PAGE 4-B HERALD AVn NTKWS, A i t in T,in. a Oh, Golly! The holidays are over and wercn t they wonder' lul? All good things must come to an end so here wo are back ;at the old grind again. But 1 am glad that archery is back on schedule again and the leagues will be shooting twice a week. Monday evening, Jan. 7, will find U.S. National Band vs. Ttoberts Hardware, The Sherwoods Joes Sporting Goods, Farmers Lumber vs. Kingsley Field and Klamath Kamera vs. Alta Sports Center. Wednesday evening, the follow Ing teams will compete: VFW vs. Western Auto, Oregon Food Store vs. Dugan and Most, and Signal Oil vs. East Side Electric. As for the league standings, the next few weeks will become more fun to watch. Most of the teams have had a loss or two and those who haven't are shoot ing with their fingers crossed. Because this is a handicap league, a team may begin the evening with 200 points ahead of the opposing team and sometimes it gets a little tough to gain enough points to beat that handi cap. Many a time a beginner team has beat one of the better teams because of their handicap and this keeps things interesting. A reminder again that Dale Baxter from Farmers Lumberl Company Is offering a prize of six aluminum arrows for the arch er who improves his score at every league shoot. League standings to date look like this: W .1 .1 .1 2 2 2 2 East Side Electric VFW Signal Oil Dugan Mcsl Kingsley Field Sherwoods Farmers Lumber Merrill Whips Bly Quintet In League Action. 59-45 ELY (Special) The Merrill Huskies gained a M-45 Klamath County League victory over the Bly Loggers here Friday night in a foul-infested game which found 42 infractions called. The Huskies jumped off to a 15-6 first period lead and increased that margin to 35-20 by half time and gained another four points on tiie lxiggers in the third period. But Bly rallied a little in the fourth period and nutsenred the Huskies 17-12 to make the final score 59-45. Bly now is 1-2 in league compe tition and 1-4 for the season. They Jackie Jensen Joins PR Staff ItENO (I'Pli Jackie Jensen, former major league hasehall slar. has joined the public rela tions staff of Hurrah's Club at Reno and Lake Tahoe, the club said Saturday. Jensen, a slar with the Boston Red Sox and now a resilient ol Crystal Bay, will split his time between the two oiierations. He will retain his intcrot in an Oak land restaurant and a golf course at Truckee. OSU Rooks Fall To Truax AAU u:pii - -Ti.nix am: o( Corvalhs, with lormr-r (inni.ic.i Bob iTudgyi Hunt scoring 27 points, jwisted a n;nkwball victory over the Orcein Stale Rooks here Friday niytit ljirry I-.nos topped tbe Rooks scoring with IS. Owl Boosters Meet Monday The Owl Homlrr Club will hold a nirfOng Monday night At thr Hrnilrr Krvtuurnnt begin ning At 7 o'clock. ft ill Hall. ptTKlrirnt of ( h f rlub, will mmhifi thr mrrttnR. Cnnrh Jim 1'artlow, hrnH bas ketball marh, and Howard Mnr rU, head w rentllng roach, will dKrti Ihrlr paM Rnir and mrrlt and I he upcoming iinri for (hf wrek. Farh coach will aUn bring nnr alhlrtt lth him tn thr mrrting. NO. 1 IWSSKR nKTfiniT 'IT! '-Mill Hum quarUvhack of the !V;rott Linn u ai the N it ( i n n a 1 Footb.tli league's No. 1 passer ( Ihe Jasl tun wi-wins with the ( lpve.n. Brow ns. Sunday, January 6, 1963 Klamalk PaDi, Orefoa f I BOWING WITH BARBARA t 4 BARBARA BAUMGARDNER Joes Sptng. Goods 1 Alta Sport Center 2 Roberts Hardware 1 Oregon Food 1 U.S. Nal'l Bank 0 Klamlh Kamera 0 Western Auto 0 High man last week was Boh Foster