Theyll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo EC AD. MARTHA U AV VOL) THIS STRIN& AKOOMTJ MV FlNSER l-ORSOTTEN THAT I'M l Sunday, Jan. 6. 1963 Pife 4 l&TO REMIND MEr OPMV NEW COMlMS DOWNl WITH VAe.'S (?ESOLUTIONS.'AMO KAFF-KAFF- A SAO NUMBER OMB ON AAV LIST IS TO F-T A 1 1TTI 1 m.lPPHATIOfJ COCO? WITH THE rntKLUtT Ml CinLY It- above, yoo may es- AROONDTHIS SQUIRReL CASE.' We read in the paper and hear VOL) CAM 6TART BY f?ETLRts!tNG YOUR- BOOKS TO THE LIBRARY SENXEMON6 ME TO A on the air. CAS 6 OP DOUBLE- Of killing and stealing and crime PNEUMOMIA.' everywhere. We sigh and we say, as we notice the trend. "This young generation, where will it end?" But can we be sure that it's their fault alone. That maybe a part of it Isn't our own? Are we less guilty, who place in Poetry DON'T BLAME THE CHILDREN VOU JIS WATCH HE R YES, OWE TH' MINUTE SHE SEES 1 I eLIMPSE OF I THAT SHE'LL THIWKNOU THAT AWO "J COT HELP AN' SHE'LL SO I SHE'LL KNOW I U0TO HER ACT OF BEW ) f J HAVE MO rfrSs- EXHA1J&TEP LIKE THIS J I HELP HERE I ilUliLiijlTl FROM OVERWORK, SO FROM VOU J ! 1:4 Milk YOU'LL TAKE CARC OF V I ' WHY MOTHERS 6ET QUAY . ""T " f:2f '"EN THEY TAKE ONE STEP FS Flora and ' Ff: e esw and stawo If FAUNA DON'T c 'Ssvl ROOTED YAK-V4KIN&.. HAVE A WOOD Tfr A- ' I EACH OTHER KU i m, WERE would mows iroutA ON THE RIDE. fcfj IVfi L'kE TO & VuSSmc, AT SUP UP' J "3 4-- ' FiT? WANT TO J COVERS? WHATS ON I i s -S I SE THE SAME SALE? suall uc I yij STATE" IS.fc.jj j meir way, ORDER HOUSE J V I'VE ORDERED AUL NEW FURNITURE- NEW RUGS AND DRAPES ks jM. IT'S PART) OP MY ECONOMY DRIVE! YES-I WANT TO MAIL IT BEFORE ' THE POSTAL RATE , GOES UP.', IF WK SOW 10 GET O0T AND FIND OUT HOW ?LrTTf.E PEOPLE FEEL. HE'S RISHT'V ffAERr A ' D0V0UFEL? WE 6AVE- HIM AN EXTPA SWEATER Mil II Miiiiniiu 1 THIS COCONUT v fcHOCOLATE CREAM PIE) v j - 7T 0 r sap I REALLY SHOULONT-) BUT I LL HAVE , ONE MORE PIECE J ,1, 4e IJC VOU SURE GET HJJ! f ALONG VJELLVIITh) -rTHE ENEMY 1 y " Wf-LL, fbliM& 86 CALMER OU H0WI.AKP 40f . TMAJ fHfeV WAS 8uf NOf SO PMtflll WITH A UITTUS ue OWN-ON OMT MOS XCIftMlMT"'AN' tit'90PY G&rtiN'SOMtWHWU BUT NOT RsAtW MiS WtiHt-1tMH' CASS CUf"' MOW'S ifci loo ro you, PsSreSSOST JN OtMH WORM, THING'S OONK PB 'POUT THB Aing AW, BJf KB.' LASf VA VBU'LL CSiALL fMAf f PakOMlO 1M6i WCULS MOVE L0WLy fOBWAfiff AN JHIff SACKWAR0 pppomumnti 9ui emu win an-t mat, WMeUSASYOU MlJHf PWM, IT'S St NOT to uxtcuie. I I -I J. - J . TO fcXFCUTe. SSSrp f ' JAJT ilVW, CAHIft! " THE PRE Ur NOT-! pC COULD NOT RBSIST Y HA.,Ye, I XZ LEARN OF OUR ARRNAL WtSK ErOR6 THIS CHAHCB TO FIRST UNPBRSTANP MA ALMS A 'OFFICIAL VISIT AT THB WHITBHOUML SE HOW 'THB MEMOS TW MUCACYOF o.AriSs W ' iiiwv' j yf! awrican lwss,awp I thb siruAriowi 5KJCJL22U JEcSSnV" "Jki. 2- r;;i tocomewithjeppaohVwwowwhj. "H,..y5uS" COLLKTIOW SPLEMPIP1 WElL,ir R. NVCOMB SPOKS CW I YOURS TO EMJOV FOR IF I HAVE A WEAKNESS! V WEEK!