-v. - " W ' " SNARES A PASS Ken Webb of the Detroit Lions grabs a pass from quarterback Milt Plum as Willie Daniel (44), Pittsburgh Steelers, comes in for the tackle in the NFL playoff game in Miami Sunday. Detroit won 17 to 10. UPI Telephoto Casualties High In Playoff Scrap By MILTON RICHMAN UPI Sporta Writer Some guys are pure gluttons for punishment. That Includes those thoroughly worked-over casualties from the weekend's bowl games who still haven't had enough football and plan to play some more next Sun day. Hardest hit of all were the poor Pittsburgh Sleelcrs, who not only dropped a 17-10 decision to (he Detroit Lions in the National Football League's Playoff Bowl game at Miami. Fla., Sunday, hut also suffered three severe injur ies. Here was the damage: Steelcr fullback John Henry Johnson was kicked in the left eye, suffering a concussion which sent him to the hospital. Halfback Bill Daniel sutlers a broken jaw and went along with Johnson to the hospital. Dan James, the Steelers' 2IWV pound tackle, got nil a Utile easier with a possible chipped ankle hone. The Lions, each of whom col looted Jfioo as compared with $400 for each of the Steelers, didn't come away unscathed themselves. Detroit fullback Kenny Webb was knocked cold with one swipe of Big Daddy Lipscomb's arm and halfback Pat Studslill was flattened in his collision wilh Daniel. Milt Plum's passing and Webb's running made the dilferencc t the Linns. Webb look a 20-yard touchdown pass from Plum in the second period and scored ag. ....-,... ,.....- ,., ...r ....... For nil Ihfir lumps And bruises, mmc of (he Lions And Sleelers will lie back for more next Sun Hay when the NKI.'s Foster n Con ference Mars mort the WeMern Cnnlorcnre Mandouts in (he Pro Itnwl Rnme at the l.os Angeles Coliseum. They'll have company, too. be cause (lie American Football League holds its All-Star Game the same day at San Diego. More Tame rmtr other howl games were Hockey Results Ry I nilod I're lntrrnatlonl Mil. STANDINGS Kaslrrn Division w. I.. T. pu ur (; 1 Qtirliec Herliey Providenr Spnnctield H.tltiniore 17 IJ 7 41 112 11 19 14 1 411 I.IK 101 18 Id .1 39 I2.i 113 Ifi 14 5 .17 1W tl'l 17 I'l 2 36 110 l.'li WrMrrn Division w. I., t. im f.r ;. Rulfalo Cleveland Piuhurch KooheMer 22 12 I 4S 121 101 11 19 5 31 ll.i 144 II 10 2 2H 1H 114 II II 5 27 116 134 Sunday's Result Horsliey 7 Baltimore 2 Buffalo .1 Quelwc 2 (t)T' FrnKleme 4 Pittsburgh 3 Rochester 6 Springlield Hie OT' Saturday's Results Buflalo 3 Springlield I Pittsburgh 3 Baltimore 0 Hershey 4 Providence 2 Cleveland 6 Quebec I MIL ST AMIIMiS W. I.. T. IMs (.K (i A Chicago 18 ll 4.'. 97 90 Toronlo 20 1,1 S 45 124 100 Montreal 16 9 12 44 113 84 Detroit 16 12 4(1 92 91 New York 12 20 7 .11 12.1 127 Boston 6 2.1 9 21 106 I Si Sunday's Results Montreal 6 New York 0 Delroit 5 Boston 5 Mic Toronto S thxagn I .Saturday's Rrsults Toronlo 4 Boston ? Montreal 2 New York 2 (tie T1 ' 3 played during the weekend but they were more tame. Maybe It was because all four involved col legians instead of pros. In the two other games plaved Sunday, Ron VanderKclcn of Wis consin led a North team to zo-13 victory over the South in Honolulu's Hula Bowl, and Lou isiana State quarterback Lyn Am. odee sparked the East to a 38-10 triirmph over the West in the Cru sade Bowl at Baltimore, Md. On Saturday, the South defeat ed the North, .13-27. in the Senior Bowl at Mobile. Ala., and the Na tional All-Stars downed the South west, 33-13, in the first Southwest Challenge Bowl game at Corpus Christi. Tex. Coming off his fine Bose Bowl performance, VanderKclcn com pleted 20 of 33 passes for 244 yards at the Hula Bowl. He con nected for the winning touchdown 17-yard loss to Hugh Camp hell of Washington State in the final period. Kcrmit Alexander of UCLA was a consistent gainer for the losers and was awarded the Governor's Cup as the most val uable back of the game. In the Crusade Bowl, Amedee ii 5-fool-ll, mo-pounder, kicked t field goal, passed for one touch- down and ran for another before disappointing crowd of only 2,3114. The game was como.sed generally of draft choices of the eastern and western conferences in the NFL. Although the South won the Senior Bowl game a' Mobile, the North came in for most of the plaudits hy fighting back from a 27 halltime dclicit to almost pul it nut. Lynn (lulling of Mississippi, who qiiartcrhackcd the South tnrew inree lnucndnun passes and was voted the game's out standing player, .lerrv (iross of Delroit starred for the North breaking two Senior Bowl records wilh 23 passes good for 317 yards The North was on the Smith's one-vain line wnen tae game ended Qjiartcrh.K'k Charles Follow of Mississippi Slate threw two touch down passes and lullhack Bill 'Thunder' Thornton of Nebraska scored two more in the Niiliona MI-.Mars otie-sideri victory al Corpus Chnsli. The winners, readied hy Sid (iillman of the San Diego Charg els, started slowly but clinched llie game with 20 (mints in tin second period Nieder Seeks Amateur Status SN FIIVM'ISCO .UPI'- Bil Nieder. the Olympic champion hotpullcr whose professional box ing career laled less than one ivund. will seek to recain his .imatcur status Jim Terrill. who is h.uhllmg Ihe Feb 15 Golden Gate Inuta lional indoor ti.uk meet at the Cow Pnla.