Family Are Yule Guests TULELAKE Mrs. Earl McFall had as Christmas Day guests her family. Places were marked at table (or 19. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John Hubbard, daughter and son-in-law and three daughters Connie. Tena and Canrlice from Pasco, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baley and fam ily, a daughter and son-in-law, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton iBud' Greenbank and two children, daughter and son-in-law, all of Tulelake: a son Russell McFall and his family, and a sister, Mrs. Hazel Tucker, all of Tulelake. Clamp two small sponges lengthwide into an old mop handle (one that's made to use with a cloth and you'll have an efficient floor waxer. After use, the wax rinses out. JANUARY SPECIAL! IMAGINE FAMOUS LYCRA" GIRDLES AT THESE PRICES! HOLLYWOOD MomIIu If you've never worn these girdles, discover now amaz ing new comfort and control. Mere ounces of Lycra span dex give you gentle, light weight control. And Hollywood Vassarette exclusive knitted waistband, leg band and inner leg let you move freely never hold you back! You'll want several at these savings. REGULARLY 8.95 SPECIAL 6.95 Lycra Leg Pantie 188 has spandex front panel, double back panel. White, s-m-l. REGULARLY 7.95 SPECIAL 5.95 Lycra Girdle 189 has the same : exclusive knitted features, j Front and back spandex panels. White, s-m-l. 512 Main Slimwear 2nd Floor r v mi H w s , L ' f ENGAGED Judith Eline, daughter of Mrs. Mada Eline of Boise and Charles Eline of Vernal, Utah, will become the bride of R. Lee Morrow on Feb. 2. Both are presently employed in Boise where they will make their home. The bride-elect attended University of Idaho and will teach next semester. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L Morrow of Klamath Falls, was graduated from OTI fol lowing a tour of duty with the Marine Corps. Photo by Russ Studio, Boise fo fl Mil If tj Wow In Progress! Store-Wide CLEARANCE Dresses Skirts 5th and Vt to Vi OFF qJJ jubilee vichf Vaughn KaetiatVtT"" 1 7i TON Curtoin going up on the gayest, brightest Jubi lee ever' The whole goloxy sparkles with fresh ness. The styling is softly feminine . . . Ml of newness, full of color, full of life No motter what your foshion personality moy be, there's o Jubilee dress just right for you. You'll marvel of the variety of easy-to-care-for fobnes, the easy-does-it price Come in soon while the collection is complete. Take home several to weor now ond keep on weonng right through Spring. rTTTTT 7 Sweaters Lingerie 'I Main 22 ' Ti-i liiliiiii ii "n m I TODD . MftiiSl Valll.l ilrt only the look it expensive S2S Main Hfv98 4- . v. " rag . BETROTHED Of interest to Tulelake residents is the engagement of Estel Randolyn Hall, daughter of Mrs. Joe M. Prescott of San Diego and Theodore Hall of On tario, Calif., to Thomas Clinton Proctor. He resides with his mother in San Diego while his father, Clinton Proctor, Is in the Veterans Hospital in Long Beach. The future bride, currently attending Chaffey College in Alta Loma, will, after their Jan. 19 marriage, continue her studies at San Diego State College where her fiance will be graduated in June. Ex-Teachers Enjoy Party Members of the Klamath Coun ty Retired Teachers Association met at the YMCA building for the annual Christmas party. Pres ident Mrs. Emma Carter presided over the meeting attended by 28 members and guests. Each member brought a toy to add to the group's annual contri bution to the Klamath Christmas Bureau. May Phinney and Mrs. Jessie Powell decorated lor the allair; using miniature Christmas trees, holly and red candles. Refresh ments, also in the seasonal decor, were served by Mrs. Mae Moss and Mrs. Lorena Ward. On Dec. 17, a committee of re tired teachers met with chairman Mrs. Ella Dickenson at her homo in the Alpha Apartments. There, the group packed for mailing. cookies for Camp White. This is also an annual Christmas project of the club. The Klamath County Retired teachers meet every third Satur day of each month. Any interest ed persons are invited to attend these meetings which are held in the YMCA building. i i i hit l V Class Studies Yule Displays MALIN The Home Living Class of Malin High and Junior High Schools, accompanied by their instructor, Mrs. Frank Pay gr, toured by bus Dec. 10 to to the country home of Mrs. J. Walter Browning to view Christ mas house displays. The group made a study of the arrangements depicting the Christmas season, which includ ed "Madonna and Child," "Angel Tree." "Santa and his Reindeer." "Silent Night," "Wood Forms' and "Holiday Table Setting." Mrs. A. G. Scott Jr.. chairman of the Malin Garden Club, assist ed with the study presentations Students attending were Dianna O'Riley. Andy Oliver. Edith Pitts, Joan and Joyce Mullanix, Linda Lousignont. Linda- Turner, Con nie Anderson, Patty Walker. Ann Johnson. Terry Pctrasek. Judy An derson. Cheryl McCollum, Sandy Wolf. Janice McAulmc. Sherry Worthington. Julie McAuliffe nnd Veronica Lukens. Mrs. Hulierl Moivlock was also a guest. I ; 1 "f .'5i Ha I . It) MaiiiiwMiiiHiiliiir,''ii iiaiai iiilil'umi Malin Club Stages Party MALIN The annual Christ mas politick dinner of the Help ing Hand Society was an event ot Friday evening, Dec. 21, at the Malin Community Hall with hiis. bands as special guests. The ta bles were decorated in Christmas motif by Mrs. Halbert Wilson and Mrs. Norman Jacob. Kristie Ottoman entertained with two piano selections, "Deck the Halls with lvv" and "O Hnlv Night." On the accordion, Jay jConroy played "Frosty the Snow man and " Silent Night," with the guests singing Uie latter. Gifts were distributed hv Sam.