Deming, New Mexico A Ranchette oi Your Own g i iiv k rTurrrf enuuiFCi rriUHTr ? In All America $199 Per Half Acre $5 down & $5 month Stretching across the nation from Savan nah. Georgia to Los Angeles is U.S. 80, the most travelled, all-weather highway ol its kind in America. On its way to the West coast, Route 80 courses through the beau tiful, sun-bathed Southwest where one of the greatest land booms in our country's history is taking place. Cities like El Paso, Tucson, Phoenix lie astride this great high way. And smaller cities like Las Cruces and Oeming, New Menco-also on Rt. 80-are beginning an astonishing growth. Nowhere -not even in Tucson and Phoeni-is there the brilliant sunshine and healthy climate that blesses southwest New Mexico. And, whereas, the price of a rich piece of land near the larger cities is beyond the means of most of us, you can still buy a Ranchette in the Deming region for only pennies a day. OEMING RANCHETTES lies directly on great U.S. 80, is rich in soil and pure in water; still a half-acre here is only $199 complete, $5 down-J5 a month. In neigh- boring Las Cruces land such as this is selling tar to times this price; ret ueming, its valley nestled alongside the breath taking Florida Mountains, is every bit as beautiful, every bit as sunny and healthy. To show you what we're talking about we want to send you FREE our thick portfolio containing tacts, maps, and actual 4 color photographs. No obligation, no salesman will call. See for yourself. Remember: it's FREE. Simply fill out the coupon. ; 1 OMllaf HKMtttl, Dlit. N-3SJ J j 111 Wilt Plat Strut. BtKlit. It. M. j Plem tend your FREE portfolio In foil I j Cllir, Including mipi ind Itory. j j Nun! I Addrist City ! 3 . 2 one . Stitl i S i a 1 LOT! lilMI IIJ HELPS HEART ACTION GiVES MORE STRENGTH STAMINA VIGOR PROVED 1 0 years-600 persons University Experiments REFUSE SUBSTITUTES only VioBin Oil PROVED helpful. 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DeWitt's Pills may be jusl what you need to relieve backache miseries and help you avoid gelling up nights. OH, MY ACHING BACK Now I You ran iret the fiut relief you nrfil (nun natridnir backache, headarhe iml niu-rulararhnt ami pain, that often cauee ri'Mkua nixhta ami mine rattle tiredxtut fret ma. When thru diaromforta tome on with uver-e&rrtion or airens and Htm in vtw want relief want It fttl Another ilt-ifm hanre may m ntiM Madder irritation fi'lhiwirtir w runs finl ami l rink -of trn net. time ii a rrtlrM uncomfortable ftvlina;. Doan'a 1'ilU work fat in 3 aeparate w); I , tivHfttr pain-relieving anion to torment of nairaTinff backache, head ache. nmn-iiUr ai hri anil paina. t, hy MH.d.itiK r fTtvl on bladder irritation. S. by diuretic action tttiinir to incrrae oiilpnt of the 15 mi to of kidney tube. Kit joy a good night 'a atop and the a me happy rritef millions hate for over U year. Kor convenience, ak for the iaiRe ait, lirt Ooan a I'tlla today! You 1 1 can lift A your fi life... Worship this week SORE THROAT? TCandettes"! with 2 antibiotic EASE SORENESS DOUBLY FAST Out of This World We've a great deal to learn concerning the moon. There's so much we tlon't understand there; But I have a hunch it's made of green cheese Else why the big rut race to land there? Stephen Schlitzer Quips and Quotes The small boy interrupted his father, who was reading the evening news paper. "Pop," the boy said, "I'm sup posed to tell you there's going to be a small P.T.A. meeting tomorrow night." "Well, if it's just a small one, do I have to go?" the father demanded. "Oh, yes," his son replied. "It's just you, me, and the principal." John Shot well A local businessman lost the combin ntion to his office safe. He telephoned the warden of the nearby prison and asked if any of the inmates could open it. Later in the day, the warden sent over a convict escorted by a guard. The convict whirled the dial around for a few minutes, then calmly snapped open the safe. "Wonderful," the businessman said. "I want to show my appreciation. How much do I owe you?" "Well," said the convict, "the last time I opened a safe like that I got ?7,000." Francis Benson The parents decided that the time had come for their little girl to get over her fear of darkness, so after tucking the child in bed one night, they turned off all the lights. The girl began to whimper. "Please, could you leave on just a little light?" she pleaded. "No," said her father, determinedly. "You've got to grow up and get used to the dark." There was a thoughtful silence, then the little girl said: "Well, then, may I get up and say my prayers again this time more carefully?" Jane Samos Hot Words with a Cold Supper Don't grouse, my spouse! I've hern cleaning house Till I've got more flop Than a wornout mop. So unless you vote For a table d'hote. Stop biting the hand which Kreds you the sundwirh! Ceorgie Slarbuck Galbrailh " think ue're paying too much attention to the baby. Family Weekly, January C, I96J