-e. said lh.it the 240 Hiund Nieder will be a competi tor if cleared bv the AAU. Nieiler won tlie Olvnipic sliot- put title at Home in I960 with ; loss of 64 loot. 6 '4 inches II Ihen cmliaikrd vn a pro boxing career but disembarked alter be ing stnpj.c.1 in the lirst mum! of bis lust bout by Jim Wiley. Nieder. according to Ten ill. said he reu'ivcd only enough Irom the huui lo cover cxenscs He cuircnily is working nut ir la's Alleles. ACTOR WINS SKI JUMP BEAR MOUNTAIN. N Y. a PU Dean Sihambach. a p.trt-time irtor. won the lath annii.il Tur ner I ogle .Memorial ski jump Sunday with learn of Usi and I4J leet. PAGE 19 HERALD AND Flyweight Title Scrap Tops Boxing Schedule NEW YORK i UPI 'A world flyweight title fight in Thailand and a nationally televised New York fight between two good young heavyweights feature thij week s boxing schedule. Masahiko "Fighting" Harade ofj Japan, an explosive little man, makes his first defense of the llywcight 1112-pound) crown in a return bout with Pone Kingpctch of Thailand at Kangkok, Saturday night. Harada, only 19, registered a major upset Oct. 10 when he knocked out Kingpetch in the 11th ound of their fight at Tokyo Because of the punch he displayed Opened By NCAA LOS ANGELES IUPD Tile 57th annual National Collegiate Athletic Association INCAA' con vention opened officially today. High on the list ot topics was the suddenly renewed battle be tween the Amateur Athletic Un ion lAAUl and the NCAA-spon sored U.S. Track and Field Fed eration. The two days of preconvention committee meetings produced a variety of decisions and discus sions, including the following: Ex-Stanford football coach Jack Curtice, president of the American Football Coaches Asso ciation rules committee, said his group strongly was in favor of unlimited substitution and would recommend adoption of the idea to the NCAA's football rules com mittee. The University of Utah. Hum- IkjIiIi State College of Areata. Calif., and Wl.it h tilth College of SH)kane, Wash., were taken off one year's probation and restored to good standing by the execu tive committee. Officials said they would at tempt to close the gaps which allow professional baseball trams to sign college players prior to; graduation. Several conferences, including Ihe Big Eight, Southwest and At-1 lantic (oast, definitely are in lavnr of a letter of intent tor prospective athletes to curtail re muling violations. The battle between the NCAA and AAU, which bad apjieared to lie over when both sides agreed to President Kennedy's suggestion for arbitration, was hot again. Charles I). 'Chick' Werner, t executive of the Track and Field Federation and also an NCAA of ficial. Saturday blasted the AAU lor suspending Southern Illinois University runner Jim Dupree. considered this nation's top half mi Icr. Wcrlier said the suspension was part of a "scare campaign'' and "a flagrant example ... of the lengths to which the AAU will 50." Duproo was suspended lor coniieting in a federal ion -sponsored meet. mum Sf'TS BOWl INf. tUCKY ttt JUNIOR OIRLS LIAOUP 71 4 fmjrr JO I Rrll.oq P.nt, H 70 -,itlr BuUen ij 74 Ruittri 0; 1 F (hi If ft t lh L'mhfr ur 0, I imV Slrik .1, Rcittlfrt four I, Rolling Mttjh tiMrtt o'". Fpti1ir 7iH; h,Qh fm rt,, i r-oilr 31.SN; "htqh (nd 0"f. Ctif Hi1tw'l 1M. high did t- tlKl MIXID OOUiLI. LIAOUI Ft S'di Pummify 4 (I l.rigq Vfrrill II Nnti(V'l 1 1 S,.pf or Tov 1 f H pin 'on I to, J 1 P'tvir ToAC(A 1' 1 l'i SiJItfr In MpllBOfl Srttft Vfl ) J (siigf Wn'n's J J Pm Btiutv S'rw J R thimit i'i r , Wfltdi fitfif'' Momi I 1 L(Va Bt1 tur"tf I J Unfcy lnt 1 J i Alt -PatldC lMitt O MOllnnd Srxet U S NittiAl 1 Aarfll Kinf'l Hcvrtt I TOftKfO 1' 1. RilHtMt I' 11 SutxKior Tror 3. But Lumhn I High tMtn gurrta. Mlr In (Jfl high lti If 1. tVriflg Vf 1 itl JJ0.1; h'Oh i"(1 gnip imfll, T C tf'ggl 7)V high infl mfn', J W(M- t&t, lgh (ixl TltlM. K KM'MKS IOMAY N'KW VOKK l !M'-Thp liuil of Itirnx'r (ilnnibiii fmveiMtv lHkott;.lt M.ic .Ijuk Mt'lni.14. wilt rcMimo Mcimltiy with Ivlh nulc pn'sonlinc summation! before the ,p h turned orr to the itirv HirMl.iv The (ip(ene and piornition rrMtii their i-ms lnvirvd.iv w i lore Juile Joeh A. S.n.tiitr of the Mate Siifweme Court. Molmns I'harjictl with eonspitJi'v, hub- ety and subornation of (Tnury m!last year with Syracuse sln,wm;: the recent college basketball scan! an fin (vr cent boost and St. Louis j lals. NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon that niRht, he is a 3-2 favorite loi win again. Arrangements are lieing made to have excellent seats for King Phumipol Adulyadej of Thailand and his party at the ringside. Also on Saturday night, heavy weights Billy Daniels of Ozone Park, N.Y., and Tony Alongi ofj Hollywood, Kla., will meet in nationally televised 10-roundcr at Sunnyside Gardens in New York City. Both Daniels and Alongi, a pro lege of former heavyweight cham pion Rocky arciano, have excel lent records. Each has lost only one bout. Daniels scored eight knockouts while winning 17. Lanky Alongi chalked up 17 kayoes while winning 29. Sunnyside also has a regular Tuesday-night fight between mid dleweighls Teddy Pagan of Puer tn Rico and Walter 'Janiels of Pittsburgh. Their non - televised bout is slated for eight rounds. The week's boxing schedule: TUESDAY: New York (Sunny side) Teddy Pagan vs. Walter Daniels. THURSDAY: Philadelphia (Hor izon i Jimmy Hairston vs. Cashj White. Worcester, Mass. Larry I Carney vs. Vernon Lamar. FRIDAY: Los Angeles (Olym pic I Johnny Smith vs. Gene Bryant. SATURDAY: Bangkok, Thai- land Masahiko ( Fighting Harada vs. Pone Kingpetch (world fly weight title . New York (Sunny-; side i Billy Daniels vs. Tony Alongi. Buck Goalie Paces Win Hill, Standings B.v I'nilrd Pres International Southern Division WLT PtsGFGA Portland 2.1 12 I 47 1.15 94 Us Angeles I!) 12 0 .18 111 Hfi San Kran. 1.1 15 0 .16 126 103 Spokane 17 IB 1 .15 99 109 Northern Division W I. T Pts GF OA Vancouver 19 1.1 2 40 117 105 Seattle 16 19 I .1:1 no 129 Edmonton 15 2-1 0 30 119 147 Calgary 8 25 1 17 08 132 Sunday' Results Portland 4 Spokane 0 Monday's Schedule No (iumcs Scheduled. II v I'nilrd Press International Every lime the .Spokane Comets get lo Iceling cocky, along comes Portland goalie Don Head to throw ice in (heir (ace. Head- registered his second Western Hockey Ixague shutout of the season Saturday night and Ins second whitewash ol the Com etsas the Buckaroos roared past Smkane. 4 0. It was the only Will, game of the evening and it sent Portland into a rosy 9-point lead over second place Iajs Angeles in the Southern Division. Spokane had lioen on Ihe move rewntly aiter a rocky start. The Comets had won their .last three n a row belore they encountered Head. He shut them out 20 earlier in the season. (ierry (lover led the Portland ollcnse with two goals, one com ing m the second period ami the other with onl. I 16 remaining in the game. Tommy McVie and Tom McCarthy had the other goals. There are no games scheduled ti-ntglit. Joey Archer Beats Moyer NEW VOHK 1 111 - Middle weight contender Joey Archer of New Ycrk. an impressive victor n Saturday's television light, may be matched today with lllair Ituhardson. champion of Canada. Madison Square Harden Keb IK Matchmaker Teddy Brenner nd: "Archer proved himself per haps Ihe smartest hoor in the middleweight division by outpoint ing Penny Mover Saturday night Now. how will he Mack up at.iinst !uhaid-on. a knockout lalisf" Ituhardson scores! .14 kaoe while winning .18 of his 40 pro lestional lights. Archer achired his llrd vie tory in 34 (mhu Saturday nilu on an a-2. 8 2. fi- l dtviion. It a Miner ninth deleat in 4.1 boulv i.xhUis i: m:ivM K. M:V OKK ilPl'-Tlie Ximt'lc Uikrrv who have urossod n hinder attemtomT so far this MN-iM'n than any other warn in 1 ho 17 year hiUny of thr National Hnsk-Whall Aj-MVialion. M a pen- etal iiir in aiu-mlam-p around the league I-oacue rtTudenl Mauik-f Tod oloti rt-HHrd Thursday that at tendance this ttion i tip 31 per ,tM oer a i-omparahlc period lalso howinti a bi(! rise, Monday, January 7, 1963 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tht Matter of the Eiuia of Bervl Butler David, Deceased. have been appointed Administrator the Estate of Bervl Built r David. Deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to pre sent them with proper vouchers within six months from the data hereof to me at the office of my attorney at 433 Main Street, Klamath Fals, Oreoon Dated and first published this 7th day oi January, iv. GLENN D. RAMIREZ Administrator. LLOYD A DOMASCHOFSKY Attorney at Law 432 Main Street Klamath Falls. Oregon No. 179, Jan. 7, 14. 