-, Claus and last year's Pollyannas were revealed. An evening of cards was enioveH hv ihn m. while the women attended a busi ness meeting conducted by Mrs Kenneth Huffman, chairman Thanks were extended mem bers by Mrs. Hubert Morelock for help with the recent successful baked food sale and hv Mi s wn. liam Hayes for food taken by the ciuo to several lamilies during bereavement times. Mrs. Huffman, who is ninvini, from Malin. relinquished the pres ident s gavel lor the remainder of her term to Mrs. Harold Knk. kern. Mrs. Huffman r.,pivnH going-away gift from the society. Mrs. A. E. Street will enter. tain the society in January. n lT-B T- ' ? .-4 Rl 70 OUNCE THERMO-INSULATED MUGS ABSOLUTELY FREE FOR YOU - ALL YOU DO IS CLIP THE COUPONS BELOW AND DDIMtT. TUCU UIII1W I I lh ITI GET YOUR THIS COUPON GOOD FOR ONE FREE 10-OZ. INSULATED MUG A 69c VALUE AT PAY LESS DRUG DURING THE WEEK OF JAN. 6th thru JAN. 12th, 1963 LIMIT ONE CUP TO FAMILY-ADULTS ONLY 11. 1 no. i firm GET YOUR FREE MUG! THIS COUPON GOOD FOR ONE FREE 10-OZ. INSULATED MUG A 69c VALUE AT PAY LESS DRUG DURING THE WEEK OF JAN. 20th thru JAN. 26th, 1963 LIMIT ONE CUP TO FAMILY-ADULTS ONLY a No. 3 41 ALL-RITE RETRACTABLE BALL POINT PENS REG. 39c 19c T HAZEL EISHOP HAIR SPRAY BIG 1.95 VAL. 79 ANSCO Heck ed While ALL-WEATHER FILM 1.50 VAL. 99c HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Eulalona DAR Eulalona Chapter of DAR met in December at the home of Dr. Miriam Luten. After a short business meeting conducted by Regent Mrs. Will Wood, three new members were welcomed into the group. These are Mrs. A. G. Wiggins, Mrs. Hugh Currin and Mrs. John Brown. A special guest was Mrs. George D. Paris, state chairman of the American Indians. She 'spoke briefly about the work of this state DAR committee. Guest speaker of the evening was Rev. Ralph Richardson, who talked on the religious beliefs of the early American colonists. Mrs. Richardson sang several se lections appropriate to the Christ mas season. Hostesses were Dr. Luten, Mrs. Philip Brixner, Mrs. R. S. Loos ley, Mrs. Lloyd Ryser, Mrs. R. E. Wright, Mrs. R. B. Chilcote and Mrs. C. L. Phillips. KINDERGARTEN 3849 Summers Lane STATE APPROVED Course of Study Specializing in PHONETIC TRAINING Mrs, Merle Jackson Phone TU 4-9942 I ; a: r FT IK1 AH TUC CDCriCICn HATCCI CLIP 1 1 1 VII I I Ik J I hWirihW 0 I kWi Tti'l FREE MUG! GENUINE PRESTONE WINDSHIELD DE-ICER hi 99c DESERT FLOWER CREME OR ROLL-ON DEODORANT 1.00 SIZE 50c T I ANSCO COLOR IMM MOVIE FILM WITH PROCESSING N s 2?9 Falls, Ore. Sunday, FASHIONETTES For spring, 1963, look for the full skirted "popover" dress for For Your WASHING & DRYING Convenience and Pleasure Merit's Has 3 Coin-O-Matics Dry Cleaning at E. Littt or no pressing netded 10 lbs. For Just $2.00 Learn the rhrlhlnen end convenience of Cein-O-Matic tem plet cleaning facilitlti. You'll find all the covtnlaneat at" Merit's ... and remember, onljr Merlt'i It COIN-O-MATIC- . : x I t SI I m 11 1 H" GET YOUR 1 THIS COUPON GOOD FOR ONE FREE 10-OZ. INSULATED MUG A 69c VALUE AT PAY LESS DRUG DURING THE WEEK OF JAN. 13th thru JAN. 19th, 1963 LIMIT ONE CUP TO No. 2 GET YOUR FREE MUG! THIS COUPON GOOD FOR ONE FREE 10-OZ. INSULATED MUG A 69c VALUE AT PAY LESS DRUG DURING THE WEEK OF JAN. 27th thru FEB. 2nd, 1963 LIMIT ONE CUP TO FAMILY-ADULTS ONLY No. 4 SPACE SAVINQ FOLDING DOORS HEAVY VINYL! TWO SIZES 366 I 1 FRIENDSHIP GARDENS HAND & BODY LOTION joo BIG 2.00 SIZE T 'it2' ROOM SIZE 100 Nylon Pil CARPETS 49.95 VAL. 37?7 PAGE 3-D girls ans lubteens. It's a three-in-one dress with its owner pop over jumper good for early spring right through late summer. The rainwear trend? To a slightly shorter coat with more interest for belted backs. Virtu ally all demand today, incident ally, is for garments with zip-out pile linings. There's one near you: 1 4801 So. 6th 2 - 333 E. Main 3 Ore. & Biehn Main & Oregon Ave. Dry to dry In 30 minutes AND Javc St COUPONS. FREE MUG! FAMILY-ADULTS ONLY 1 OPEN SUNDAYS 11 'til 6 GIANT BAG POLY SHREADED STUFFIN' FOAM At Pay Lest 47c ASSORTED MARS CANDY BARS Milk. Way Snicker, or Three Muikataen 10 Pk. 50c VAL. 34c T J0"i2e" KAPOK KING SIZE BED PILLOWS ILLV n J 1 99 U AT PAY LESS January 8, 1963 wm; 1 "is raw.