicai 8isei fftrted air heet w'n bu'-ed Uii tank Large two car garage. Full ?Q, 300. rCUS BEDROOM doit In north of Man St Prxvn to scare m mil tceiientiy min,ned o'ler hn f H A or Gl terms e.a'iapie Omy i;.!0. VAIN LOT rt. A S0H5 ' t-e ?r0 fc'oc fl E Iflt 'Oi Vf 14. 350, ij(!j9BAN IK f f-e 1 Fi'(B St. I' J ' ro n. run j IALEI 1Aff I T " WQr I Cl1e W-'l rr TU 4-93 , E-n'e tves tu Man durant: EALTCR IfW Je TU .3 nr TU J-154JI Nt.t to hc .ear im RIAL ISTATI FOR SALE .. ..30 Two-year-old 3 bedroom home. baths. TU 4-5866 after 6 pm. MILLS Addition Duoe, completely reno vated and redecorated inside and outside Two 1 bedroom apartments with range and refr:qerator. Electric heat. Price $15, 600, $3,000 down end $80 per monlh. Will consider traoe lor smaller property. Skytlne View, the piece for you. 7 choice lots left. $1,800 each. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker Jim O'Oonihut Evn. TU aa3 A RARE FIND!!! WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEW of Klamath Lake. Attractive & we I constructed room ranch style home, on large nicely landscaped tot 110'x120' In site. Hard wood floors, automatic heal, separate dining area, wardrobe closets, lots 8, lots of storage. PLUS, on ol the finest building lots in Klamath Falls adjoining. Actually two tu 1 1 ion, toiai sue wu 150') Everything goes (or only 815,0000. Terms. LEONARD REALTY 1213 Main Joe Perry Audrey Keerlns Joe Leonard TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9005 TU 4 5331 Tit 4-42B5 TU 3-0527 5TILWELL & CO. Presents: 4 BEDROOM MILLS ADDITION only 3 blocks to Mills School. This substan tial, well kept place provides space for a family at a modest price ol $11,500. Let us show it lo you. FAIRVIEW DISTRICT This Is one f those spacious, comfortable older 2 bedroom homes. Large living room, dinina room, fireplace, basement, ol furnace, garage, this home In oood condition, a gooa vaiue ai r,v3u.w. I8.5CO FULL PRICE on this modern 3 bedroom home. Close In on north tide of town. Snic 8. span condition. Immediate possession. STILWELL & CO. Realtors 519 Main Street TU 4-3136 After 5'00 call Bruce Binklev TU 4-3478 Ron Van Orman TU 2-3692 If no answer call TU 4-7006 or TU 2-0444 MLS Multiple Listing Service 1 TERRIFIC VIEW PLUS THE PERMANENT ADVANTAGES OF RESIDING IN A DESIRABLE, TIME PROVEN HOT SPRINGS NEIGHBOR-; HOOD can now easily be yours for only $17,BO0. Has 3 bedrooms on 1 floor, soa cious livina room, fireplace, partial coi Crete basement. Private, tuny enciosea rear yard area. JUST $800 DOWN FHA, plus closing; also easy Gl or conventional loan terms. WILL TRADE This fully Insulated 2 bedroom home located in the South Suburban area. Has deeo lot, low heating cost. Ideal for tha budqet-minded. Full price $6,800. Will trade up for 3 bedroom home with small acreage I acre or more. ., COMMERCIAL BLDG. artiallv finished, at strategic heavily' travelled Intersection, lust a tew blocks South of Main St. Idea' for a sma hiines. and can be purchased for little as $1,000 down. Full price lust $5,500. QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS!! Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 711 N. 9th SI. Phone TU 4-7771 les Personnel: I Chilcoe Ph. TU 4 3781 Eves. Tom Rabbit! Ph TU 2-6482 Eves. Ed Chilcote. Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker STROUT REALTY 5419 S. th Ph. TU -5?ll Eves. Bob & Stella Dehlinger Hank Holman TU 1-501 TU !! RANCH SPECIALS Over no acres. 