-" McKEE, IT IS ANCIEMT ARH JTririTn r-f HMW...WHY n-T" W 1' THAT LOOK TVrr-; i of alarm J THERE,' VSE6? OH, MY GOSH, J-WrT JlN COME ON, JUST LIKE I J TT'S THAT JbAZ ( OOP. THIS ' V TOLP "rOU J CRITTER, , -aV icueoTTA Klf i- f' ERi ""') AH, L c WHOCXY!.' I 7HWATP ) ITS A I 6AIP IT'S A BETTER KEEP QUIET WHAT 1 TERRIBLE IT ABOUT WHAT I KHOV ) ?? J CRITTER, A CERTAINLY 1 ABOUT THAT THING S I ' " ATHECNL'U!' TO Bfc" AT THE CiXJ) I UfATKERISTJ . yAl8KNATE I (JILL N0(J SETTLE DOWN IN MV DN, AMD NOT C0U OUT ONTIL.... c h, 1 LOOKV BUMD, HERC.'.'-VO') 7" , PROMISED YO'D GO " - V IN 4- MOORS, ?frv5 au u rr v BACK AM' DO U'L, fi Jlv yN-r GITTI M' cJEST A TEEMY- WNY BIT BUNU 1 A NOT! -BUT AH . VJORRIED xBour 1 I'l ABNERS , LAUNDI?- ' (-F TELL HER H-HAV& ' I GONE BLIND -THERE'LL &E. POSING FOR ME. T. , ' '4 ljdrtt2iCft V YIPE! THAT'S ) IP B iFT-il r,V ,L.. all Lr-Oryi f V "all th, guff-? Mr. Ftkk 8lj4 it'sYhe-t riaht about 1 rone of her business, ' but the iDouldn t let a kid of hers op near h ooethina1 It'rvniv if 1 don't qet V There'4 nothina t.' He'nice! Mr. Fuddle. Doi I like b'-n! I v attention touhat ujrrtrvi inih von t patj anj i or ner Business! y . , I wuw, i SOU HEAR? HATE YX) AND I DBMANDTHAr yoo 5toe raa-ir nov., HEAt? STOP 5TDP LOWING,. 7 YO0'R5 a a ' o IIHIttHUlKTIIbitlhtM YES, YOU LL HAVE TO VIEW SUSPECTS TILL VOU pr-eocNizE the Roeeeo. 1 tir.J C?H TWT him; 11. a NOf NO ITS THE OTHEC? GENTLEMAN? I R6COOIIZE V THE Ma-SAWSHf ' PLEASE! I KN0W THE EXPLANATION. THE HOITAL f"". . T HAE THE LE6AL RIGHT TOKEEPSUSAR HERE.. J. tlSf. yyf ;. hospital coulpnt I BUT I TELL MXJ WE DIP HAVE a MOALDUTy! ANBSIKSAR...WU4T V -9 ABOUT AS 5HT TO LIVC T I.. T HOW DO OU SOUAR6 WXJR y "! CONSCIENCE, PR.TORPA? Nrt. "0! THERE'S NO PILL I CAN SWAL- ) ' 10W THAT WiaTRANOUlLBE WELL-THE MOUSTAWSH WAS SMALLER. REALLV. BUT. MY DEAR, DONT VOO WAVE A LARGE"? SELECTION WITH OTHER MOUSTAWSHES? 1 6ACGE. MEET fW OLD SCHOOL piJPPlES, BfTTEC PILL, piA-AONO JW, FKHMAN ANP 6WEATSOC IS 1 AW ' T' WELL, MOW V co you f L'KE A'V , Fk'ENPS II 7 J I - -U Kv:."- . ... .-.-rtC; BEETLE, I HAVE ( AN AOOLOSY TO V MAICETOTOU l5 I TMCHJ&HTTWE bottom 0TH BARREL WAS . s;eAP7 wmen you W'ERS DCAFTE?.'.' Thats AvW : SPCCIAL FOft. today Yi LL Have PUT MOV CAM YOU po rr Foe; W-CAT PRICE J I F?Y CM.D CANDY BARS' wELL.Tvicpg rr is. NEVtR NOTtCE IT WTH TW LID ON; JUST t'KS AMY OTHER MANHOLE.' ?e lots a OLD HOW WNVANO WHJPT ANO HOW 53 ? PFNE TH THf HACIENDA AfiO aa Of- SwacXTWH" iS A M?E of manv TUNNELS. ANNE f r OP AWTifluiTY SAY The v WERE BUILT I tn P.6 rfwo UVEO MEBE AS MJCH A!,"OTHOcisaNO YCOPS A50( L J WHRl fTTWO ?r ) (WO? . 