21. 2S. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nolle. It hereby given lhal Ihe undei signed has been appointed administratrix ol the Estate ot Wallace Beat, deceased, by the Circuit Court ol Klamath County, Oregon, and that all persons having claims against said estala are hereby notified lo present the same to said ad ministratrix at the office ot the under signed, Room 4, 325 Main street, Klam ath Falls, Oregon, together wilh proper vouchers, within six months of the date ot the first publication of this notice, which Is December 24, mi. VERA L. CHASE Administratrix O'NEILL & MCLAREN Attorneys lor administratrix No. SU Dec. 34. 31, Jan. 7, 14. High School, Scores Saturday's Prep Basketball Reynolds 46 New berg 39 Lake Oswego 47 Molalla 45 12 OTi Tigard 65 Sandy 64 Thurston 57 Albany 38 Lebanon 72 Springfield 58 Corvallis 52 Roseburg 50 Willamette 64 Pleasant Hill 59 North Eugene 69 Junction City 40 Marshfield 48 Coquille 44 Crater 65 Ashland 50 Klamath Falls 43 Grants Pass 37 Baker 48 Prineville 41 La Grande 56 Madras 45 Hermiston 42 Redmond 37 The Dalles 60 Bend 51 Ncah-Kah-Nie 52 Knappa 47 Seaside 48 Clatskanie 28 Hood River 58 White Salmon (Wash.) 54 Concordia 54 Portland Christian 50 Estacada 54 Ml. Angel 42 Santiam 72 Gervais 68 Douglas 48 Maplelon 43 Elmira 53 Siuslaw 31 Bandon 58 Reedsport 50 Harrisburg 58 Corvallis 41 Riddle 55 Yoncalla 51 Glendale 42 Canyonville .11 Myrtle Point 52 Myrtle Creek 42 Lakeview 69 Rogue River 55 Henley 65 Eagle Point 64 Phoenix 61 St. Mary's 42 Pacific 53 Gold Beach 41 Brookings 39 Del Norte i Calif, i 3fi Sherman 53 Burns 50 Maupin 50 Grant Union 48 Heppncr 51 De Sales I Wash. I 44 Pilot Rock 59 Weston 35 Vale 51 Pavelte 'Idaho' 44 Enterprise 58 Elgin 42 Corbett 54 Gaston 53 St. Boniface 50 Tillamook Catholic 45 Msea 52 Mohawk 29 Camas Valley 47 Powers 46 Coburg 67 Triangle Lake 43 Monroe 39 Westfir .1.1 lone 48 Helix 29 Stanfield 52 Umatilla 40 Riverside 61 Umapinc 28 McEwen 82 Echo 46 Playoff Pulls 36,000 Fans MIAMI tl PI '-What could have beon the XKI, Plavoff Bowl's fi nale in Miami turned out to be perhaps its finest hour Sunday when 3fi,2K4 fans defied drizzle to watch the Delroit Lions over- (Kiwer the Pittsburph Steelers, 17-10 Officials said the turnout 10.A72 more than last year probably saved the panic for Miami's Or ance Bowl. Had not at least M.OnO attend ed. the pame probably would have been shifted to snme oilier city. Hut now. National Football lxaue owners, who meet later this month at Miami Beach, arc expected to continue this Plaolf Bowl whict started here in lt belore 28.3K2 persons. The crowd that came, -.pattered by rain as it watched a brmsinp contest, was not disappointed. Milt Plum's pinpoint passing and Kenny Webb's runnmp told ihe difference as IVtroit s hip line the "Kearsoine Foursome" that handed world champion Crcen Bay ii s only loss this year. held Pittsburgh tn in points It was a rough-and-tumble pame1 w ith Pittsburgh s John Henry .tohnson starting lo swap punches at one point and three players being knocked gropg in two successive plays. . Counts Third In Rebounding NKW OVU ilrh Oregon State center Mel Counts tumbled out of the top U in basketball M-orinc this week, but Ihe seven- tool junior moved up to thud mi rebounding I Counts has rollecled lTv re-j bounds in nine fcames for a 17.7 average. The leader is Paul Silas of Cmjihton with a 19 2 averace Nick Uerkman ol Seton Hall holds the sconu; lead with an average of 36 per same N-attle' Kddie Miles is third with a 297 average on 2tVT (ints m nine cames t'otmts svoreii M points and! crablxni 57 rebounds in three Barnes in the Far West llasici last week. Miles was the Classic's; ilead iv seiner with 70 points, ' LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under igtwd hai filed htr Final Account in int millr Ol irf ttllTI Of jamesioi -JW o tio r.rv. on m iom ga L. Rice, deceaied. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ot Kiamatn, arm mat taig loum nat lei the l&lh day of February, 1463. t fne hour of 10:00 A AA. in Ihe Circuit Court room No. I In the Klamath County Courthouse, Ktamalh Falls, Oregon, as the time and place of hearing thereon. All persons having ob led lorn thereto must appear al said time or lite written objections thereto on or before said time and date. -s-Phyiiis A. Glass Administratrix of the estate James L. Rice. Deceased. No. in, Jan. 7. 14, 21, ?l. 1V63. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given, that the under- ilgned Charie E. Riley has been ap- Domted dm mi lira lor with tht win an nexed ol tht eslalt of Charles F. Riley, deceased, by the Circuit court ol the stale of Oregon for K lamath county, Oregon and has oualified. Any and all persons having a claim or claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tht same duly ven tied as required by law to the under signed administrator with tht will an nexed at the office of A. w. Sthauop. ?0J Wilms Btdg., Klamath Falls, within ii months from the date of the first publication of this nolle which datt is Jan. 7, 1963. Charles E Riley Administrator with tht will an nexed A. W. Schaupo Attorney for administrator. No. 8S1, Jan. 7, U, 31, 28, 1962. PUBLIC NOTICE in the matter of A zoning pattern for a portion of Klamath County. Notice I) hereby given that at the hour Of 7:30 P.M. on tht 23rd day Of January. 1963. in the Public Meeting Room of the Klamath County Court House In Klam ath Falls, Oregon, the Planning Commis sion of said County will hold a public hearing on the adoption of a loning pat tern, as provided In ORS 215.104, for the area within Klamath County, Oregon, designated and described as follows: Beginning at Ihe section corner com mon to sections IS, 16, 21, and 22, T. 39 $., R. E.. W.M., thence easterly along tht northerly section lint of sec tions 32. 23, and 24, T. 39 S-, R. I E.. W.M., and sections 19, 20, 21, 23, 73, and 24, T. 39 S, R. 9 E.. W.M.. and sections 19 and 20, T. 39 $., R. 10 E., W.M.. to the section corner common to sections 16, 17, 20, and 21, E., W.M., thenct southerly along the 7- .IJ , t, " , ' j ii - to tht Intersection of said section line and tht thread of Lost River, thenct in a southwesterly direction along tht thread ot said stream to the Intersection of said thread with the northerly section lint of section 7, T. 40 5., R. 10 E., W.M., thenct southerly, parallel to tht wes'erty section line of said section to the Inter section with the east-west center sec tion line of section 7, T. 40 S , R. 10 E , W.M., thenct westerly on tht center x section line of section 7, T. 40 $., R. 10 E., W.M., and sections 12. II, 10, 9, , and 7, T. 40 S-, R. 9 E W.M., and sections 12, II, and 10, T. 40 S R. I E., W.M., to the ''4 section corner common to sections 10 and 9, T. 40 S. R. 8 E-, W.M., thence northerly along ine westerly section line ot sections I and 3, T. 40 $., R. 8 E., W.M., and sections 34, 27, and 23, T. 39 S.- R. 8 E., W.M., to tht point of beginning. All persons desiring to be heard regard to the adoption of said zoning. -pattern art invited to attend said hear' ing. Don at the direction of tht Klamath County Planning Commission; dated this 25tn day ot December, 1962. Robert Norrls, Chairman, Klam ath County Planning Commission Jim Kerns, Jr., Vice-Chairman Murdo Morrison, Member Roy Gooding, Member Robert H. Beach, Member W. B. Binqham, Member Clyde Williams, Member No. 853, Dec. 31. Jan. 7, 14, 31 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of CHRIS TINE VELOA HAINES, also known as CHRISTINE V. CHRIST, Deceased. I have been appointed Administrator of e Estate ot CHRISTINE VELDA HAINFS, also known tt CHRISTINE V CHRIST, deceased. All persons having rlii i mi aqamst laid estate are required to present thrm wilh proper voucl within si montht trom tht date hereof to me at the office of my attorney at 4J2 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, uateo and first published m-i tn day of January, 1963 GLENN D. RAMIREZ Administrator LLOYD A DOMASCHOFSKY" Attorney at Law 4il Vain Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 880, Jan. 1, U. 11. 28 NO. 67U7 PRORATF NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY the Mailer of tht Estatt of ROSA HOEFLER, Deceased Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed Executor of trtt Estate of Rosa Hoeller, deceased Ail persons are required to present them to me. ith proper vouchers, at !h oftict ot Ganong & Ganong. Fi-st Federal Build- Klamath Fails. Oregon, within si months from December 31 . 197. which the OMe of first publication of this notice Richard Hoefler, Eeciitor Gmfing K Ganong rnvs for Executor Legal No. 81, Dec 31. Jan. 7, 14. 21 NO 62 8 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CtBCUtT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAWATH COUNTY In the Matter of tht Estate ot STAN LEY O. MITCHELL- Deceased Not ire It herehy given that I havr been appointed administrator e' the E- ie of Sfaniev O Mitchell. Deceased AH persons having claims against said m'ate are reoinrefl tn p-esent them to me. with proper voucher v at the office Ganong & Gannon. Fir-t Federal Build --, Kiamatn Fans. Oregon, within month- from De'emhr H. I9f7 which is the date of ttrit publication ot ths notice Wm Ganpng. Adm-n.