with a score of 200 and high junior Howard Johnson with a score of 1.15. High handicap team for the week is Signal Oil Company and high scratch team Is Oregon Food with a score of Ml. The nominating committee con sisting of Ed Sample, Gordon Lund and myself met last Thurs day evening at my home We came up with eight names for the offices of president and vice presidents, three good possibili ties for secretary and treasurer and two for public relations. These people will be contacted this week for their permission to be put on J he ballot and I hope to have the names of those who accepted for you next week. No nomination was made for the office of Master of the Hunt because we feel that his is a wasted office. It was the feeling of this nominating committee that if and when the club desires to hold a rabbit shoot or any kind of a hunt that a person may vol unteer or be appointed to he in harge of the event. Before the election, a motion to do away with this office will be put before the club membership and if the motion docs not carry, nomina (ions from the floor may be made to fill this office. The regular monthly meeting! at which time the election of of ficers will lake place will be held Jan. IS at 7 p.m. at the Twyla Ferguson School gym. played the Lakeview freshmen Sat urday night and Merrill was idle. The Huskies had 20 fouls called on them to 22 for the home team. Merrill hit 15 of 34 from the line and Bly 17 of 31. Bly hit 14 of 38 shots from the field for a fine 3B.8 percentage and Merrill put the hall up 87 times and hit 22 of them for 25 3 per cent. The Huskies were led hv Jim Thompson and Ken Smith with 14 points each. Jim Watts and Mike Crawlord paced the loggers with II markers apiece. The Merrill Jayvees also won, 47-33. Score by quarters: Merrill 15-20-12-12 5n Bly 6-14- 8-17-45 High Schoo Scores By Unit to Pr InltraatiftAttl Benton i AAtliion Lincoln 43 Roouvrlf 40 Wntnmgton SI Grant 44 Mar than M Jcfftrton 44 Franklin 44 Wilton 44 RoAvvrton I) HIIINrs V Central Catholic SI Cntnrtll 4Q Attorla 7i (lacliarrtM SI Sun.! , David Douglat II M'lwrMihit 44 GrtMham 71 forvAHi 41 DallAi It Smith tifgtn 11 Vxjlh Sirn tf Albany II Springhead a Lebanon t) Newport Sfl Norm fcuqent 4 Norm Salem M Cnttao Grovt ta Swf Hnmi Jt Coqullla Sf NtVlh Rrnr 41 C.ranH Paw 4 WMIO'rt 40 101 Klamath MIH AnhUnd 1 tUktf 4 MMVtu v la Grand J Prinfvllit l Pendleton n Millon rWrtwa'tr 41 lh Pallet S4 Beitmnnd Si Hermiilon 7j rsrrt Warrn(nn U Neah K ah Ht V rt9 4S Bank 14 VfnoH IF W a inter J4 Daytrm 40 frmtnrrji H Ph.loniaih 4 YamMIKinifln 41 Netturra U WilUfin 41 ShrKla SS latum Ataoemf 41 S1fonf it Amity 4 Ml Angel 40 Mor1rH'n $ lUrtftn 4t Nnrth Var nn II f ' n '4 I aw ad SO Serra ( 4thnl W l ) It WalDonrf 41 Bandnn Jl reaant Mill it rtK Marrntnirg 41 Vlni ar Junction C 'fy 4 M rtantu 44 P'Hifl SI OAfcrlrtg W t 'm.r S ( ntal L inn l Siitherlm 44 Oakland 44 Vyii Potnl s Oowgiat M Y(VHila 44 Pid'li 4 C anvwivili 44 Gleoda' 47 SI Wary SJ iairert Mea'l 44 llllnnu Vallv 7S fnoen.i 44 f ao1 Point SI I avi S Henley TJ arxjir K'ver II Patihc V Old Beach ) VMruwan S4 Grant Union l aurm sf Vaupln SI Pilot Both 44 Umatilla M Val SI Parma (Idahpi it hma 47 Vandian (inahot H Portland Chrnttan 4) Corhtl I Star fit the Sea 4.1 Knant SI Tillamook Cathnlir T Jell W ahnigt nn ea( TJ ( attm i Prairl t Ity 4 Mntimrl fo(Hg SI VdhaMk J Girtwnr1 (Watt 44 WiF Ai 44 Monro 40 trmei SS Wetttir 4' 44 angle Lake 71 Wetfon W Hen 41 MfFwn 13 Umipinf 1 GwarnrJ th Fmtit Srie KLAMATH