O'Hara Clan Dominates Hollywood HOLLYWOOD (VPV - Wash ington may have the Kennedy clan, but Hollywood has the fitz. Sirnmonses. While the Kennedys may be bet ter publicized, the FitzSimmon clan is just as close-knit. Says the best known FitzSim mon, actress Maureen O'Hara: "We're like a car ;f peas. There are not only my brothers and sis ters, but there are my best friends as well." The FitzSimmonses are nearly as numerous as the Kennedys. There is brother Charles, a crim inal lawyer from Dublin who fol lowed Maureen to Hollywood and now is a film producer; brother Jim, a businessman-actor; sister Florey, who lives near Maureen with her three children; sister Peg, who turned down a musical scholarship to La Scala in Milan to enter a convent. Although an other sister, Margot, lives in Virginia, she visits the Hollywood FitzSimmonses frequently. The elder FitzSimmonses also moved to Hollywood after the fa ther retired from his Dublin busi ness. The mother, who once was an actress with the Abbey Thea tre, died recently. But the patri arch of the clan still lives near his brood in Hollywood. The family is a study in to getherness. "You can't pry us apart," Maureen said. "The only time we're not together is when we're asleep in bed." The beautiful redhead attributes part of the clan's closeness to the fact that they were raised in Ireland. "I think there is a closer re lationship between families in Ireland," she said. "And we were all so close together in birth and played together as we grew up." Although "Spencer's Mountain" is her 47th movie and the list in cludes such classics as "The Quiet Man," "How Green Was My Valley," and "Parent Trap," Maureen has not confined her tal ents to movies. She appeared in a Broadway musical, sang on tele vision and even recorded an album of Irish songs. She also has proved herself equally adept at comedy and drama. Audrey Tells Of Studios In Boulogne PARIS (UPIi "You may call me a permanent fixture at the Studios de Boulogne," Audrey Hepburn announced with the sweep of a hand. "I am one of those who can say 'remember when. . . She had appeared in "Love in the Afternoon" at the same stu dio on the southern fringe of the Bois de Boulogne opposite the late Gary Cooper six years ago. Studio workmen remember her well from those days, especially w ardrobe woman Marguerite Bra chct, who recalls "Madame Hep burn was a delightful child, then and is one now." At that time, Audrey recalled the studio had an adjoining "back lot." with papier mache exter iors of buildings used in pictures Today, the back lot is gone, and big apartment house rises from it. It is said the furniture used In the Gary Cooper-Audrey Hep- bum starrer is being used again in her current "Charade." "I don't like to think of it Audrev said. "It's sad. We loved him so." Audrey returned to the Paris studio in July for "Paris When It Sizzles." She was ready to pull tip stakes and head for home Burgenstock above Lucerne ir Switzerland, when she was of fered "Charade." "It was one of those quick and effective deals when everything seems to fall into place." Au drey's agent. Henry Rogers, re called. "Audrey had knovin Cary Grant for years, and they lit each other to a tec, both sporting the name air of vivacious mischief. jet tlicy had never worked to . tether as a team. ' Audrev and her husband. Me! ' Ferrer, and their son still occupy the old Bourbon chateau on the road to Fontainebleau they lived in during the summer. When the picture is over. Audrey and the boy. Scan. 3. will go DacK 10 mir genstock to winter over briefly while Mel reports for duty in Samuel Bronston's "The Fall of the Roman Empire" in Madrid. "As soon as possible. Sean and .1 will join him there." Audrey said. "And sliouid he have to move on to Rome (or interiors, we'll catch up with him there." She laughs at rumors of a fam ily rift. "I'll sft ou in Holly wend in June." Audrey said. "We II be there, a!! three of us. as I go into My Fair Lady." " The I S. Air Force Academy opened July 11. 