-t'etor Ganong , Ganong Attornevt lor Arimim-tratnr Legal No. S'0. Dec. 31. Jan 7, 14, i. noticf op sale In tht f ircmt Cfiirt ol the Slate (' Oreoon for K lamath Couo'v Georqe Vt"-.( h a"r1 Adeline Vom' h. "riu.ba'c1 a-d wite. Plaintiffs, vs. Anthony J ft h n ScKwkis and Ruth N. Sttiuii is. husand a'd itf. the" "firs, sutcesiors and as sions and anv r--sons m possession o the propr,v dec'ir-l 'n the Complaint he-em onner tr-e "ismen De'fnrtant(, ii av De'emiants Case No fti-jntg Ry v'tuf Ol an f-iecjtion, Amenclf-1 JiKigrnenf O'rter. Tecee and O'de' c sale iSM'e-t mil o the atv-ve entit'el Con't in the ahove e'"'t'eo cause to rre ti'ecfed and datei the ? ci.-v o Janu ary. l3, nunc pro time Decemher i. upon a" Amended Judgment -nfl 0f ret renrterM ad eote'ed .n said Court pn the ? fli" f January. 1 nunc pro Him Oete-tibfr j, ie;, m tavo ot t" Pia.nt i.eo-ge Vo"sc" anri A.teime Voaft hyha"d ng it'f ana a(a"Mt Of 'ef.lants -'hony Jf-hn Sc"u it s and Rth H Schuk--s. fti-sfiar-d d 'if fd tfr he 's. swcess-irs a-d s 1 P thf vm pf ( S4 together .fh intfrnt (n id ijin at the r o' 5 Pf tent pf annum frnm the nay o August. c U4S cv attorney tees, piys Plamf.s costs herf.n of I1' tS anl the costs ctf -i upon th, Wr.t pt fcsecu'ion command'no me to mae s'e pf the toiip-Aing i.ist"tec1 real property and to foreclose fe to'egoing lieis itu a'ed in the Coun'y of K amath, State of Oregon, to -wit leH IJ '1. H P'rv fl SUEN: VIS'A AOO'TICN tO tht C ty Ol H amath, Pai's. Riamath Ccnty O'e'"" Nov, IV'fiff , v'vt e a'd Ee- cut. on Ame-wed Jidomer-t O'.' De j arnt 'th t" (,vnwiyn o a ft -A-ptj I 'H. Mono. "e it ctiy e e the Irani door 0 te Ma-fath C.-n:ty Our' VH.st. tt,la'",h l -n. Orf-.v If '1 ' PuBK ait'On I SiJ-.f 0 rmolip"! 10 the highest t .Mr or sh in hrvi all the ng.t. tint a-1 i'efst wi-.f 'f .v'th..'i n smeo c menf.twefl W'fM an's -d e. h a-xt an 0' th-, ,n abrve e,,,,f.l suit hat m a.d to t-4 ,tvt (W ' red prncfy o av p-' to Sisy sa d EifCi.' .vi mfv M Ji-d zn't"- Orcte a--i CV. -ee rr et ( -.s. a,1 a. c. '"-a c.-'i cc-'rtt -c to s.,i A-eded Jvogn--ii 0'"r -3 t vi dav t ia-v-t'v Pi r'-v'On J-t-H'4'V t pvrn.a'f j :t iwi J V WRITTEN. SHERIFF , lr'a, C'H'v. 0-efn Bi t'le" fo Dfri'f . ji t. 14. ji. :i LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE In the mailer of a zoning pattern lor a portion of Klamath County I NoHct Ii hereby givn that at tht hour January, 1943, In tht Public Milting Room of the Klamath county court House in Kiamatn Falls. Oregon, the Planning Commission of said County will hold a public hearing on the adoption of a zon ing pattern, as provided in ORS 315.104, lor the area within Klamath County, Ore gon, designated and described as follows: Beginning at the point ot Intersection ot the westerly section line of section 3, T. 39 S- R. 9 E , Willamette Meridian, and IheiCenteMlne of State Highway, Ore gon 64 (South sixth Street), thenct fol otilo'0 ,h centerltne of Oregon U In i southeasterly direction to the inttrsec lion of said centerline and tht north- south center section lint of section 16, T. 39 S , R. 10 E-, W.M., thenct south erly along the center ' section lint of said section to the ' section corner com mon lo sections 16 and 21, T. 39 $., R. 10 E., W.M., thence westerly along the south erly section line ot sections 16, 17, and IB, T. 39 S., R. 10 E., W.M., and sections 13, 14, and 15, T. 39 S-. R. 9 W.M., to the section corner common to sections IS, 16, 21, and 23. T. 39 $., R. 9 E.i W.M., thence, in T. 39 S-, R. 9 E , W.M., northerly along the westerly sec tion lint of sections 15, 10, and 3 to tht point of beginning. Ail persons desiring to be heard In regard to fne aaoption of said toning pat tern are invited to attend said hearing Done at the direction of the Klamath County Planning Commission; dated this lBttt day of December, 1962 Robert Narris, Chairman, Klam ath County Planning Commission Jim Kerns, Jr., vice-Chairman AAurdo Morrison, Member Roy Gooding, Member Robert H. Beach, Member W. B. Bingham, Member Clyde Williams, Member No. 832, Dec. 24, 31, Jan 7, 14. PUBLIC NOTICE In the matter of a loning pattern fori a portion ol Klamath County. Notice Is hereby given that at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. on tht 9th day of January, 1963, In the Public Meeting Room of the Klamath County Court House In Klamath Falls, Oregon, the Planning Commission of said County will hold a public hearing on the adoption of a roning pattern, as provided in ORS 215.104, for tht area within Klamath County. Oregon, designated and described as fol-: lows: Beginning at tht section corner common to sections 9, 10, 15, and 16, T. 38 S- R 9 E., Willamette Meridian, thenct south' erly along the west section line ot sec tions 15, 22, 27, and 34, T. 38 5. ' Z ' .1 ' .?