PAGE t0 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falll. Or. Sunday, January 6, 1M3 Round & About - By HELEN BECHEN Thinking back over the just-past holidays brings to mind a num ber of pleasant chats with and about holiday visitors, and to men tion a few Bob and Sue (Rams by) Ede and son Scott made the family circle complete at the Mar tin Ramsby home. They left be fore the New Year for Lake Os wpgo. 'The former Marsha Wilson, now1 Mrs. William Morris, her husband and children, Don, Joni and Susie, also from Lake Oswego, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Dodson on Allamont Drive. Marsha's brother, Jim and wife, who live here, were also around the Christmas dinner table. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson, an uncle and aunt, on Lakeshore Drive, en joyed the young family's visit, too. Christmas tor the liarry Boivins Hew Women's Daytime : 1 i i I . ni 5 League Now Forming ORGANIZATION MEETING . Thurs. -10:30 a.m. Day, Time, Rules, etc., will be decided. If you want- to bowl In a League, try out your new ball, or just bowl, come on out. It's all for fun! Call us 2-5536 for full details 3319 So. 6th St. LUCKY LANES O HEADACHE yn ECKACH Ef SACK ACHE .1 Excruciating headache moy be caused by eye strain. Eyestrain can also reduce working effici- ; ency, promote fatigue and irritability and may be 'allied with other physical troubles, such as neck ache, backache and upset stomach. Why suffer needlessly? Protect your eyes with properly fitted . glasses. Heed the danger signs. Be sure of proper ; eye care. Have your eyes examined at least once a year by Dr. Noles Optometrists. Complete Eye Examination Convenient Credit We give rC Green Stamps ox 58(4 yevet COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 730 Main TU 4-7121 Dri. Omar i. Nalti and Robtrt PeUrl meant having Katie home for a time. They invited Mrs. R. S. Dix on to have dinner with them on Christmas Day. The Stewart Snells went to Wal nut Creek to spend the Christmas time with their daughter Sherrill, her husband Don Boyd and chil dren. The Snells are looking for ward to a return visit from their children soon. A new granddaughter for the Van Mollisons. born Dec. 11, was incentive enough for them to spend the holidays in Seattle with the new parents, Gail and Fred Wade. WHh them went Richard and Mary and Barbara's mother, Mrs. Ed gar Senders. Mary Ann and Ken Ellis, visit ing his mother, were guests at an open house given by Claire Ellis and her daughter, Linda Dill strom. Among the guests were Dale and Jackie King of Medford and Mrs. Caroline Munson and Wendell Bryan of Yakima. The family was entertained after Christmas at dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lcs Hoback in Chiloquin. Pele Barnhisel, Lt. (jg) now. stationed in Long Beach, arrived home after a somewhat round-the-barn trip. Fog forced his plane on to Portland where he found a t ide to Klamath with another local son. In addition to their son, the Howard Barnhisels greeted Sally 'Barnhiscll and Dick Richards i ,i , t i..-;.. I anu un ue yuuiiKsn-i , L,inud, .1 it- and Curtis (rum Santa Paula. Places at Christmas dinner were 'also set for Howard's father, A. H. Barnhisel, a young 93. and Mrs. 'Barnhisel from Tacoma. I College students home were be yond mentioning by name, but some of the just-out-of school I crowd included Janie and Daryl i Johnson at the Buz Larkin home Nancy and Greg Pond with the George Clarks: another Nancy and Greg, Altenhofen. with the Greer Drews, also Dianne Drew; Beverly and Tom Lassett with their parents, the Walter Lassctts; Sue Derby, a teacher in Califor nia, home with the Lloyd Derbys; Lauralee Leonard of San Francis co visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry I,eonai-d; Sam Thompson, the Ivan Thompsons' son from Seattle; Ronnie Olson who has a job in Denver enioved Christmas with her family, the Jim Olsons. W ith the holidays behind some folks have decided to travel. Hono lulu bound arc Isalwl and Lloyd Porter, who have time to spare now since his retirement. And on Jan. 4, Mrs. Helen Thomas board ed a plane for a two-month visit with her daughter, Mrs. Mary C Smith, who lives in Honolulu. This column just barely scratched the surtace of all the gay holiday goings-on. but should ;hc enough to prove that every thing was far from quiet on the home front. Before taking leave of the old year, yours truly would like to lhank a good friend. Ernie Hed lund, (or all the time and eflort he puts forth each week on these pages. Happy New Year. i : ri I " ' i "' L , V-i.. X 4 DATE SET The marriage vows of Cheryl Ann Ball and Delbert Irwin I Pete) Sasitedt will be solemnized March 16 at Klamath Lutheran Church. The young couple's en gagement Is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett R. Ball. The future bride will be graduated from KUHS in June. Her fiance, son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Sasstedt, is a graduate of KUHS end is presently em ployed by Klamath Forest Protective Association. Photo by Miller-Williams a SAVE BY JANUARY fill Cascade Crest OES Meeting Cascade Crest Chapter No. 159, OES, met on Dec. 5 