Radiator Works 101 So. 6ih TU 4-t41 KU Frosh Matmen Defeated The Klamath Union freshman wrestling learn won six of 12 matches from North Grants Pass here Saturday afternoon on Peli can Court but lost the dual, 30-21 because of pins. The close match wont rifiht down to the last bout where KU heavyweight Mm Hardy was pinned by Mark Thompson with just 20 seconds left in the match The Pelicans needed a pin in this bout to win the match. Coach Phil Harder pointed out that the best match of the day and one of the best he's ever seen came when Dennis Taber, a 112 pounder, wrestled and beat Bill Price. 13-8. in the 130-pound division. He gave away a 15-pound weight advantage and still won the bout by decision. The Pelicans lost five matches by pins and one by decision while one match finished in a 4-4 draw. The Pelicans won all six of the exhibitions and five of them by pins but the exhibition points didn't count toward the final score. FROSH RESULTS US Perry Cheitnul pinned by Allan Abbott, 1:10. 9I-Drw)n Whifa def. Ron Howe. 7-S 104 Dan Row def. Malt Mainard, 11-7. 115 Rich Broilg pinned by Larry Bay less. 1:40. 12i Bill Maxwell pinned by Bob Wal lac. 3:13. 130 Derm 1 1 Taber dec. Bill Price. 131 134 Phil Coulton and Stan Wcdektnd drew, 4 4. Fred Zahler pinned by Ted Dc- Forest, 1:53. Jim AMIchell dec. by Rick Scott, 4-0. 137 Tom Morrow pinned Don McLaugh- I, 2:35. H8 Glenn Miller pinned Rob Bates. 2:45. HWY Mel Hardy pinned by Mark rnompjon, s:40. Exhibition! Mike Christy pinned Tom Bristol, 2:40 Ken Deeti dec. Rich Halm, 4-0. Bud Valdei pinned Loren Henderson, John Sullivan pinned Dave LIttrell, 2:39. Bob Mlddlefon pinned Dan Price, 2 30 Dale Drake pinned Sid Sunierl, :27. SCORES IARLY BIRDS LEAOUE Rolling Pint 44 Rollers 43 Star Dusters 41 Odd Balls . 31 "i 25'4 Aiiey cats 34 2s Twlslers 34 30 Hit & Mils 32 32 Poor Ecuis 30 34 Tally Hi's 26 3fl Apropos 24 38 Came Dames 19"i 44"j Bowleretles 14 SO Jan 4 remits: Apropos 3. Rollers 1 ; Star Dusters 3, Game Dames 1 ; Alley Cats 4, Bowlerettes 0; Twisters 3, Poor cutes It Rolling Pins 4, Odd Balls 0; Tally HI'S 3, Hit & Miss I. High team game. Rolling Pins 731 j high team series. Rolling Pins 70 J S; high Ind. game, Max Ine Swltler 112; NgU Ind. series, Lois Stmts 474. AMERICAN BANTAM LEAGUE W L Untouchables 34 Alley Cats 17 13 Corruplors 13 17 Jetsons 24 Results: Corrupters 1, Jetsons 0; Un touchables 7. Alley Cats 1. High team game. Untouchables 74l,- hig team scries. Untouchables 134; high Ind. game, Waynt Begg 1770 high Ind. series. Wayne Begg 305. HOLIDAY BANTAMS NATIONALS LEAGUE W 2t Cards Top Cats 18 13 Giants 13 18 Screw Balls 31 Results: Cards 1, Screw Balls 0; Top Cats 3, G I and 0 High team game. Cards 7M; high team series, ferds 1507; high Ind game, Billy Rose 13j high ind series, Billy Rose 3S6. HOLIDAY BANTAM GIRLS LEAGUE W L ; GullerbalU 1 11 iy Strikes IV 11 Foul Baits 13 17 arrlors 71 ReiylH Fogl Balls 3. GuMerballs 0, Lucky Singes J. Warrior 0 High learn game. Foul Balis 57: hiqn team series. Foul Balls Ilia: high ind game. Bene Parson 150; htgh md. se ries. Renoe Parson 250 HOLIDAY BOWLERETTES LEAGUE w L rrnreol Sa Fmd 5J t Kia.t-.eth Derr Aisocia,on 4 77 FietreMi M's 7'i Klfntm Hardwoods I' l 1' l foooe'i U'.:i 71" 1 )' i ton r n , js i n-(n"i'-e 4 CrVA 71 45 i" 4 rev- 'i to' O'l i. f let- r H'7wl1 f Sr ( i w Dr Ai-x 3. f VA I f f fr, -err-ti Oairy As sy . M4 "tt ('. Klam lf't iv e'w H77 h flh ind , V tet 1 . h 7 md. se v E,' Pf'f 4S r ti(E MIXIO FOURSOME rV1 i J St Are I