-, section line and tht centerline of Stale Highway, Oregon 66 (South Sixth Street), thenct following the centerline of Oregon 66 In a southeasterly direction to Ihe intersection of said centerline and the north-south center "4 section line of sec tion 16, T. 39 S R. 10 E- W.M., Ihence northerly along tht center section line of sections 16, , and 4, T. 39 S., R 10 E-, W.M., to the U section corne common lo section 33, T. 38 S., R. 10 E.. W.M., and section 4, T. 39 S , 10 E. W.M., thenct westerly along the township line to the section corner com mon to sections 31 and 32. T. 31 S. R. 10 E.. W.M., and sections 5 and 6, T. 39 S., R. 10 E-, W.AA., thence northerly alone the section line to tht section cor ner common lo sections 29, 30, 31, and 32, T. 3B S., R. 10 E., W.M.. thence westerly along the section line to the section corner common lo sections 30 and 31, T. 38 S., R 10 E., W.AA., and sections IS and 36, T. 3a S- R. 9 E., W.M., thence northerly along tht range li to tht section corner common to sections 19 and 30, T. M S., R. 10 E-, W AA and sections 24 and 75, T. 3B $., R. E W.M-, hence westerly. In T. 3B S ,1 R . 9 E , W.M.. along tht section tint to tht section corner common to sections 23, 24, 2S, and 26, thence northerly along the section lint to tht section corner com mon to sections 13, U, 23, and 24, thtnee westerly along Ihe section line to the section corner common to sections m. IS, 22, and 23. thence northerly along Ihe secllon line to the section corner com mon to sections 10, 11, 14. and IS, thence westerly along tht section line to the point of beginning, except that portion of It1 above within tht corporate limits of City of Klamath Falls, more particu larlv described in Ordinance No. 5095 All persons desiring tp be heard fr reqard to the adoption of said zoning pattern are invited to attend said hearing Done at the direction of tht Kiamatn County planning Commission; dated this 11th dav of December, 1962 Robert Nor ms, Chairman, Klam alh County Planning Commission Jim Kerns, Jr., vice-Chairman Murdo Worrlson, Member ' Roy Gooding. Member Robert M. Beach. Member W B. Bingham, Member Ovdt Williams, Member No. 111, Dec. 17, 24, 31, Jan. 7. PROBATE NO 62-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OR OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HARLAN WESLEY BOSTWICK, De ceased. Notice ts hereby given that tht under- igned has been appointed executor of the estate of Harlan Wesley Bosfwlch. deceased, by the Circuit Court of Klam ath County, Oregon, and that ttl per sons having claims agamst sad estate are hereby notified to p. esent tht samt 10 said eecutor at me ottice 01 vanaen. berg and Coe, Suite 202 Underwood Build- ng, Kiamatn hails, oreom, together with proper vouchers, within six months of the dAtt of the tfrst publication of this no. ttce, which il tht 17th day of December, 162. O K. PUCKETT, Administrator VANOENBERG AND COE imeys at Law Suae ?CJ Underwood Bu'ldmg K'amath Falls. Oregon No I ".I, Dee. U. 24. J'. Jan. 7. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 Pans It t JO p m weekdays B am to noon Saturday Crunt tiv words per line Ads under 3 1 count samt as 1 tines. 3 6 10 1 T'mM 1: w Ti"n-s u y A M 7 no Times s re A SO t S ( 11 W1 14 00 16 SO Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT c" advertisement, tf pad lo dvsrt Anon ra'es a-t or consecutive mse--t 00s. w trtout chao of ciov- " Dr' vate irtd'vdvais. A3v'tistr-j myst oe tiear ns unoers'anoaMe to M produc- tiv Ail wo'ds must M oild out. j Ajfos oi'ered tor sal by private indi viduals cash with cooy. etic Noon Saturday tor Sunday fd Vaclav. CANCELLATIONS I COg HFCT ONSUTT? DVm. n scseau'e e-rect 00 -VofMav;Ca'. o- toen. 1-1.. mt tu - i-e taken 'M K 1. P'eae red first insertion o VOvr d TS Mera'd ft News Will gvt pn iitr rvn far tPograchial errpr. "Business Builder WANT ADS VACANCY for lrty ar oentieman need I co.trmn inch. 