280 deeded, 100 irr jated, close in, $54,000, 2 per cent down. 37 acres, 260 Irrigated Potatoes and aln last vear. S'O.OOO. ?? per cew aown. Will trade tor southern California or Ari- ;pna business properly. SUBURBAN 2 Bed'oomv gnu ranqe and heater. Chick enhnue Frct-free cell-. Oi 1 1 acre ioation. Nice lawn ant shrubs, price 7 SCO. Moderate down payment Or will take pickup as down payment. DELUXE The most spat'out 2 bedroom in the sub urbs. 1.210 sg. ft. Hardwood floors throuoh-1 nut. Built-in range ! Oven. Birch can nets, ell forced air furnace. Utility, Cei amlc tile hath. Lot 100 120. Velvet lawn. A conservative buy ilS.500. Any type loan available. 20 ACRES Choite Klamath Rfver bottom lend. Or rsavpd hiohwav. Well and pump house In t-ounrjation and walls lor 1100 sq. ft. home nf h!ck construction AM tor the very reasonable price of J9.000. STILES REALTY mevpfr international traders Club 133 So. 9th SI. Phone TU 3-4740 Fred Tucker Lois Macv -i V a ne'e Homer SMm Hani, Hrii TU l-t7 TU 3-54' TU TU t rxit TU 3-3101 WANT THAT DREAM HOME? Tr-en thts very WOOEPN BEPROOM fome with PANQP V IC viFrt in VOVIW HEIGHTS, Has alt l he rnmforti vou Bwin-n appliances Wait to wen ca'p'. i" a vaiir nfiim come true. Only U7.M0 Ten WILL TRADE TWO HOUSES FOR ONE S'3 VW THPEE BEDPOOV me located on iVed'son replaee. Bui't-li ances wan 'o carpet Nteeiy anaed floor D'ai AND excellent one bed nem home wtth beit a ma'e"att. Ppts tnr iS per monfu. price o st?n OWN- EP WILL TFADE FO" IMKtr Of.U POOW tritf II, 300. CALL NOA FOP more Information. Desrie Sach er REALTOR 037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESMEN e. a p a a 30 1 :J J ' l IN Ti.'r R 'J S0L'FN TU J.7W ',Nf VASON TU ?;, Ot AiiLiuS Jai J'rt Innenja 30 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley School District, $4,500, TU 4-7814. THREE bedroom home for sale. No down payment, South suburbs. TU 4-3061 eves. THREE bedroom home lor tale. 4103 Sum mers Lane. TU 4-4539. GOOD 2 bedroom home, Mills. Near shop ping center, TU 4-3638. MLS Multiple Listing Service YALTA GARDENS Lovelv three bedroom noma, hardwood floors, fully Insulated, wall to all carcctino, two full baths plus attached apartment for the parent who lives in or would make an excellent iam room and Quest room. Owner trans ed ang must sell. Don't miss this opportunity. INCOME PROPERTY Duplex In Fairview school district. In come $150 per month. Apartment No. 1 has three bedrooms witn large utility Apartment No. 2 is completely furnished one bedroom. Slorm windows and doors. Completely Insulated. Price, $13,900, terms. V3 ACRES Three bedroom home, fireplace, about 1500 sq. ft. floor space, separate dining room. Owner transferred, immediate pos session. Fenced and cross-fenced. $11,000, terms. CHEAPIE One bedroom home on 1-3 acra, electric heat, paved street, connected sewer, new 16 x 20 ft. shop, a'l for only $3,950 with $500 down. WILL" CEDARLEAF REALTOR im S. lh TU 4-SI51 Anytime Peggy Peebler Ross Purkhiser Ken Allison TU 3-0??9 TU 2-3211 TU 4-6546 Wa acres With 40 ft. by 40 ft. barn. Good building te across street from Shasta school on Madison St. 109 fl. Irontage. Only $7500 ith $1500 down or trade for improved property. CALL NOW. tor more iniorma lion. NEAR HENLEY SCHOOL - 1 ACRE TWO HOMES. Real nice two bedroom home and one bedroom home. Fruit trees GOOD COUNTRY LIVING. ONLY $15,953 lerms. Sea this lodey. 4 ACRES COUNTRY ESTATE v THRFE BEDROOM ranch style home. FireDlace. Built-in appliances. Good ottbuildinas. Excellent PASTURE. HtN. LEY SCHOOL DISTRICT. ONLY $17,000. Terms. Deane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESMEN TU 4-7985 TU 2-2738 Bob Sorllen Anne Maon Rob Baziliu! 