with Worthy Matron Josephine Zadina and Worthy Patron Lester Hoback presiding in the cast. Escorted and introduced were Leona Angel, chairman of tho Estarl Committee, and Henry Bergstrom. member oi the Home Endowment Fund of the Grand Chapter of Oregon, wIk wcrel both paying a official visit to the chapter. Also escorted and in troduced were Annabelle and Wil liam Kimscy, worthy matron and. worthy patron of Fremont Chap ter No. 109 of Paisley. Reports were given of the an nual Chrittmas Dance held on Saturday, Dec. 1. by flonoral chairman. Dorothea Kuist. She was assisted by Gleta Wampler, Pearl Alamo and Callie Clark. One hundred four members and guests w-'re present at the social Under good of the order, interest ing reports were given on the Estare program and the Ma sonic and Eastern Star Home which the Home Endowment Fund supports. Jeanctte Edge of Crater lke Park was affiliated with the Chap ter and was introduced and wel comed by the members and visit ors. Visitors were welcomed from Aloha and Oriental Chapters. The next meeting will be the Christ j mas party. Refreshments were served by Melila Hall and Doris Kirchcr Clubs Meet The Christmas motif was used at recent club meetings in the valley. On Dec. 20 in Bonanza. Mrs. Jesse McFall entertained her contract bridge group. A potluck luncheon at noon was followed by card play. Members exchanged Christmas tree ornaments as gifts. High score was held by Mrs. Cecil Halev and Mrs. Mabel Popple won the traveling prize. Others present were Mrs. Har old Williams, Mrs. Claude Bcch doldt, Mrs. LcRoy Fernlund. Mrs. Rueck and Mrs. Ivan Bold. On Dec. 19 Mrs. Bob Horton was hostess to her pinochle club at her home in Dairy. Enjoying the afternoon were Mrs. 1-cRoy DEAN DEWITT ANNOUNCEMENT DEAN DEWITT Is Now Associated with the JERRY THOMAS Insurance Agency 304 So. 7th Ph. TU 2 5555 v-Jt... ' '! i V' ; ,if . ' - .- . ' .... P; .- - "., ' X ( . ' Ss j' (Do you JOwiv? Now a doll that spells, re cites poetry and adds. The new push-button talking doll comes complete with her own school set desk, chair, easel, black board and school accessories. Teenage girls and women will be interested in a new folding hair brush that fits into a hand bag. The brush also can be packed in a cosmetic travel kit or tucked in a desk drawer. BETROTHAL TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Lowell N. Jones, 328 Grant Street, announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Carolyn Edel, to Ian Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Colin Wallace of Bellevue, Wash. News of the en gagement was told to friends at a coffee given by Mrs. Jones at her home on Dec. 30. The future bride is a stu dent at University of Puget Sound. Her fiance is a student of Clover Park Television School in Tacoma. Photo by Richards Studio, Tacoma Fernlund. Mrs. Oscar Peterson, Mrs. Homer Dixon, Mrs. George Simmons, Mrs. Don Horsley, Mrs Ivan Bold and Mrs. Howard Schmidt. Cheer hospital patient with a small, live tree, decorated with miniature ornaments. CLEARANCE Johansens and some Naturalizers & Life Strides Reg. to 18.95 1190 in 1 A and 1 fig1 Save on Men's, Women's, Children's Vv1 SHOES 617 Main Street Flats, Casuals, Dress Shoes s5 Vols to 14.95 Slfiom LOW in calories. HIGH in vitamins. HIGH in Proteins. LIGHT in body. m Earn from the 1st HAVE SAVINGS SECURITY SOONER: All rcMW pUctd in an ccotint here by January 10th earn from January 1st qualify for six full months' return vhen earnings are ajain distributed June 30th. Savings invested here are fluctuation-free .. . ri.k proof . . . insured safe. ill1 Current Ral8 4 Fer Annum FIRST FEDERHL J'trrttty mif ''ttni . V-iJr rirt 540 MAIN STRUT j.-. Bt IMt fKUUU UVYPILK Ul- dAVIINUb itUUKIII JLli FRIGIDAIRE RANGES iffflWtff JL. ferl This ii it , . . thi tinol wind-up! W wtr obl to make a tpcol purchott n thtM '62 range t from our Portland worohouio, and wi'n putting them out ot vory iptcial price! If you nted o new range, here's your chance! Full Size - 40 inch RANGES Model RS-10-62 Electric Modil Ri-1 0-62 FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCT OP OININAi. MOTORS Full 40" width loads of cooking room on top with plenty of work ipace. Ettra storage 1 full width, ) waist high drawer. 4 Only Model RD-20-62 40" RANGES Fully Automatic, with ' and Clean" Ovens 0 2 Ytllow . 2 Pink Pull 4 Only Model RD-38-62 30" RANGES 1 Full width evens - Unlimited hiat Settings for surfac units. O Aztec Copper Only 9 Vern Oweni' Cascade Home Furnishings 412 Main Phone TU 4-8365 me i on pazaar s ANNUAL JANUARY The Styles Are Outstanding! The Values Are Terrific! The Selection Is Excellent! ALL SALES FINAL O No Exchanges or Refunds LADIES' COATS m A good selection Colors left! of styles and l-.H--' OFF! Terrific Values! Ladies' Skirts mi Ms, ll 1 i" ! h i V ; 'its': ?SJf V) OFF! CAR COATS Entire Stock Priced To Clear !3 OFF! Flannel Gowns Baby Dolls Vi OFF! $t rnr i.-.i ..-. V-.- V A i i .'".'AV'-V- One Group SWEATERS Volues to 17.00 S4-S6-S10 One Group -2 Piece Mohair KNIT SUITS Values to $30.00 NOW 00 Low, Low Prices Plus "S&H" Green Stamps BUY ON REVOLVING CHARGE hi turn 4480 South 6th Next to Oregon Food