v. . PAGE I-B HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Ore. Sunday, January I, 1963 V fel Open Uf esise Of occ Bra A H US e; lop Vikings, 76 By JERRY WAGGONER Herald and New Sports Editor The Oregon Tech Owls started off (heir Oregon Collegiate Con ference schedule with a loud bang here Friday night in the Owl Gym when they blasted the frustrated . Portland State Vikings, 76-52, in a fine display of scoring power and a good defensive effort. Coach Jim Partlow's crew, de fending champions of the OCC. ap peared to be in pretty good shape of retaining the league title with the return of "Sweet" Sammy Smith to the line. The Owls looked good Friday night and had another contest slated Saturday night with the Vikings. This was the second win of the year for the Owls over the Vik- r wm 1 n A. IV . ft - A f r' " r V, -J V L BALANCING THE BALL Portland State's Jim Hollingsworth 1551, using Willi. Anderson (541 of Oregon Tech at a stepping stone tries to get a rebound Friday night in Owl Gym. The Viking player appears to be balancing the ball which appears to be sitting in a saucer. Actually, the picture was shot just as the ball was on its descent and the white spot is one of tha gym lights. Hewlett Nash of Oregon Tech, at right, looks on. Henley Remains Undefeated En Downing Rogue River ROGUE KIVER i Special 'The Henley Hornets opened their H"Eue League competition in style here Friday night by racing past Rogue River in the rather easy style. 73-42. II was the .seventh consecutive victory for the slate's second ranker! Class A-2 Hornets. The Hornets traveled In Eagle Point lor a Saturday night game which js a big one for both teams Fade Point nudged (lie Lnkrview Honkers Friday night. 52-51. The Hornets had the Ramc in never behind as they vaulted to a 23-14 first period lead and in creased it to M-24 by the inter mission. The slaughter continued in the third and fourth periods as the Hornets scored 35 points to 18 for Rogue River. Rig Kent Gooding, the fi-7 can didate for state honors, led the Hornet sting with 25 points. He hit nine fielders and seven of nine from the charity line. Throe others hit in double figures for the Hornet five. Earl Allbritton loiio'ven drnxling with 15 points the bag all the way. They were while Mike Reymer tallied II he Chiloquin Defeats Bonanza Antlers fnrp fouling nut and Charlie Thompson added in. O Rrien led the losers wilh 1 points and Davidson had II. THf tox scone RONANZV i Special i - Chiln quins Panlheis. the Klamath County League favorite, remained unbeaten in league competition here Friday night by downing a fithling K n.mz.i Antler crew. 47 311. The Panthers practically won the game at the charity line where they connected on 12 of 22 from the line and llic Antlers hit only ' e of 11 in a game which got extremely rough toward the end of the traditional rival clash Unbeaten List Dwindles To 11 II v I nlted Pith International The list of unbeaten Oregon high school Class A-l basketball ti .ims was 1 1 today after Ashland mid Clackamas were handed their lust setbacks of the season Fri day night. Ashland diopped a 52-51 deci sion to Klamath Falls and Clack amas fell before Astoria 75-51. Klamath Falls is undefeated. Five other teams remained tiiibcaton hy ms(ing wins. La Giande defeated Prmcville 68-51. Milwaukie won over Gresham 44 21. .Marshall got past Jefferson SMI. North Eugene topped North HtnUv (T)t AllhfiMOfl RtlllnQ Thomson Gooding n,vm,f Vrxmo Stnrtf r nmtiv Schun Tetall Rftqu Rlvtr Ml) O ftrtn P.lmerlon O,vlrton frunll Sflllfr 1 Pnw,ll Cont,r Tot.ll SrO' by Qurt,'l M,nl,y Roqus vr F9 f U PI Tp IS 11 II IMt II 7) M rt-FI el Tp (1 II 4 t ' II 4 II 1 ! 