1955, with 306 cadets. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath ) It 1 v 4 V ft f - "j It - I -i luk'M COMEDIAN RETURNS Comedian Bob Hope accompanied by. left to right, Amadee Chabot, Anita Bryant, Lena Turner and Janis Paige, returned from their 20,000-mile tour of military bases during which they entertained troops, Hope holds a Philippine bow and arrow he collected as a souvenir, The trip ended on a somewhat sour note as the famous Hollywood comedian was detained more than an hour by customs officials. UP! Telephoto Lieder Form Mastered By Singer NEW YORK (UPK Dietrich Fischer-Dicskau's mastery of the' lieder form includes even the abil itv to create the emotional con nections between the songs of a song cycle. Hear him singing Schubert's "Die Schoene Muller- in" and you'll hear these subtle and unifying connectives for which Schubert composed no mu- sic yet indicated ny implicit moods (Angel-36281. Even when sung all at one time as a evele, the 20 songs often sound like 20 songs rather than like 20 units forming a whole Fischer-Dieskau. with his com mand of musically expressed emo lion, makes each unit indispensa ble. Had any been omitted, it would have made a jarring dis continuity. He even gave the epilogue and the prologue which often are dropped. Effective things still are being done with the art song, as you'll hear in a recording of Benjamin Britten's "Three Canticles." There's a high measure of orig inality in them, too, even though Ihe feelings they express may seem rather strained in their de partures from ordinary feelings Britten himself was the pianist in the excellent recording (London 25332.1 Peter Pears, the English singer who has become a leading Britten interpreter, is the singer of all of them. Of the new crop of historic re cordings, the most impressive ones may be so because it is unique. It has Lotte Lcnmann. Lauritz Mclchior and Emanuel List singing the first act of "Die Walkure," with Bruno Walter conducting the orchestra. It was made in 1935 when all were in their prime and the re-recording on LP betravs little of the tech nical recording lapses of that time. (Great Recordings of the Century AngeI-133.1 X NEW FIGURE Kathy Nolan, who played a plump hay seed with a pitiable dash of ex ippeal in "The Real McCoys" for five yean, left th show lait season and simultaneously shed 30 pounds. The actress displays her figure which is down to 102 razzle-dazzle pounds. Gone is the hick, Kate McCoy, and in her place is a glamour girl. UPI Telephoto 1 Falls, Ore. Sunday, Talent Agent By Working NEW YORK (UPIl-One talenti agent is working both sides of the street this season in a most prof itable manner. Daniel Hollywood, a dapper. handsome chap who originated in the city of Cork, Ireland, is not1 only the agent for playwright Sumner Arthur Long. He also is the co-producer, with Elliot Mar tin, of Long's smash comedy hit "Never Too Late," at the Play house. "I felt that Uie play had a good chance," Hollywood said, "and when I couldn't sell it to any of the established producers, 1 de cided to put it on myself. Martin is a stock theater operator who tried the play out for me this past summer. Actually, this is the second time Hollywood has gone to bat for a client to insure that a play would get produced. He whipped up a co-production deal three seasons about for Saul Levitt s The An dersonville Trial." "That one was a critical suc cess and it ran a few months, but it didn't pay off," Hollywood said. "However, it certainly was worth the effort because it called attcn tion to Levitt's ability, and he has been busy in the movies at top money ever since. Long's comedy, once known as "Cradle and All," and previously produced in summer stock a few seasons ago, had been kicking around for about five years when Hollywood chanced upon it early this year. "Obviously, it needed revision.' Hollywood explained, "but it seemed to me that, with the right cast, it simply had to turn out as an hilarious entertainment. I wanted Paul Ford from the first, but many complications arose during the months to make this seem impossible. Finally, we got him. We also got George Abbott to see our production in summer stock, and he was hooked. That meant that the master director, Abbott, agreed to re t X7 A ' - m; nr., , nw ii PAGE-3 Profits Both Sides direct the play and that he con tributed some changes for the playwright to make. "Abbott is a magic name, all right." Hollywood said. "I re member calling The Playhouse about a booking here, and the manager couldn't have been less interested. Then I told him we had just signed Abbott to direct the show, and we had n deal immediately." Actors Shun Television HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Would you rather be a movie star or a television star? Most laymen would accept ci ther category and the outsized salaries that go with them with out quibbling. But almost invariably profes sional actors would choose the movies over television. Principal reason is that the big screen means less work, higher pay, treeaom ot choice and prestige I hose are the sentiments of handsome Jim Garner who climbed to fame by boarding a horse and galloping around the back lot at Warner Bros, in the now defunct "Maverick" televi sion series. After three years the excite mcnt paled. Garner wanted out for a shot at the big time movies. Warners attempted to placate him with a couple of des ultory pictures, but Garner was determined to spring himself. out or job After a long and bitter contrac tual battle Jim went to court and gained his freedom, but for sever al months was totally unemployed. Now, however, Garner is in de mand, with status to spare. He has three movies to his credit The Children's Hour," "Boy's Night Out" and "The Great Es cape. His newest eliort is The Thrill of it All." "I'm in the process of building a career, said Garner with mas terful understatement. I think I'm the first actor who was ever offered 100 per cent of the profit of a television series and turned it down. I want to be a movie actor, not a TV star. Typical Outlook His reasoning is as simple as that, and typical in Hollywood today. 'Longevity is the big factor,' he said. "In television you take the chance of being here today and gone tomorrow. Garner, like Steve McQueen and David Janssen iwho also fled television to seek their futures in movies), still has some ground to cover before becoming a first magnitude, razzle-dazzle movie star. But If determination, talent and a handsome face are factors, Jim Garner should reach the lop He's confident he will succeed. AIDE TO WILLIAMS WASHINGTON (LTD - David B. Bolcn, a quartcrmiler on the 1948 U.S. Olympic team and for mer University of Colorado ath lete, was named Monday to be staff assistant to G. Mcnnen Vil lains, assistant secretary of stale for African affairs. Bolen. a Negro, was chief of the economic section of the U S mission in Ghana before return ing to Washington about a month ago. January g, 1963 KOTI-TV littiitli ctntaln htrtfn art publish) ai a Mhlic trvt by tht H trait) and Nawt. Thli nipBr is nl raipcn tibia far arrar in tlmac ar Brcejram ctnlant at fwrnlihaa' by tht tt&'tan. Pratram Htln twbltct ta thanft withtvt ntlltt. Far ttiNtntl lafar mailt aatl Hit ttttltn, KLAMATH FALLS, ORISON Channel 2 Pacific Standard Time January . January 12 SUNDAY 11:00 NFL Runnerup Bowl 2:00 Directions '63 2:30 Championship Bowling 3:30 Dan Smoot Report 3:45 Sports HI Lights 4:00 Oral Roberts 4:30 Big Plclurt 5:00 Major