Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 06, 1963, Page 34, Image 34

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    Junior TREASURE Chest E
i - a mi k jyi i k it
1- Cam.a..J,aTJ-'-i.- -V-4 m. A.rW Tar,!,. aT.VK b tan
Lf Draw an Eskimo Igloo
By Ann Davidow
Here's a little tunnel
Through which a train will slide:
A-l J k-r V.
And here's a little igloo
With an Eskimo inside!
Whisper ThisI
By Ragna Eskil
Here's a simple game that makes for
laughs and that can be played by players
of any age sitting around a circle or at a
table. The first player whispers a nonsen
sical statement such as, "Pigs say 'quack
quack,' " or "Cows and doves coo and moo,"
or some tongue twister to his neighbor
who, in turn, whispers to his neighbor and
so around the group. Action should be fast
and no repeating. The last player tells out
loud what his neighbor said it is usually
quite different from the original words!
Spoiling Animals
Fishermen and Fish
By Betty Kahn
When you play this game, let half the
players be Fishermen and half of them
be Fish. Each Fish's feet are tied together
in imitation of a tail, so that his only
means of moving is to jump with both
feet together. Each Fisherman has a stick
with a string for fishing.
Mark off two spaces where you are going
to play : one to be the "lake" and the other
the "shore." The Fishermen stand on the
shore while all the Fish jump about in the
lake trying to avoid being touched by the
Fishermen's strings. If they are, they're
caught! If a Fisherman steps into the
lake area, he is considered out of the game.
If a Fish accidentally hops onto the shore,
he's a dead fish and leaves the game.
When only three players are left, the
side with two wins.
Happy Skater By Clarence Biers
Can you find 12 things wrong with this picture?
family Weekly, January t, IK)
rtwwd w JP m mmm in
EvtryNtMrt I
f EDOE PrtnO Bonus OHmt
I Fast-Growing
Ever -Blooming
Amazing RED ROSE
g Rosomanes) that's sweeping (he country! Plant THIS I
SPRING; have a vigorous LIVING FENCE bursting with Ira- j
K grant RED ROSES THIS SUMMER. Red Robin's lush green j
is toliage is covered with riot of richly scented red roses
Si inuiun aiici mnnii, nui a piawiing mumiiuia. urimj I
straight, upright to 6 leet, stays compact. So tough, m
in rive $ in even poor sons, brows so oense tied mom
Send mt without cost or obliiition, IfM full
color booh, uf , pricti. special Swing Bonus
Otter, itc., on RtD R06IN UVING FLNCt.
Available onhr from GindenNurstrv. San Bruno. Calitornia. ' i
All Things Are Possible!"
5 Art yon facing difficult problems? Pear
a health? Money or loo Trouble? Uofaeplntn?
E Drink? Love or family Trouble! T Would yen
g Ilka mors Happiness, Success and "Cood
2 Fortune" in Life? It yoa have any of those
g problems, or others like them, dear friend,
then hero Is wonderful NEWS of a remark-
able NEW WAV Of PRAYER that Is helping
ts thousands to glorious new happiness and
g (oyl And it may bring a whole now world
S of happiness and Joy to yew-very, very
totckry, too!
FREE To AH Who Need Help!
Just clip this messag" HOW and mail with
your name and address (even a postcard will
do). We will ruth this wonderful NEW MES-
g SACE of PRATER and FAITH to you by Return
K Mail, we will alio send you a FREE copy of
our mafaitne called FAITH which will snow
s you exactly hew to apply our wonderful NEW
WAT of PRAYER in seeking Cod's Guidance
St ond Help In meeting your Problems. You will
bless this day, soar Friend, so don't delayl
If you would like more Happiness, Success
S and "Cood Fortune" in Hi please send us
yor name and adores NOW!
rips DiotiKts ftfRMr, Qiicktr!
Helps Ease Pressure on Gums
Helps Keep Seeds Out
Helps Plate Fit Snug
Helps Prevent Clicking
Need 4 thicker cushion
for your tower plate?
Aik tor Srw EZO Hi try Gmtt Cmbiont!
ft o)o I Pouttico) Hoxrt for
Anttphtofisbno's moist natural
boat penetrates deep. Warns,
Mines ana relates
IhuI.m uli MydtiMi b it
can. RetiaMe! Over 22 7-written packages sold.
Al all drwtftsts. Trial sire f only (9c
y jl Jlf
Now, fet relief fait. In Jiffy D.D.D.
Prescription stops tormenting raw. fiery
Itch of eczema, ratheo, acne, chafing.
other Itch troubles. Grenseless, atnlnleu,
eoothinf, cool antiseptic. Helps prevent
Infection-promotes healing. Don't suffer.
Aak druggist for D.O.D. liquid or cremo.
Shrinks Hemorrhoids
New Way
Without Surgery
For the first time science has found
a new healing substance with the
astonishing ability to shrink hem
orrhoids and to relieve pain with
out surgery.
In case after case, while gently
relieving pain, actual reduction
(shrinkage) took place.
Most amazingof all results were
so thorough that sufferers made
astonishing statements like "Piles
have ceased to be a problem!"
The secret is a new healing sub
stance (Bio-Dyne) discovery of
a world-famous research institute.
This substance is now available
in suppository or o in f merit form
under the name Preparation H.
Ask for it at all drug counters.
Live a
"regular life"
without laxatives
Now, otop fighting constipation with
laxative or "bulks that work
unnaturally, uncomfortably! StT 4
"regular" with Requtol. It's not
loxativo, yet helps restore regularity
as no laxative can. Reoutol tab
lets simply make) the moisture) In
your colon keep waste molt lot easy.
normal elimination.
Hospital-proved . . . if
tim, not hmbit-forming.
Women Past 21
After 21. common Kldner or Bladder Ir
rltatloni affrct twice ai many woman as
mrn and mar make you tense and nrrvo'JO
from Loo frequent, burning or Itchlni
urinatlonbothdarandnlfht Secondarily,
tou mar lose sleep and luffrr from Head
ache. Backache and feel old, tired, de
pressed. In such irritation. CYBTEX
usually brings fast, relaxlns comfort by
curbmc Irrltatlni terms In strons. acid
urine and by nnalsrile pain relief. Oet
CYSTBX at druselats. Peel better fast.
Lovely U acre sites m Central Florida hilh.
lake, arove area S493. no money down? tO
a month S miles from famous Rainbow
Sarinfs Electricity, phones 22 miles to
Gulf Coast Fish, hunt Invest or retire.
PRPE color folder Write Dept. 320 A
Rainbow Park, Boi 521, OCALA, Florida.
A042O7O (K (0)