4 4 ) ills l-j n i o on i o ? .14 I 7 0 PP 3 fl ii ii hii 4i ings but the first in league compe tition. The Owls beat the Portland Staters in the NAIA Tip-Off Tour nament in the second game of the season by only one point, 65-64. Hut the Owls made no mis take Friday night about which team was the superior one. The Owls looked as good as they have all season in winning Fri day night to even their season record at 5-5 and give them a 1-0 league mark. The Vikings gave the Owls a battle for their lives in the tournament when big Jim Hollingsworth hit for a tourna ment record of 30 points. But he had Smith on his back Friday night and could manage only eight points.' Smith, the two-time All-OCC all star and leading scorer and rebounder both years, also, played his first game of the season Fri day night and he had been work ing out only since Monday with the team. But he got back into the swing of things quickly by popping the nets for 17 points and pulling down 17 rebounds. He led in the rebound category hut the scorinc honors went to the Kangaroo- jumping Willie Anderson who was hot as a firecracker on the Fourth of July by ripping the nets tor 2a points. But the key to the big win was little 6 0 guard Hewlett Nash who was as slick as Bob Cousey on offense in setting up team plays. in addition to this he also tallied 16 points on some fantastic drives nd held all conference guard Drew Ittcrshagen to only two points in a great defensive effort. Anderson connected on 12 of 24 hots for an even 50 per cent but also was great on defense in almost ramming them back down the throat of the Viking shooters. Norm Johns, a sleady but not lashy player, hit five of seven hols lor 10 points in a good ef fort. But Van Zitck. who had been averaging 14.3 points per game. had the worst night of the season. c failed to hit in eight shots and m i s s e d both from the char ity line. He just simply had one of those horrible nights a player has it timci. Coach Partlow was very well pleased with the showing of his team. He also was surprised to learn that Southern Oregon de feated Eastern Oregon in the oth er league game. 73-ti!). Oregon Col lege of Education dropped a non- conference game to St. Martin's. 90-78. The game was virtually no con- lost. The Owls jumped off to a quick four-point lead on a pair of baskets by Smith and slaved that way until PSC tied it up at 1414 and 16 16. But the Owls pulled ahead from there and con tinned to increase the lead most of the remainder of the game. Smith hit II of his 17 points in the first half and the Vikings be gan to sag back onto him in the second half, leaving Anderson pen for his red-hot hand. An derson scored 16 of his 25 oint.s in the second hall. The Owls never were in trou ble after that. The Vikings was on four conM'culive nnts to ojcn the second half but Anderson nul lified thut quickly with a pair of juni)crs and the rout was on from then on. Both he and Smith stuffed shots with both hands to delight the lans. The Owls go to Eastern Oregon next weekend (or a two-came se ries there 3 6 10 1 Times Tlnms Times Wanth V.SO uoo $scO f00 3.25 5.00 . ll.M 400 4.00 1.00 14.00 4.75 7 00 t.50 U.50 To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-81 1 1 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. wtekdays I A.m. to noon Saturday Count flvt words oer tine. Ads unrttr 3 lints count samt as 2 Unas. Lines Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, If paid In advance. Atova rares are lor consecutive nsei lions, without change of copy, tor prf. vate Individuals. Advertising must m clear and understandable to be produc tive, aii worm must be spelled out, Autos ottered for sal by private indl- viouais casn wun copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and w.maay. CANCELLATIONS I CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday lese are laxen -ru a.m. Please read first Insertion of vour ri ine Hereto & News wtn give one extra run lor typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch. 135 par month with Si.tt discount for payment on or before the i otn. va inch, Slf with SI .50 discount for payment on or before the loth. Based on one copy change per month. BOX SERVICE 50 cents per d. CARD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORIAM PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES CUSTOM liTCHEftlNG vour place, deliver to processing piant or leave at your piece. At nan, tu 4-411. SfRVICtS It Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tree topping, removing, any kind of clean-up work. Free estimates. TU 4-4411 Don't Guess Call Jessl TREE SERVICE Pruning, tree removal. Fully Insurer BAKER'S NURSERY 6?00 SO. 6th TU 2-5553 Coin Op Laundry Topload Washers Also 10 lb. Washers TIC SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bonk DENTAL-PLATES" Repaired wtille you wait. New Plelei Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU FUNERAL HOMES 0 WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. High Street. Phone TU 2-UQi MEETING NOTICES Odd Fellows, KLAMATH LODGE No. 137 regular meeting Tues day evening. 8 D.m. Jon. 8th Odd Fellows Hall, 5th & Moin Refreshments. Visiting Odd Fel lows welcome Edgar D. Hoffman, N.G. PON DEROSA LODGE NO. 220, AF & AM, Stated fftrrimi mii-si tinn Inn Tj 7, 1963, 8 p.m. All master rviasons in vited. Refreshments. Elmer Vincent, W M. 2 LOST & FOUND It was a i-lo.-f panic until the third quarter tthon the ranthrrs Rot three or (our quick break bas kets to pull out ahead to stay ami the Antlers couldn't make up the margin. The Panthers eie led hy Al DeBortoli Mho m hich scorer for the nisht itn H points He was the only Panther to hit in double fipiros and was aided hy Ores Harris' eii;hl and Teny Wild er' six alons with Hoy Taylor's seven in the well-halain-ed attack. Hill Newhin lopped Bonanza with 10 points while Kddie Sim mons and Krnie Nichols each hit (or eiht markers. The loss led the Antlers with a 0-2 maik and I S for the season Score by quarter.'. Chiloquin 12 ll-l.v 4; Bonanza it- 0- 7-lft.w Scoring. Chiloquin Gres Harris . Ton Wilder . Al IVBortoli H. Tonv DiL'ho 4. Wilder I. Knk S. Tay lor 7. Ortega 2 Bonania Bill Newlun 10. Kddie Simmons ft. Neil Tolell. liukic Slehcr 6, Krnie Nichols . H o il Pfcillrr 2. Fieri Ueaiboi n .1 Owls, SOC Gain Wins By I nited Press International Defending champn.n Oregon Tech rolled past Portland Stale 7(v.t2 at Klamath Kails and South ern Oregon defeated Easlern Ore gon 73-611 al Afhlnnd as the Ore. gon Collegiate Conference basket ball season gol under way Friday niglil. Willie Anderson scored 2.'i points to pace Oregon Tech's wm over Portland Slate. Sammy Smith, who led the conference in scoring during the past two sea-ons. tal lied 17 in Ins fust game of I he season for the Owls Jerry Sliulls and Dave Hughes hit 18 and 17 oinls to spark Southern Oregon's victory against taster n Oregon The Ked Haiders ucre in Iron! .t!;t.i al halltime In H noncoiiferrp e garve. St. Martin s won over Oregon College of Kdiuation 90-79 at Ohmpia, Wash. Boh Mair scored 17 and Str.e llankm added is for tlie losers Pncilic edged Willamette 4.V4-1 at Salem in an opening game in the Northwest Conlerence The Badgers were ahead at halltime GENERAL NOTICES 4 SCHOOL AGE BOYS! EARN Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed insured professional service. EDUCATIONAL U.S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! Ven-women, 18-52. Start high as J) 03 a week. Preparatory training until ap pointed. Thousands of lobs open. Experi ence usually unnecessary. FREE informs Hon on jobs, salaries, requirements. Write idday giving name, address and phone Lincoln Service, Box 433C, Herald and News. MEN 200,000 ACCIDENTS AND FIRES PER DAY Train now In the exciting field of I IN" ISURANCE INVESTI GATION and claims adlustlng, Full or part time careers available. Train at home In your spare time. Mini mum age ?1. For qualifying personal Interview write name, address, present occupation and age to Nationwide School of Claims Adiusting, Box 993, Boulder, Colorado. EDUCATIONAL 13 NEW 1943 World Book encyclopedia, Ruth scnaener, tu -4it before m. HELP WANTED. PEMAU 14 POSITION available approximately Jan. 15 with Klamath Falls Creamery. Some stenography, general office work. Appli cant nvjsf be above average typist. This is a good lob tor the right person. Startlna salary csmmenturate to ability or perience. Apply in person to Klamath Falls Crea-nery Office, I 30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. mornings. SINGLE woman it to 45. nonsmoker. To do simple typing, my home, weekend eve nings. Good pay, 3-a hours weekly, per manent. Handicapped gladly considered. Write P.O. Box 974, City. WOMAN WITH CAR to call regularly each month on established Studio Girt Cosmetics clients in and around Klam ath Falls, making necessary deliveries, etc. 3 or 4 hours per day. Route will pay up to 15 00 per hour Write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. 