Adams TraHmaster 5:30 G E. College Bowl 6:00 201h Century 6:30 Trails West 7:00 Ensign O'Toola 7:30 Jetsons 8:00 Sunday Night Movie: Solomon Sheba 10:00 Candid Camera 10:30 Howard K. Smith 11:00 Sunday News Special MONDAY 10:00 Colleqt of the Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wyman 11:30 Yours for Song 12:00 Ernla Ford 12:30 As the World Turns l:OP Father Knows Best 1:30 House Party 2:00 Day in Court 2:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:00 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain's Corner 5:05 Town & Country Workshop 5:30 Dennis The Menace 6:00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Farm Market Repart 6:10 Stock Market Report 6: ii abl News 6:30 Local News 6:45 Scolty's Barks 'n' Bites (Spor :WJ Mr. td 7:30 The Dakolas 8:30 Riflemar. 9:00 Stoney Burke 10:00 Ben Casey 11:00 ABC Final Report TUESDAY 10:00 College of the Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wyman Presents 11:30 Yours For A Song 12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 12:30 As The World Turns 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:30 House Party 2:00 Day In Court 2:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain's Corner 5:30 Quick Draw McGrtw 5:55 Tech Talks 6:00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Farm Market Report 6:10 Stock Market Repart 6:15 ABC News 6:30 Local News 6:45 TBA 7:00 David Brinklty's Journal 7:30 Combat 8:30 Hawaiian Eyt :30 Untouchable; 10:30 Bell & Howell Closeuo 11:00 ABC Final Report WEDNESDAY 10:00 College of tht Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wyman 11:30 Yours For a song. 12:00 Ernie Ford 12:30 As The World Turns 1:00 Father Knows Best 1 :30 House Party 2:00 Day In Court 2: JO Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain'! Cornar 5:05 Fund-o-Rama 5:30 Yogi Bear 6:00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Farm Market Report 6:10 Stock Market Report 6:15 ABC News 6:30 Local Newt 6:45 Sportsman 7:00 Hazel 7:30 Wagon Train 1:30 Going My Way :30 Our Man Hlggins 10:00 Naked City 11:00 ABC Final Report THURSDAY 10:00 College of the Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wyman 11:30 Yours tor a Son a 12:00 Ernie Ford 12:30 As The Werld Turnt 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:30 House Parly 2:00 Day In Court 2:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4.10 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Uncle B'tl 5:30 Builwinkle 6 00 Your TV Weatherman 6 05 Farm Market Report 6:10 Stock Market Report 6 30 Local News 6 45 Scotty's Barkl V Bites 7:00 Deputy 7:30 Oint and Harriet 8 00 Story Of 8 30 Leave It To Beaver 9:00 My Three Sons a 30 McHait's Navy 10:00 Premiere 11:00 ABC Final Report 11:15 Top Star Bowling FRIDAY 10.00 College of tht Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wyman Prtstnts 11:30 Yours for a Song 17:00 Tennesi.ee Ernit Ford 12:30 As The World Turns 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:30 House Party :N Day In Court 2-30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Ore. Cal. Panorama 1:30 Huckleberry Hound 6:00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Farm Market Report 6:10 Slock Market Report 6:15 ABC News 6:30 Local Ntws 6:45 SCOlty'S Berks 'fl' Bite 7:00 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington 7 30 Valiant Years 8:00 Father Knows Best I 30 Flintstonas t 00 I'm Dlckens-He'i Fenster 9 30 77 Suntet Strip 10 30 Lloyd Bridget 11 00 ABC Final Report 11:15 Showtime on Two SATURDAY 9:00 Captain Kangaroo 10 00 The Atvln Show 10:30 Mighty Mouse Playhouse 11:00 Too Cat 11:30 Beany ft Cat 1 1 12 00 Bugs Bunny 17 30 Magic Land of Alakaitm l:0O My r-riena Mtcut 1:30 Sky King 2 00 TBA 2:30 Challenge Golf 3 JO PBA Bowling S 00 Wide World of Sports 6:30 Country Show 7.00 Fight of the Week 7:50 Make