545-2168 Bonanza colled Rollln TU 4-5411 Larry Barabno TU 2-2738 MLS 3 Multipla ing rvics Mills Addition Three bedroom home tastefully decorat ed and immaculately clean, reflecting the outstanding care given lo It by the own ers. This two story home situated on paved corner lot hat all the features diicrlmlnetma buyer It looking f Large living room with large windows looking out on a nice neigntiornooo. ing area accents gracious entertaining kitchen tt modern with deep, deep cup boards and tots ot cum-ins. uarn ana bedroom downstairs. Two large bedroom and bath uostalrt with plenty of closet space. If you are Interested in a ter home at a reasonable price i oood neighborhood at ut $14,500, call us today! Has been appraised and will take any type financing. So. 6th Street Highway Frontage 1,17 so. ft. of living space. Three bed room home, combination living and dining area. Situated 60 ft. back from the busy traffic. Has lots of buiit ini in the utility porch aid kitchen. Added attraction, let your renter pay tor your home I two I bedroom houses completely furnished back away from the house affording you and the renters strictest pivacy. Lots of opportunity in Ihls 99 x 450 ft. lor $19,500 in Henley High School District. CAL PEYTON KLAMATH TRADERS CLUB 835 Merket TU 4-3149 Evenings I Haute TU 4-7P88 Pal" Palone TU 2-0836 Harold V. Rush TU 2-4173 "THREE BEDROOM hnme located In MILLS ADDITION block to KIWAN1S PARI;. Good tounrte fion, Garaie Only $7950 with $5"0 down or WILL TRADE for lot, smaller prlr.rd property or nd Mortgage. CALL NO before it's too late. $600 DOWN K move In this nice two bedroom home located in POPULAR MILLS ADDlTlon Good construction & floor plan Monthly payments like rent. Only $8750. SEE THIS TODAY. $350 DOWN RENT BEATER K $50 per" month to" this two bedroom home in MILLS ADDITION. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WHY PAY RENT. CALL NOW TO SEE this special. D eane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESMEN Pn UN TUTER TU -MM TU 4-441 LA9RY ftAPABOO ROB SORUTN TU 4-'! TU J-3731 AN NE jPQB BA? EL .. . r mi, BuSINISS OPPORTUNITIES 32 . ; WANT response pe'ton for eitahi part time busmen 0"e to two davt a wee. E'CeMent return for H.IJ0 Invest, ment Call Mr. Sparn, TU 3-WSI NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please investigate thoroughly any Invest, ment of money! In merchandise, various entercrites or bus i rte is opportunities be tore Investing your capital. The He'aid - ind News mees every effort lo reiect ail fraudulent or misleading adverting, however, we ere not resoonsioie for the integrity ot the firms er mjivduH who piece advertising in our publication. Any advertising Of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading shw-lf be reported to the Classified Afl- Departmem f the Hereto ind OPPORTUNITY to do something for yourself is our BUSINESS! VALLEY RENTAL RIAL ESTATE FOR SAL! inn 3 F Mo,n TU 4.n))l2Call "Woodv" Gue'v, 0ner-Mgr. FINANCIAL LOANS 34 have"". flV tesh 1.r your t,r,fi- ITT 0NNH, REALTOR. 1U i-WI, TU 4-4'l. 34 NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? f noqoing bills become? o nui sance, aet rid of them! Check our courteous, confidential, cosh loon plan. You'll be glod you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th - TU 4-7783 BUILDING R MODELING 36 REJECT hardboard and plywood, 4x8 slz- $1.95 a sheet and up. Klamath Val ley Lumber Co. 1940 So. 6th. TU 4-4816. ARMSTRONG celling tile, many beauti- I patterns to choose from, as low as 6 cents a sg. ft. Klamath Valley Lumber 191(1 So. 6th. TU 4-i?!6 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 KELV1NATOR Foodorarna refrioera. tor-freezer, $150; G.E. stove, $35, TU 2-0515. MODERN style white enamel used range. Good condition. $50. TU 4-8342. GUARANTEED USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. 