73631, Giendele, Calif. HELP WANTED. MALE . 16 WANTED: Boy with car. It or over toi part-time work In circulation. Apply Cir- tuioiion uepj,, nrraia ana News. MAKE BIG MONEV selling Industrial brush line to gas stations, stores, fac tories. 4 orders daily pay you 1100 week ly. Protected territory, full commissions on repeat orders. No experience needed. Sample Offer. Sales guaranteed. Write HARPER BRUSH, 2106 Court, Fairfield, Iowa. TIMBER falters 'or Bly area Chiloquin 783-2200 WAwTED general line mechanics for Medford dealership. Flatrate. commis sion. Incentive Plan, health and welfare benefits. Write Herald & News 434C. APARTMENTS FOP KENT 24REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 ONE bedroom apts., completely or partly furnished, newly redecorated, TU 4-6733 COMFORTABLE furnished bachelor apt. close in, utilities paidl 126 N. 3rd. REX ARMS 1 OR 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAID 224 BROAO - TU 2-9217. UNUSUAL otters get response when made in "Personals" Call TU WE are BUYING smeil EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 339 EAST MAIN STREET TU 2-4646 lor an APPOINTMENT Audley Apartments Nce, furnished 1 bedroom apt. 303 So. Bth near Post Office. $36 to $5L50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTt 1-7-3 DMiroom eon., furnished er unfur nished. Permanent maintenance included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1627 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-tt77 Office hours I a.m. to 5 p m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom optj. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rotes TU 2-5577 SPLENDID SPARE-TIME OPPORTUNITY as Wholesale Distribute Representative to service established dealers, and open new accounts. Excellent Commissions. No cash investment required. 45 year ole AAA-t Greeting Card Manufacturer. Ap plicant snouia nave aoout 20 hours per week available. Wife can help. Tele' phone and small home storaoe soaee required. Car a necessity. Give full de tails first letter. Write Box 428C, care Herald and News. GENERAL NOTICES Automobile Sales Trainee WANTED The man we are looking for is between ?? and 25 years old, married, with at least 2 years of college, and interested In mak ing the automobile business a career. This is a salaried job wilh retirement benefits and vacations. It you qualify, write to Box 432C Herald and News, giving full resume and photo. KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 2344 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnished 2 Bedroom unfurnished Spacious Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall lo Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool 1 Rental includes alt services I ecept tHeohone and electricity 1 Dorothea Ndan TU ?-0T6 HOUSES FOR RENT I NEED LISTINGS SALES HAVE BEEN GOOD and I'm short of property to sell. Big houses. Little houses. New houses. Old houses. m In town. In the suburbs. Anywhere in the county. I'll he glad to come out and see what we can do No cost. No obligation. Just give me a call. DON SLOAN 304 So 7th St Realtor TU 4-S65f Anytlrr REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 2 WILL TRADE NEARLY new 3 bedroom home on Sum mers Lane. Fireplace, separate dining room, automatic heat, garbage disposal. memoes electric range. Garage, with room for workshop. Owner will consider trade for equity In trailer house. Going for $13, BOO with terms and immediate possession. LEONARD REALTY 13 Main TU 4-7531 or TU 4-9(10 Joe Perry Audrey Keerins Joe Leonard TU 4-S3J? TU 4-4285 TU 2-0S?7 REAL T A f t FOR SAL! 10 ..26, GOOD 2 bedroom home. Mills. Near hnn- TWO bedroom furnished court, $40, 1235 p,n" nter, TU 4-3628, aams, I U 4-J854, TU 4-9754. TWO-year-oid 3 bedroom home, baths. TU 4-5SW affer a p.m. ONE bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, inquire 4oaj Homedaie. ., , - I NEAR Peterson School. 