that Spare 8 00 Gallant Men 9:00 Lawrence Wetk 10 00 Guntmoke 11 00 News Seorti 11:15 Showtime on Two KVIP-TV RIDOINO, CALIFORNIA CHANNBL 7 January 6 January II SUNDAY t 30 Meet th Professor 3 00 Direction '62 3.30 Editors Chelc 3:00 Issue and AntwtrB 3 JO Film Fare 4 38 Oan Smoot 4 '1 Medical Panel Dixusilon 5:00 Valiant Yttrt 5 30 BtjH Winkle 4 80 Mark Rogers' Beeortl 6:38 McKeever and the Colonel 7 (M Fm'on O'Teete 7 18 Dtinev' Wonderful World f Ct'w 8:30 Car S4 Where AO vev TV Schedules For 9:00 Bonanza 10:00 HTK 10:30 Howard K Smith 11:00 David Brlnkiey 11:30 This Is the Way, Religious 11:00 Lata News MONDAY 9:30 Educational 10:00 Price Is Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Jane Wvman H:30 Yours For a Song 12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 12:30 Father Knows Best 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 TV Bingo 2:00 Day In Court 2:74 Midday Report 2:30 7 Keys 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery KVIP-TV 4-55 Bandstand News 5:00 Brave Stallion 5:30 Mickey Mouse Club 6:00 Newsbeet North Slate 6:15 Huntley-Brlnkley :je uaiianr Man 7:30 Cheyenne 8:30 Rifleman 9:00 Stoney Burke 10:00 Ben Casey 1:00 ABC News Final 1:10 Sportscast , 1:15 Tonlrjht 2:25 Late News TUESDAY 9:30 Educational 0:00 Price Is Right 10:30 Concentration 1:00 Jane Wyman 1:30 Yours For a Song 12:00 Ernie Ford Show 2:30 Father Knows Best 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 TV Bingo 2:00 Day In Court 2:24 Midday Report 2:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen tor a Day 3:30 Who Do YOU Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery 4:55 Bandstand News 5:00 Cartoon Time 5:30 Mickey Mouse Club 6:00 Newsbeat Northslat 6:15 Film Fare 6:30 Laramie 7:30 Combat 8:30 Hawaiian Eye 9:30 Untouchables 10:30 Don't Call Me Charlie 1:00 ABC News Final 1:10 Sportscast 1:15 Tonight 2:25 Late News WEDNESDAY 9:30 Educational 10:80 Price Is Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Jent Wyman 1:30 Yours For A Song 12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 2:30 Father Knows Best 1:08 Leretta Young 1:30 TV Bingo 2:00 Day In Court 2:34 Midday Report 2:30 7 Keys 3:oe uueen For a Day j;30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 4: JO Discovery 62 4:55 Bandstand News 5:00 Broken Arrow 5:30 Mickey Mouse Club ' 6:00 Newsbeet Northstata 6:15 Huntley-Brlnkley 6:30 International Showtlmt 7:30 Wagon Train 8:30 Going My Way 9:30 Our Man Higgins 10:00 Naked City ii:oo abl News Finn 11:10 Sportscast 11:15 Tonight Shew 12:25 Lalt Newt THURSDAY 9:30 Educational 10:00 Price Is Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Jane Wyman 11:30 Yours For a Seng 12:00 Emit Ford Show 12:30 Father Knows Best 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 TV Bingo 2:00 Day In Court 2:24 Midday Report 3:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery 62 4:55 Bandstand News 5:00 Super Car 5:30 Mickey Mouse Club 6:00 Newsbeaf Northstata 6:15 Huntley-Brinkley 6:30 Father Knows Best 7:00 Guestward Ho 7:30 Adventures of Orile and Harriet 8:00 The Donna Reed Show 8:30 Leave It To Beaver 9:00 My Three Sons 9:30 McHele's Navy U: 00 Fred Asfelre Prcmlera .CC ABC News Final 11:10 Sportscast 11:15 Tanlghf Show 12:25 Late News FRIDAY 9:30 Educational 10 00 Price Is Right 0:30 Concentration 11:00 Jane Wyman Show 11:30 Yourt For A Song 12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 12:30 Father Knows Best 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 TV Bmge 2:00 Day In Court 7:74 Midday Report 3:38 7 Keys 3.00 Queen For A Day 3:10 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 4 38 Discovery 67 4:5$ Bandstand New 5 00 Jill's Party Tlmt 5:30 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Newsbeet Northstata 6:15 Huntley Brlnkiey 6 30 Films of tht Fitles 830 Fllntstonet 