Malin SIALIN A unorgasbord din ner given Saturday evening, Dec. 22 by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gray honored Mrs. George Fabianek on the occasion of her birthday. Here (or the special day and also for the Christmas holidays were Mrs. Fabianck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollyburton fo Goldcndale, Wash. Other dinner guests were Mrs. Ken Wilson, Frank Fabianek, Rev. and Mrs. Ethen Whitman and family and the honored guest's husband and family. On Monday, Dec. 17, Mrs. J. Perry Haley entertained the Hap py Hour Bridge Club at a Christ mas party when members enjoyed their annual gift exchange. Mrs. Charles Johnson was giv. en a beautifully decorated cake in honor of her birthday. High score for the afternoon play was held by Mrs. Con John son and second high by Mrs. Charles Hamilton. Sorority Pledges Three MOUNT SHASTA Beta Sigma Phi Sorority met Dec. 18 at the home of Mrs. Richard Millington for the pledge service. New pledges are Mrs. Roger Hines, Mrs. John McKendrick and Mrs William Allen. A recorded recitation about his childhood Christmases in Wales and reminiscences of his young life by the English poet, Dylan Thomas, were presented by Mrs William Letcher. Refreshments were served to ihe 14 members present and three pledges by Mrs. Martin Cooper and Mrs. Charles Meekins. Criss-cross your big picture window with strips of black con struction paper to simulate the small-panod windows of olden times, then arrange drifts of suds "snow" in the corners. 512 Main . , . Fre Customer Forking 5rh & Klamorh Two Charles of the 1 Rifx VI REED I Jf. :?- r 4 Winer ft very I fy own New I . York Trainer) ?Trw. 1MUJ' i Charles pi f Jt J consultant INEZ DALTON Miller's West Coast Troined Charles of the Rill consultant Consultant! flit A? - i , y, Do you need green in your face powder? If. your skin tends to be llorid or too rosy, your Charles o! the Ritz Consultant will blend green into ycur face powder lo neutralize and correct your coloring. Or, she will add lavender to tone-up the sallow complexion or a touch of Rose Pink to brighten the too pale. Your face powder is truly "made lo your measure"when you have it custom blended by Charles of the Ritz. Boxed loose to use at home, or pressed into a compact for color-true touch-ups-. . J allday.$2.50pluslaxrkr!ct J Ike XiL .mm Z1 - s A v? I If ? ' 2 p'V. . I' J ' H enry Obe OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mr: heide, in observance ot their silver wedding anniversary, were feted at a party arranged Dee. 14 by their daugh ter, Linda, at the Bonanza Library. Bonanza Pair Wed 25 Years BONANZA Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oberheide were honored Friday evening, Dec. 14, on their silver wedding anniversary when a large group of friends gathered at the Bonanza Library. Hostess for the party was their daughter, Linda Oberheide. For the party, a large silver tree was placed by the lire- place and from the mantel hung three silver cowboy boots filled with monetary gifts for the hon ored couple, White and silver was the decor of the refreshment table which held the three tiered cake, topped with a silver heart, which was baked by Mrs. John Brown and decorated by Mrs. Ivan Bold. Henry Oberheide and Aline Shel- lon were married in Denver on Dec. 18, 1937, in the Methodist Church by the Rev. John McVik ers. They came directly to Bonan za and have made their home here since. He is engaged in gen eral farming. Linda is their only child and presently is attending college in Eugene. Bethel 51 The story of Job was told to three girls at the Dec. ,1 meet ing of Henley Bethel 51, Interna lional Order of Job's Daughters Initiated into the bethel were Deana Barrett, Janet Ground and Judy Dixon. Present for their (laughter's initiation were Mr. and Mrs. James Barrett, Mr. and Mrs Ed Ground and Mrs. Harold Dixon. Elections for the coming year were Held and the lollowing girls will take office: Carol Ziegelmey- er, honored queen; Linda layior, senior princess; Sue Bobber, jun- ior princess; Alyce Horsley, guide, and Lona Berry, marshal. Substituting for absent members were junior bethel officers, Lois DcLap, chaplain; Marlys Rcppe, third messenger; Paula Sabo, trea surer, and Connie Stone, librarian. Carol