4IJ Main TU 4-83 WESTINGHOU5E Wosher-Dryer Matched Pair 150 GUARANTEED KIRKPATRICK'S Eost Side Appliances 32 So. 7th TU4-8886 JANUARY SPECIAL "" FLOOR POLISHER RUG CLEANER Scrubs, waxes, polishes floors. ONLY $24.88 SINGER SEWING CENTER 31 MVrt tu ?-?sn FUEL - HEATING .38 GOOD rrd fir body wood. $15 cord. ivered. TU 4-7671, TU 2-6312. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Lons 8. Heatinq Oils Metered Propane Sales S & H Green Stamps Open 14 hours 2560 South Sixfh TU 4-3681 and TU 2-9260 STOVES - STOVES STOVES & PARTS MERCHANDISE MART 2964 5o. 6th TU 4-6660 DRY todgcpol. plna and plna body wood. any tenglnj, TU 2-305. - PREPARE FOR WINTER STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stove? "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NFFOS" Frankford Fuel Co. No, fliahn St. TU ?-M44 WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS OOO D THIN6S TO AT 39 BEEF, POSK, who'erale, custom butch ering, cultlnp, curing, Snamrock Ments 4329 Shasta Way, TU J-4218, TU 3-0671. Boots . Peri . Sport . Hobfeiei 40 TWO gentle healthy Siamese cats, 4-9743. TU CCLL1E DUPr'M. AKC ra., 2'i months. TU 3-3131, 17 Winter. BLACK min noodle puppies, excellent blood lines. I10O-S135. Terms. TU 2-4QS3. PUPPIES. Poodles, Pek.rgeie. Pomer- ns. Stud tervice. pod die cupping, iu 4-7525. 'A HOME AWAY FROM HOWE" . for your pets. Dog 1W cat boerdlntj. best proteislonnl care. Heated tAnltary kennels with outside runs, 34 nr. service, pIcVuD delivery. Special rates lor stea dy or monthly boarders. Special Men tion to lemales in season. Visitors wel come. Shasta Cascade Kennels. ust past Mernll-Lakevlew Junction, O'f wernir Hiohway on Booth Roed. Rte. 7, Box 50E, TU 4-507S. ICE SKATES LARGE SUPPLY All Shopes and Sire LOW PRICES AND TRADES The RESALE HOUSE 5899 So. Sixth RADIO . TV . MUSIC . 41 PORTABLE Motorola Stereo, 2 etenslon wings, 4 speakers, deluxe model, like na. been stored. Cost S180, steal at 170. EL 3-2333, A Neace Jr. Box 3or, oiy. WE pay cnh lor Hied p,anot. D.rby'1 Multc, TU 4-S13I USED ORGAN TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOWaS LOWPt'V . HA'MONO EASY TERMS SAVE UP TO J450 BOWDEN AUSIC CO. B30 Mom TU 2-4883 "APRIL IN PARIS" AT YOUR FINGER TIPS Wilh A LOWREY ORGAN $595 J325 (As Advertised In Lite) KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER SIS E. Mam TU I V. Used Hommond CHORD iAQC ORGAN T'J New Hammond "Ejtravoic" AQ Orson U7J DERBY'S MUSIC CO. V.mrt an Ith M ' iv no ro ") n't' LIVISTOCK t POULTIV 41 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! TU 4-IOJ SALE EVERY MONDAY . ot 1 p.m. sharp 3, Box 44 FINANCIAL - LOANS LIVESTOCK I POULTRY 42 KLAMATH PROVED SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-H85, TU 4-4558, TU 2-4102 Mii dry. priont CASH lor farm equipment you want te sell comet fait when you use low cost Aait AOs Dial TU 4-8111. WANTED lo buy 10 or 12 good local Stock calves, 300-400 lbs. TU 2-4926. MILK goats; TU 2-5613. ready to kid. Best oiler KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Road Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Make Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stockmens Market. Tuesday is sale day in the Klomath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 MACHINERY 44 $S50 MOVING. Ford tractor, equipment, or host cash niter. TU ?