9:00 I'm Dickens He'a Fenster 9 30 77 Sunset Strip 10:30 Rebel 11:00 ABC News final 11:10 SPtrfs Cast 11:15 Tonight Show 12:25 Lata News SATURDAY 900 Shir I Lewis 9:30 King Leonardo 10 00 Fury 10:30 Magic Midway 11:00 TBA 11:30 Top Cat 17:00 Bugs Bunny 12:30 Alakaiam 1.00 My Friend Fllcka 1:3 The Northerner 2:00 Why Teacher 2:30 Death Valley Days 3:00 Disc Date 4:00 Dan Smoot 4:15 Film Fare 5-00 Wide World ot Sporll 6 30 Jefsoni 7 00 TBA 1:00 Haiel 8:30 Joey Bishop 9 00 Lawrence Walk 10 00 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington 10:30 Sunday Night Movit 12:30 Lata News KMED-TV Channel 19 MiOPORD, ORSOOM Pacific Standard Time SUNDAY January 6 January 11 17 00 Sign On 13 05 Sacred Heart 12:15 The Christophers 1 00 Breakthrough 1 30 Sunday Cinema: Spellbound 3:00 This IS NBC Newt 3:30 Wild Kingdom 4 00 New Facet of Congress 5 00 Update 5' 30 BultwinHf 6 00 Meet the Pratt 6 30 McKeever and the Colonel 7 00 Ension O'Tool 7:30 Disney World o Color I 30 Car 54, Whert Ar You? 9 00 Bonanie 10 00 ProleOlon 11.00 Newt 11:05 Sign Off MONDAY 9 25 Sign On . Morning VMt 9-It Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price It Right 10 M ConCQfitretlofl 1100 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth r Contequtr.cet 1:45 NBC News 13:00 Very Gr-tflP Ve 13 55 NBC Newt 1 oo Loretta Young I 30 Young Dr. Ma lone 3 00 The Match &. mt 3 71 NBC Newt 3 30 Mak Room fw Daddy ) CD Oiieen tor a Oay 3 39 Who O Yeu Trust 4 00 Fatal Point 4. Popey Theater 5:00 King Leonard I 30 Our GanB 5:55 Weather Window 6:00 Newsretl 10 6:15 Huntley Brinklty Report 6 30 The Valiant Yeart 7:00 It's A Man's World 8:30 Saints and Sinners 9:30 Th Price Is Right 10:00 Ben Casey 11:00 News Ten Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 News. Weather, Sign Off TUESDAY 9:J5 Sign On - Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price Is RIGHT 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 NBC News 13:00 Merv Griln Show 12:55 NBC News 1 :00 Loretta Young 2:00 The Match Game 3:25 NBC News 2:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen for a Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust? 4:00 Focal Point 5:30 Laurel and Hardy 5:55 Weather Window 6:00 Newsreel Ten 6:10 Spor Is Highlights 6:15 Huntley Brlnkiey Report 4:30 Combat 7:30 Laramie 8:30 Empire 9:30 Dick Powell Show 10:30 Chet Huntley Reporting 11:00 Newsreel Ten Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 News. Weather, Sign Oft WEDNESDAY 9:25 Sign On - Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 Ihe Price It Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 NBC News 12:00 Merv Griffin Show 12:55 NBC News 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 Young Dr. Melon 2:00 The Match Game 3:25 NBC News 2:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen For a Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust? 4:00 Focal Point 4:30 Popeyt Theater 5:00 RuM and Reddy 5:30 Our Gang 5:55 The Weather Window 6:00 Newsreel 10 6:15 Hunt ley Brinklty Report 6:30 Sam Benedict 7:30 The Virginian 9:00 Perry Como 10:00 The lllh Hour 1:00 News Ten Night Report lonignt snow 1:00 Ntws, Weather and Sign Olf THURSDAY 9.35 Sign On Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price It Right 10:33 Concentration l:tO Your First Impression 1:30 Truth or consequences 1:55 NBC News 12:00 Merv Griffin Show 12:55 NBC News 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 Young Dr. Ma lent 2:00 The Match Game 2:75 NBC Newt 2:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 Friendship Circle 4:30 Popey Theater 5:00 Fury 5:30 Laurel and Hardy 5:55 Weather Window 6:55 Renner'a Weathar Window 6:00 Newsreel Ten 6:10 Sports Highlights 6:15 Huntley Brlnkiey 6:30 Feature Profile 6:35 Sports Speclll 7:00 Touchdown '62 7:30 Wide Country 8:30 Dr. Klldar 9:30 Haiel 10:00 Andy Williams 11:00 News Ten Ntght Report 11:15 Tonight Show FRTOAY 9:35 Sign On Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 Th Price It Right 10:30 concern ration 11:00 Your Flrtt Impression 11:30 Truth or Constqutnctt 11:55 NBC News 13:00 Merv Griffin Show 12:55 NBC News 1:00 Loretta Young 2:00 The Match Gam 2:35 NI.C Newt 2:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen For A Day W Who D Yu Trust? 