Ziegelmeyer, chairman. reported on the New Year's Eve dance. At the Dec. 17 meeting, it was announced that Linda Taylor's1 team had won the candy sale and would be feted at a holiday. party. The bethel made plans for a Christmas basket for a needy family. Introduced were Julie Rhodes, past honored queen of Bethel 51, Linda lmplicar, Karen Grimes, Sara Viillmms and Marine Brcil- liaupl. Bethel 51 members who were home from college for the holidays. "WISE PRECAUTION Never grab a dishtowel to wipe your hands in the kitchen. Its more sanitary to keep a clean towel hanging in a handy place lor the sole purpose of drying hands. COMIt the mrroN A comb slid between button and clolh will prevent snipping the fahric when you are remov ing a button. A razor blade will quickly cut the thread. FURTHER REDUCTIONS LaPointe's Semi-Annual fUl n Others present included Mrs. Robert Holl, Mrs. A. E. Street, Mrs. Lester Schreiner, Mrs. W. C. Dalton Sr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson. PACE 4-0 Lodge Meets Geneva Swift, royal matron, and Robert Davison, royal patron, pre sided at the Dec. 19 meeting of Friendship Court No. 11, Order of, the Amaranth. The Christmas theme was at tractively carried out by Thelma Colvin and Pearl Nason. A new member, Ola Bodenham er, was initiated into the order. Past Royal Patrons Jim HunUT.'tions and refreshments were sup- HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath FaUs, Ore. Sunday. January (, 19M Norman Jones, and Elmer Vin cent were escorted to the throne and presented with gifts. A committee report was given by Velma Krauss and Laura Vin cent. It was announced that the Isewing club meeting would be postponed until January. A gift exchange was held in the dining room, after the meet- rig. The Christmas tree, decora Brush a roast or other meat that seems tough with 1 table spoon vinegar, then cook as us ual. The vinegar helps make meat tender and the vinegar will he tasteless. I 512 Main - Free Parking 5th & Klamath FASHION CLEARANCE IN NOW PROGRESS Fantastic Savings on Coats, Suits, Dresses, Sportswear, Children's Wear, Lingerie and Foundations. plied by Alice and Bill Goen, Ha-zel Pulley and Geneva Swift. 512 Main Free Parking - 5th & Klamath ANNUAL SALE! COSTUME JEWELRY PRICE Yes! Now you can save one-half on many fam ous brand jewelry items. Select from necklaces, pins, earrings, bracelets and others. Don't miss this sale! 1 Deliso-Kimel Regularly to $21.95 Hi and Mid Heels Nc $12 Black Brown Grey Red Handcraft Amano-Geppctto Reg. to $18.95 Now $10 Paradise Kittens and Joyce Reg. to $15.95 ; $090 Now Jr These dress shoes are oil current Fall patterns taken from our regular stock All Sales Final No Returns no money down Tak up to 36 months to pa FREE DELIVERY FREE normal installation WARDS NATIONWIDE REPAIR SERVICE is fust a phone call away! TRU-COLD COMBINATION REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER T Sr&'T'lm m i I vNpS 1 13oS SC5o f LOW PRICES EVERY DAY, and even bigger values when we say "sale" ft ftWDad!? RegolaTly 289.95 No Money Down, $H a moirlh Frostless 120-pound freezer provides safe "zero-zone" food storage Frostless refrigerator Has full-width shelves,full-width polystyrene crisper Freezer door holds food packages Refrigeratordoorhaseggracks,dairy bar, shelves for milk cartons, bottles Ultra-modern design available with right or left door opening Pnlr d:ii Our CdL - - 1 1 in ft . en ,7w..oe-1 VALUES n,ncrorb;0::,e-youPfpit in 1963, STEREO, $10 OFF! 3-SPEAKER 4-SPEED PORTABLE! Side speaker separate up to 24 feet for true stereo sound. Automatic 4-speed changer, separate controls, sapphire needle. Smart blaclc and while case. TRU-COLD FREEZER SAVE $40 NOW! 88 MO MONIT DOWN! 10. 74-S BIG 17 CU. FT. CHEST AND UPRIGHT! Very special! Each holds 595 lbs. at certified zero" cold! Chest has movable space divider, lift-out basket! Up right has open refrigerated shelves, full door storage! 88 NO MOMIT OWH WARDS 5-CYCLE TWO-SPEED WASHER 2 speeds normal and slow; 5 cycles for all-fabric care. 3 wash, 2 rinse tem peratures, lint filter, deter gent and bleach dispen sers, water-level control. (10. Hf.t) MO MOMIT BOWM ! No Refunds No Exchanges SHOE SALON 9TH and PINE STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 punwr tii 4jioQ iiwiiin W I WW -J