-5613. MISC. FOR RENT FOR RENT screw lacks and hydraulic1 lacks, Klamath Valley Lumber Co., 1940 S, 6th. TU 4-4816. FOR RENT, American Moor sander and edger, swift and easy to operate, sand papers and Bruce floor finishes. Klam ath Valley Lumber Co. 1940 So. 6th. TU 4-4816. . MISC. WANTED 46 WILL buy house to be moved, write Mrs. Rob Adams, Ponania MISC. FOR SALE 31 HAY for sale. First or second cutting. L. E. Furber, TU 2-3B68. FOR SALE good used auditorium chairs, padded backs, spring cushions, Craterien Theatre, Medford. Wrile or call Medlord 772-6424 for Inspection appointment. WANT ADS are all-purpose helpers! To buy, tell, swap, rent, hire, call TU 111. DRAIN rock, gravel, arm roadway ma terial, TU 4-3568, GEO. R. STACY CO. TWO 700x18 8 ply truck tires, tubes, and wheels, lest than 5,000 ml., TU 4-7919. MASON sand, fill dirt, sandy till. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4387. 'no TON 1st and 2nd cuttlna hav. Lorella 762-4190, or see Dick Smllh, Langell Val- TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. J. M. Barnes. TU 4-7659. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS FROZE UP? . REPAIR THAT BROKEN PLUMBING WITH UNITS FROM The RESALE HOUSE So. Sixth SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOUR PICK Your! For Tha Aing STOP IN TODAY I GOODYEAR STORE ?ot so. nth tu i-im Cofer's Exchange UNREDEEMED LOAN PLEDGES Gultars-RadloS'Tools-Carreras-Shavars Sawing Machines-Watches OUT OF PAWN Diamond Rlngs-Wendlnq Seti ALL NEW MOUNTINGS 'LOOT Baroalns Small-Short Term-Pawnbroker Leana 625 Klam. TU 4-7160 DURALON WAX NO MORE , For Wood - Linoleum Concrelt CnrV . Rubber Vsionilt Vettl Aiphlt or Tilt DRIES IN 30 MINUTES! NO SLIP ... NO SKID . . . SAFE !ft FRANK'S it TICKLE UKINUINU sckvuc 6?fl r. VAIN TU ;-4Tfl TRAILERS 5t m. 31 ft. trailer home. t?.tW). Used very little! A Reautv! To tettle estate. Mt. View Trailer Court, 6660 So. 6th, See manager. FOR SALE Etiuity In 190 Grrat Lakes trailer, 55 X 10, 3 bed'oom, lurnlshad, washer-dryer, air conditioner. Consider trade. TU 4-7401 alter 6 p m, WANTED lo buy good used trailer 15 or 16 ft. '51 Model or up, 1 U 4-7367. TRAILER space, TU 3-6034. 1960 PARAMOUNT 10 X 55 ft. trailer, 3 bedroom, Vt baths. Front kitchen. Colonial style with awning aid washer. 3046' i Wlard, TU 4 B!i93. FACTORY trained Coleman & lnternat'1 mobile lumace service, j)artjTJ-84J4, H O U S F TRA I LE R R E P A IR , Erv Crr, 4433 Winter Ave. TU MH3 TRAILERS WANTED nv llrt, 0t, mktl CASH waiting. Tradf ut or down' SFLl YOJR T(1IIE-OtlN-T an' l WV ,-a Dalf or "Snlnt" DALE'S USED CAR LOT 313 So. Alr TU Z-VB() AUTO MISCELL4NI0US 53 SNOW TIRE WHEELS In n,n FUS. 11 In Corvair. H I, Ctiavrol!, IS In. Cr.vrolt, ' so earn. MJR Vurner, 7JO so. 6,n. m Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul w Velve Grind Tun lia it e ioetliltv 3111 Altemont Celt TU e-TOJ OVfcR M years l PH"tfLc BATTERIES CAR TRUCK BATTFRY JU'PER CABLES STARTING FLUID ICF OFF REASONABLY PRir.EO PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM 8, GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE r CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BAl.SIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE OSfD CARS AND TRUCKS . SS HO FORD ' ) Ton rnOno Only Jl S An nnai Jutt had tuna, II). IfD'oial buy tl on, SI.2S0. Call TU m'vOLKS 1 Dr. SMan, mntor fr.ei hauled, new clulrh, ba'lerv tires. Oflod pa.t S Intarnv. Sacrifice Silts, Iradfl, private party, TU MOTORCYCLES NEW & USED LARGE SELECTION Rov's Hortev Davidson So'f 9 North TU 2-6270 lUlOALD AND NEWS, Klamath USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS MERCURY Station Wagon, very in. $550, can be teen at 108 Califor 1956 INTERNATIONAL coaster, 220 Cum mins engine, utility logging trailer, $7500; 1952 OMC 750 series, l liML oieiei engine, truck and