WOW! COINWORD NOW Everyone Can Play Mow. . Try Your Skill Ri PRIZE GOES UP $25. WEEKLY Plus Your Chance To WIN UP TO $50 BONUS Check The Ads At Right, See How You Can Win Up to $50.00 Extra In This Big Contest! CO,NN0W&D PRIZE $ 1950 00 'Hlbl aSlEi:-fBAfLLl TF J--.ii IxISJ 1 C..E- , fF tn e '7 1 1 N i 1 i iMriEi i i i pi NAMI - ADDRESS - - CITY - STATE ( ) fcert ttie HereH News OtpM ,... h. ... HOt WAMHOUSl ct woni mue co. . . . p. rf .W . H Her.U -4 H.wi, P.O. I Ml. COINWORD CONTEST RULES 1. Slv COINWORD ym would mmy roo word puxilf. 2. Aoyono it olifiblt to tutor tho oontort oacopt ployoi of rho Horold ond Nowi ond tnolr fomtlioi, ond om oloyti of Shoo Worohouoo surf Woggonor Dm Co. ond Hit If families. 3. A contestant may submit as many antrits as ha withoi, using tha antry blank printed in this paper, or oxoet sited hand-drawn facsimiles of tha pustle made without uia of carbon paper or other duplicating means. 4. To submit an antry a eontoetent may deposit bie completed puiile along with his name and oddroet m the COINWORD conteit box at Woggoner Drug Co., 839 Main St., or Shoe Warehouse, 234 Mom St., or orteeh the com pleted puitle along with hts noma ond odd rata on a 3c poet card end moil ft to the COINWORD Id iter. Herald and News, P.O. Bex 941. Moil entries muet bo peetmerhod not later then 3:30 p.m. Tueiday, and entries muet bo deposited in the COINWORD contest boxee by 12:00 noon Wedneoday. Daylight Saving Time 5. The Herald and News will oword a prise of $100. to the winner of each week's COINWORD contest. If mora then one winning answer ie received, tha prime will bo di vided equally among tha winners. It no correct selutiea Jo received, tha omount of the weekly prise will ba increased $25.00 each week tha pustle ie net solved. 4. There is only ono eorroet solution to oecb COIN WORD puttie end only that correct answer con win. Deci sion of the judges to final and all contestants a free to abide bv the officio! answer supplied by the COINWORD odftor. AM entries become the property of the papor. Only ono prise will he awarded to a family unit. 7. Infrioe mutt bo moiled or delivered by bond before closing deadlines. No entries con ba returned. The answer will be published in the Herald and Newt. CLUES ACROSS 1. Few peoole would buy o .th tation. (Horse, House) 4 There might he a good reason in tecp on ese on o bo. IBollet, Bolloil 7 A iron would not core to suddenly confront lions in (Loirs. Poirsl 8 A. teenoger unable to shove sotistoctonly tr.ghi biome hrs (Fother, Lother) 0 The former seventh tone of the musicol scole. 10. This might provide refreshment for o tired traveler. (Rill, Roll) 1 1 A doctor's may encourrge hope in a dyrg mon. (Word, Workl 13. A unit. 15. Winter lodges should provide a suitob'e (Fore, Firei 17. A shy officer might be reluctant to a medal. (Rm. Win) 18. Bod compomons tend to weok chorocters. (Deprave, Deprive. 19 An escoped convict might find so'ety in o remote (Den, Fen) CLUES DOWN 2 An wos likely to follow a Roman victory. (OrOtiOn, Ovation) 3. Attar o foot roce, o winner is almost bound to feel , (Sore, Sure) 5. College students would bo expected to pass o test. .Literacy, Liierorv 6 Opio'es sometimes produce o Thrill) (Thrall, 9. The ooproach of on eale might cause on owl to (Swoon, Swoop) 12. In summer stock, producers usually pro ductions. (Revise, Revive) 14, Olympic pomes feature athletes. (Primed, Pr.zedi 15. A former's hro'th might depend upon hij (farm, Porrr) 16 Children o't opt to hecom unheppy with porents who (Rave, Rovef Deposit Your Entries At Either COINWORD Sponsors Shoe Warehouse -or-Waggoner Drug Co. 234 Main Sr. S)9 Main St. Or Mail to: Coinword Editor P.O. In 941 Extra Coinword Papers Available At Waggoner Drug and The Herald and News! LOOK AT THESE VAPORIZER BUYS! Steam Away Winter Colds Fast! Northern VAPORIZER-HUMIDIFIER Exclusive N ire-lite