3 bedroom, elee- FURNISHED 7 bedroom, clean. mrvlrn. ,ric he'- w" 0 wall carpeting, fire- gas stove. Water, garbage paid, 160. 1939 P'8ce- Large fenced backyard, cement wan nana, iu 4-M2S. TWO bedroom furnished, north side. TU ibn aner 4:X and weekends. CLEAN 7 bedroom house in suburban dis trict, call TU 7-6769. HOUSE with garage. on uane. Inquire 1832 Sum , ONE bedroom l urn i shed duplex. Adults, no aogs, Mi. IU 4-4ZS1. HELP WANTED 17 Vacation Money by selling the He; aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 PIRIONALS DEAN 5TINE w-ll tw hapov to areet 01a ana new customers at Belle's Beai ty Shop, 2M N. tlth, TU 4-5277. wan 1 1 Room, board, some nursing ior eioeriy iany, pn. IU 4-8371 PSC (Sit Ma F " t Rrb Pf To lttnhftgfri I ( (Vft .1 J NeUoA s 11 1.1 on Vr"lfli vtn 41 .1 t 14 Hollingsworth .I II J I SIX Riff M 0 ft 7 0? DippoM .1ft Oft 1 4 A Srmnn Prt (VI ft 0 (1 cm il Oft i ) rtHmull J J 1 1 Totlat IIS IU II II 11 OTt (tit 'ft Ft fte Ft Hb Pt Tpi AnWon IJ-Ji t ' 1J J ; I S'Ti.th a is Wt 17 7 it NmH 'I H tt 1 1 A Joins ( I 01 1 1 1(1 1 :e n fw 1 j o 1 Petiiii c ' ftrt l rt fl1 MiV'd t.j ft.) 2 A j Wilhe-vwi 0 ft s 1 a Nanlfv ft 0 ft ft ft ft ft Totals M ft lfi-10 41 It U S(c?e hv aw psc :i 7-7 on w 4 WOMAN to share furnished apartment References echntfd Write Bo OtC care of Herald and News. KLAVATH Alcoholics Anonymous TU Jl?i IU 4 8704 Fnendly help anytime RFGtNNERS' AL ANON. Ir'ertdlv helo for families of akohoNcs, TU 3-5740, TU ;n. GRAHAM'S licensed home lor the aqed. private rooms or warn care, special diet, personal Interest assured, TU 1 1145 KLAMATH Atanon for counseling and meetings, TU 4 JS91, TU 4-8704 anytime. VACANCY for lady or qentlemnn need ing nursing end or convalescent care Mountain view Nursing Home, SH Park, SERVICES TPF E si"-rjf y. sue as removal, prun ing. topemg. g-oommq TU 2 78. HOL LS repair, modem and antique Reasonab'e price Lorn Oc Hospi tal, iu 46i, UJ4 Lakevew REUOnFLtNC. an ar t nVi rs. atl kindT reevsnab-e. r(ren(. TU i-5381. TR.FE topping, pruning. Insured t r t e grooming Lafcehore Nursery, TU 4-A9j$ MICE7 BUGSTERMITES"i BILL'S BUG ' E" business inju-1 CW and Va'e Licenced I Bill' Cuborn, the Buc "t " Vtn TU MM 317 So HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! Ephfsun, Tiirkry. Mas f.ninHrrl hy Amazon, myllnral lonulriU-17. Kerj Alcorn nd Frrd Willis f.ilem 54-M and Corvallis downM warriors, arrordnn lo lirtrk folk- ti'ppod lh winners' M-nrms with lJ.ilbi 61-28. Ilore. 1 12 ami 1 1. Littler, Casper Put In Fame Hall SAN IMKUO. Calif .ITI' Collors (lew Littler. Iji .lolla. and Hilly C!ptr. .11. Honila. who ne In lan'e Imm linal links were clot-tod to llie San Iiit'co MhU-lic Hall ui Fame, it was an nounced Saturda) . The two Itirmxi professional in I'XA and rai-h has wnn more than -'W,lH) rlunni; euhl years on the rrolessional Holler's AsMH-iation I'livuit Casw has won l!i I'HA sanctioned tournaments. Littler IS Littler won 'he I'.S Open in 1I. two years alter Cajvr won the tourney Roth played on IU- Her Cup Icams. UKNO. Nov il PL It took. as if the return heavyweight title lulu between champion Sonny .I.iston ami challenger Floyd Pat terson won t Iv hold in Las Ve ca Tlie Nevada Athletic Commis sion met Friday to discuss the possibility that the (ii;ht miht lc st.i.ced at the d.ino seal com en ion center there Hut Secretary .la, k Tithe loid tlw niomlvrs of the commission that he had rencd no formal application Irom Championship Sjvrts lnc . the promoter, for a Neasla boxui.; Iicenvp Since Tom liolan, pieMdenI of CM has said that tlie site (or the return match will he picked in a day or to. it apars that Vruas iv out ' 0? GUN'S A- BOATS K TENTS - STOVES TV radios ir PIANOS ir BOOKS TOOLS ir SKATES -V TRUNKS PLANTS ?V JEWELRY v.