trailer for $4500. Call CReenwood 6-7217 or GReenwood 9-3864, Grants Pass. NINE passenger country I-org, mechanically sound. $625. TU 4-9J15 evenings. sedan, 1956 One owner FOR sale 19S9 Chevrole' Inipaia coup; '348' 3 2 , Powergllde, $875, TU 4-7250. If no answer, call TU 4-6498. '54 PONTIAC Siarchlef Custom Calallna Hardtop. New l-res, poer, automatic Also '52 Plymouth 2-Dr. Hardtop, excel lnt Both cars have haC recent molor overhaul ob. Call Dick Floyd TU 4-8124 days, TU 2-5859 eves. UNUSUAL otters gel response when mede In "Personals. Call TU 4-8111. 191 FORD Dlckup, rebuilt engine, new tires, TU 2-6576 after a. DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cash for cars. TU 4-3579, 1961 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR MONZA Radio, Heater, Standard Transmission Truly a Fine Automobile! $1895 DEAL RITE MOTORS )Ul Atr. TU 4-9445 Dowdy 1 u CREW TRUCK! k-R7 - With winch, pole set ter, TOOl compurimeiiia, crew cab. $1 195 JUCKELAND MOTORS INC. 1 Ith & Klamnth TU 2-2581 See Wiley's CARNIVAL of CUT-COST COMMERCIALS! '62 International 4X4 Scout Full cah, hubs. Cost S28J8 new. d; I qqc Now onlY 1 7 ' 60 Chev. i Ton Wideside! ..$1495 4-speed, heater, radio 59 GMC V-8 Suburban Carryall 4-speed, auto- (T I JQC malic, healer P I 70 59 Willys Jeep 4X4, & I AQC winch, heater .... V ' ' 58 Willys FCI70 4X4 Pickup IT:: $1395 55 InternottOnol 4X4 Vi Ton Pickup. 4-speed, hubs' jiffy tt qotrl conooy 46 Ford V-8 4-spced, heater V ' '1 Vx Ton Pickup! t -AC WILSON WILEY BUICK 1330 Mnin - TU 4-3 14 I 429 So. 7th TU 4-9203 OLD STOCK THESE HAVE BEEN HERE TOO LONG . . . THEY HAVE TO GO! We've cut Drlcel but even 10, WE'RE OPEN TO YOUR OFFER! These cor MUST BE SOLD NOW 53 FORD V-8 Station Wofjon This wagon runs good 93 54 FORD V-8 Stn. Wgn. You com- $ I 05 port this onywhtrt .... ' " 55 DeSOTO 4-Dr. Sdn. A very low S pric for this cor I J J 59 FORD V-8 Goloxl 2-Dr. Hardtop. Only $400 down. It $ I compares onywhert law J 59 VOLVO Stn. Wgn. Books ot $1075 ond It's o '753 good one ' J 57 PLYMOUTH V-8 Belvedere 4-Dr. Sdn. This must oo!! See it $C I O now ' 52 OLDSMOBILE '88' 4-Door Sedon. A reol jewel of a car. ;I93 53 OLDSMOBILE '88' 4-Dr. Sedan. A goorj second cor, ond not $ I QO bod looking 1 J 53 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon. $0 I O It's hetter than most - ' 47 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Sdn. 8 fires and wheels end it runs $ good 93 '54 MERCURY 2-Door Sedan. Oood overaoe car for '743 onyone JlJ YOU COMPARE TODAY! These Cars Are NOT Junkers SALESMEN: Steve Walker TU 4-670: Ron Bryon TU 4-54671 Mo Schreibet TU 4-5002 Ed Word TU 4-4348 DICK B. MILLER co. 7th & Klamath' TU 4-4154 Falls, Orceon Monday, USED CARS AND TRUCKS ... 35 TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 JANUARY CLEARANCE! 62 Chrysler 4-Dr $2695 '62 Slude. 4-Door (Over drive) $1845 '61 Imperial 4-Door $3595 '61 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. .. $1995 '60 Plymouth 4-Door $1545 60 Pontiac Bonn. 2-Door Hardtop $2395 '59 Plymouth Belv. 2-Dr. $ 995 '59 Imperial 2-Dr. Hdtp. $1995 '59 Pont. 4-Dr. Sta. Wgn. $1695 '59 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. .. $1495 '59 Stude. 2-Dr. Hardtop (Overdrive $1195 59 Rambler 4-Dr. Over drive $1295 '58 Plymouth 4-Door Sta tion Wagon $ 895 57 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sin. Wagon. Sharp $1095; '57 Goliath 4-Door $ 395 '57 Dodge 4-Door $ 795 56 Willys 4x4 Station Wagon (Sharp) $1295 '56 Chev. 2-Door (As - is special) $ 345 '55 Cadillac 4-Dr. (Sharp) $ 845 '55 Stude. 