Give beautiful JA JDIE. for VALENTINE'S DAY Jade is fashion news . . . say "I love you" with a dra matic gift of superbly polished and richly mounted jewelry as mysterious as temple gongs! Genuine jade (in Chinese, 'YU') is held to be lucky for the wearer and an omen of good fortune. All Valentine Gift orders packed in attractive heart box. Family Weekly Cookbook MELANIE DE PROFT, Food Editor ( IS PARTY THEMES mm- &$zrr. 1 l A 1 ff : ! Creafion aicenfuattrtp iic tantalizing flavors of Japan (from top, clockwise) ; Ocha-Coconut Mousse, Duckling a la Gourmet with Sauce Orientate, Fish in Coconut-Mushroom Sauce, White Peach Dessert, and Creamy Mandarin Orange Salad, UUrMtioal CiIiImI No matter how many othor cookbook yov now own, you'll turn often to thlt on. Reflecting, trto gonlvt of world famowl chf. It contain! o collection of rich ana1 subtly flavored foods that will light up every Important occasion. THE GOURMET FOODS COOKBOOK TOURS FOR ONLY 50 ( EACH POSTPAID Tot FAMILY WIIKIY IOOK1, MJ N. Michigan ., Chicago 1, III. 'J-' I . for which ploaia wnd hm pottpatd . copies of "Courmot Foodi Cook- Endotod And $ book" 30 each. (No stomps or C.O.O. ordort, plootaj Mtufocftoit gvaranteod or Money rolundod.) Nomo AddrM Cih Zono Pflt t Writ lflll Ocha-Coconut Mousse o-ooroi uniiwo It is the green tea that makes the difference! 1 cup packaged grated coconut S cupg milk Vt cup sugar 1 tablespoon (1 env.) unflavored gelatin Vt cup light corn sirup 10 bags Japanese green tea (about Vt cup tea) Few drops green food coloring Few drops yellow food coloring 1 cup chilled whipping cresm, whipped 1 11 -ol. can Mandarin oranges, drained and chilled 1. Heat coconut and milk to boiling in a sauce pan. Remove from heat and blend in a mixture of the sugar and gelatin, stirring until gelatin is dissolved. Blend in the corn sirup. 2. Add tea bags (or loose tea tied in a cheese cloth bag) and allow to steep S min. Press liquid from tea bags and discard bags. Stir in food coloring. Cool. 3. Chill mixture until slightly thicker than the consistency of thick, unbeaten egg white. If chilled in refrigerator, stir occasionally; if chilled over ice and water, stir frequently. 4. Beat gelatin mixture until light and foamy. Fold in whipped cream. 5. Pour into a 1-qt. bombe mold and freeze until firm, about 8 hrs. or overnight. 6. Unmold onto a chilled plate and garnish with the orange sections and mint leaves. 6 to 8 servings Duckling a la Gourmet with Sauce Orientate 1 4- to S-lb. duckling, cut in quarters 1 egg, slightly beaten Vt cup packaged grated coconut Vt cup flour 1 Vi teaspoons salt Vt teaspoon black pepper Sauce Orientate (see recipe) 1. Prick the skin of the duckling with a fork. 2. Place skin-side up on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. 3. Roast in a 400F oven for 1 hr. Remove fat from pan. 4. Brush duckling with the egg. Sprinkle a mix ture of the coconut, flour, salt, and pepper over the duckling. 5. Return to oven and continue to roast for 15 min., basting once with the drippings. 6. Serve with the sauce. 4 servings family WH, January I, IM) Here are suggestions for inspiring dishes, Japanese in character but with a blending of the American. Any selection (or several) is worthy of providing the theme for an exotic Oriental party. Sauce Orientale lVi tablespoons cornstarch 1 11-oai cam Mandarin oranges, drained (reserve sirup) Vi cup maple sirup 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons dark seedless raisins 1 tablespoon butter 1. Combine cornstarch, sirup from oranges, maple sirup, and lemon juice in a saucepan; stir until smooth. Add raisins. 