- LIVESTOCK iV FISH POLES TV SETS 7r BICYCLES -V CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Call Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 TWO people for route work. One part- time opening. Man or woman, per ma nent. Can make 13 50 lo ti 00 per hour or more, write Mr. stetson, p.o. Box 40U, Oakland 23, Calif. NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published in the Herald & News are accepted In good faith that the jobs offered are as stated n the advertising copy. We are not re sponsible tor the Integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reect an misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading is asked to report It to Ihe Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald News. FURNISHED one bedroom house on large ioi on ugaen 51. Electric heat. S47.J0. Water and garbage paid. TU 2-3743. ONE bedroom unfurnlshe-1, electric ranoe buillin oven, extra bedroom and storage space attached to garage, 3 acres, 2330 urape, 1 u 4-jjuv. OUTSTANDING 2 bedroom duplex on Laverne, electric neat, garage, iirepiace, IU Z-4752. TWO bedroom furnished trailer house. on private lot, TU 4-3717. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 bookkeeping, small firm, my home. TU FAMILY man, 31. wants permanent fm- drinker. References! Write Herald and LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. I a m. to 6 p.m. 1328 Carlson Drive, TU 2-1B44 IRONING, WASHING - Pickup7"DeTivVr Hand crocheted afghans TU 4-9434. OFFICE typing or babysitting in my hOTie TU ? V5? ROOMS FOR RENT WARM rooms, S4 week. TV, parking, family atmosphere. e?9 Jefferson. COMFORTABLE roomTbath. close In. pri vate entrance, parking, 126 No. 3rd. LARGE housekeeping room, utilities furnished, 317 Pine, TU 2-1487. NEAT and clean 3 year old 3 bedroom unturnisned duplex. New slove and refrig. erator. Mills Addition, (85. TU 2-4664 Eves. TU 4-5544. CLEAN one bedroom, furnished, washi machine, $50, 2225 Biehn. TU 2-154. ONE bedroom furnished house. TU 2-3702 1 BEDROOM furnished suitable for cou ple, easily heated, inquire 2124 OgrJen. NICE 2 bedroom home, newly decorated, In town, $45. TU 2-4197. TWO bedroom unfurnished. Washer, dry- -luwnuw, una. oiiuwii of flPPulfiTmeni, north side. Call TU 4-5203 alter 5 p.m. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, Keno Highway, TU 2-3003. 1 acre, $50, HOT SPRING. Family type home, hat wfer heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7985. owp bedroom partially furnished, lew down payment. Mills Add'n, TU 4-4481. TWO bedroom home, garage. A real buy for $6,950. 2212 Laurel. THREE bedroom brick, 4715 Onyx, I'j baths, wall to wall carpet, fireplace, built In oven and range, sprinkler system, $19,800. Will accet 2 or 3 bedroom trailer in trade. TU 2-5132. 2-BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wash er, dryer, slove Included. Fenced yard. covered patlo. I6'x20' shop. $17,500. Call 1 u i-viu atier 5 p.m. BY owner, suburban two bedroom hnm on fenced lot, has tile balh, large utility, separate dining room, small workshop, one block to school, $6,500, 1500 will handle. Will consider trade on car, or pickup, TU 2-4715. FOR sale or trade 150x150 ft. level lot. Near lake and highway. For Inta model pickup or car. Star Routt Box 98 Chiln- quin 783-2267. YOU'LL NEVER HAVE A BETTER OP PORTUNITY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE GOOD BUYS: 3 Bedroom - 2 Baths - Elec. Ranoe - North Side $8,000. Excellent Business $15,000. Good Terms. Also Good Rentals. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS . TU 4-92 54 Anytime TU 2-OU8 THREE bedroom duplex, lurnlshed. tomatfc washer, close in, $75. 735 Mt. wnnney. IMMACULATE, unfurnished home. Inquire 2332 Union. 3 bedroom DESIRABLE 1 bedroom furnished apl Clean, close In, utilities furnished. 1 or 2 employed adults, $65 for 1. TU 2-3406 aays. 1 u 7-IB66 eves. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duolex. electric heat. Garage on paved alley Modern throughout. Mills Add'n. $85 mo. iu 4-5S6I aner 5 or weekends. NEW. large view home. Large lot, close to new OTI nd hospital, davliaht base- mem. Appointment only. TU 3-0570. MODERN 7 bedroom' house Lake, $40. Chiloquin 783-3200. TWO bedroom house on Altamont Driw call TU 4-7911 for appointment to see. CLEAN 1 bedroom, furnished, washing "w.iiw, u, ins tsienn, ru 2-1549 CLEAN, comfortable rooms. ? blocks from Main, $5 8, up. TU 4-47S9. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. 310 So. 5th - TU 2-0714. GE NTLEV AN. Clean month. 1530 Crescent in, housekeeping. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 BACHELOR ap-tmr'nt, S47 S(V heal, w ler, garbage service included, inquir ?73 No. 6lh, Apt 107 FURNISHED apts. lor rent. 7'13 Gary, S45-J50. washing facilities, TU 7-6034. NICELY furnished 4 room anartmrnt Wool ruos, ak about utilities being paid. Baby accented, TU 4-J7S7 FURNISHED front Apt. AM eceot lights Natural hot SS2 50 Lincoln Apartments, E Vain Adults only unities oan) wafr heat. Apt J, TWO bee, ,-om unfurnished house, living room. Kitcnen, and pain. Full basement Two garages. Gas heat, gas cook 1 no. in. sulated. Renting for onlv $45 mn Til -J4I. TWO bedroom furnished oil heal, $55, 4061 Bryant, TU 2-0547; TU 4-7050. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duolex, ga rage, fireplace. Mil Boerdman, TU 2-09W. UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom triolex, elec trie heat, carport, near Town & Country, $80, 4411 Crosby, TU 4-4266. SMALL unfurnished house. Mills Addition, WQ. I u 4-732J TWO bedroom house, soi,th suburban. '1 acre. fU 4-7:16 evenings and weekends, one bedroom furnished duplex, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. COMFORTABLE two bedroom duole range, refrigerator, draperies, water anri gai bage. California and Donald, TU SMALL two bedroom house, automatic aas heat, washer -dryer hookup, garage. $60. TU 2 5337 Of TU 4 4619. LARGE 3 bedroom, ground f loc . unfur nished, available Jan, u Also nn hd room, electric heat. Close to Kmgsjev F-eid, TU 4-7533. CLEAN fhret room lurnlshed. with bath and shower. Close in. All utilities fur- n.shed. TU i-880 J BEDROOMS (urmstd acts, carport, TU 3 49J5 anytime. TU 4-3269 after 7 REDECORATED one bedroom and studio apartments Adults, no pets $45 and $55 TU 4-tjsi Mo Dm evemnqs, Satur day afternoon. aH day Sunday VS TO $20 weekly rates, kitchens avail. Me. Johnny's Motel. 3005 B-enn HRCE room turn'seo apartment. 7061 White NE hedrtvim unlurn'shpd duple , HC SV Boardman Ph. TU 7-4C90 THREE room uostairs aoa'fmenl, no peU io children, 911 Wamut ARK APTS. 1 r-of water. TU S LARGE 'ive room ne(y deco-ated. lean, well lighted ursta's aot Electro vat Livmg rrtpm. kitchen, service 'pom. afh. two bero-ims ACequa'e urn'shmqs nciudinc stove ret'iaca'pr wastier. Jrver. Two children acreptah'e Auoly 'i'4 Lenno'on Ave be'ore 8 cm cUPNiSHEP 3 room apartment. $5s One 00m. $40 AM utilities Included, shared batn. au.ts only. i No tctn 147 Riv 'ude RENT with option to buy, nice lour bed room home, unfurnished. TU 4-B776 TWO bedroom house for rent, furnished or unfurnished, phone TU 2-1014. FOR rent two bedroom house unfur nished, phone TU 2-3364 anytime FURNISHFD or unfurnished 3 bedroom, s a month, tu 4-4750. KU - FAIRVIEW Three bedroom home. Insulated, gas furnace, living room 13x25 ft. Fam Hy or dining room. Separate utility room wired for dryer, oversized qa raoe. $7,500. Easy down payment. Balance on contract $74 per month, or lease option. DYE INSURANCE AGENCY 130 South 5th .. E. Dye, Realtor, Virginia Brown, S's. TU 4-7755 or TU 4-4357 THREE bedroom home for sale. Summers Lane, TU 4-4539. 1749 SUPERB bulldlno lot In Hoi Springs area. Call TU 4-8978 evenings. FOUR apartments, excellent Investment Close in, TU 3-2531, TU 4-6964. NICE 3 bedroom home, 4545 Shasta Way. Call TU 3-3663. DREAM HOME Exclusive residential district. Best nf rnn. struction Beautiful view. 1 bed room. hardwood floors, fireplace, birch kitchen. Patio, ceramic Mt balh. $tS,S00 TU 2-2410 CLOSE IN Three bedrooms, family room, (wo fult haths, newly redecorated Inside and Out. single garage and fenced yard Close tn park and schools. Only SJSO down plus dosing. PAUL McATEE REALTORS Sin TU 1-4A Sales Stalf Eves. Eleanor Mahan TU 3-57H Evelyn McAtee tu 2 5915 MLS Multiple Listing Service TWO bedroom fun South 6th ished house. $65, 5531 THPEE room furnished durle. washing facilities. Mills. 