MHj.'id W.rh.l ..! V'r . In is t,ei 9 J. .wt. yi. ( fat I tt't t..'r r,i It'., tie t.t gr. vj g.m ( nv ft"t loot 7 No..l (,lllf n ) 'KM J. Ac TV Ocid Rut. . . .mrwi 111: h gi .mbol Ht hQh inti t. tgn tnl l.ri.l. MK.MIV M.INMTV Nr.vt VOKK 1 III ' -Joe 'Iron M.Hi' Mdiinnily, a slar pitcher ilb Ihe ild New York Giants at lite tuin of the Tnlury. pitched lnth yiiiiM of a diHihloheadcr or. Iie t ( aviont r ."illi Anniversary oii: iioi si: Come ond Helo Us Celebrate 5 YEARS OF PROGRESS' Friday. January I I Tli It k Of KLAM ATH I Al l. So. ftth onrf Klamath OBBiiaBi 'ver As ASHLAND (Special! - The Klamath Union Pelicans remained one of the II unbeaten Class A l teams in the state here Friday night when lanky Hal Holman, the take charge guy for the Pels when they have their backs to the wall, hit a pair of charity losses with 18 seconds remaining Oregon Cougars C0RVALMS (UPll-Mel Counts has the Oregon State basketball Heavers moving. The 7-foot junior center scored and picked off 18 re- 21 points W; ' ' . -. " yy V I ( Jr i t' . 4 1 i, Ik! 4 ., , M i.ti Ft .ft y; t ; l. ? Mi U ? ' s ; : ;i . : ? r ; i V Jv J . c - ..I i r py ' l BAKER SCORES Tarry Baker 124) was second hlgheit icorer with 16 points in the Oregon State 74-47 victory over Washington State Friday night. He is shown here making a two-point hook shot. Other player is Ted Werner of WSU UPI Telephoto College College Raskelhall Rrsults Ry I'nited Press International KAST Suffolk m Brandeis 51 Northeastern 81 Middlebury 47 Pace 65 Hunter 58 Williams 78 Bates 5!) Villanova 77 Detroit 60 American U. 78 S. Conn, S2 Quinnipiac 77 Jersey City St. 72 Kairleigh Dickinson 64 1,1. I!. 57 llartwick 86 Hoh. Tech. 64 Amherts 59 Bowdoin 5.1 St. Anselm's 78 Bridgeport 54 I M AC 72 Siena Cnllcue .18 Iji Salle 78 Miami ifla ' 76 St. Lawrence 55 Brnckport St. 42 MHTII Tennessi Ail 94 McMurrv 71 K Carolina 71 Klon 64 Yaldosta Mia 1 97 Charleston 52 Yircmia St. 88 Shaw 55 Virginia Tech 71 Virginia 6.1 Clark 'Ga 1 .11 Morehouse 12 Alabama SI. 6.1 Morris Broun 59 Morgan St. 66 Bklyn Coll. 58 X. Carolina Coll. 76 Va. I'nion 67 MIIIWKST Creighton 94 Wabash 51 SOl'TMH KST Tex Western 76 Aruona 55 WKST links i Ida i 87 S. I'tah 8( Nevada 64 An. St iHag. ' 71 Pw-idc t'. i (lie i 45 Willamette 44 Caliliirma 72 I'SC 65 Washington 62 l (T. 61 Oregon SI. 74 Wash SI 47 Chico SI 57 Calif. Aggie 56 Oregon Tech 76 Portland Stale 52 St. Marlin s 90 Oregon College 78 Southern Oregon 7.1 Kastern Oic- gon 69 Pacitic 45 Willanietle 44 California l.ulhcian 67 Cascade 48 Truav A 1' M Oregon Slale Hooks 51 Montana 78 Mi Mesler 51 Fresno SI 77 S. Fernando Val. 71 S K. SI 59 Sacramento SI. 41 Vxada 57 Alameda SI 56 rirona SI 87 X M SI 6 MfmhM F P.I C. Leads Pels To Win bland Five, 52-51 to give the Whitebirds a hair thin win over the Grizzlies, 52-51. It was the seventh consecu tive victory for the Pelicans and the first as league competition opened in the very rugged South ern Oregon Conference. Grants Pass upset Medford in the other game, 62-W), in overtime. The State uintet bounds as the Beavers walloped Washington State 74-47 before 8,640 persons here Friday night. It was the fifth straight victory for the Beavers, who are ranked Scores Sou. Nov. 84 Ariz. SI. ' Flac 73 l.a Verne 7.1 Cal. at Riverside 61 Pac. Uilh. m East. Washington 65 St. Martin's 90 Oregon College 78 Cal Baptist 92 Pomona 71 Oregon Tech 76 Portland St. 52 Sou. Ore. 71 Kast. Ore. 69 lxng Beach St. 82 I.. A. St. 71 Ca. San. Bar. 76 Cal Poly SIX) 62 W'cslmont 