4:00 ocol Point 4:30 ropeye Theater 4:55 International Showtime 5:55 Tie Weather Window 5:50 Wtether Special 6:00 Newsreel 10 6:15 Hu'lley Brlnkiey Report 4:30 TBA 7:00 Gallant Men 7:30 TBA 8:30 Sing Along With Mitch 9:30 Don't Call Ma Charlie 10:00 Jack Parr 11:00 News Ten Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 News, Weather adn signotf SATURDAY 11:05 Slqn On ii:35 Minister s Kouno tboi 11:30 Exploring 12:30 Watch Mr. WHrd 1:00 Snarl Lewis 1:30 Magic Midway 3:00 Saturday Matinee 3:30 Sports International 5:00 AH Slar Golf 6:00 NBC News 4:30 Wyatt Earp 7:00 Fight of th Weak - Mak That Soars 8:00 David Brink ley 'i Journal 8:30 Joey Bishop 9:00 Saturday Night At Th Movltt: 11:00 Intermission Newt 11:05 Seven Arts Play nous KBES-TV MHDF0tO, ORIOON Channel 8 Pacific Standard Tim January 8 January II SUNDAT 11:00 Runner Up Bowl 2 00 Valine 3.30 Adventures In Medicine 4:00 Oral Roberts 4: 30 Championship Rowling 5 30 G.ft. College Bowl 8:00 20th Century 6-30 Password 7:00 The Jetsmt 7:30 Dennis Th Venae 8 00 Ed Sullivan 9:00 Real McCoyt 9:30 G.6. Tru Thtf 10:00 Candid Camera 11:00 News 11:15 Sign Off MOVDAT 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Calender 9 30 I Love Lucy 10:00 McCoys 10 30 Pete and Gtidyl 1I:M Love of Lit 11:34 CBS News 11:30 Search for Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 Colleg of th Air 12:30 As th World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 Hous Party 2 00 To Tell Th Truth 2 2S CBS News 2:30 Jan Wyman 3 00 Secret Sform 1:30 Edge of Night 4:00 JtVinnf Linn Show 4 30 Discovery 'A2 4:54 American Newsstand 5:00 Alvln 3:30 Rln Tin Tin a W TV Weathermen 8:05 Channel S Report 4:15 CBS New 4 JO McHele's Navy 7:00 My Thre Son 7:30 Dakota 8 30 Lucille Batt Show 9 00 Danny Thome 9:30 Andy Griffith 10:00 77 Sunwt Strip 11:10 ABC Newt Pinal 11:15 Sgn Off TUKSDAT 8 00 Ctt)ln Kangaroo 9 00 Calendar 9:30 I Love Lucy 10 00 Th McCovt 10 30 Pt I Gladys 11:00 Llv Of Llf 11:14 CBS News 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 12 00 Coiiege Of th Air 12 30 At Th World Turn 1 00 Password t 30 Hous Party 2:00 To Tell Th Truth 2 75 CBS Newt 7 30 Jar Wyman 3 00 Scrt Storm 2 30 Rdg of Night 4 00 Johrwe Linn Show 4 Discovery '43 The Week 4 54 American Newsstand 5:00 Sky King J: 30 Quick Draw McGraw 6:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel 5 Report 4:15 Waller Cronklt Newt 4:30 Th Deputy 7:00 Country Show 7-30 Marshal Dillon 8:00 Lloyd Bridges 8:30 Red 5k I ton 9:30 Jack Benny 10:00 Garry Moore 11:00 ABC News Final 11:15 Sign Off WEDNESDAY 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 I Love Lucy 10.00 McCoys 10:30 Pelt and Gladya 11:00 Love of LH 11:34 CBS Newt 11:30 Search for Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 17:00 college ot tne Air 13:30 As the World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 House Party 3:00 To Tell tha Truth 2:35 CBS News 3:30 Jane Wyman 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge Of Night 4:00 Johnnie Linn Show 4:30 Discovery '63 4:54 American Newsstand 5:00 Uncle Bill's Adventure Tim 5:39 Yogi Bear 6:00 TV Weatherman 6:05 Newt 4:15 CBS Newt 6:30 Hillbillies 7:00 Ozile 4. Harriet 7:30 Weren Train 8:10 Going My Way 9:30 Dick Van Dyk 10:00 Naked City 11:00 ABC News Final 11:15 Sign Off THURSDAY 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 I Love Lucy 10:00 McCoys 10:30 pet and Gladys 11:00 Love f Lit 11:24 CBS News 