U.L. Listed Break and Heat Resistant Plastic Automatic Safety Shut Off Multi Vapor Speeds 10 Hour Operation Reg. $8.95 $ n 98 Now Only W Northern VAPORIZER-HUMIDIFIER Exclusive Deluxe Features Exclusive Nite-Lite U.L. Listed Break & Heat Resistant Plastic Automatic Safety Shut Off Multi-Speed Vapor-Control III Gallon Capacity 18 Hour Operation Reg. $11.95 $ r 88 Now Only DeVilbiss VAPORIZER Automatic Electric O 1 Gallon Capacity All Night Operation Reg. $6.95 $ NOW 3" Hankscraft Jr. VAPORIZER Automatic Electric Vi Gallon Capacity Runs 4 Hrs. on One Filling Reg. $4.98 $ 25 Now Only , m ONCE-A-YEAR SALE Because Helen Rubinstein believe! Ultrt Feminine is her greatest cosmetic ichievement she makes this special offer. Your first jar will convince you thai ran look younger in 30 days or money back! Use Ultra Feminine every night regularly! Large SUe 60-Day Supply Reg. 6.00 NOW ONLY 3.75 SAVE 2.25 (Save S 1 3.50 en a year's supply). and for younger looking hands, save on Young Touch' Hand Lotion with estrogens... 2.75 Value Now Only 1.50 I).BI.ii'.im , Horfno toftZ. nth Pn9tWM ZaUHTV Helena Rutrfy Limlttd tlmt only fritTM plus tax COLOR DIVIDEND By Coty New Go-together Pure Bright Colors. Coty '24' Lipstick plus Matching Super-Sheen Nail Polish. Revlon MOISTURE LOTIONS FOR HANDS and BODY AQUAMARINE OR INTIMATE FRAGRANCE SPECIAL OFFER $2.50 Volt NOW ONLY I plus tax Reg. $2.00 Value Both us tax i Bivir- mm ir iES160 LY I plus Revlon 'Moon Drops' FREE! 4-oz. 'Moon Drops' Moisturizing Cleaner with purchase of 2 oz. 'Moon Drops' Moisture Salm. $4.50 Value $ for plus tax Vi Price Special FRIENDSHIP GARDEN Hand & Body Lotion Special Regular $2.00 Value NOW $ m plus tax Limited time only for a limited time only Vi PRICE SPECIAL DESERT FLOWER Cream Roll-on Deodorant Deodorant all day deodorant and anti-perspirant protection oach Regular $1.00 NOW ffC plus tax 50 12 PRICE SALE Tussy WIND AND WEATHER LOTION Soothes Smoothes Softens 13-oi. Lotion Reg. $2,00 .... now $1.00 6-01. Lotion Reg. $1.00 .... now .50 8-oz. Hand Cream Reg. $2. now $1.00 all prices plus Fed. Tax. $25 COINWORD BONUS if you correctly work the coinword puzzle and have a cash receipt of one dollar or more within 7 days prior to the winning announce ment. Bonus split in case of ties! full-foot style An t as c vMi Stocking That :j. Doesn't Looki Like Oob. Spare tire showing? New Biuff & HUek full fooiwl nylom m hr you co Mf i hern without or . hOM. &tftchth)thet and toti nn'i bind or cramp (they're aida with mcich ayloo run). m -Man, ion need i SUPPORTER GELT You're too young co settle rot a lagging middle! bo wear a Braier. You'll look trimmer-leel better. work better, too. Bracer cool. elastic waistband gives you hrm support where you need it most. Comlortsble tlyltoot nc pouch. Tube-weave leg A, " sttspa can't cutl or bind. Get your Btacer Sup- tsin porter Belt today. "1 FLATS 25 Off j P DISCOUNT PRIC 1 Group Childrtn't DRESS SHOES 1 Group Childrtn't -Our Dticounr Pnct 5.99 SHOES' pQttnt Ltather 090 L Pr. 3'5 Diicount Prica 3.99 090 L Pr. Disc. Price 3.9? J Pr. ran OXFORDS v" 5 O p" Mn'i and Boyt' TENNIS SHOES VZIX Man's I" Crtpe Sole CIA WORK BOOT W'd" Spiel lUpr PLUS January Sale Prices! HI and MID HEELS' LADIES DRESS SHOES 2200 Pair Come In And Count 'Em! GROUP 1 1 Group Children's gQgg Our Discount Price 4.9 little Beys' Black OXFORDS kitfU Boyi' Brown SCUFF OXFORD Men's Drn .0 Naturalizers Smartqire O Life Stride O Red Cross ; Values I1 To ' 15.95 : Ml COINWORD V- s25 BONUS Group 2 Group 3 j; Raman.lll Johanns.n ;!;; Many Brand Ncime. 0 Rc P,u,0,h" ;; : Value, to 26.95 ! Valuei to 18.95 !; P'r . . . If yo. correctly work the COINWORD puiile end have e cash regiittr receipt of n dollar or mora from tha Shot Work house dated within 7 days prior ta the win ning announcement. Bonus split in case of ties! SHOE WAREHOUSE 234 Main St., Acroti From Willard Hotel e t