3137 e&erle.n. TU 3-0342. A T T R A C fl V E FUR N t $ h F D j BED ROOM HOUSE. $50, TU 4-8341. THREE bedroom unfurnished homt, UC ?6 Alva. TU 4-3061 evfS ONE bedroom furnished. $30; TU 4-491 HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, 15. TU 4 4850 TWO bedroom unfurnished house. $45 Children, oefs. Ok. References required T U 2-6590. DRIVE BY 4159 Summers Lane and see thu tgh- r j bedroom bungalow, wall to wail carpeting in living room Combination d'- og area, kitchen Washer, dryer, ranoe Was $13 000 Reduced tor qukfc sale t $11,500 Owner will consider exchange for arger 3 bedroom home. NORTH SIDE Older, good bedroom home 13 13 living room, dining room, kitchen, utility Nice vard. garden spot Foyr extra t, included in pnee of $6.or. BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No 7th Lucille Anderson Ray Wnroen TU 4-3179 tu 3-nve TU i 3 THREE bed 'pom home with two ba room on Watson St Unfurnished $1 30 per month, call TU 2-70? ft- Tu 3-39X NICE two bedroom trailer tor rent7TU J-UJ0 TWO unfurnished two bed'oom houses. south suburban. $45, TU 2-3933 ATTRACTIVE and comfortable 1 h-! n furnished 4 Mocks north of Van hiU' $t7 V) oer month Includes watt, TV cable, garbage. Call TU 4-6539 attr 5 and weekends unfui ished house. Tu MCE 7 bedroom 7-585: vshed house. $75 VODER 3 rooms ad ba(h, ttc and up i toyrt. garages 231 Soring ONE C 7 bedroom hjrn sied Heat water pad b;s Gram. Tu 7-47)4 CONSTRUCTION wO'ke-S tcZrr7tHf weekly ra'es Pe' can Vo?ei, Tu : 9:j 'tc,gE bedroom fum.sned, 0.1 haf. north- CLOSE in dup'es 'urn shed. '00m, laundry, garage. Tl one beo- -36I9 MCE clesn turn lined apartment. coe m, TU 3 2531. T U 4-46 ; vsheo apartmen' txCELLFNT at hert'oom fu-nsStd. qh . fenced ya-S. WS Tu 48053 after "quire 4C55 Shast Way S'de. Tu 3-4.f9 CLE AN tu'nishe-i. c'ose hj Vain. "by Of mon'h JjJ So l"h CASCAPF APRTVf NT MO'Fl! Nicely tumrsed J 8 4 rnrm aoartmnt) :.v sou- t'" 'CrLY li.fnniK J hedroom ri''mnt. .'5 L'nce'n Tu 4-52 APARTv-FNT near Weerhef iiser uT nfeo u.i-'iet. s-eam neat $0 4-U13 EWAUsV . pANTOAN X'ama'ns mmt mrxv, K"MM 19 So P'h Ty j )o; TAO newly der:atd irfiti N"n ttxcies er b vies, $J and $9 50. Gun REMODELED 3 bed' 00m duplex, fur nished. $65. I. Uirt H! Pin ONE bedroom fm-ithed house. Newty decorated. Tu 4-3243 LARC-E twf bedroom unfurnished duple, ' e new. W5 J Sisrvtxi. Tu 4-75B4 UNFURNiSMFO't ' pedroom "trieieT K,r" basement, t-repiace, hard weed t'w. eiecinc neat, wo 'U 7 '4. et 4, beo-e 5 pm TU 4-1767 after S ONE hed'oom unfyrn, jned hovt. $J. FOR SALE TO BE MOVED 35 un.ts On 3-bedroom house. M 7 -4 room houses. 19 two and fmir room aoa'tments. Make sealed b'ds on one or an Furniture, plumbing gryj wring Included Ln rated at 3514 So 6lh. anq nn Weyerhaeuser Road, Inquire Rte. 2, Box 500A TU 2-5423 -"ft tmmeoia'e occuranc at- 't. MIIC. PKOPIKTY TO LIT 17 FCR tease acres, wn irrt9Ates aid fe-ti'iied pasture land Wnt to m,ii. c-esf Vemr.ai Park, R(e i h-n ?UE I il J RfAt ISTATl WANTED 21 1 a fat act-; $? ur r..v Tj Ml. 1 ana Se t' '. fn 4;C. He-aia MLS . SPARKLING NEW J bedroom home n country 0n 3 eces o ood sn 1 HeMev School D'irct Carnetfd i.vng room w th Circulating fireplace. 1tl?fl t paneled family and dining room, la '9 k itchen with bu-if-tn range. Oven nl dishwasher, i'j bat"s wtn ceramic t-i and built-in vanity in master bath Era nomicai diesei forced air heat w.tn buried 'uei tank Large two car oaraoe Fuii pnee $20 )00 FOUR tEDROOM Oos m north 0 Ma.n Room to spa'e m ft-s e.ct'ienv "ta ned Olfter home PHA Or fil terms avaiabe Oni $n.56 UA'N LOT tn th JOB rVtvli n t Vain. A 50HJ ft. lot fot omy U 35C SUPUAN LOT in th 170 b'k nn Fargo St S7ii'Jg uh Pr.f -e) SAL F 1 STAC Tin Reefer Ty i.iiff Civde w.iiiam tj M'S Hu'f Jnnes TU 4-H41 Em.fl Caves Tu 1 DURANT tELtf Sf Vs UJ 4-lJ TU J.M1 N4t t Me...iay wt