4-Door $ 198 '55 Ford Sta. Wgn. (As-is special) $ 98 55 Rambler 4-Door Sta tion Wgn. (Overdrive) .. $395 54 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hdt. .. $ 98 '47 DeSoto Sdn $ 78 '54 Buick2-Dr $ 58 COMMERCIALS '62 GMC SWB (4-speed) $2095 '62 GMC SWB (3 - speed) Power Steering $2095 '61 Chev. LWB Vt ton (4-speed) $1995 '60 GMC LWB (4-speed) $1695 59 Chev. SWB '6' (4- speed) $1295 56 Dodge LWB V-8 (4- speed) $1195 '56 Ford SWB (4-speed) V-8 $ 695 '55 Willys 4x4 $ 995 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commerclol TU 2-5646 ECCLES MOTOR CO. We're Having A Real JANUARY Price Cutting -- Stock Reducing JAMBOREE at 606 So. 6th St. HURRY ON DOWN-NOW.'.' '61 PONTIAC I '62 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX COUPE TEMPEST COUPE RnHio hrnfr floorshift Hvdro. Finned wheels, nower. bucket seels. Morrokide interior. Populor blackmlion. Carefully driven I, ,.h 8,000 actual miles. Only $3597 '60 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DR. STN. WAGON Radio, heater. Hydra. Power and 6-woy power seat. Full Morrokide nterior. Excellent. $2197 '62 CHEV. II SEDAN 300 cylinder, radio, heater,' itandord, transmission, extremely low mile' age. Like new. $2097 '59 MERCURY MONTEREY 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heoter, Mercomatic, power! steering, extra sharp. $1397 '59 VOLVO 544 2-DR. SEDAN heater, 4-spced, low Radio, mileage, one owner. Fire engine ed. $1097 '57 BUICK CENTURY RIVIERA COUPE Radio, heater, Dynaflow. Premium white sidewoll tires. Extra sharp. $997 '54 FORD V-8 CUSTOMLINE 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, stick shift. A reol sharp '54 model. $297 Get Our Offer Right Away Call one of our SALESMEN You'll be GLAD you did! Dick Deon Floyd TU 2-5859 Howell TU 2-3596 Cunninghom TU 4-7177 Bill Hotchkln ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th St. January 7, l PAGE II USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS WANTED 1 WE NEED USED CARS 1 957 MODELS AND OLDER GET OUR BID LAST Central Auto Sales ' Between S. oth & S. 7m on Willow. TU MI30 or TU 2-B04 CHEVY CENTER v: OLUME ALUES 62 Corvoir Monza rudio, heater 4-Speed, . $2298 700 Series .. 1398 700 Series I398 '60 Corvair 4-Dr. Radio, heater, Power-Glide '60 Corvair 4-Dr. 3 -speed, radio, heater DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 JOE FISHER'S JEEP HEADQUARTERS '62 Willvs JeD Pickup Stock rack, front-ond winch, one owner, A-l shape. Sold new one year ago $" 2297 $3,600. SPECIAL '6I Willys Jeep Pickup 1897 1997 A real sharp one .. 162 Willys CJ5 Jeep. Full top. Has all extras SALESMEN Dole Sech.liit TU 2-5720 Roy Rlnehort TU 4-9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnathan Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-810i Rdio, heoter, oulomotlc trans only $2197 '61 RAMBLER '6' CUSTOM 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive, power steering. One locol owner. Jet black finish, full vinyl Interior. $2097 '62 MERCURY MONTEREY CUSTOM 4-DR. Radio, heater. Multi-drive., power steering, power brakei, I iocoi owner. $2697 '60 PLYMOUTH FURY CONVERTIBLE COUPE Radio, heoter, outo. trans.. power steering & brakes, swtvti seats, on owner. $1597 '58 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heoter, 4-speed trans mission. Black finish with whltt jsidewoll tires. $1097 '55 PONTIAC STARCHIEF HARDTOP COUPE Radio, heoter, Hydramatic, genu ine leather Interior. Excellent tires. Reduced to. $397 '60 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heoter, standard tra mission, V-8 engine. $1497 Pel Stride TU 2-0491 Russ Cotter TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson .... 1U 4-66 1 a TU 4-4551 TU 4-124