11:30 Search for Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 College t th Air 17:30 As ihe World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 House Party 2 00 To Tell Th Truth 2:25 CBS News 2:30 Jane Wvman 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 fcdge of Night 4:00 Johnnie Linn Show 4:30 Discovery '63 4:54 American Newsstand 5:00 Mighty Mouse 5:30 Roy Rogers 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Channel 5 Report 6:15 Walter Cronklt 6:30 Sports Roundup 7:00 Rifleman 7:30 Mr. Ed 8:00 Perry Mason 9:00 Twilight Zone BEEBE'S TV and RADIO Service Packard-Btll & Sylvanl Salt iJ.rT Grn Stamp 1918 Oregon Av. Ph. TU 4-7S19 ' NELSON'S TV PockarJ-B.il TV 4 Rodi. k Chonntl Matter Traniiitor Radiol We Servlc All Makes of Radios and TV's DAY OR NIGHT! lExcopt Sunday) All Work Guarantaad 3005 Shaira Way TU 2-3479 Billy Golden All Makes & Models WE CAN SAVE 80 of all Picture Tubes Guarantee on all Parts and Labor "HAVE TUBES WILL TRAVEL DAYS, NIGHTS & SUNDAYS" PHONE 2-1259 M MONTGOMERY WARD 9th t Pine TU 4-3188 AIRLINE. PICTURE TUBE SALE On Popular 21" Tubes KW 014 T.o. JJ Tr.4.1. Installed by Factory Trained Technicians Injoy thorp TV picture! with tutor olumlfiitod oicturo tubo . . . mo4o tor Warai by loading tubo -au-tocturtr. 6uorontood for ono oor. COMPARE AIRLINE QUALITY AND LOW PRICES ON ALL OTHER SIZE TUBES READ CLASSIFICATION NO. 41 RADIO-TY-MUSIC" : 10:00 Alcoa Premier 11:00 ABC News Final 11:15 Top Slar Bowling 12:15 Sign Off FRIDAY 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 I Love U'-y 10:00 McCoyt 10:30 Pel and Gladys 11:00 Love of Life 11:24 CBS Newt 10:30 Search for Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light k:w coiiege ot irtt Air 12:30 As tha World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 House Party 2:00 To Tell The Truth 3:25 CBS Newt 2:30 Jane Wyman 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Johnny Linn Show 4:30 Discovery '63 4:54 American Newsstand 5:00 Magic Land 5:30 Huckleberry Hound 4: Your T7 Weatherman 4:05 Channel 5 Report 6:15 Walter Cronklt 6:30 Story Ol 7:00 Leave it to Beaver 7:30 Rawhide 8:30 Rout 64 9:30 I'm Dickens-He's Fenster 10:00 Alfred Hitchcock 11:00 ABC News Final 11:10 Local Newt Final 11:15 Stage 5 12:45 Sign Off SATURDAY 12:00 TBA 3:30 Challenge Golf 3:30 Professional Bowlers Tour 5:00 Matinee 4:00 Dan Smoot Report 6:15 Channel 5 Report 6:30 Fllntstonet 7:00 I 'vi Got A Secret 7:30 Jackie G lea son 8:30 The Defenders 9:30 Have Gun Will Travel 10:00 Gunsmok 11:00 Ntws Final 11:15 Stage 5 12:45 Sign Off B&B i RADIO 8 ELECTRIC Complt SajrvfcB en TV's Radios Record Players ' 31 S. 6th TU 2-4434 Pl.nty of Frm Parking TV Service All maki, oil kinds Pfck up and Dollvory . Servic up to 8 pm daily 24 ytars of Mrvleo to the Klamath Boiin. Phono TU 4-5121 or 4-7241. dctbtfs Mush 124 No. 7th ACE TV I ZEMITlt Sties & Scrr. ftift THE FINEST in TV-fUMo soma PHONI TU 4-3MI NOWMfl Home Service Calls $4.50 1140 Rivarsidt Drlr Open 9 to 6 Mon. thru Sot. Of coune you cant Thousands of American citizens already have. Where? Communism's weak eat spot Eastern Kurope. Hera 80,000,000 people still mist Bed domination. Here many Russian divisions are tied down. You can Ret Into the fight, by hacking up one of our major weapons in the cold war Radio tree burope. In dally broadcasts. Radio Free Europe's 28 powerful trans mitters send mesaagea of truth f" and hope to captive people ... messages that expose Red lies. Radio Free Europe is sup ported by private donations. It needs your help to keep the Communists off balance. 80 stand up and be counted. Give now whatever you can. Radio Free Europe Fund AwirteM epla'i Cawtfarv Vefce Cmmmitm P, O. ftS 1969, MmM Vernon, R Y IhsftUitW m eerfte in ewMratfofj T 4dfwtimnt CewtriJ and Ota 1 Sf paper Adttmtuina In The CLASSIFIED SECTION Of TODAY'S