'IJoung Ramified Spend Clirlstmai J4oiidaijS J)n Jdamalli a(is The quiet of the post-holiday season is now evident everywhere, but most particu larly there is a stillness in the homes where young couples and their children were holiday visitors. On today's page are a few groups who joined grandparents around Christmas trees and at family dinners. Above, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doherty and husky Kirk Alan spent Christmas with Mrs. Doherty's parents, Mr. and Mrs, .Robert A. Thompson. The young family resides in Port land. Right above, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pernell was brighter with the ar rival of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.'Jim Hall from Eugene. Center of attrac tion for all was the Halls' little daughter, Kari (KarinaJ. The Halls also spent time with his moth er, Mrs. Truman Hall, also of this city. At right, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Manning and daughters divided their holiday visit with Mrs. Manning's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burge Mason, and his mother, Mrs. Nora Manning. The girls, left to right, are Suzanne, Sandra and Marcia. Also present for Christmas day festivities was the girls' great-grandmother, Mrs. Burge Mason Sr. of Portland. ; V I r. , By Helen Bechen Herald & News Klamath Falls, Oregon Sunday, January 6, 1963 S v" v ,.tttL iJiS' O 'I A.'lAPr r I , TOvV i i V 1 At left, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ellir with daughter Laurie and son Brett ar rived from their home in Salt Lake City on Dec. 22 for a Christmas week visit with his mother, Mrs. Otto Ellis. Mrs. Caroline Munson came from Yakima for a brief visit with her daughter's family. At right, Mrs. Sylvia Malone and her children, Roger and Cynthia, of Sparks, Nev., spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hillis. Also home for the holidays was Mrs. Malone's brother, Bill Hillis. Photos by Kettler, 7' y-x , : r" " - - - 1 W U ! .. . j - ."i '