2. Bring to boiling over medium heat, stirring constantly; boil 3 min. 3. Stir in butter and oranges. Bring to boiling, reduce heat, and simmer for 2 min. 4. Serve hot with the roast duckling. About 1 cups sauce l's 2 1 Vt Fish in Coconut-Mushroom Sauce iVi-o. can flaked coconut cups water 2-oz. pkg. dried Japanese mushrooms 1 lb. sole or other Bsh fillets 1 egg, slightly beaten Vi cup cornstarch Shortening teaspoons cornstarch acallion. Sliced cup sugar Vt teaspoon salt 1 to 1 Vt tablespoons lemon juice lVt teaspoons Jspanese soy sauce (shoyu) 1. Combine coconut and water in a saucepan; bring to boiling. Strain, pressing coconut to ex tract liquid; reserve liquid and Vi cup coconut for garnish. 2. Soak mushrooms according to package direc tions until softened. Reserve liquid and 8 or 9 mushrooms for garnish. Slice enough of the re maining mushrooms to measure Vi cup. 3. Dip fillets into egg, then into the Vi cup cornstarch, coating all sides. Heat enough short ening to cover the bottom of a large skillet. Add fillets and cook about 2 min. on each side, or until lightly browned and fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Arrange fillets on a heated platter and set aside in a warm place. 4. Blend 2 tablespoons of the mushroom liquid into the 2 teaspoons cornstarch until smooth. Add with the sliced mushrooms and last five ingredi ents to the coconut liquid in a saucepan. Bring rapidly to boiling, stirring constantly, and cook until slightly thickened, absut 3 min. 5. Spoon sauce over fish and garnish with toasted coconut and reserved mushrooms, heated in some of the reserved liquid. 4 fo 4 servings Toasted Coconut Heat 1 tablespoon butter in a skillet; add the Vi cup drained coconut and heat until lightly browned, stirring occasionally. White Peach Dessert 1 3-oz. pkg. strawberry-flaTored gelatin 2 tablespoons sugar Few grains salt 1 cup boiling water 1 15-oz. can Japanese white peach halves, drained (reserve sirup) Vi teaspoon almond extract 1. Mix gelatin, sugar, and salt together in a bowl; add boiling water and stir until gelatin is completely dissolved. 2. Add enough water to the reserved peach sirup to make 1 cup; stir with the extract into gelatin. 3. Rinse four individual molds with cold water. Place a peach half, cut-side up, into each. Add about Vi cup gelatin to each mold. Chill until firm, about 2 hrs. 4. Unmold onto chilled serving plates and garnish each mold with a ring of sliced white peaches. 4 servings Creamy Mandarin Orange Salad 1 3-oz. pkg. lemon-flavored gelatin 1 cup boiling water 1 11 -oi. can Mandarin oranges, drained (reserve sirup) Vt cup mayonnaise Vt cup diced celery Vt cup thin onion rings 1. Lightly oil a 1-qt. mold with salad or cooking oil (not olive oil) ; set aside to drain. 2. Pour boiling water over the gelatin and stir until gelatin is completely dissolved. 3. Add enough water to reserved sirup to equal 1 cup. Stir into gelatin. 4. Blend a small amount of the gelatin mixture into the mayonnaise, then add to the remaining gelatin mixture and blend well. 5. Chill until mixture begins to gel (becomes slightly thicker). If chilled in refrigerator, stir occasionally; if chilled over ice and water, stir mixture frequently. 6. Mix in the remaining ingredients. Spoon into the mold and chill until firm, about 3 hrs. 7. To serve, unmold onto a chilled serving plate and garnish with salad greens and additional Mandarin orange sections, if desired. About 6 servings Family Weekly, January t. Itt3 I umamutum fK -X S " loss tumdsomtlf rta4w v ' 1 k " ''"'Su W K "r jjjj atsss, Morris Goodman Associates Jewelry Department 163 F P. O. Box 279, Reading, Pa. Enclosed find check or money order in the amount of $ pay-. menl in full of the Jade items checked below. You will ship my order postage pre paid, and refund the purchase price on items returned to you by February 21st. QUANTITY (101) Pendant $7.50 (102) Key Chain 9 $2.00 (103) Earrings 9 $5.95 pr (104) Pin 9 $5.95 (105) (106) - (107) l'08j- D Packed in Valentine's Day gift box. QUANTITY Cuff links 9 $7.50 pr. Tie Clasp 9 $5.00 Earrings 9 $10.00 pr. Pendant 9 $7.50 Stroot Addru City State. Kim Prlnf f Write Uoibty