70 Pasadena 58 Claremont Mudd 58 Upland 47 IF Truckers! Get Your Diesel Ready Now For Spring Work! by your authorized Cummins Diesel Dealsr! Diesel trained specialists on CUMMINS-MACK-GMC DIESEL ENGINES REPAIR JUCKELAND MOTORS 11th o 12th on Klamath Pels hosted the Cavemen Sat urday night and Ashland was at Crater. Crater also is undefeat ed. It definitely was an improved Ashland team over last year. The Grizzlies, also undefeated in six games going into the contest, haven't won a conference contest Meats 7447 10th in the nation by United Press International. The win ran their record to 7-.1. Counts was taken out of the game with 8:38 remaining. Foot ball star Terry Baker and Jim Kraus, a 6-7 sophomore starting his first game, also played big parts in the home team's victory. Baker scored 16 points and Kraus collected 13 rebounds. Washington State suffered its seventh loss in nine starts. Guard Joe Walton led the Cougars' scor ing with nine points. Oregon State went ahead to stay early in the game at 9-8 on a jump shot by Baker. The home team was in front at halftimc 32-20. The Beavers held a 62-39 edge in rebounding. They made 30 of 72 field goal attempts to 18 of 65 for the losers. The Box: WSU (47) C. F P T Ford 10-0 0 2 Thompson 3 2-2 4 8 Werner 3 2-4 I 8 Walton 2 5-5 0 9 Vadset 1 1-2 3 3 Hammer 3 0-0 2 6 Lemery 0 1-111 Post 2 0-2 2 4 Dahl 10-0 12 Carlson 0 0-0 1 0 Knoslman 2 0-2 0 4 Montgomery 0 0-0 0 0 Totals 18 11-18 15 47 OSU (74) Ci F P T Pauly 5 n-n I 10 Kraus 2 2-2 2 6 Counls 9 .1.1 1 21 Baker 4 8-10 1 16 Pelers 4 1-2 2 9 Jarvis 2 0-1 0 4 Rossi 0 0-0 10 Campbell 10-0 4 2 Torgerson 1 fl-l 2 2 Renner 10-0 2 2 Havward 10-0 0 2 Totals 30 14-19 16 74 Halflime Oregon Slate .12. Washington State 20. Attendance 8.640. RirilTKR GETS AWARD WASHINGTON HTD - Pat Richlor, All-America end from Ihe University of Wisconsin, will he awarded Ihe Washington Touch down Club's Knute Kockne Award as the outstanding lineman of the vear at the organization's annual dinner Jan. 12. I m n hZ3 CONTRACTS AVAILABLE! Trucks Arc Our Specialty! in three years and it looked for awhile as if they would get their first win. "I have to give Ashland cred it," said Coach AI Keck. "I look for the Grizzlies to give all the teams in the league a good go. They may have trouble Satur day night with Crater's speed. but they will give most teams trouble. I think they will upset someone. They almost did against us. he laughed. "Hal Holman gave us a tre mendous game. He scored al most all the points for us in the last quarter and hit the two that won the game for us. Seems like he is the one that comes through for us when the chips are down," the KU mentor stat ed. "Fred (Kelley) also did a real fine job for us. He didn't score all he might have but he did a good job on the boards, too. Chamber land (Wayne I also did a good job on the boards for us," he explained. "Their seniors have played to gether all three years and had the experience on us, as most teams will have this year. But Ihe kids came back and I'm proud of that," he voiced. Indeed the Pelicans did come back. They had a tremendously cold first quarter and the Griz zlies took advantage of it and moved into a 16-7 lead at Ihe end of the first period. But the Whitebirds roared back strong in the second stanza. They singed the nets for 20 points to take a 27-25 lead in with them when I hey went in for a rest at inter mission. But they weren't nut of the woods yet as the hustling Griz zlies kept the game close and took the lead once again and were ahead by 41,17 going into the fourth period. Then Holman got hot and led Ihe Pelicans to the victory with his shooting and heady play. It was Holman who pulled the sec ond victory of the season out for the Pels against Roschurg. And he has been instrumental in oth er close victories. THE BOX SCORE Kl.mnlh (S3) Fg-Fg Ft.