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SCSL EARN Vacation Money by selling the He; aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! & GUNS ft BOATS ft TENTS STOVES ft RADIOS ft PIANOS ft BOOKS ft TOOLS ft SKATES ft TRUNKS PLANTS ft JEWELRY ft LIVESTOCK ft FISH POLES tV TV SETS 7 BICYCLES ft CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Coll Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 PINMNALS DE--'' 5TINE w,il be harov to p.eet i"" nrt tusiorr-ers at Bene Beau ty $Ot. .'M N tttn Tu !J't OVAN 'O S--t-t Lrn fed aoartme-f ces HClnWfl Wr.fi BOX 31C.d"ner RfePrrKtll vVrttfl Herl trd jea-e e Meria fta ews jKLAVA'H A'CfiNjiCS Aonvmous Trj I SEG'NSHi' ALAs6Nf7-enoir"h'ptBf I 'am '-es o aicehoiics, Tu J 540. Tu WANT ADS Bring Reiu'i! TU 4.81 1 1 PERSONALS GRAHAM'S licensed home for tht aged, private rooms or warn cart, ipecial diet, personal Inttrtst assurtd, TU 2-315. KLAMATH Alanon for counstling and meetings, TU 4-3!9T, TU 4-8704 anytime. SERVICES 10 TDPC nrnrv. much a rimov'l. Brurt- DOLLS repaired, modern and tntique. Reasonable prices. Lorna's Doll Hospi tal, TU 4-6993, 1434 Lakeview. REMODELING and repairs, all kinds, reasonable, references, fU 2-5368. TREE lopping, pruning, Insured tree grooming. Lakcshort Nursery, TU 4-6955. Wc bugsTtermites BILL'S BUG 'E" BUSINESS Insured, City and State Licensed Osborn, the Bug "t wan TU 73451 312 SO. ?th St. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At vour olace. deliver to orocesslna plant or leave at your place. Al Stoll, TU 4-S12-S. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations tor men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tret topping, removing, any kind of clean-up work. Free estimates. TU 4-4t8 Don't Guess Call Jgssl "TREE SERVICE Pruning, tree removal. Fully insure? BAKER'S NURSERY 6200 So- th TU 2-5553 Coin Op Laundry Topload Washers Also 20 lb. Washers T & C SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank DENTAL PLATES Repaired wtille you wall. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-32M Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service. Trees topped or removeo. PHONE TU EDUCATIONAL IS NEW 1943 world Book Encyclopedia. Ruth Schaeffer, TU 4-4941 before a.m. MEN 200,000 ACCIDENTS AND FIRES PER DAY IM Train now In tht welting field of I N SURANCE INVESTI GATION and claims adfustinQ. Pull or part time careers available. Train at home In vour spare time. Mini mum age 21. For qualifying personal interview write name, address, present occupation and age to Nationwide School of Claims Adjusting, Box 993, Boulder. Colorado. HELP WANTED. FEMALE POSITION available approximately Jan. ivith Klamath Falls Creamery. Some stenography, general of'ice work. Appli cant m-jst be above average typist. This s a good lob for the right person. Starting salary csmmensurate to ability or ex perience. Apply In person to Klamath Falls Creamery Office, 8: JO a.m. lo 10:3O mo'-nmrj HELP WANTED. MALE TIMBER fallers for Bly area Ctiiloquin 783-2700 WANT E O general line mechanics for Medtord dealership. Fiatrate. commis- ion, incentive Plan, health and welfare benefits. Write Herald & News Box 4UC. SPLENDID SPARE-TIME OPPORTUNITY as Wholesale Distributor Representative to service established dealers, and open new eccounts. Excellent Commissions. No cash investment required. 45 year old AAA-1 Greeting Card Manufacturer. Arv pneanr sr-toum nave aDout 70 hours per week available. Wife can help. Teie- pnone and small home storaoe space required. Car a necessity Gtve full de tails first letter write Box 4IBC. care ot Hera'd and News. WANTED Boy With Car 18 or Over for Part-Time Work in Circulation Dept. Apply Circulation Dept. Herald & News Automobile Sales Trainee , WANTED The man we a'e looking for l bAe-n 77 and J5 veers old. married, with at teaf 'ri of co'iege. and Interested tn m. ii automobile business a cereor. "i a salaried ott with retirement benefits and vacat-ons. H you qulfv. I to Bo 4i2C Herald and Nrwt. HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SFFKFP All help wanted adi published tht Herald K Mews are acceded In orwi ta th that the (obs e"ered are as t9te-l me eaverming cnoy. we are not re- ipontibi for the integrity 0 our advr- tuers. put w mae every effort tc dis cover and relect all misleading advertu- nvOe answerlno a help want ad and finding It to f misleading 11 M to reoort It ta tH riitnl n jvert.iing Oeoartmtnl of th Herald A. jSITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desirrt bookeep.rg. small firm, my home Tu FAVtlV man. V. nt n.fm.ui.1 P'Oymenf no rrti C'en hab'ts. nv 1 News Bow a ice LICENSED CHILD CARE bv nowr, oav, wetk Vprvjav t-oogn Pr.(iaV lam to s m. 'C"ion Drive, tu I-t44 1 RON I NO, W A S H IN G ic k'upT" De iTvVr" Hand j.rocneted a'ghan-i Tu 4-Uit. BAv S'tting in my home. pot TU Child cart. tu -s:j oe. dans, NO'thi.ie. CtPiCE tyci-rj ,5, baovs.Mng in my ROOMS FOR RCNT 21 CCvcceTABLE ba- rre or,. j va'e e"t'(X, ea-,-. t;i No ?rd Njrnis--d j'7 p.r. tu Mot fl f AN. C0m-p't-,pit rpo' J j)loc