1 I IIEAPIK LlZAPOSf V. Too many things that lead them astray? Too much money to spend, too much idle time; Too many movies of passion and crime; Too many books not fit to be read; Too much evil in what they said. Too many children encouraged to roam; Too many parents who won't stay nome. Kids don't make the movies, they don t write the books That paint gay pictures of gang sters and crooks. They don't make the liquor and don t run the bars, They don't make the laws and they don't buy the cars. They don't peddle drugs that addle the brain, That's all done by older folks, greedy for gain. Delinquent teen-agers, Oh! how we condemn. The sins of the nation and blame it on them. By the laws of the blameless, the Saviour made known. Who is there among us to cast the first stone? For in so many cases, it's sad but it's true. The title "Delinquent" fits older folks too. Contributed THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS After the hustle of breakfast is past, The chores of the morn are all done. Through my window I watch the cnildren eo oast. Returning to school on the run. Then I settle down with my needle and thread. To darn up some socks left un done. The house all around seems so nuiet and Henri So void of laughler and fun. The Christmas tree stands so ionelv and bare. Its briRht colored gifts are all gone, Just a gentle reminder of joys we did share. When thank you.s were said, and eyes shone. Through the day I just putter, at noon I lust think. When I take out the carcass so bare. Of the turkey that once was so lovely and pink, Now there's just a few bits of meat mere. The afternoon goes and the day lades awav. Father comes from his work once acain. Then we sit and talk of the hours passed awav. Peace on earlh and good will toward men. iOf the cards, the letters and folks lar awav. News of babies that we've never seen. jOf how our dear families are growine each dav And how we'd love to see them all again. Then life settles down In norma once more. But the memories will bring many smiles. So precious are all of the events of yore. Spice for each pain, and a lift lor eacn mile. Mrs. Leon Lybrand VISION A little child stole into my heart. A grac lousness of God a part, A wispy curl out of place. Lispy words, a smiling face. Spots of dirt on a brand new dress. Hands all irimv. what a mem Her utter trustfulness I feel; How sued and pure, so good and real. Oh how I wish that I could he As sweet and nice and good as sne; Not spoiled by sin destructive dart A little child stole into my heart. Harrv Vngtman !W IT THE HARD WAV CHICAGO t pi 1 - Chicago no- lire said Monday that would-be safecrackers at a business place here used an electric drill, a sledge hammer, a screwdriver and a can opener, hut were un successful. Willard Bickford. rner of a donut plant where the safe as localed. said. "It wasn't locked, and there was slip of paper hear ing the combination on top of the .safe "