-Ff R.b Pf Tp Kellev 5-12 5-8 1 IS ChamDCHand 2-3 3-1 S 7 Scotl ?- .-A 3 4 1 H. H0lmn S-10 7-f i 3 17 Dflhn l- 1.5 3 3 3 Ash 0-0 3-3 4 4 3 Guvr Woor. Totali 0 33 S3 15-37 33-3 31 Athland III) r Fia f i ei tp Lamb Hesi TDPr Lino lev Piarca Coltoo TapDa' Tatalt Scor by quartan: Klamath Ashland 3 4 1-3 17 17 77 31 SI 7 70 10 75 53 1 It 1051 OLYMPIC OATH ATHENS. Greece iUPU The ancient Olympics, according to Ihe records that have come down to us, opened wiih the Olympic Oalh taken by Ihe athletes and judges before Ihe slatue of the god Zeus. INC. Ph. 2-2581 Gilchrist Upsets Malm's Mustanas GILCHRIST (Special Gilchrist finally turned the tables on Malin here Friday night for the first time since 1951 when the home town crew toppled Malin in a Klamath County League game. 54-48. It was the first victory over the Mustangs since 1951 and was a sweet one (or Gilchrist. The lo cals virtually turned the trick in the second period when they ripped the nets for 21 points to take a 31-23 lead at intermission. The Mustangs sliced the margin by five points in the third stan za but Gilchrist got three of these back in the fourth period by out scoring the Mustangs, 13-10, to gain the victory. Don't Miss YOU SEE A MOUTH eaWCV C it j -J SC- JiTK TEETH when you trv to He ud a huge mountain lion ALIVE. Scene from JIM BOND'S UNFOR GETABLE FILM. "THE MOUNTAIN LION." 1-,. 'k1 1 FAMOUS JIM BOND with 10 and 12 pound rain bows that provide thrills aplenty in "ALASKA'S FABULOUS RAINBOWS." AND BEARS, BEARS, BEARS . . . THERE'S A BIG OLD THREATENING THOUSAND POUND ALASKA BROWN BEAR AT ALMOST EVERY BEND OF THE RIVER. You carry a light fishing rod AND A BIG RIFLE . . . Vi I -at i V7 M4V. "Sic .I FIVE SHOTS AND FIVE BIG MALLARDS . . .In JIM BOND'S monumental production, "WILD WINGS," you'll witness some fast, fast action and superb color photography. A WILDLIFE SPECTACULAR IT'S ALL NEW AND IT'S TERRIFIC MILLS SCHOOL AUD. TONIGHT, TUESDAY DOORS OPEN AT 7:00; SHOW AT 8:00 ADULTS $1.25; CHILDREN 75c Tax Included TICKETS AT THE DOOR Sponsored by Klamath Folli Jayceet Be Sure You Come Early BETTER GO TONIGHT JUST Off THt PRESS Th. Bttter Outdoor Books JIM BOND'S GREATEST BOOKS "BEND THE ROD DOUBLE" Thff Ip-ncTtnq crv-Dlf' ttnrv hr lr cntrh fh t--a luh .n OREGON. Br. Col , vt fi-h,r, 70 EXCELLENT PHOTOS. "THE MOUNTAIN LION" ExCil.rtq. tfua row nventur lrnn.nfr mM huf rfoi HuQf murtn-n I19 od TIE EW UP ALIVE " 45 EXCELLENT PHOTOS GET VOOR PERSONALLY BY MAIL SI 50 IACH. SPECIAL PRICE AT THE JIM SHOW BOTH F0 Dan Hoff was high for Uie win ners with 20 big points. Denny Jessup chipped in with 14 points and David Sporrer added 13 more. Sporrer also pulled down 20 re bounds in the game and now is averaging 20 per game for the six games in which Gilchrist is 4-2. They are 2-0 in conference action. Tom Brown led the Mustangs with 17 points in the losing cause. Gilchrist hosted Bonanza Satur day night. Score by quarters: Malin 11-12-15-1048 Gilchrist 10-21-10-1354 Americans consume an aver age of 160 pounds of meat each, per year. The Big Fight 4 HULL Oli- BIG SHARP T i (.ri f. ' ',.-'. E'Jar.. j i Of-?. AUTOGRAOnrn CCP'ES BONO s2.50